LostandFound ago

Q is very real but I do not know to what end and the people that oppose Q are here. I asked srayzie to explain why she was connected to known shills I have never been given an answer. Last person I shared my info with deleted their voat account. https://i.imgtc.com/uBZiihO.png he so clicked the links. https://voat.co/u/Its_Just_A_Ride

cutelobster ago

What does being "woken up" mean? "Woken up" to what? The phrase is too vague for the pressure it's being asked to bear. Much of what the Q-team refers to is already common knowledge. Widespread pedophilia is common knowledge. People trafficking is common knowledge. Modern slavery is common knowledge. Much or all of the political system is corrupt: that too is common knowledge. So what is the special part of Q's message that, going beyond common knowledge, is so important? The idea that Trump is a saviour? This is a major part of the Q-message and it is obviously false. The idea that there is some kind of (hot) civil war going on between American intelligence agencies? Don't see any definite evidence of that. Does the Q-team seem concerned about the influence of AIPAC on American politics? Does the Q-team seen anxious to expose the role of American-Israeli dual citizens and CIA/Mossad in 9/11 (and many other projects)? Not so much. There are clear indications that the Q-team links to Wikileaks/Cicada/Anonymous i.e. the CIA. Why are the CBTS people on 4chan linking to Luciferian propaganda films? Including a propaganda film made in 2012 which predicts Trump's presidency? That doesn't mean anything? If you're not interested in whether or not Q is a psyop then you're not interested in whether or not you're being deceived. And while you may be a good person you definitely aren't 'awake'.

srayzie ago

To us it’s known. That’s what it means to be awake. We are aware. The average everyday person does know know all of this and they won’t find out watching mainstream media. They will start waking up when people are sharing with them over social media because a lot of people go there.

Pizzagate discussed in a forum isn’t going to reach people unless we are taking what we know and showing the world. It’s people like us that need to expose it!

cutelobster ago

"To us it's known" is not an argument - it's a way of shutting all discussion down. I could say the same thing back - where would that get us? If you want to convince people about the Q-narrative you have to engage with the gaps and fractures in it. If I was a Q-believer, I would do that - I would attempt to explain why many of the predictions made by the Q-team are wrong. I would also not try to steamroller people who think that Trump is something other than a saviour. And I would not try to pretend that there are some things the Q-team does not want to talk about.

argosciv ago

So what is the special part of Q's message that, going beyond common knowledge, is so important?

Jealous(because can't see beyond the veil)

Does the Q-team seen anxious to expose the role of American-Israeli dual citizens and CIA/Mossad in 9/11 (and many other projects)? Not so much.

Jew-hate obssession, despite that it also being 'common knowledge', that there are corrupt Jews in the mix, also.

Same tired old routine...

cutelobster ago

The jump you make from what I was saying to 'Jew-hate obsession' is absurd. For the record (and I Imagine you're probably keeping some), I think anti-semitism is ridiculous. I mentioned American-Israeli dual citizens - included on that list, for example, would be Henry Kissinger, Richard Perle, Richard Haass, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, John Bolton, and Dov Zakheim. Any of these names ring a bell? Obviously the list could be much expanded. Do you think there might be a problem if many members of the U.S. Government/state apparatus were American-Iranian dual citizens? Or even American-French dual citizens? Might not a question of conflicted interest arise in, say, matters of foreign policy? Might there be a problem if a group lobbying for a foreign power, like AIPAC, managed to exert an enormous grip on both political parties? I think it might be a problem - and if the Q-team is as interested in rooting out corruption as you and others claim you would think it would be just the kind of thing they would be interested in exposing. But just as Wikileaks - with all its supposed whizzbang hacktivism - hasn't exposed what really happened on 9/11, the Q-team, with all its supposed insider knowledge, doesn't seem inclined to either.

argosciv ago

The jump you make from what I was saying to 'Jew-hate obsession' is absurd.

Not really... It's not very nice, I'll admit that, but, the reason is based on commonly observed behaviors;

For the record (and I Imagine you're probably keeping some), I think anti-semitism is ridiculous.

Yes, I take note of many things, not literally writing them down though. Glad that's your thoughts on the matter, I apologise for jumping the gun - we do get jew-hate trolls in here from time to time though, I was quick to assume.

Any of these names ring a bell? Obviously the list could be much expanded.

Yes & Yes

Do you think there might be a problem if many members of the U.S. Government/state apparatus were American-Iranian dual citizens? Or even American-French dual citizens? Might not a question of conflicted interest arise in, say, matters of foreign policy? Might there be a problem if a group lobbying for a foreign power, like AIPAC, managed to exert an enormous grip on both political parties? I think it might be a problem

I'm inclinced to agree, the key word is "might", though; Is there already policy in place to prevent dual-cit holders from taking up a govt position? If it comes to a need to 'ban' Govt officials from holding dual-cit, then by all means, [Trump et al should] do what needs to be done in order to keep things clear and transparent.

