TheReignMan ago

It's Cicada3301** who are running the website.

@palmitespo910 @Gothamgirl @Psychanaut @Yates

Gothamgirl ago

What are they those numbers above his head?

Gothamgirl ago

Well he is brillant. I hope those numbers dont lead to another puzzle. Lol

Psychanaut ago

feels much different tho..

TheReignMan ago

Are you able to put Michael on?

Psychanaut ago

Who is Michael and where do you want me to put him on?

TheReignMan ago

Put him on the line, so I can speak with him.

Psychanaut ago

You have to do the work like Gothamgirl did. You didn't do the work, you don't get the access.

PizzagateBot ago

Gatekeeping, nice..

TheReignMan ago

No it feels the same.

Psychanaut ago

No you don't get to tell me how I experience my reality, my life, or my mind. Who the fuck does everything think they are anyway Go fuck off.

TheReignMan ago

Why are you angry?

Psychanaut ago

Because when I just gave my opinion to you in my last reply, it wasn't a discussion or anything I was putting up for your approval. I am saying it feels much different. That's not a negotiation. Think whatever you want, it makes no difference but shut the fuck up next time you think you're going to tell me "no" about something I feel or think. It's not a haggling. It's me telling you my experience. got it?

TheReignMan ago

Obviously you don't get it.

Gothamgirl ago

Does it have something to do with this? And the phone # 760-733-9969

TheReignMan ago

Could be. Give Michael my very highest regards.

Gothamgirl ago

No thank you.

TheReignMan ago

I just wanted to tell you. That I love you in a way more profound than these words might say, but try I might, anyway.

Gothamgirl ago

Is that part of cicada?

TheReignMan ago

Do I look like a secret world ruler to you?

Gothamgirl ago

Is that like an LSD/MK type of video?

Gothamgirl ago

No, I can't see you. I have no idea who you are.

TheReignMan ago

What does a world ruler look like?

Gothamgirl ago

Jesus Christ.

CrazyHorseShoe ago

What does Jesus Christ look like?

He fights like a girl.

Gothamgirl ago

Who would you say is the ruler, if not Christ?What makes you feel there is something wrong with the way girls fight?

CrazyHorseShoe ago

What makes you think, I think, girls can't fight?

Gothamgirl ago

Mistake on my end. Never mind.

CrazyHorseShoe ago

So you are saying Jesus is a woman disguised as the devil? Well now I have heard it all.

Gothamgirl ago

I have heard it all to. You should get the voices that lead you to believe, I said that, checked out. I didn't say anything about a devil.

CrazyHorseShoe ago

Here he is, in the flesh!

The Devil! @BigFatDaddy You have a lot of explaining to do Jesus.

BigFatDaddy ago

Everything is true.

Even false things?

Yes, even false things are true.

How can that be?

I don't know, man. I didn't do it.

CrazyHorseShoe ago

Call venus - we have a live hairy one.

Gothamgirl ago

Really Venus, you must be kidding.

CrazyHorseShoe ago

You mentioned him right off the bat! Jesus Christ.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes that is true. I did mention Jesus.

Psychanaut ago

oh congratulations that you do. bravo kid, bravo. I just hired a band and a clown with balloons for you so you can celebrate your big revelation like a big boy.

TheReignMan ago

It's not my revelation.

Psychanaut ago

Congratulations. Clapping for you real slow like.

TheReignMan ago

You seem off.

Psychanaut ago

Oh? because I think you're a tool?

TheReignMan ago

So be it.

TheHolyMoly ago

@gothamgirl hello.

TheHolyMoly ago

Do you know Michael Aquino?

Gothamgirl ago


Pizzalawyer ago

Acid baths are becoming increasingly available. Veterinarian departments at major universities are using them for disposal of carcasses and instant fertilyzer. I know this because I inquired into the euthanasia of an elderly horse. Funeral homes are also starting to employ this manner of disposal. We are entering into an era of mankind that is terrifying.

redditsuckz ago

<phale> it's randomly generated, somewhat

<phale> as disinformation

<Booka> I'm guessing by "randomly generated, somewhat", it was created with the neural imaging?

<phale> NLP and web crawling

privatepizza ago

Nice work GG! I saw your comments in the discord, you were there just before me. Verrrrrry interesting developments with, with the creators opening the channels of contact. Nice people they seem.

Well done for asking those questions. The answers are intriguing. I am now convinced that they are a Wikileaks type of organisation and that we'll be getting much, much more information from them.

The PDF they are providing is just incredible and I would urge everyone to read it. A book by therapists working to de-program mind control survivors. They are giving you THE RECIPE FOR CREATING A MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE, using MK Ultra and newer techniques in the hope that if people who know how it's done, they will be rendered useless.

The book is unmissable.

"beevee - Last Sunday at 4:37 PM MKULTRA PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES total_mind_controlled.pdf".

Go to and press on the top text link to be taken to the discord chat room. In 'info', you will find the PDF.

Exciting times we are living through.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes, Now do a search on Liquid and solid Chris that will blow your mind.

blablah ago

I can't believe you're falling for that. I also talked to them and it is pretty obvious that there is nothing new or anything special about this website. they took data that already exists and use the AI (markov chain) to process it which is absolutely nonsense if you unterstand markov chains. It's like chatting with cleverbot, sometimes u get answers that fits to your questions but sometimes its just junk. AIs are not ready to really work with data correctly. If you want to investigate, take real, unprocessed data and look for yourself. synt and lhohq i just a massive distraction. U can look at the documents of mind control at the official NSA website or read some books with good sources (not fritz springmeier!)

privatepizza ago

Which books do you recommend for learning about MK Ultra and Monarch mind control techniques, blahblah?

Are there any titles which document how mind control is done, better than the one have available freely on their discord chat? Thanks !

blablah ago

there are many. just google fo some books and lookup the authors and their history, where did they work, do they really have insider information or anything.

The Franklin Cover-Up Rabbit Hole Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs

palmitespo910 ago

Were you able to download that mp3? I am having real troubles figuring out how to. I can't seem to save that file, only the link.

Gothamgirl ago

Same issue here.

Gothamgirl ago

I was able to download it sounds just like the music on the page to me though...

TheHolyMoly ago

You have to recreate the birth experience, darkness to light and then fear to Stockholm syndrome, attachment via pituitary chemicals.

TheHolyMoly ago

Robert Anton Wilson was a mind control handler. He had knowledge to manipulate the biosurvival circuits of people, as is mentioned below. This is the "pizzagate" that food can be used in mind control in a process of imprinting.

Gothamgirl ago

That is very helpful to know. Thank you for sharing.

palmitespo910 ago

Well shit.

Gothamgirl ago

I have an idea of how it is supposed to work I am going to look into later in the morning.

palmitespo910 ago

Alright. I'll be on in the afternoon. If you think of it, please let me know. I really couldn't figure that shit out.