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think- ago

Hi @EsotericShade - what is the premise of this post?

If you would like to discuss recent 'Q leaks' and argue that you think they are invalid, as indicated in your headline, please actually discuss what the anon alleged and show why you disagree with it (citing the anon and the Q posts in question, with links).

If you would like to propose a discussion about banning 'Q posts', please do a post in v/pizzagatemods, where all posts about the subverse itself go.

Please review the rules in the sidebar and edit your post.

I will flair this post 'Edit Warning', you'll have 24 hours to edit, otherwise we will have to remove the post.

Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually, I just expected this to get deleted. But, a poster here wants to talk about the Silk Road, which is the child trafficking route, too. What sort of link do i need for the post to live. I am willing to educate about the Silk Road.