srayzie ago

Thank you! I’m going to have to add this 3 minutes guide to the sticky.

Check this post out...

I didn’t put it in pizzagate because it’s just a small little reference. But he has a connection to John Podesta thru a charity. His dad is FBI and mom is high up in CNN.

Vindicator ago

That whole Hogg family is pretty much exactly what pizzagaters say about MK Ultra. Creepy as hell.

srayzie ago

And the supposed shooter had mental issues and spent time in the mental hospital.

EricKaliberhall ago


I made a post about a week ago in v/pizzagate about my concern on how "we" will interact with individuals "RedPilled" by Q and wanting answers regarding PizzaGate. Too soon I believe. The post got spammed before any type of discussion even began... But I'm with you @vindicator, I believe our most important task now, is to make both Q and PizzaGate understandable for newcomers. After decipher Q accurately of course.

crazy_eyes ago

Have you tried writing an overview? I have had the same thought as you here, I was thinking of maybe going back and reading all the Q posts over again and taking notes to compile an overview of sorts from my perspective, especially since Q hasnt posted the research seems to be meandering aimlessly

Vindicator ago

I have unfortunately been up to me eyeballs in v/pizzagate mod turmoil and have not had time to do so, but it is exactly what is needed. We've got a lot of speculation and stream of consciousness video explanations but we need to start synthesizing the material and making statements about what it means that can be proven or disproven. What I keep wanting to do is print out the map, cut it into pieces and sort them into piles to see how the rough topic areas fall. If we create article here on Voat making assertions about significance, we can then repost them back on qresearch for critique/discussion/development. Then we can edit the Voat thread with any new material from 8chan. Finally, someone can post it to Steemit with pretty graphics and memes, so we have an eye-candy link that can be shared on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere. Voat links look like crap on Twitter.

Ping me when you write up your overview and post it in here. Would love to see it!