JusticeforAaron ago

The problem with a lot of the secret society speculation is this: We can never fully know the truth. It could be the societies are pure evil or it could be they started with good intentions and were infiltrated and smeared. All we are ever left doing is imagining bloody satanic sacrifices. There is no point in thinking this way without evidence. It just instills fear and leads no where. We must stick to established facts. You can find masonic texts online and read it for yourself.

JusticeforAaron ago

What do you guys know about the templars and masons?


I know that many people have suspected that there are connections between certain Masonic bodies, like the Knights of Malta, or quasi-Masonic ones, like the Jesuits, and organized crime such as human and drug trafficking.

JusticeforAaron ago

Yes but I need definitive proof. Is there any?

ASolo ago

Good thread. Great video.


Thanks! Now we have to look at Amed Khan and his project manager Mike Zuckerman to see if there are further ties with the clintons. Check out my previous post on Khan.

SebuttYopick ago

Hillary also helped destroy Libya https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2340732

ASolo ago


General Wesley Clark – Seven Countries in Five Years


bungled ago

Great videos from this guy.

think- ago

@CLIPTO, you rock! :-) Would have never thought of looking closer at these drawings. This shows how important it is to pay attention to details. Great vid!

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice video. The drawings are certainly inline with the pedophile symbols.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=oCh7fra26cA :

The Elpida Refugee Drawings: A Closer Look + Possible Templar/Masonic Connection - YouTube

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