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Vindicator ago

Amazing research @exposethecriminals. Thank you for compiling it! What would make this research piece truly outstanding is if you or someone else could write a short paragraph explaining what all of this material leads you to suspect. Basically, if we were riding in an elevator together and you were telling me all of the suspicious info you found, how would you explain it? Why is it important? Something reeks in the Dominican Republic -- you've got the raw data, but what's the story?

I realize as a researcher looking for facts, it seems risky to state conclusions. And we don't want to do so prematurely. But it is very very valuable to state an investigative premise or theory that can be proven or disproven. As I recently wrote elsewhere:

When you write the title and lede, write it as a premise or hypothesis that invites people to prove or disprove it. This invigorates research! Naysayers have something to aim at -- which will reveal holes in the theory which will inspire additional research and discovery, or lead to a speedy admission the hypothesis is wrong. It's exactly what we need. Every critical comment shills think erodes your piece actually strengthens it when it is addressed. Welcome them! They make the argument stronger. That's how truth works.

exposethecriminals ago

I wonder if a potential theory (if someone else wants to create one, it's not my forte) should include Charles Decker’s other “references,” who are also high level people like David Searby. (I left them out due to space limitations.)

For example, wealthy U.S. Congressman Adriano Espaillat, a Dominican-American representing the 13th district of New York.


I left this write-up out of the OP for space reasons:

Board membership in the DR:

Congressman Espaillat is on the Board of Directors of DREAM Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Program.

DREAM’s partners include Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos and the RC22 Foundation.

For anyone who doesn’t know, Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is the parent organization of Friends of the Orphans/Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs in Haiti, whose link to pedogate is described here


The RC22 Foundation is that of Dominican-American baseball player Robinson Cano:

Jay-Z is Cano’s agent and friend.

Jay-Z is also an HRC supporter, featured Marina Abramovic in his performance art film, and made a donation to her institute, and includes OTO symbolism in his Rocawear clothing line.

Robinson Cano is a deadbeat dad financially and emotionally to his son in the Dominican Republic according to this 2013 article, so why is he involved in a children's charity?

Cano also supported HRC for president and posted two photographs of the two of them on his Instagram account. He is wearing a Givenchy t-shirt with Jesus crucified superimposed over an electric chair that features amputated red hands:

letsdothis1 ago

Past threads on NPH include this : A further look into NPH Haiti, the orphanage that Laura Silsby visited to find her children - Politics, the church, intelligence services and children. which also included an interesting comment from bumbleberries:

Nice post! Allow me to put this here, as I'm not sure what to make of it, and whether it deserves a thread of its own I have no idea. It does appear to be a beneficiary to a trust under Portcillus Trustnet, which has been involved in a bunch of scandals, however. Cook Islands seems to be a hub for tax evading, etc.

Friends of the Orphans on Offshore Leaks

The story of Portcullis TrustNet


exposethecriminals ago

Wow. I see, if you click on the Friends of the Orphans ICIJ link, you see Friends of Assisi Trust is a beneficiary of Friends of the Orphans (unless I have that backwards,) and the agent for Friends of Assisi Trust is Portcullis Trustnet. Oh my God. I am looking forward to reading the story of Portcullis TrustNet. That's very important.

letsdothis1 ago

I just realized the children's hospital is connected to NPH

Isn't that the one that George Webb says is organ harvesting?

exposethecriminals ago

I didn't realize that either. I just listened to the video and he did not mention hospitals (despite the title.) Probably in another video. I would not be shocked if it's true, even though I'm sure most of the people who work and volunteer there do so for good reasons.

Now that's making me wonder how they could do that there, for example are there underground tunnels in Haiti. I'm sure there are, but it never occurred to me before.

letsdothis1 ago

In that message Monette was writing to Roberto Musi who is a medical equipment specialist at UNOPS Haiti

Leadership Grete Faremo

During her first year, UNOPS continued to grow its services and continued its work with a range of international partners, including with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in Syria, where UNOPS plays an important role in supporting the verification and monitoring activities of the OPCW. UNOPS has also worked closely with the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response, the World Health Organization, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Governments of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia to address the needs of communities and health workers affected by the Ebola Virus Disease, as part of larger recovery efforts in the region

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, this is very intricate. I don't know how they keep everything straight. People who are in the cabal must get their instructions and parameters somewhere. These people, if they are up to anything, must have known they were writing on a public listserve, too. It's so convoluted and pathetic.

letsdothis1 ago

Here's another hospital

letsdothis1 ago

I don't know. Maybe it's innocent. But I'm going through the database. I do find that Boston healthcare company interesting though. Many connections here with Harvard.

letsdothis1 ago

List of people most closely connected to Monetter Valliere

letsdothis1 ago

Ok. This is getting interesting : Monette Valliere BMET, MMA

This website shows she has connections with Gary L. Gottlieb, and Ophelia Dahl. Gottlieb

Gary Gottlieb

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Gottlieb established, chaired, or led various medical centers and departments.[3][4] From 2010 to 2015, he was president and CEO of Partners HealthCare.[5] He is the only person to appear eight consecutive times in Modern Healthcare magazine's list of the "50 Most Influential Physician Executives in Healthcare."

He served as the President of Brigham and Women's Hospital from 1992 to December 31, 2009.

Valliere used to work at Brigham.

Partner in Health is a Boston non profit where Ophelia Dahl is a co-founder

Dahl is chairman of Dahl & Dahl LLP, which manages the literary estate of her late father, the writer Roald Dahl. She also serves as vice president on the board of Roald Dahl’s Museum and Story Centre.

Roald Dahl, Satanism and MI6

exposethecriminals ago

Whoa. That was great work

letsdothis1 ago

She's also connected to Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, so the President of the World Bank co-founded Partners in Health with the daughter of Roald Dahl who was probably MI6, and Partners in Health likes to treat people in their own homes -- I don't like the sound of that

letsdothis1 ago

I have an Alyssa Podesta in connection with this Partners in Health/ Partners Healthcare -BWH Epic Credentialed Trainer at Partners HealthCare

letsdothis1 ago

I googled both hospitals together and got this :

Subject: Re: L'Hôpital Saint-Damien Haiti

Infratech: WHO/PAHO Clinical Engineering HTM Discussion Group

Dear Roberto

This is another exciting news ‎to finally know that Biomedical Engineering awareness is taking place in Haiti. I have your cell number and will be in touch with you to discuss further and share our experiences. I have been working as the Director of Biomedical Engineering in Haiti for ever 2 years now at Hopital Universitaire Mirebalais.

Talk you soon

exposethecriminals ago

Wow, great find. Why does what should be a normal thread discussing biomedical engineering feel so off? Hopefully it's not anything, but it's somehow odd.

letsdothis1 ago

Organ transplantation can offer a curative option for patients with end stage organ failure. Unfortunately the treatment is severely limited by the availability of donor organs. Organ bioengineering could provide a solution to the worldwide critical organ shortage.

letsdothis1 ago

Sorry, I just found the video and it starts where he mentions the hospital

Bit it's a different one

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for posting. That is really disturbing

letsdothis1 ago

Good. I'm glad someone else is looking at this too.. as it's making my head spin.