urbanmoving ago

Non Nude CP Database imgur .ru japan sites and etc. etc. there is a ton of cp on the clear net,

Vindicator ago

Nice roundup post, gamepwn. :-)

gamepwn ago

Thanks :) This is an immense problem and one of the keys to Pizzagate. Why are the world's governments and Law Enforcement agencies and Internet providers allowing this content on the surface web?

Vindicator ago

I wonder if it is part of a larger effort to ultimately get CP on so many people's computers that any bad hombre that gets busted can claim it's just part of a massive malware infestation effecting anyone and everyone.

YogSoggoth ago

I got a funny joke. I was pretty new on computer and was first researching this same topic. I realized that CP was everywhere in links to advertisements, and strange websites that had nothing to do with any close subject matter. Porn? Wow! The punchline was that I was telling the FBI every move I was making at the beginning of the Obama administration ( started right before then). I told them to go here and then click to this site, and then back click, Click again and repeat scroll down to the next to last photo. I was serious. Now I know why I never got a reply.

Blacksmith21 ago

@gamepwn - You've just scratched the surface. I think the thing we need to put the hive mind towards is "why the demand?"

Seriously, I know this is "meta", but there is so much CP out there. Just like porn sites, the free stuff is exactly that - free. Imagine what you can pay for? Why the demand? What is society doing to us that creates people with this desire?

The whole cryptocurrency grew up out of the need to pay for CP. And drugs. And fentanyl. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Bitcoin didn't have DS roots.

gamepwn ago

These is alot and more being revealed all the time. This is a HUGE problem. If these pedophiles are getting this CP free on the surface web one can only imagine the horrors of the stuff they pay for. I agree cryptocurrency was created for very sick purposes but has the usefulness that it can be used as a normal market currency and that is beneficial to them. Hide behind legitimacy.

GeorgeT ago

Few months ago Wall Street Journal published an article about how Youtube (or is it Theirtube?!) had montized hundreds of thousands of pedophile friendly videos that involved child bondage and sadism! David Seaman did an excellent rant on it (Didn't turn out to be a shill after all. I was right. BTW - they never ban real shills like Fake Jones)

avgwhtguy1 ago

they try to force people's attention in desired directions. don't want people peeking behind the curtain? hide the door, and fill it with child porn and scary danger. want people to herd into your profit-prison? make it (seem) the only safe/legal place.

GeorgeT ago

Hey folks, they just nominated a NAMBLA ad for the Oscars - Call Me By My Name. Jimmy Kimmel the Illuminati shill remarked how young the actor looked! NAMBLA gone mainstream. Yup, put the frog in the water and raise the temperature incrementally. Imagine releasing this movie in the 1950's?!!! Pitchfolks & torches!

Vindicator ago

Google "Shirley Temple Baby Burlesque". They did this shit in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's....

carmencita ago

The fact that JK brought to attention how young the actor looked, I find somewhat strange. That will make people focus on the age difference which is not in NAMBLA's favor actually. Wonder what is up with that? Strange, actually. Don't know quite what to make of it. But I think that the fact that viewership is down is a good thing, because I think people are waking up, as we have seen in many Twitter comments and at the end of articles. They are on to their pushing pedophilia and their stupid movies.

GeorgeT ago

They have been pushing pedophilia like crazy and they are furious that public won't accept it so they are just trying to shove it down public's throats!

carmencita ago

I think it is becoming somewhat of an epidemic. It is on the rise as far as straight porn is concerned. The problem is when people need more, they may start dabbling in CP. It keeps escalating.

GreenDell144 ago

Movies are done as an art form, it seems. Can’t remember the last actual GOOD movie I saw...

carmencita ago

The last good movie I saw was one that was from decades ago that was shown on the big screen. Vertigo. I believe they are showing it again. TCM. This month. I just remembered I saw Snowden. I did not go with any preconceived ideas. Open mind. Very well done but did not answer any questions for me. Other than that have not seen anything else. A few years ago we also saw older movies shown on big screen. Nothing new. I just hate the new movies. Now they are loaded with either way too much swearing, sex and extreme violence. Not to mention the pedo symbols now being added. I can't even imagine what Mr. Rogers will be like. Oh God.

