star_boi ago

no, no, no..... you may be onto something with phoenix, but you are all wrong about the chris chan story... their saga is irrelevant anyways, but you have it all wrong. liquid chris may indeed be playing around with some of this but it is NOT related to the original saga of chris chan which occurred several years ago.

solid chris is original chris chan/ christian chandler ... an autistic individual who made a lot of videos of themselves, they also wrote/drew the Sonichu comics based on Sonic hedgehog characters. trolls and mean people found these eventually and harassed chrischan constantly, eventually resulting in 'liquid chris' "stealing" his identity as a joke, which enraged the real chris and everyone thought it was funny. they actually did video singing battles to prove who was real, etc. ....

later, after this time, the real chris did indeed transistion to female. ( side note: gender fluidity and transgender traits are more common in the autism/aspergers community - look it up)....

good work on the phoenix stuff though- upvoating you for that!!

Gothamgirl ago

I just wrote what I observed in the videos and I watched all of them I believe. It was Solid Chris trying to steal liquid Chris's identity not vice versa.

star_boi ago

i understand, it's confusing, but no- the autistic christian chandler is the original. the tech savvy weird video maker liquid chris is the troll/parody, they even tricked him into talking to fictional girls- who he believed really liked him, in order to laugh at him and watch him respond in his crazy videos.

at one point the poser referred to real chris as 'solid chris', he also renamed real chris with the name 'ian brandon anderson' and referred to him this way. this was all to enrage the real autistic chrischan, because he would post response videos going crazy and screaming- ( side note: autistics often have difficulty with lies and deceptive or mean behavior).

Gothamgirl ago

Definetly confusing.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Chris Chan is an autist who makes an ass of himself, and the "dang dirty trolls" laugh at him. Nothing more, nothing less.

Gothamgirl ago

I think he is an actor.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

I don't think an actor would barge into a Gamestop, of all places, and mace an employee. Certainly not one whose stated motivation is flipping out over the design of a children's video game character.

All the evidence points toward Chris being an unstable individual.

This same evidence is thanks to the same crowd (4chan-goers among them) that provided much of the information we use in the Pizzagate movement today. I wouldn't dismiss their insight so quickly.

Gothamgirl ago

I didn't dismiss anyone, I gave an opinion. Ok so answer these 2 questions please. On December 27th, 2014, Christian Weston Chandler goes into a gamestop in the Cwcville mall and assaults an employee with mace.

What city and state or country is this mall located?

Why is there no arrest record for anyone named Christain Chandler on this day, anywhere in this country? Yes I had a detective in my family run the name and all of the information he made public, their is nothing. Someone just happened to have a camera and knew who Christain was, sorry not buying it.

star_boi ago

many youtubers stage events or set up things to video, obviously- not sure i would call that "acting"- though i do think this one is real.

also, many many people video others' crazy behavior in stores- just search "redneck losing it in a store" or any similar phrase! there are tons of videos, this one is funny but again- irrelevant.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Chris lives in Ruckersville, Virginia. It's a suburban area on the outskirts of Charlottesville, where (to my understanding) the Gamestop is located.

Not sure if anyone managed to obtain the actual arrest records themselves (at least, to add to the Chris Chan info collection I use), but here is a recording of a jail employee's testimony regarding the event:

And, as for his later release on bond...

Gothamgirl ago

There is no mall named that anywhere. There is no arrest record. The youtube video proves nothing, and the link to the bond is broken and its on "Kiwifarms?"

Sorry this doesn't pass the smell test for me.

star_boi ago

what the heck??? CWC refers to christian weston chandler! not a damn mall! and game stops are often in 'strip malls' as well or little business parks. jesus.

Gothamgirl ago

Somebody is playing games here and it's not me. I will agree with you both just to make this stop, ok.

star_boi ago

let's stay after worldcorpo.... chris chan angle is a dead end. (no pun intended!)

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Where did I state the name of a mall in my post?

Gothamgirl ago

I did not say you named the mall. I already knew the name, from when I had my detective relative look for the arrest record months ago. I find it really odd the mall is using his intials to. What are the chances of that?

