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Gothamgirl ago

I believe that is a white hat site, It was a puzzle that spanned multiple sites actually. I was able to enter discord on one of the sites. I was told the kid was put in acid. It was not at Comet. It had something to do with agent orange and the high conscience network.

think- ago

It had something to do with agent orange and the high conscience network.

Could you elaborate?

Gothamgirl ago

Well I never figured it all out but here is a copy of the discord we copied over here from SYNT.US afterwards.

Worldcorpo, Synt, LHOHQ was part of cicada3301 and it branched out into just about every social network, including here, but this is only my opinion based on things I was told, and I studied them for months. They were connected by mentions, links, and imagery. All taught me about mind control.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

this shit is nuts.

gamepwn ago

Gotham girl I think im going to make a post on this, as this is the first time Im hearing this as well as others it seems. If I do Ill reference you and you can add imput. I just went on those websites...very disturbing.

Gothamgirl ago

See and those videos that are posted by the "trolls" that are cryptic in nature here, that don't make sense. They're from cicada3301 to. I believe those videos are just merely reminders of things we know and a glimpse of things we don't yet understand. Just a different style of Q, and it takes effort, time and patience, to piece it together. To some long term truthers these are a waste of time, it's things they know verbatim but to some its a refresher of how we got here and things they've forgotten. This was alot to grasp in a short time.

think- ago

Thanks, @Gothamgirl!

Yes, I remember the LHOHQ investigation, but I handn't thought of Worldcorpo as possibly linked to cicada3301. Interesting.

Gothamgirl ago

Your welcome. I am not saying my theories are correct, so if you notice something I haven't, or I am wrong about please let me know. I am very interested in knowing the truth behind this story.

think- ago

I will! :-)

Gothamgirl ago

I did the best I could describing some of what I found here to.

i_scream_trucks ago

There seems to be a large amount on Chris Chandler there that youre mulling over.

Hes a well known degenerate with a well known history of being completely fucking nutso. Its mental disorder, nothing conspiratorial.

NSFW, offensive, and fucking hilarious -

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, well my theory is. He really is or he is an actor playing the part of SRA victim.

i_scream_trucks ago


Gothamgirl ago

Here is another ARG from the same people. Sounds like a victim or redpill your choice.

I know who the tech savy pedos are, and I have their screen names.

I know they used Nigeria for a testing site for frequency weapons.

They're talking about xxxtencion way before his skit on stage where he supposedly hung a white kid? This was intentionally signed onto to stir up chaos and with him they use technology to make him look disgruntled, dark and fedup.

If you google every term written, in that post you can get the bigger picture.

think- ago

Wow, awesome @Gothamgirl, thank you! I will look into it!