Apotheosis44 ago

I dont think its conditioning. I think they murder these kids, at least the ones in these videos.

Earthbalance2 ago

100% that kid was not acting. It sounds like John Podesta and whoever it is deserves to get their ass thoroughly kicked or even hanged if they took their criminal behavior to its implied conclusion. That is about as civil as I can phrase my reaction to that video. As for "disinformation"...to what end? It was a free video online so it couldn't be for a commercial purpose unless it was some advertisement for a kiddie Hostel. It could be white hats but that doesn't help because as evidence it sucks from a legal perspective. If someone could definitively voice print Mr. "I am your father" as John Podesta then we would have a useful tool. As it stands the video and the website act more as a tool for psychological warfare against "normalcy".

EvaEverywhere ago

As a second comment, I am reading another one of those sites, notably this part. http://www.syti.net/GB/SilentWeaponsGB.html

I suggest you read the source code of the pages. You can google the phrases and will find the source of all the text bits, often they come from Google Books. These sites also contain the exact contact list that is supposed to have come from the Anothiny Weiner laptop (a more recent allegation).

EvaEverywhere ago

I think this information is very important. As I mentioned in another comment thread, people think pizzagate is about pedophilia but it's not. It's much more complicated than that. Basically, you can distill all the information we have gathered to be about "Adults who control babies and children". They do not like children, "at all" as James Alefantis said to IsThisGameOfThrones last year.

Why control children?

  • Brownstone operations
  • False flags
  • Providing Elites with grown compatible organs
  • Management of supply chain A to Z
  • Pedophilia
  • Cannibalism
  • Creating watchtowers (staffing government, entertainment, media with offsprings, legitimate or not.)

Within these activities, the control of children is paramount.

Using the word pedophile is misdirection for two reasons:

  1. People think pedophiles are very rare loners (An impression created dutifully by the media via movies like "Do you know the muffin man" and via the State Department's efforts to suppress child trafficking arrests or news thereof. In reality, we are dealing with a sophisticated ecosystem of businesses who collaborate nationally to control babies and children (Think The Finders).

  2. These people are more complex than just pedophiles. I call them Krampus monsters because they are not what the average person tinks about when they read the word pedophiles. They are not pedophobes either. They are a different kind of slaver and the thing that seems to link them together seems to be Satanism and Luciferianism. But then again, we have freedom of religion... And we could be dealing with a form of hipster ironic Satanism (because I know a lot of people who are ironic statanists, and that's also the case of the Church of Satan which is atheistic.

So to get back to this video, it is incredibly important because it demonstrates exactly the kind of reconditioning that is done to children to confuse their mind. This seems to be something the brothers tout, their control of children and of the people in Washington. I believe they are the world leaders of La Mana Nera a Chicago based extortion mafia group. They simply seek to control influential people and then sell this influence.

(Sorry going from memory, you can use my words to "google" the sauce)

  1. On the Podesta Group website, one of the hero images in the slideshow is a child with super powers. (See Archive.org for podesta.com)
  2. In the hallways of the Podesta Group office is a photo of a naked child looking at a butterfly in a fabric cage.
  3. In the very symbolistic picture of Bill Clinton and Kim Jong Ill, you can see John Podesta's black hand.
  4. Heather Podesta (Miss Uranium One facilitator) once invited SC Justices to dinner. She wrote on her invitation to others that she would be serving the Judiciary for dinner. Diane Feinstein bit her head off over how distasteful this invitation was. (Wikileaks)

I hope we can come up with a more descriptive way of calling these people other than "pedophile", because people have a built-in dismissal system for this word.

LionElTrump ago

I feel these videos were made as a clue to tip us off. Is this the way they attract a generation just a little older? How many more could there be? There is many, all different kinds, for all different ages, it's absurd. There is even channels out there teaching young children cyptonology. https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=d7_17l0swMYYouTubeYouTube

Here is my take on that Disney funded cartoon at its reasoning it is aimed at children with english cyphers and seasonal recaps of infowars. So when those children are adults and if we fail now, they can just accuse those adults as conspiracy theorist and hold their YouTube history up high. You follow the money and see it is not lizards that have infiltrated the US Government but communists

Immelda ago

I couldn't watch it, my heart breaks just reading the transcripts. When will this all end?