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

No it doesn't. "Charlottesville Fashion Square" is CFS, not CWC.

As for what else you said...

  1. The employee testimony "proves nothing," yet the fact that you provide a few vaguely related YouTube videos (one of which just so happens to involve one of Chris's trolls years after the fact) that happen to have the Caillou song, and are "creepy" (a subjective opinion) as "evidence" demonstrates a level of hypocrisy on your part.

  2. Your ignorance on the "Solid vs. Liquid Chris" situation. You claim that the one nicknamed Liquid was the one whose name was "stolen," yet refused to update your original post when @star_boi corrected your error. You also seem entirely oblivious that the nicknames themselves are Metal Gear Solid references, which should have clued you in to who did what.

Anyway, you said the link to the bond is "broken." How so? If you downright can't use it, is it any worse than your using, which I can't even get to due to 502 errors?

Also, a quick explainer on "Kiwi Farms:" they are a forum that collects information on the Internet's less savory individuals (called "lolcows," because they are "milked" for lulz), for the sake at laughing at their antics. In this regard, they have served an invaluable role in gathering information on Chris Chan, a well-known lolcow, and the fact that you haven't even come across the website's name once or twice (as a cited source on, which I frequented before the 502 errors) during your research is odd.

Gothamgirl ago

And he was never arrested.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Well, if you're interested in counterpoints, I'm not sure if I can help you at this point.

However, I'd suggest setting up an account on Kiwi Farms yourself to ask on the Christian Weston Chandler subforum for proof (by creating a new thread) that Chris was arrested. Those people will provide plenty of information to help you (although they can seem a bit rude at times; they're trolls, after all, so they don't really mean it).

Setting up an account involves answering an odd question or two (nothing Pizzagate-related there, it's just their trollish sense of humor).

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks, but I don't want to know anymore about them. Watching them and writting about them was enough drama for me.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Wouldn't asking them for proof (which they have) help resolve the drama, though? Going by their evidence, it's not as bad as you think.

Gothamgirl ago

You 2 Chris's are funny. Thanks for turning the links back on.

Gothamgirl ago

No thank you. I had someone in WorldCorpo named DD tell me they would zap my head, after he called me gayguy, and then I called him decimaldick, so I prefer to stay away from trolls, which you just told me will be on that site. I will take your word for it.

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Good point. Thank you for considering the suggestion regardless.

Gothamgirl ago

Just out of curiosity are you guys the 2 Chris's?

CapitalistUtahraptor ago


Gothamgirl ago

The links I posted were not broken when I posted them. I did state above it is confusing, however I know what I watched. The mall stuff I knew prior, but yesterday I quickly copied the text from Kiwi farms, so that to changed.

Gothamgirl ago

I want to say the current Phoenix program is highly based on mathmatics. I see the word quantum alot to. There is some very interesting stuff in this Flicker account. You don't need an account just hit play.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing.

Psychanaut ago

DYNCORP on first page of "Monarch The New Phoenix" Text

Psychanaut ago

This is incredible.

carmencita ago

Wow that lhohq was quite a psychadelic ride. Whoo. All kinds of messages about Everybody Loves Raymond CNN and Rupert Murdoch etc. and plenty of constant flashing. Don't look too long like I did. I feel a little dizzy. Strange. I looked at this stuff when it was first brought here and not that much of an effect. Beware.

Gothamgirl ago

I apologize I changed the link I posted the wrong one, its a video now.

carmencita ago

No worry. No need to apologize. I was not scared, just wanted to warn others. I have looked at others before, don't know why this one had a strange effect on me.

AdamWeishaupt ago

It's MKUltra of all of you.

The Phoenix is The Devil.

Gothamgirl ago

"Mkultra all of you" yes I know if I ever see a Narwhal I will probably become "triggered" 😊 and the msm does it all day long to the masses.

Neff Cothing connected to WorldCorpo

Neff Clothing and Sesame St art.

Sesame street shown in the beginning of this video.

AdamWeishaupt ago
