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DonKeydich ago

What's up @bopper, you dim-witted old man? And @srayzie you incredibly stupid, useless housewife? Still worshipping Trump and his kike family?

I saw this latest Q garbage on twatter and couldn't resist rubbing it in your faces. He didn't reveal shit, tards. I did, six months ago.

then again two months ago:

...and you morons STILL havent found the most important thing about it although it's right there.

Balasz is a filthy jew rat by the way. This Q fellow is playing you like a fiddle, and you'll be entertained with these bullshit "intel drops" (LMAO) well into Trump's second term. What a bunch of fucking losers! But what can be expected from grown adults who hero-worship and rely on others rather than doing their own research?

Digital-Patriot ago

Is Twatter the typosquatter for Twitter?

Shizy ago

Oh, what a surprise, you're a pathetic angry little asshole AND A LIAR! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

"Waaahhh, girls are mean to me so I'm leaving, boo hoo" -donkey dick

What happen to that dipshit? Just admit you are IN LOVE 💜💜💜 with @srayzie already and stop playing games Romeo!!!

srayzie ago

LMAO 😂 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

srayzie ago

I knew you wouldn’t last long and would be back to being obsessed with me 🤣 Did Brock give you your job back because the FISA memo is stirring shit up? 😮 Afterall, you are the Number 1 shill on the pizzagate sub. 🥇

What’s wrong with being a housewife faggot? You are the one that thinks girls should be married at 15 and start spitting out kids. You are the one that says women should be home raising children and taking care of their husband. You are the one that talks bad about white American women being whores and feminists. Therefore, I am the type of woman that you say women SHOULD be. Yet, you are SO DUMB that you try to use that to trash me. LOL.

I think that’s why you are so obsessed with me. I am the type of woman you prefer, except I don’t shut my mouth because some retard on the internet thinks that because he has a pair of shrunken up testicles, it makes him above a woman. Your little dick doesn’t make you a MAN. It just makes you a male.

You don’t like women with confidence, brains or ones that put you in your place. I have used my knowledge of psychology and analyzed you like a pro. The first fight we had, I was able to tell that you are a small insecure ugly faggot that is intimidated by ALPHA MALES. In real life you would never pop off and talk shit because you would be laid flat by a REAL MAN. So you sit at a computer and bully others because it makes you feel a tiny bit more tough.

Your need to talk about your uncut noodle and how you try to act like you are some hunk who fucks a bunch of girls shows you have probably barely gotten any! Besides, I think you are Equine. A lonely older man who is still planning on writing a best seller using all that knowledge learned over 20 years! 😂 Clocks ticking. 🙄 Better get started.

Talk about useless. You barely said anything in those links except a couple of things you could have read in an article. LOL, Here are my favorite parts...

I’ve had a file on him for many months since I visited the SPiN Ping Pong bar in his LA hotel.

I have tons of research, but alas I have been labeled "shill" merely for having an opinion that differs as to who's TPTB.

So you’ve had a “file” on him and you have tons of research but won’t share it because you are labeled a shill? LMAO. First of all dipshit, you didn’t go visit that bar in the LA Hotel loser. You have no social life. Your lonely useless ass sits at a computer shilling forums all day. Second, your imaginary file is of NO HELP HERE if you don’t share it. Third, you are so emotionally fragile that you let us control you and keep you from posting because we might call you a shill? Awww poor baby. 🍼

The truth is that you are a Jewish faggot that lives in Arizona and were engaged to 2 different men but couldn’t even manage making it to wedding day! Your failure ass dreams of writing a book that will never come to be. You probably bent over like a little bitch and got pounded by that faggot Brock so that he would give you your lousy loser job back because flipping hamburgers required too much activity.

Oh and don’t act like I don’t know you have at least one alt that goes to my sub and talks shit. I already called you out. You will always be obsessed with me. Since you are of no help here because we may call you a shill, then get the fuck out and never come back you stupid fuck.

Hey @Shizy, the little bitch is back LMAO. Don’t forget to bring your bitch slap emoji and tear this faggot a new one!

Shizy ago

Ha ha ha 😂😂😂😂! How predictable, we knew little donkey would be back. He just can't stay away! What a sad little zit faced boy

srayzie ago

He’s LAME,

DonKeydich ago

Did Brock give you your job back because the FISA memo is stirring shit up? 😮

You had never heard that name before a year ago, and you're like 60, which shows zero political awareness, which is EXACTLY AS A HOUSEWIFE SHOULD BE. Please name one single positive thing that has come from women being involved in voting or policymaking. Allow me to anticipate your response: abortion.

What’s wrong with being a housewife faggot?

Nothing. What's wrong is you involving yourself in matters you're not suited for. I saw your sub: "I won't tolerate bad words about our president or whether he's a Zionist" LOL clearly you are a seeker of truth wherever it leads, and totally not naïve at all.

You don’t like women with confidence, brains or ones that put you in your place. I have used my knowledge of psychology and analyzed you like a pro.

That's what proves my point: confidence comes from VALIDATION, not from the mere postulation. I imagine you are a fat slob who drinks a box of wine before lunchtime, but with no way to confirm that I can't actually derive satisfaction from guessing it. Oh wait you admitted you had problems with alcohol, yep, it's funny again. Guess what: women shouldn't drink either. Btw 'psychology' is total junk science from sick depraved Jews like Freud who wrote openly about wanting to sabotage whites.

First of all dipshit, you didn’t go visit that bar in the LA Hotel loser.

Yeah and a slut there told she was warned about Kevin Hart's manager, maybe look into him whoever he is.

I also visited the SF one, which has some odd decorations:

As you know SF is built on hills and there are many tunnels. Even you should recognize this symbol after an entire year: Do I even need to inform you who introduced it to California?

The truth is that you are a Jewish faggot that lives in Arizona and were engaged to 2 different men but couldn’t even manage making it to wedding day! Your failure ass dreams of writing a book that will never come to be. You probably bent over like a little bitch and got pounded by that faggot Brock so that he would give you your lousy loser job back because flipping hamburgers required too much activity.

yep yep yep. Q didn't reveal shit though. Because he is a kikeshill. Or as he would explain that to you in his GAY "socratic" style: "Why has ISIS never attacked Israel?"

Oh and don’t act like I don’t know you have at least one alt that goes to my sub and talks shit. I already called you out. You will always be obsessed with me.

Nope. But keep up that attitude, that it's all about you. After all the entire economy depends on the vanity and capriciousness of women, and we wouldn't want the credit markets to stall would we!

srayzie ago

You know I’m not even close to 60. You think I’m a fat slob... that’s why you complimented me privately in the beginning after seeing me in Twitter. I haven’t drank in 4 years. You know all this. That’s all you can come up with. Lol. Your lame pictures of a wall do not prove you went to that hotel. I don’t have anymore time to waste on you right now. I have things to do. 🙄

DonKeydich ago

LOL yeah that's what I need, to follow YOUR BLACK ASS ON TWITTER. did you really put your real picture?? is there no limit to the cucking your husband will endure? why is having driven to a hotel worth lying about LMAO youre so fucking dumb. yes go collate more Qike posts, because YOU are the chosen ones whom he needs to spread info...not, say, professional journalists with real contacts and influence haha

srayzie ago

How is Jude doing? 🤔

srayzie ago

I’m not black. But, I remember you said you like black chicks 👱🏿‍♀️