Blacksmith21 ago

Or, Worldcorpo was stood up by someone affiliated with the NYPD/Weiner laptop. They put it out there to let the actors know they have the goods. In which case, the "insurance files", could have easily been used for content like this.

It sounds like JP. No way of establishing probability of likelihood without some audio analysis by an expert, and even then, I don't think you could establish higher than 60-70% match based on the quality.

MolochHunter ago

a little OT, but there was another website that came up about a year ago here by a guy called Randy Prozac who clearly had experience with MK Ultra, and this website is chockers full of MK ultra triggers

Can I tell you, after I watched a bunch of stuff from this website, I forgot many of the passwords to my online accounts, no shit. Fried my brains that much. Took me between a week and 2 weeks for the lost ones to gradually come back to me

So you are forewarned - but if you think you have the mental fortitude, or seek to develop resilience to this shit, here it is


and here's an interview with Randy https://hablandoconsinceridad.com/2014/07/22/interview-with-randy-prozac-creator-or-sentimentalcorp-org/

spacepopecoast2coast ago

I was gonna post on /pizzagatewhatever this weird YT channel, but got super denied cuz of lacking CCP. The YT channel is called GLOBAL WORLDWIDE, has anyone else seen it before? An endless supply of suuuuper weird 30 sec videos that give off a weird MK-Ultra brainwash-y vibe - something def off about the whole operation, curious what others might think... check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtnNFb89QcU&list=PL0-kjvCpfYZoRXVzbtZMJs8qUVPP9Rd1F

Even just the name Global Worldwide reminds me of other weird sites like WorldCorp, Sentimental Corp. - there is something odd about the way they use these generic/harmless sounding names, like they're almost meant to sound so bland that no one would unassumingly happen upon them

MolochHunter ago

yerp. I watched about 5 seconds and stopped. You dont know what that shit is doing to the lizard part of ur brain!

nice find, thx for sharing

spacepopecoast2coast ago

The stuff on sentimentalcorp.org, specifically the rituals, seems to be 'weaponized media' - clearly made with an understanding of how the mind responds to sounds/images/epileptic-y light pulsing.

Honestly, I only made it thru maybe 9 seconds of one of those videos. I haven't felt that specific brand of terror since I was like 6 or 7 haha, shit is whack. But still I feel my hunch is correct, this wasn't made by someone with clean hands. Can you imagine the damage these sorts of videos would do to a scared child locked in a room alone, strapped up w a VR headset??

Given how many pizzagate-specific references are found just on this weird website (pizza parties, disassociative idenity disorder, pegasus museum), I would say shit like this is a big deal. Regular people weren't meant to just stumble upon this stuff... I think these are tools made by traffickers/psychopaths for traffickers/psychopaths to utilize

MolochHunter ago

read the 2nd link interview with Randy, too, it was quite a headfuck as well. I think this guy was a supersoldier that didnt turn out all that super and somehow he evaded being snuffed out.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

yeah yo there is def something going on w this dude. he's outrageously clever, I actually respect his super morose humor/way he talks - but just SOO nihilistic, it must be terrible to go thru life with just NO hope in anything bigger than yourself ha

the jokes these people make all seem to come from that same place of negativity - I know that doesn't "auto-align" all these people but Alefantis, Magestic Ape, and all those weirdo pizzagate-y bands seem like they are part of similar cliques. even the weird jokes people like Podesta make can actually be clever....albeit mortifying

GreenDell144 ago

The similarity is high. The probabiloty is low to middlin’. Regardless of who it is or where it is, it is clearly depraved abuse. It’s existence, and the website it came with, plus the context of the dialogue of the two adult men, are features of culture that we rarely get to consider. This is typically fodder for law enforcement, rarely found in public, outside of the den of sickos that make it. This is a warning for us. If this culture is brazen enough to make this public, it means that they perceive that their culture has political staying power. We do not want this to become commonplace. My opinion: the videos are combo of “how to break a new one”, “how we do it in our stable” type selling points, and also perhaps trophy vids.

