21yearsofdigging ago

Giustra is a master of disguise and hiding behind shell companies and other nefarious schemes. This is not my area of expertise but my instincts tell me that Giustra will lead to the gravy train

EvaEverywhere ago

From memory... In September 1993, Bill Clinton assigned the Ambassadorship of Seychelles to Marc Michael Marengo. He's been retired for 10 years but deserves a look into.

I've been chatting with gun men who protect American ambassadors, most retired, and they have the wackiest stories. Nothing criminal, just incredibly disruptive stuff that seems very dangerous and unbecoming of diplomatic staff. Mitchell and Webb made a fantastic show about diplomatic services in some former Soviet state. It may have hit close to home (esp the Prince Andrew episode) because it was yanked off the air pretty fast.

Everything seems to be monetized in some way within these Democratic administrations so ambassadorships become REALLY important place to stare at for corruption and influence peddling. I've ALWAYS heard that the Clintons have property in Seychelles but I can't find proof of this in writing. It always seemed stupid to me because Seychelles will be the first country to disappear once the sea rises. In fact THIS is the "nerf de guerre" of the Seychelles, their status as the most climate threatened country in the world. Any effort to help them with "other" stuff should be seen as suspiscious.

Shillfest2017 ago

I'm new to this Seychelles information, so I'm not sure if this will be of interest to anybody.. but I found a wikileaks link from the Clinton email leaks where Cheryl D Mills sends Hillary information from the Diplomatic Cables leaks. The cable she leaked is discussing a secret drone base the Obama administration set up on the island of Seychelles.

Vindicator ago

Okay, for the time being, I am going to give this post a "Potential Security Risk" flair to make sure people know darkknight is sharing links that lead to links that lead to actual child pornographer sites. People, be warned. Some of these may be honeypots set up by law enforcement. If you choose to join the anons investigating, make sure you have appropriate security precautions in place. @darkknight111, please edit in a warning at the top of your post to this effect as well.

darkknight111 ago

Axed the link.

think- ago

@darkknight111, I will unfortunately have to take this post down, as the Twitter page you linked contains a link which leads to a pastbin list of child porn sites.

I was alerted that they are still active. We don't allow linking to incriminating material; a list of child porn sites also is incriminating material.

You can delete the first link and repost. Please get back to me or @Vindicator before you re-submit.

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

Okay...I am not sure these needed to be deleted. They do not link directly to CP, but to the pastebin of leads these anons have found to out these pedos and bust them. This is an essential part of our mission here, and I am pretty sure we have allowed this in the past. In fact, people on the Chans tell anons to come here to get help researching stuff because many researchers here are equipped to hack into and report this stuff. If we don't allow it to be discussed, we kill one of the key networking forums these guys coordinate in.

No link in the post that was one you could click and see CP like the posts we removed last week. Illegal content was not linked to directly. You have to go down the rabbit hole to find it. I think we should allow this as long as it clearly states that it may be a honeypot and proper security measures should be taken. We even have a warning about that in the sidebar -- implying we allow links that can lead to dangerous material.

We should check with @kevdude, in case the Voat stance on this has changed. But my understanding is we are one of the few places where anons can coordinate research into these bad actors.

rooting4redpillers ago

@think-, a couple of questions (hoping they're not stupid questions)... Why would it not be better if @darkknight111 just deleted that link, instead of you taking down the whole post? If it's better that you delete the post, will it then reside in "Removed submissions" with the offending link remaining?

think- ago

Yes, thank you, @rooting4redpillers, we are currently discussing the issue with @Vindicator, and will check with the Os, too. I will let the post stay until they will have decided what to do.

Your question is not stupid at all, thank you for pinging me! :-)

darkknight111 ago

Axed the twitter link. Well I feel stupid. Thought we'd be safe if I didn't show the pastebin file of all the takedowns. May have ended up finding something more useful from this anyway (the potential motherlode regarding CGI).

Vindicator ago

darkknight111, I have DMed our O's for clarification, but my understanding is that including that Twitter link is perfectly fine so long as people are warned what they are getting into.

darkknight111 ago

Gonna start linking to that stuff 13Buddha suggested, for that is a potential gold mine of new evidence we could use. The "motherlode".

think- ago

Thank you, @darkknight111! Very much appreciated. I removed the flair.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch - please see parent.

Vindicator ago

I just DMed @Crensch and @kevdude. Let's hold off until they get back to us. While it's true linking directly to an FBI CP honeypot could sink our investigation, it is equally true that shutting down all research into actual bad guys doing the dirty work will effectively sink it as well. I don't consider this a direct link situation.

darkknight111 ago

Notify them I axed the twitter link (the one that inspired the thread). Feel rather stupid.

We may have found something even better to work with, (the stuff on that potential motherlode regarding CGI money laundering).

think- ago

@darkknight111, I will give you a 'Potential Lead' flair.

Gothamgirl ago

This was one of the companies on that list. Endless possibilities of what could be taking place here.

Jura is a global brand name in the high-security graphic arts trade as a reputed high-tech developer and supplier. Jura offers complete top quality security prepress systems including software and hardware solutions from graphic design to print-ready plate making for banknote printers. Jura's design software packages are in function at more than 100 governmental and licensed security printers all over the world. Jura's patented personalization solutions and unique covert security features are used on several banknotes, passports, ID cards and other security documents of many countries. Jura offers new methods for brand protection and authentication. About 100 high resolution prepress output devices have been installed and used worldwide. Jura’s service program includes strong support and versatile assistance in technical, design and software development issues. Jura is the first company that has been audited and certified as 'Certified Security Supplier' based on the ISO 9001:2000 quality standard by Intergraf and VPGI. Jura's activities are managed from two headquarters in Vienna (Austria) and Budapest (Hungary).