GreenDell144 ago

Old skool Godzilla movies? Movies I used to like gross me out now. Chinatown, for example.

carmencita ago

No not Godzilla. Mostly old black and white mystery, you know, Noir. You know the old b & w Detective Movies, like Laura, etc. We love them.

GreenDell144 ago

I was referring to me tho. I watched a few westerns recently. The original “true grit” was good. Who shot liberty valance... I liked “pale rider”. Always respected how the preacher resisted the teenage girl’s come ons.

carmencita ago

Liberty Valance is one of my favorites. Jimmy Stewart, that's why. Adored him. Now I don't adore any of them. I keep watching the old ones, waiting to hear who will fall.

carmencita ago

On Data Lounge they brought up the star of CMBYN and they were not kind. So I was really surprised. There are those on there that were not believing it was wrong, but there are those that really pounded the kid. I think they are sick of those that let them have it. If you notice, they could not get any wins for the movie except some lower award. Yes, it was a foot in the door. But I am glad that many are not into accepting this NAMBLA Move to Infiltrate.

GeorgeT ago

Some semblance of sanity prevails.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think the Luciferians are trying to muddy the waters and get people used to the images and perhaps buy some lawyers bullshit excuses. But it is real bad out there now. Go to any search engine and put in "Beautiful vintage nude women" and on the page you will for sure see a preteen image. And it is new. It was not like this two months ago. They are desperate.

Vindicator ago

Interesting theory. You are probably right.

GeorgeT ago

Hefner's Playboy did a full nude pic of Brooke Shields in 1976 - she was a mere 10 years old which brings shines light on all thise mothers who act like pedo pimps.

Blacksmith21 ago

Check out Blue Lagoon

Sackajahweeda ago

I wonder what her costar would have to say about things he witnessed or was asked to participate in...that would be interesting.

GeorgeT ago

Watched is several times.

Oh_Well_ian ago

whenever someone asks 'where are the parents' I always use the same response:

' buddy, IT IS the parents '

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I've been doing this, too. I feel like we need much, much, much stricter penalties for these crimes.

What burns me up the most is that our intelligence services have the ability to see who is making this crap, and they aren't stopping it.

GeorgeT ago

Didn't that Pedo Satanist Cabal appointed 85year old witch Ruth Ginsburg of Pizza-Supreme Court wanted to lower the age of consent to 12?!!

BeTidy ago

Some claim Ginsburg was "mis-represnted", and her intentions were good. However, as Ginsberg lobbied to lower the US age of consent, the NCCL (UK's ACLU) did the same in Britain. Former Deputy Labour Leader Harriet Harman lobbied to legalise child porn, incest & pedophilia. She also later denied it. Her case mirrors Ginsburg's.


Like Ginsberg, Harman was a lawyer acting for the ACLU in the 70's on leaving academia. After that, like Ginsburg, she was fast tracked to positions of political power. The NCCL is the UK equivalent of the ACLU. I note that Ginsberg's ACLU linked with NAMBLA to fight parent's suing NAMBLA over two homosexuals torturing their young son to death. I do not believe its an accident that both Ginsberg and Harman have such similar careers, and that both are prepared to lie about what they have done in the past, as are their defenders.

The initial news about Harman's past came out as part of the fallout from the Jimmy Savile case, remarkably similar to that of PizzaGate in the US. The politician who first broke the news on Harman's lobbying to legalise pedophilia, incest and child pornography, was written off as "anti-semitic", while the serious allegations were ignored. Ginsburg and Harman have such similar career paths, that it seems to me that their careers were likely planned out for them from at least University onwards.

MolochHunter ago

Back when Pizzagate first broke, Nov 2016, there was a Norwegian online pedo ring bust, 80 arrests if i remember rightly, but the figure that did burn in my brain was the CP data cache size

150 Terabytes.. with a T

if you discount smaller images/pix only, if you consider an average video 500 MB, hard to know how much is duplication, but - we could be talking 300 000 instances of abuse

one ring. one country.

Blacksmith21 ago

I think it was a fucktonabyte.

pizzawithgreenchile ago

150 TB = 1 pedobyte

GreenDell144 ago

Was that the one that had thousands of uncaught members? I have often wondered how many of those were players in our pizzagate dramas. Podesta? Alefantis? Hamsters, etc?