Gothamgirl ago

I believe that is a white hat site, It was a puzzle that spanned multiple sites actually. I was able to enter discord on one of the sites. I was told the kid was put in acid. It was not at Comet. It had something to do with agent orange and the high conscience network.

think- ago

It had something to do with agent orange and the high conscience network.

Could you elaborate?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I never figured it all out but here is a copy of the discord we copied over here from SYNT.US afterwards.


Worldcorpo, Synt, LHOHQ was part of cicada3301 and it branched out into just about every social network, including here, but this is only my opinion based on things I was told, and I studied them for months. They were connected by mentions, links, and imagery. All taught me about mind control.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

this shit is nuts.

gamepwn ago

Gotham girl I think im going to make a post on this, as this is the first time Im hearing this as well as others it seems. If I do Ill reference you and you can add imput. I just went on those websites...very disturbing.

Gothamgirl ago

See and those videos that are posted by the "trolls" that are cryptic in nature here, that don't make sense. They're from cicada3301 to. I believe those videos are just merely reminders of things we know and a glimpse of things we don't yet understand. Just a different style of Q, and it takes effort, time and patience, to piece it together. To some long term truthers these are a waste of time, it's things they know verbatim but to some its a refresher of how we got here and things they've forgotten. This was alot to grasp in a short time.

think- ago

Thanks, @Gothamgirl!

Yes, I remember the LHOHQ investigation, but I handn't thought of Worldcorpo as possibly linked to cicada3301. Interesting.

Gothamgirl ago

Your welcome. I am not saying my theories are correct, so if you notice something I haven't, or I am wrong about please let me know. I am very interested in knowing the truth behind this story.

think- ago

I will! :-)

Gothamgirl ago

I did the best I could describing some of what I found here to.


i_scream_trucks ago

There seems to be a large amount on Chris Chandler there that youre mulling over.

Hes a well known degenerate with a well known history of being completely fucking nutso. Its mental disorder, nothing conspiratorial.

NSFW, offensive, and fucking hilarious - http://archive.is/GgmIW

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, well my theory is. He really is or he is an actor playing the part of SRA victim.

i_scream_trucks ago


Gothamgirl ago

Here is another ARG from the same people. Sounds like a victim or redpill your choice.

I know who the tech savy pedos are, and I have their screen names.

I know they used Nigeria for a testing site for frequency weapons.

They're talking about xxxtencion way before his skit on stage where he supposedly hung a white kid? This was intentionally signed onto to stir up chaos and with him they use technology to make him look disgruntled, dark and fedup.

If you google every term written, in that post you can get the bigger picture.


think- ago

Wow, awesome @Gothamgirl, thank you! I will look into it!

darkknight111 ago

Agenr Orange is a notorious herbicide used in the Vietnam War to kill off the jungle. Does all sorts of bad shit.

Immelda ago

Is that the Agent Orange that REM sing about in Orange Crush? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mSmOcmk7uQ

Gothamgirl ago

I hate to think this, maybe it was a dark project to test effects, with plans on adding it to chemtrails later?

I mean after watching them do that to a child, I feel nothing is off limits to these bastards.

Shizy ago

Let's not forget that Monsanto is the company that made agent orange. And now they basically control our food supply and have tampered with it. about 80% or more of what is bought in grocery stores has been genetically modified. Do we really trust them when they say GMOs are perfectly safe and healthy?

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't know that, thank you for sharing.

think- ago

Thank you, darkknight. Yes, I know about Agent Orange and Vietnam, but what is 'the high conscience network', and how is it related to Agent Orange?

Dickface808 ago

The new video link wouldn't work on my pc. Can you hear Podesta in that one?