13Buddha ago

So, why does Little Rock, AK airport, a/k/a Clinton Airport, that offers only national flights, travel non-stop to Mahe Island in the Seychelles via Etihad Airways, the 2nd largest airline of UAE? I plugged some dates in for myself with a flight cost just shy of $3 grand.


carmencita ago

Good God. Is there an island they have not corrupted or spoiled and ruined? Donkey witch is a product of her Donkey Witch mother. What a thing to teach your daughter. The Scepter has been passed. She will be taking over. We need to dig further on her. Also this offshore banking set up on Jersey Island could also involve some more sinister things as well, being that it was the playground of Savile at Haute de la Garenne (sp) Orphanage.

millennial_vulcan ago

Donkey Witch!! I will be stealing that as my newest insult. From all I know about the Seychelles is that it is super popular with British folk so no surprises with Jimmy Saville etc. But also, where Haute Gerenne orphanage was too, is a tax haven I believe? The island of Jersey? I mean, shouldn't a detective start there?

carmencita ago

You might even change the W on Witch to a B! Tee Hee Yes, I have read that there are yachts parked on the shores of Garenne. Hmm. Wonder why. Possibly going there for more than checking on their investments. Yes it is a place to stash your cash. Parking the yachts reminds me of the trips Saile took the children on. Horrid. Just Horrid.

darkknight111 ago

I took the term Donkey Witch from an episode of South Park. Another episode has Mr. Garrison call Hillary "Pizza Face".

carmencita ago

That name fits her to a T. Good Call! Lot's of hints have been passe on on SP.

13Buddha ago

The Seychelles is a monster in and of itself based on their investment laws as a result of a 20th century law titled, "The Economic Development Act." One of its provisions offers foreigners immunity that invest more than $10 million - immunity from prosecution on all criminal offenses. The law, in short, is an open, official, cynical invitation to money launderers and drug kingpins - come to the Seychelles with your dirty cash.

The Wikileaks "Seychelles" reference you provided contain three 2015 Podesta emails, all of which address the multitude of committees, societies, organizations, and charities that arose during the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) era. It is mind-boggling. You not only have 100's of committees, etc., but offshoots from committees, etc. For instance to name only a few:

The Anne Frank Tree; Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai Israel; Sapling Project; Blue Guardians; No Ceilings; and Tech Girls Rock. The list goes on and on.

I think it's safe to say the Seychelles, global corruption, and the Clintons are synonymous. And you can bet the "do-good feel-good" CGI committees, organizations, charities, etc., do no good whatsoever and are nothing more than fronts for sinister and evil activities.

It is beyond comprehension researching further and discovering the connections established with donors to the Clinton Foundation and/or members of the CGI. The actual # may never be known.

Variations of WJC Investments LLC produces 1,000's of hits in the ICIJ offshore leaks database.

A search of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) database of the Panama Papers for WJC Investments produced a list of hits that included:

19,372 offshore entities; 3,396 officers; 215 intermediaries; and 316 addresses.

The database also produced 38,934 offshore entities associated with WJC Investments Group, plus 50,407 offshore entities identified with WJC International Investments as well as 68,188 offshore entities identified with WJC International Investments Group.

A search of the ICIJ database for HRC produced 1,000's of hits f or Hillary Clinton, Hillary Rodman Clinton, and HRC Investments as well as 1000's of hits for various listings under Chelsea Clinton's name and 1000's of hits for the Clinton Foundation and its various subgroups, including the CGI and the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

A search for the CGI surfaced 5,505 associated offshore entities with several in the top listings including the "Clinton" name in the offshore entity's title. Similarly, a search for Hillary Clinton Investments turned up hits for 18,450 offshore entities with several in the top listings.

There seems to be no end in sight. How much more do we need to reveal to substantiate that the only answer is to begin again, a brand new government, a brand new society.

KnightsofHubris ago

I do not understand the value of the searches you ran.

Variations of WJC Investments LLC, produces 1,000's of hits in the ICIJ offshore leaks database.

Are any of them relevant? This is not an exact match search If you do a search for

WJC Investments

in the offshore leaks search engine, you are given all results with **WJC ** AND all results with Investments.

So do all of these hits actually refer back to former president Bill Clinton? Because if you just search for WJC, you get only one hit https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/146617

And that does not connect to Bill Clinton. So what exactly are you saying?

think- ago

How long has this info been on the site I wonder? Who might have already researched this? Do you know?

millennial_vulcan ago

And maybe some of the popular pgate YouTubers WHO OBVIOUSLY OBSESSIVELY READ VOAT can follow up also :-) @MrGunk , Really Graceful, David Seaman etc

@darkknight111 I don't know if a lot of those guys might now migrate elsewhere after this weeks youtube bloodshed

think- ago

some of the popular pgate YouTubers WHO OBVIOUSLY OBSESSIVELY READ VOAT


millennial_vulcan ago

!! We KNOW they're lurking for goshsakes !!

think- ago

I know! LOL.

darkknight111 ago

So what you're saying is that we may have uncovered the motherlode in terms of CGI money laundering operartions.

We need eyes on this....NOW. This could be the smoking gun that could take down the Clinton crime family. I'll let my confidant on r/thedonald know about this so they can start digging.

13Buddha ago

I believe it is highly possible.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/3za1C :


https://archive.fo/tcvqY :

Gaetanne Antat | Facebook

https://archive.fo/itafG :

The Seychelles -- A Gangsta's Paradise | HuffPost

https://archive.fo/H6uE2 :

Ahmed Afif | Facebook

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