kazza64 ago

i know its a subject we dont joke about .... but my son was telling me he had a look at the dark web ..... just the look on his face told me he would never be doing THAT again and because of that look i cant even bring myself to research the dark web

srayzie ago

Oh I tried that before and I’ll never do it again. I had no idea what I was opening. I’ll never get the image out of my head and this was years ago.

kazza64 ago

i was looking for a meme and changed my setting on duckduckgo to get more search results ..... big mistake ...... i soon changed them back again

srayzie ago

Ohhh you mean to not the safe search?

kazza64 ago

ive never been on the dark web i know i wouldnt be able to handle seeing horrible things but i would like to research on the dark web to get information ..... i just cant do it

srayzie ago

Yeah there’s bad stuff there. I thought the same thing but then you don’t know what you’re gonna see if you click in something.

kazza64 ago

yeah i saw the look on my sons face and i thought well i wont be going anywhere near the dark web

srayzie ago


kazza64 ago

if you change duckduckgo search to not filter adult content you get some wild results

srayzie ago

Why? What happened?

kazza64 ago

he must have seen some bad shit

srayzie ago

Oh that was me! It was very bad. Disgusting. I contacted them and others did too. Yahoo search results showed the same. I’m afraid to even go check to see if things changed. I guess they haven’t since you said bad mistake.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

If you put in ¨ vintage photos of beautiful women.¨......kid porn will show up. And it seems recent. I dont remember running into this shit before a week ago. Khazar must be trying to flood the internet with their sins so they can hide in the sheer mass of it. Will not work.

srayzie ago

That’s so disgusting. Pedos don’t even need to go to the dark net. They can find it right out in the open and not even have any perverted search terms stored on their computers.

44NJ9 ago

'be careful, someone was putting stuff up like that on FB, some one repeatedly called and reported the account. FB did nothing for over a year. The person calls and reports it again, support asks them to copy the pics and send it to them to report it, they do that and the police show up at their house. FB called the cops on them for their negligence. I will try to find this story and link.

think- ago

I think some BBC journalists did that, and FB reported them to the police.

srayzie ago

Omg that’s crazy

Justsomeone ago

What the fuck??

This is real and disgusting.

gamepwn ago

These fucking demons are so blatant....ugh made my stomach turn. All the search engines have child porn in them, they all do regardless if it's google, duckduckgo, Safari or Bing. They do this intentionally.

Micheal84 ago

Omg try "img ru" really fucked up.

srayzie ago

Oh gosh. 😒 I can’t look at anymore.

Cc183 ago

Wtf is this.. try search "image url"

Micheal84 ago

Omg Wtf try "img ru"

srayzie ago

My Gosh 😢 This tears my heart out.

Micheal84 ago

There was this Google search "imgsrc" takes you to Imgsrc.ru some Russian hosting site for pictures, random stuff, but cp also.

Theres a post on Voat about it, but this is a good find also.

Well, mot good, but disgusting.

Womb_Raider ago

The creator of DuckDuckGo has a shady past collecting private data of citizens... perhaps they're more than they appear

GreenDell144 ago

Good find.

Lobotomy ago

You shouldn't be using DDG anyway. The Jew that started it, made his money on his last website, which came from selling its users private data. Don't trust their mission statement.

srayzie ago

Omg. That’s not even the point! I’m sooooooo sick of hearing about JEWS!

Lobotomy ago

If you think the kikes aren't behind most of the world's child trafficking, then you're deluding yourself. You can't run from the fact that they made themselves the world's biggest problem.

Point is, stop using DDG, their claim of valuing your privacy is a lie.

srayzie ago

First of all, it doesn’t matter because it needs to be fixed. Is google any better? What you are doing is trying to change the narrative. It’s on yahoo too. The point is there is child porn. I don’t care who made the site. Enough with the Jew talk. It’s so old.

