ASolo ago

Nice thread. Knocked another one out of the field. Pretty awesome to have a picture of the dude standing right in front of his own pedo logo.

think- ago

Notice how proud he seems to be....

ASolo ago

They both look like a couple leaksters.

good888 ago

Anyone else notice the symbol in the office area of the Elpida Camp? Between this and the logo on the front door hmmmmmm...


Nice catch! I'm gonna add that to my next video on the Elpida pictures.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't think I will ever get through being stunned that people can use this FBI known logo so blatantly.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago Picture frame Lionel Nation good god I hope it's just an accident

ASolo ago

me neither... That's why we gotta point it out to everyone.

Franky Giustra - ELPEDO

think- ago

What you may not have known is that Amed Khan was a former employee of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Why aren't we not surprised?

and now, is running a Frank Giustra-funded refugee camp whose logo is an inverted boy-love symbol.

So the Clintons had a campaign manager who is a pedophile. (Wait a minute - doesn't that ring a bell? /s)

Great post, OP, thank you!

Narcissism ago

Clinton's and pedophilia, nop never heard of that before.


She is surrounded by them.

carmencita ago

Yes, she loves their company, because $he is one too. Misery loves company.