TrishaUK ago

When this video came out last year I reported it to RSPCC here in the UK. They asked me to send the link to them via email which I did. I got a call from the Police about a week later asking where I got the link from and did I know anything about it. I explained it was going round the internet and I did not know anymore about it other than it could be pizzagate related. They seemed satisfied with that, and despite my contacting them again a few times they did not say another word about it to me. I think it is disgusting and I would never go on another link from WorldCorpo once was disturbing enough for a lifetime! - Good post. ps. btw just some advice from someone who has been down the road with Are_We_Sure. Please ignore him, he enjoys annoying real pizzagate researchers and stealing time from them with his pro-pizzagate comments and defence of JA,JP etc. I am shocked he is still around. (I have blocked him, best remedy) :)

pizzawithgreenchile ago

Thank you for posting this. The whole topic of worldcorpo is fascinating. Here are some thoughts, for what they might be worth.

First, just focusing on the videos featuring audio of children in apparent distress, I'm thoroughly convinced that somewhere, somehow, a child was genuinely in distress and recorded. Naturally there are truly excellent child actors out there, and I could be fooled. I'm just guessing that this is real distress. Once I assume that the distress is real, it makes sense to me to think of these videos as depicting child abuse.

As to the question of whether one of the voices is John Podesta, that seems unlikely to me. The voice just doesn't sound right. Probably it would be a good idea to check in with someone with a good ear for the finer points of regional accents of the New York / New Jersey area.

Something I haven't seen discussed much is the greater context of the worldcorpo site. The child abuse videos make up only a small portion of the content, and the rest of the content has much more of an ARG (game) type of feel to it. If you haven't checked out the songs, do yourself a favor and listen. I think they're hilarious. I picture a nerdy short fat white guy who thinks he's a big deal rapping into a five dollar microphone along with some canned music loops, but it's so bad it's good. I'm not sure if the creator of these songs is a good comic or a shitty rapper, but either way, they're kind of fun. The rapper's voice sounds to be about a 23 year old male and doesn't sound at all like the bad guys in the child abuse videos. Also, just so you know, the lyrical content of the songs has no connection to child abuse or anything pizzagate that I can tell.

I'm a fan of the Some Ordinary Gamers YouTube channel, particularly the Deep Web Browsing series. The host (Mutahar Anas) ends up reviewing quite a number of dark web sites with a feel similar to that of worldcorpo. Actually it might not be a bad idea to ask him if he would be willing to analyze the worldcorpo site. He looks at code, content, context, and a lot of other things to make reasonable guesses as to who created the site and with what likely intention.

Well, those are my thoughts, for what they're worth.

Are_we__sure ago

Some thoughts

(which some theorized to be a Comet Ping Pong shower).

This was always an insane theory.....but I don't think they thought it was a shower, but the colored lights of the Comet Ping Pong stage. Either way it's an insane bit of confirmation bias as this whole theory is. That guy does not sound like Podesta.

uncanny resemblance to the voice of John Podesta who is one of the main figures of Pizzagate and allegedly linked to James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong.

It does not resemble John Podesta. And there's no allegedly about it. Alefantis is good friends with Tony Podesta and certainly is friendly, if not a full friend of John Podesta. When Alefantis hosted a political fundraiser, he emailed John Podesta and asked if he could stop by. He didnt.

but I have always maintained that under stress, mental issues (multiple personalities or dissociation), or intoxication, people's voices can change.

You are basically writing a script here, not neutrally examining evidence. The evidence doesn't fit your conclusion, so you are coming up with an explanation that jams the square peg of the evidence into the round hole of your conclusion.

You do that again here

Analysis The videos in theory could be a form of mind control conditioning or breaking in trafficking victims

You are not engaging in analysis, but speculation.

OH MY GOD THAT AUDIO. WOW. just wow. Does it sound like Podesta to me? No. It sounds like swooshes and squawks of milliseconds of audio edited together.

It's genuinely hard to listen to, let alone discern anything.

PedoStomper ago

Some thoughts. Kill yourself.

Dickface808 ago

It sounds remarkably like Podesta and NOBODY ELSE I've ever heard in my life.

Are_we__sure ago

It's a guy with a Massachusetts accent.

Dickface808 ago

So that solves it then for you? Because he may have used an affected accent when essentially becoming a character/split person..