Lobotomy ago

You're right, the Jew conversation is old. It's a couple dozen centuries old, and you can see that they've been kicked out of damn near every civilization known to man. There is no coincidence, stop bluepilling.

albatrosv15 ago

Nude underage girls. Some in lingerie! It was shocking.

Wait, which is more shocking?

srayzie ago


Nana66 ago

I found this out by trying to search for Spacey with naked boys when his accuser came out. I remembered there was a compromising pic of him with partially naked boys or something and when I put that in the search I didn't get anything so I changed the search restriction to not restrict anything and as I was scrolling down searching for the pic I wanted I realized that some of the other pics were just random nude boys and decided to X out and said never mind what I was going to post.

srayzie ago

That’s so disgusting. 😒

StevePaddock ago

It is the dark net search engine, why do you think Stephen Fry likes it so much?

There was a post about child porn found on comet via duck duck go and of course the post was deleted.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago


NoPatience4UrShit ago

You can also contact the center of missing & exploited children. I accidentally trip across child porn on imgoat. Googled how to report child porn & immediately filed a report. Suggest you do the same

Sk8rminion ago

I wouldn't trust them, non government non profit that the pg researchers have a connection to the Satanists, they are part of the cover up. like how human traffickers get jobs running amber alerts

ESOTERICshade ago

Law enforcement should be tracking these people down instead of riding around writing seat belt tickets and harassing people.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

If major web browsers are doing this, they are part of the system. They don't get arrested.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

They do. On the weekends they like to go undercover to nearby cities, do coke, go to raves, deal some coke, get to know people. Have a good time find out where all the crime is at... people get use to seeing the same crowd after a year or so and everyone is like I know him he's cool and then once in a while is bro from NY shows up and he coincidentally is passing out coke to everyone... (another under cover) they then go and hook up with some prostitutes for the special occasion of his brother and all of the coke... they get taken around.. after awhile you know they go undercover undercovers.... they then work a sting operation of these rings for decades trying to identify every one at the top.. they bump into each other like another guy in another three lettter may be going his own sting like an ATF or FBI guy and they will greet each other on the way in and out of the spot sometimes like oh hey theres another homie undercover.... Since they want to get the big guys they work accross state lines and get politicians involved who traffic to gain notoriety so they can maybe one day get a meet up with the big boss and on and on it goes up to the top... at the bottom some idiot listening to rap music or Kid Rock decides he is going to set up shop and his ass gets taken down and put in the papers and all the money he raised goes to the PD to do more undercover.... Logical hypothesis...

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Yeah but, the CIA is one of our top drug dealers. If it is their opperation, cops step aside. They only bust unafiliated criminals. The system is allowed to traffic chilrden, drugs, organ harvest, every crime in the book. Cops are uslesss. This is the one thing they will never help us with.

ESOTERICshade ago

If they were serious about busting up major pedophile networks and publicly busting the big players they could have started long ago and still be filling jails with them. The law enforcement in Los Angeles, in my own opinion, is totally complicit and reaping the rewards. Sometimes low level fruit gets fed to the machine for PR purposes.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good find. Somebody found something similar a while back while searching html code terms or something.

srayzie ago

I remember there was another search term that did this a while back. But, I can’t remember what it was.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think it was "img src" but not positive. I don't think it was as bad as the one you just found though.

Micheal84 ago

It was imgsrc.ru some Russian hosting site for pictures, random stuff, butcp also.

dundundunnnnn ago

Did someone report this to DDG or am I going to have to?

srayzie ago

I did. I put a link in my post. But if many of us do, it may rush them to fix it.

dundundunnnnn ago


I also reported to them

srayzie ago

Good! Thank you!

Piscina ago

Srayzie, I think the pedos would have discovered it long ago.

srayzie ago

I’m sure they did too!

hakrsakr ago

Just tried it, can confirm it works. The fuck.

Primus_Pilus ago

That's an attempt to muddy the waters as far as possible child porn charges. Reasonable doubt in a huge cloud of uncertainty and bad web searches.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were MORE terms that could trigger these results in different search engines.

