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Blacksmith21 ago

I know. Fuck that noise @kevdude. I just like to play that card once in a while to see what it feels like. I'd just assume curb stomp @oralsex (@aurualsects). I bet he sucks a mean dick. Only a guilty, self-hating troll would take his position. We know.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know. Fuck that noise @kevdude. I just like to play that card once in a while to see what it feels like. I'd just assume curb stomp @oralsex (@aurualsects). I bet he sucks a mean dick. Only a guilty, self-hating troll would take his position. We know.

I think you may have curb stomped yourself on that interpretation of "auralsects" because I am fairly certain the user name means "sects or cults of light" which transfers into "the cult of lucifer" because Lucifer is known esoterically as "the light bringer." I'm fairly certain that all that went straight over your head.

Shizy ago

No, not over anyone's head, you would be right if this @auralsects person was anyone else, but since it's that woman hating dumbass Donkey hote, who loves to talk about his penis and has told just about every female here to suck it, I guarante oral sex is exactly the meaning behind his name.

ESOTERICshade ago

No, not over anyone's head, you would be right if this @auralsects person was anyone else, but since it's that woman hating dumbass Donkey hote, who loves to talk about his penis and has told just about every female here to suck it, I guarante oral sex is exactly the meaning behind his name.

I know its donkey. you knew I knew. donkey knew I knew. we all know. but donkey has been behaving himself better, and it trying to make more valid conversation that is not so racially volatile. So, I went with it. This is a comment by comment deal. I deal with comments, detail, and historical facts. I try to not get caught up in drama, and sometime I could fail, but I try not to fail. When I fail, call me out like a dog, and I will bark...ruff ruff

auralsects ago

Lies. I would never lessen racial volitility. Our motto is literally "gas the kikes; race war now." furthermore since women are incapable of accepting racial aspects of reality I will never stop pointing out that they're a liability and should gtfo.

My whole purpose is to wake these fools up to the fact that PG is a mere symptom of the JQ. You're a "not all Jews tho" fag and thus an enemy to progress, an idle theorist. And effectively a race traitor.

You can't show them how Trump and Q are stringing them along without providing the motive: killing time as whites become a minority, which benefits only the current racial minorities, of whom only Jews have any power or presence in PG. Third-grader logic.

ESOTERICshade ago

Donk, you blew the whole crew slap out of the water with this new name. It will take me three months just to teach them what that name means. god damn...

Shizy ago

Before you start acting superior like you"figured out the new name" you need to go look up what "aural" means. Hint: it's doesn't mean light like you wrote yesterday.

I stand with my correct assumption that this weirdo degenerate made up a name that sounds like "oral sex"! You have given this douche too much credit

auralsects ago

No they're right it's about dicks to cloud the women's brains, u see how they jumped on it immediately whereas a man just thinks "I see. A pun."
If u wish feel free to explain to them how Illuminati phallc symbolism comes from jews worshipping donkey dicks with their menorahs

ESOTERICshade ago

before I go to bed tonight. i have to (hive) you shout on that new name because you grabbed the pussy on that one. touche

I get it. You know that i get it. nigga, b hav