Shizy ago

Hey @votescam wanted to make sure you saw this post. I'm sure you will let us all know it's totally fake since women are magnificent, angelic beings who would never ever ever sexually abuse a child! They are just too perfect and incapable of such horrific crimes right?

gamepwn ago

I know we have to expose these sicko's but those websites on the pastebin are full blown child porn...I'm not talking about pictures of just nude kids I'm talking full rape and sexual abuse. I made the mistake of going to one when looking into it on darkknight111's post. Please DO NOT go to any of those links and listen to Honeybee_'s warning.

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago This looks pretty shady to me. Not clicking any of the results tho.

Vindicator ago

Hi there Honeybee_, think- is concerned folks may click through to CP. I know you've got a prominent warning at the top of your post, but I am going to switch the flair to to "Potential Security Risk" in case some of these sites are LEO honeypots and people don't have proper security procedures in place. Mods are a bit on edge given CP was posted directly a few days ago. We are awaiting confirmation from @Crensch and @kevdude about what Voat policy is on links that lead to links.

Meanwhile, go anons! DDoSing the pedos into oblivion!

Honeybee_ ago

None of the links provided in this post go to any of the sites and the sites that are listed are currently offline. I did not attach the paste bin with all of the sites owned by Gaetanne, if people want to find that they can go look elsewhere. I purposely did not include it so that people wouldn't go clicking through

Vindicator ago

I did confirm with our O's that it IS okay to provide links like the pastebin one, so long as the link is broken so people have to deliberately fix it to follow it, and a prominent, all caps warning accompanies the link. I will make a sticky about the formal policy, and link to it in the sidebar.

think- ago

and the sites that are listed are currently offline

We were alerted that some of these sites are online, and that some users approached them and saw child porn.


MolochHunter ago

@HoneyBee_ , my brother in Law is a stand up comedian who gets lucrative gigs in the Seychelles - his boss? Saudi Royal family. They go there to party hard

Vindicator ago

MH, don't dox yourself. ;-)

MolochHunter ago

lol with Vault 7 in play, we're all screwed anyhow.

I just focus on Pedogate in countries other than my own so that its more inconvenient for those im bugging the shit out of to have a crack at me

think- ago

@Honeybee_, I will give you a 'Potential Lead' flair.

Honeybee_ ago

thank you :)

think- ago

You're welcome. ;-)