If 500,000 "inadvertently" accessed that data over the next 24-72 hours, then reasonable doubt among the computer literate just went WAY UP.

srayzie ago

Somebody said it’s happening on yahoo too. Maybe websites use that as a tag to get people to come to their site or something? I don’t want to click on anything and see what sites they are coming from.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

How severe? Was it nude underage stuff that was inappropriate but could be considered in anyway """artistic""", or was it full blown explicitly sexual?

At the very least, make it clear how severe it was to DDG, they need to understand you're not just being hyperbolic:


gamepwn ago

bad...really really bad. Image url was the worst one. This is revolting to the extreme and all the search engines have CP on them using terms like this. There are hidden pedo cp all over the web. It's no longer just the Dark Net.

srayzie ago

Yeah I did that. Maybe if a lot of us do it will speed up their fixing it.

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Yeah on it. Perhaps edit the OP to include the feedback link?

srayzie ago

Oh I did. Can you see it? Towards the bottom?

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Sorry was responding within inbox, hadn't refreshed. Thanks a bunch for bringing this to everyone's attention, hopefully DDG can do something about it.

srayzie ago

No! Much worse

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

That's insane. Use that link and make it explicitly clear to them that you're talking about full blown child porn, they need to know you're not just a Muslim freaking out about a girl not being in a binbag -so that they make it high priority.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I told them. Spread legs and all. I’m disgusted.

FoxPoop ago

Somebody else posted a little while back about innpropriate pictures of children popping up when searching for IMG SRC as well. Not as bad as these search results though. They show up on a Yahoo search, too.

srayzie ago

So yahoo too

FoxPoop ago

Yeah. Could be why it shows up on Duck Duck Go. I just tested it when I saw the post.

Horizonprinter ago

That's pretty messed up. Talk with then on twatter and let them know.

153sdsd ago

duck duck go is very prolific on twitter, they will care if it shows there

vahelper ago

Their search uses Bing if I remember correctly (just anonymizes it) but they should still be able to filter it.

srayzie ago

It’s not about that. I don’t want to advertise it on there and have the pervs go look at those kids.

anotherdream ago

HAH - Srayzie, the pervs probably already knew about it before you did. But you've acted wisely.

153sdsd ago

I meant more like sending a private message to the duckduckgo account in twitter

srayzie ago

Oh I wrote them

153sdsd ago

cool beans, keep up the good fight! we are winning

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Wish I would have trusted you

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Probally a pizzagate denier too. You hear sirens yet? Yow WONT they will just come flying through your window!

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

You Fag ChoMo you were warned. The FBI is on your ass FAGET! HOPE YOU LIKE PRISON!

srayzie ago

What? You know them?

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

No lol just givn'm shit. ouff! ouff!

srayzie ago

Lol 👍🏻

srayzie ago

What are you talking about?

StevePaddock ago

You are a pedo tranny

srayzie ago

Shut the fuck up SARAH

Shizy ago

Tell that psycho bitch!👋🏼 That's probably supposed to be a high five, but I just made it my bitch slap emoji for Sarah!

srayzie ago

@Bopper My girl @Shizy kills me 🤣

bopper ago

Haha, you guys need to go to Sonic together or sumpin.

Shizy ago

😂sonic 😂😂😂

srayzie ago

😂 I love you haha

Blacksmith21 ago


senpaithatignoresyou ago

Now this is very interesting.

Let me know if the mods delete your submission.

For you to find it on a search engine in the broad daylight like this is troubling.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Always use strict. ALWAYS. I know it seems like censoring... but its better that way.

srayzie ago

Yeah but still. People shouldn’t have to worry that child porn will pop up. That’s horrible.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

yep. filtering that out exclusively is a gray area filter. Better to be safe and filter out all. That said I think the FBI leaves up old stuff and spreads it as a "honey pot" but in truth its just like any other operation by law enforcement. I've heard stories of prostitution rings being investigated for decades by undercover police. I will put it this way... Narc agents get to smoke dope when they go after dope dealers undercover....