Are_we_sure ago

You're now trying to rationalize speculation upon a fantasy

So it's John Podesta because it sounds like him.


it's John Podesta because it doesn't sound like him.


Dickface808 ago

No I'm saying it fucking sounds uncannily like Podesta, but with a twist... I'm sure this is an impossible concept for you to wrap your mind around.

Fateswebb ago

While I agree it's probably not podesta, I have compared it to a clip I heard of podesta screaming and it did sound like him. I think maybe you're not hearing that comparison so you're not seeing the similarities in it. Still the likely hood of it being John is slim to none. I have always looked at it as the shock factor gets people interested in the pizzagate topic and if that's the case whether it is real or not, it's a good thing.

Matt_Helm ago

Yes it's Podesta but sadly he won't ever be arrested the FBI is corrupt and Sessions is a pathetic cowardly weakling.

Cc1914 ago

I will never look at another WC video again . That kids voice is not acting ! This is real child abuse no matter what anyone says because to even get a child to the point of terror like that is abuse even if it's acting . It's ABUSE !!

PedoStomper ago

Agreed. When I saw "fatherhood" when it was first posted, those screams haunted me, and they still do. There was NO WAY that was a "child actor."

wincraft71 ago

True, it goes so far beyond the point where it could be acting into pure terror. It's raw emotion and fear, and the pain is real.

wincraft71 ago

A description and transcript of the original fatherhood video:


Man: You think you're hot shit, don't you?

Child: screaming

You think you're -- LISTEN UP! What's my name?

Child: something that sounds like "John"

Man: What's my name?

Child: something that sounds like "John" again

Man: My OTHER name, what do you call me?

Child: incoherent


Child: a cry that sounds like "Dad!" screaming continues

Man: I you will call me your father what am I WHAT IS MY NAME? HUH?!

Child: incoherent screaming


Child: high pitched "what" sound

Man: WHAT?

Child: screams


Child: high pitched "Skippy" sound


Child: incoherent high pitched noises


Child: high pitched "Skippy" sound again

Man: Yeah, that's right!

Child: squeals and incoherent noise continues

Man: That's right! YEAH, I'm YOUR DADDY NOW! I'm your FUCKING daddy now.

Gothamgirl ago

I could never forget these words, they have haunted me for a year.

carmencita ago

I had to force myself to read this. All the time I kept thinking, What if this is Chester B. What if it is him. I can't even imagine. I can't get that idea out of my mind now. Is he with his son, Chester?

Shizy ago

That just gave me chills! You may be on to something

carmencita ago

Yes, I have very strong feelings about the pictures I have seen of Chester and JP side by side. Spitting Image. That's how I will describe it. We also know he had an affair with Chester's mother as well. Just Sayin'

wincraft71 ago

For those of you who don't want to watch the first video listed, I have a description I wrote in a thread when it first came out:

Approximately transcribed audio:

Male 1: incoherent rambling Our boy's back you're going to like this, SHOWTIME! (in a sing songy voice at the child)

Child: shrill scream

Male 1: "Hey what are you doing hey. Hey, calm down. Whu where is? Calm down, c'mon. It's okay. Let me see. Nah, stand up straight. Hey! Stand up straight. incoherent That's right. That's nice, you got a nice body on you."

Child: wails

Male 1: incoherent Make sure of that. It's okay. You've ever been in a shower before?

Child: No

Male 1: Let me see you shower. You're taking a shower, it's okay. You'll never get hurt in the shower. Come on incoherent with the shower, come on.

flashing electricity and child screaming

Male 1: Yeah, something (kid? big?) you are. incoherent. I really like that, incoherent That's good.

Child: Loud scream

Male 1: incoherent Knock knock who's there hey you incoherent Knock knock who's there. What are you screaming about?

Child: incoherent

Male 1: I like this, I like this kid.

Male 2: Yeah nods head in approval

Male 1: He's a really special guy, you know (sort of mobster Italian accent here)? Hey! You gotta relax, here. You gotta relax.

Man 2: Hey!

Child: screams


wincraft71 ago

@Carmencita I've had to redo the thread so hopefully this one sticks.

carmencita ago

Thank you. Me too.