GeorgeT ago

Operation Dark Room. And here is the thing - Washington Post had pulled it the day before. It was there in the archives! Now why would WP do that, pull an already ready article the last second!! Afraid to redpill the public. Few months after we had Casa Pia in Portugal! Absolute abomination.

Blacksmith21 ago

And to think I ran up and down the halls of the WP and other places as a kid...

MolochHunter ago

WP probably woulda pulled it bc the next day the Norwegian govt withdrew funding for the Clinton Foundation, and the WP realised how close to the nexus it got

lamplight ago

The "video" of HRC being talked about by Julian Assange could show how the CF and global sex rings are/were operating. That would be wonderful proof. However, it could be something else.

think- ago

NYT scrubbed it from their archives as well.

gamepwn ago

I remember sadly :( I mentioned it in a list I made of Government and MSM admitting Pizzagate is real.


Surprisingly out of all the MSM Fox News kept the story up when all the other MSM outlets erased it.


think- ago

Surprisingly out of all the MSM Fox News kept the story up when all the other MSM outlets erased it.

It has not only been scrubbed from some MSM sites like NYT, but there were zero reports about trials or who exactly was involved. Remember, two 'former or present' Norwegian politicians have been involved (according to the Norwegian police), and there was a US connection as well.

I searched for new info about two months ago - nothing.

Maybe someone here is from Norway and can tell us whether the Norwegian news reported something in 2017or 2018?

duhiki ago

The US connection was that Norway donated to the Clinton Foundation. Right before the bust, it was announced that Norway would stop donating to CF. http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/20/norway-donations-to-clinton-foundation-to-fall-nearly-90-off-peak/

Then it happened again, but in Australia, I think. Announcement of no more $ to CF and boom! arrests. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/42108748/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/t/massive-online-pedophile-ring-busted-cops/#.Wp8MMvnwbIU

think- ago

Thanks, I didn't know that something similar happened in Australia.

realityisinsanity ago

Yandex.com is far worse.

ToFat2Fish ago

All honeypots most likely

wincraft71 ago

From links to find CP to links to hire Hitman, buy drugs, or find Snuff Film websites.

The majority of the hitman and snuff film stuff are scams. Someone will put up a site promising to let you "be in control" of a torture but it's just a way to get bitcoins and those who fall for it won't have much recourse.

But yeah, most of the deep web is pretty anti-CP, and from what I can tell child porn seems to be hiding in plain sight on the regular internet.

carmencita ago

Maybe it is a good thing. Hiding in plain sight, for most people will be reporting it, hoping to shut it down. Idk, I am wondering if LE is putting it in front of people so that they can get some help. There are probably to many of them and it is getting harder for them. Also they surely need more people on it. They should increase manpower.

BeTidy ago

I think more likely Military Intelligence is putting it in front of people to compromise and control them, and to undermine our society. The subversion via media and education is very blatant.

carmencita ago

I am thinking your may be right, even though I hate to admit it. It's not the answer I like. We know they have been and are working on what I call evil-izing the masses. Yes, I have noticed as you have it seems to have ramped up in the last 10 years really. Evil seems to be the march.

wincraft71 ago

I wish they would redirect the money from the "War on drugs" and put it towards the "War on liberating sex trafficking victims" and I don't mean simple pimps and prostitutes or a "sting" where they entrap some lonely 45-year old online with an actor pretending, I mean busting into a safe house and pulling the kids out.

There's supposed to be a documentary like this coming out soon called "Contraland" where ex Navy Seals do it themselves.

carmencita ago

While the CIA handed out drugs in LA decades ago we were spending money combating drugs then too. I agree with your idea, spend it on freeing our children.

Nunquam-Dormio ago

There's still a big difference between surface and deep web. You can't pull down or block deep web hosts like you can surface web. The only way LE ever manages to prevail against deep web resources is via infiltration, basically deep web admins have to fuck up pretty good before LE can do ANYTHING. Feel free to report anything illegal like CP you find on the surface web to the web host, they should slap the kabosh on it real quick. Or LE, whatever. Point is, SOMETHING can be done.