doolord ago

The Pizzagate sign looks like a lame attempt at an @ sign, but everything else in this video is suspect as fuck.=

tech-adm ago

Could be adrenochrome = juice or it could be a sly reference to "Follow the White Rabbit" via Energizer "Bunny" indirect reference. Either scenario is creepy as f**k and points to some kind of hidden meaning.

Cc1914 ago

Very good redpill video for sure, all those creepy photos of Dan the pedo and the little girls 😔 ! And the classic kids on the ground! I haven't seen this particular one either . Good find !


thanks, glad u liked!

AssJayDoubleyou ago

Sorry but I don't get the battery thing.


well of course a batter could just be a battery...or a sex slave. it just so bizzare that he'd do that. had to throw it out there.

153sdsd ago

adrenochrome = juice

carmencita ago

OOH you don't even have to click on the arrow it is right in front of your face. Well, not even hiding it as usual. #SchneiderNeedsToGo

derram ago :

Who the F*** is Dan Schneider? [Disturbing New Evidence] - YouTube

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