21yearsofdigging ago

You want to dig on Giustra dig on mister invisable John A Hardy, an ex lawyer in Vancouver who bragged his father ran Canada's spy agency CSIS ( although his name doesn't come up so it was maybe before when the RCMP ran the spy agency). He went on to be CEO of Versatile Systems( a RFID, tracking and shipping company) and now runs Equus Total Return. He is scum. Trying so hard to be invisible. Side note, funny how all these creeps are tied into shipping companies and technologies like tracking. Tracking what, children?? Please save this in the event something happens to me. Hardy did once threaten me. Told to keep my mouth shut about my kids 'or I was dead'. Little bread crumb but I was told he set up the deal for LionsGate. Hardy, back in 95-96, was a lawyer and dealt with insurance law surrounding mining companies and logging companies. Hope people other than just the bad guys see this

darkknight111 ago

The Q board found a major HRC connection. May be worth its own thread. The following is in need of digging.

Gannet Foundation, Bonner Group, Meg Kennedy, TENGA FOUNDATION. Major connection to David Brock and HRC.


Link to that?

carmencita ago

One thing that really upset me was the drawings of the Elpida children.

The drawings. There are a few drawings with showers. This seems to mean something to the children. Somehow the drawings don't seem normal to me. I worked with all ages of children for 7 yrs in a school. Most of them are devoid of color. Somber. There does not seem to be happiness here, at least to me. I really don't want to imagine what may going on there. I am going to give a link I have been posting as much as possible. Bill and Frank with a precious little girl https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/ivH2NPfWldCM/v2/488x-1.jpg

ASolo ago

Pretty heavy material. Pretty creepy feeling knowing that elements within our government work very hard at convincing us they are all about humanitarian efforts when history is showing us that those original foundations were created with the only huge sources of revenue and wealth at the time (Robber Barons), ill gotten in the first place, to GAIN A FOOTHOLD ON THE ROOT OF SOCIETY AND STEER IT, as in the Rockefeller/Carnegie Frankfurt model public school system which is the basis of societal mk-ultra conditioning in america.

It's a double edged sword that has shielded itself from criticism because those foundations have also done alot of 'good' in the world. meaning provide enough auxillary help to make it look like a benevolent organization to the bulk of blind society that any criticism has been shielded by the "Good Deeds", when in reality in the long run it has propped up a number of activities that when examined correctly foster a 'satanic' society. This is the same modicum shielding them with the jewish question, create enough good or bad sentiment around and object and it has value to the goy programmed by it in society. It is a tactic succinctly outlined in the Protocols of Zion.

I've always been amazed at the tenacity and resolve of the liars on tv like Bill Clinton, President for 8 fucking years and faciltated the sale of billions of dollars worth of cocaine that destroyed thousands and thousands of lives by suicide, robbery, murder, police, courts, just like his mentors and predecessors the Bush cartel and the nazis before him, can STAND ON LIVE TELEVISION AND LOOK STRAIGHT FACED WHILE OFF CAMERA ARE SCREWING HOOKERS AND SNORTING COCAINE, SHIPPING TONS OF THE STUFF TO LINE THEIR POCKETS AND COMMIT GENOCIDE ON THEIR OWN COUNTRY.


septimasexta ago

"And advisor to the Carlos Slim foundation" Slim has previously beat out Bill Gates on the most wealthy Forbes list. His parents were wealthy Lebanese immigrants to MEXICO. He supposedly made his fortune in a telecommunications monopoly in Mexico. He more recently bailed out the NEW YORK TIMES and used it as a platform to fight Trump and especially THE WALL. If you were a narco/human trafficker, you really wouldn't want one of those.

Slim NYT investments BEFORE TRUMP: https://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/20/business/media/20times.html https://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/08/23/carlos-slim-adds-to-stake-in-times-company/?mtrref=duckduckgo.com&gwh=2DDCF7023C1F044FA10CA07EF035727D&gwt=pay https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/11/slim-stock-warrants-new-york-times-carlos_n_5579074.html https://townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/2015/06/01/carlos-slim-the-new-york-times-sugar-daddy-n2005713

DURING AND AFTER TRUMP ELECTION: "Donald Trump on Friday accused Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, a part-owner of The New York Times and a six-figure donor to the Clinton Foundation, of being a meddling foreign bogeymen behind the troubling sexual harassment and assault accusations that have emerged this week. During a mid-afternoon campaign rally in North Carolina, the Republican presidential nominee said the Times is out to get him, and cast Slim as the unseen hand pulling the strings of 'corporate lobbyists' masquerading as reporters. 'The largest shareholder in the Times is Carlos Slim. Now Carlos Slim, as you know, comes from Mexico,' Trump said. 'He's given many millions of dollars to the Clintons and their initiatives.'" Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3838635/Trump-prepares-blame-Mexican-billionaire-Carlos-Slim-New-York-Times-shareholder-Clinton-Foundation-donor-stirring-pot-baseless-sex-abuse-allegations.html#ixzz57zD9h2nv

"Meet Donald Trump’s New Target: Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim" https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/meet-donald-trump-s-new-target-mexican-billionaire-carlos-slim-n666326

"Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim reportedly will cut his stake in New York Times nearly in half" https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/19/billionaire-carlos-slim-reportedly-cutting-his-stake-in-new-york-times-roughly-in-half.html

"Carlos Slim’s take on Trumps wall" https://www.riviera-maya-news.com/carlos-slims-take-on-trumps-wall/2017.html

21yearsofdigging ago

"6) Is this it? Is this how elite pedophiles, who supposedly run the world, procure their victims? Are these humanitarian organizations being used as front for something truly sinister, such as human trafficking? " Yes and maybe even more sinister than that. You left out organ harvesting I think. Yes, hard to imagine this kind of evil

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a whole lot to digest. Lot's of good stuff in here. You may want to consider an executive summary aka TL;DR.

You will need to add a postscript briefly explaining how your post relates to Pizzagate.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=EYtRma6AapA)****) :

The Elpida Home for Refugees: The Rockefeller Connection - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=C1TAE_inW-0 :

PEDOWOOD - Exposing Hollywood pt1 - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=ltbzdKB8jZE :

Dan Schneider is a pedophile!!!!! Dan Schneider is also a Brony!!! GET HIM!!!!!! - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=suHwPZckZkQ :

Who the F*** is Dan Schneider? [Disturbing New Evidence] - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=DmGULvhP8do :

Clinton Giustra Links to DEN, Paramount, and Viacom - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=oCh7fra26cA :

The Elpida Refugee Drawings: A Closer Look + Possible Templar/Masonic Connection - YouTube

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