(Bolding added in next quote, by myself, for emphasis)

I think it might be a problem - and if the Q-team is as interested in rooting out corruption as you and others claim you would think it would be just the kind of thing they would be interested in exposing. But just as Wikileaks - with all its supposed whizzbang hacktivism - hasn't exposed what really happened on 9/11, the Q-team, with all its supposed insider knowledge, doesn't seem inclined to either.

You're going to hate me for this, but, per Q's words:

"You have so much more than you know"

argosciv ago

For what it's worth, happy to be wrong and I will read and reply to your comment in full, just having a jolly good laugh at other stuff that's happened while I was asleep - I will delete this reply and replace it with a detailed one shortly.

srayzie ago

It’s like looking thru a straw. It’s so narrow minded to focus on just one group of people.

argosciv ago

Well, narrowing things down is the goal, but, tunnel vision is dangerous. Always gotta be willing to question your beliefs, at least.

srayzie ago

That’s what I mean 🙄

argosciv ago

I know :)

Just sharing a thought for anyone reading lol

srayzie ago

Ok lol

kazza64 ago

i dont care who Q is as far as i'm concerned anybody who is trying to expose pedophilia and child trafficking is a star and deserves to be listened to

EvaEverywhere ago

The bl4ck h4nd of P0desta = La M4no N3ro a blackmailing and extortion mafia imported from Italy into Chicago and New York in the 20th Century. I obfuscate this so I don't pollute Google searches, because there is very little mention of this. No mention at all in Twitter.

bgrenual ago

My friend,

Thank you so very much for acknowledging the fact that there is a .00000001% chance Q is real, but that it is still beneficial to help wake more and more people up to the truth.

I've been trying to say this on this board, and I get called a shill and get down voted. Simply for stating that this is likely the LARP of the century. I am convinced 100% that it is. Great post.

argosciv ago

It's all in the wording ;)


NotHereForPizza ago

believe q is a psyop

It's been said many times, but I'm sure you need to hear it again: how much more info do you need for this to ring true with you? It's all laid out in front of you.

You have more than you know.

Semper Vigilanis

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

IDK, I stopped following Q when it started seeming super psy op-y so I don't think that it really matters. From my brief exposure to alternate Q theories it's a deep state LARP or AI

JusticeLady4All ago

Let's say Trump and fam are uber friggin smart. Plus he has awesome intelligence sources. Who's not to say that it's an orchestrated red pill op? One I wouldn't mind taking credit for myself if it were the case🤣 Gosh, early on I was led to a website about word magic, deep programming and related to kek. I remember reading "like we did in the election." On that page.

My only concern has been israel, hoping for a long play. We cant be licking their balls while talking about freedom.

Remember, disinfo is necessary? And go back and re-read crumbs? I found some ish back in Nov, I don't have an audience or platform, really. I sent it to a few peeps, nothing. So I guess I gotta do it my damn self. 🤣 Plus, maybe it was too early. Seems more relevant now. Seriously ... 10 years into this stuff and you think nothing can surprise you anymore. Wrong and wrong.

Lmao at "is my risk analysis over-analyzed" 😂 Sounds like my man. ✌

LoverNotHater ago

Qanon is John Podesta, look it up. :)

JusticeLady4All ago

Ffs. Ok I'll check it out.

argosciv ago

Remember, disinfo is necessary?

"But, that makes Q a LARP"

DJT: "Out"

Blacksmith21 ago

NK = Deep State controlled country aka CIA black site = torture, human experiments, big pharma, synthetic drug manufacturing, super notes, WMD technology, sex trafficking, modern MK, digital weaponry. That is the problem. Nice way to close the loop.

LoverNotHater ago

Unicorn caves, deregulated cannabis market. Bunny mountains, it just goes on and on.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fuck off dickhead @lovernothater. Member 1.9 days. Have a dick flavored downvoat.

srayzie ago

Dick flavored lol

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! Loved the way that read-back in my head, @Blacksmith21, you funny fucker.

Blacksmith21 ago

From my skull to yours.

Blacksmith21 ago

These fucking guys ; )

srayzie ago

Look at the comments. Predictable. I just commented. Thanks for proving my point guys!

Onetime1 ago

srayzie, these attacks are not only by design, they indicate valid work is being done and put out for public consumption. Rather than being discouraged, know full well when these POS start their crap, we are actually winning.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I try to not get discouraged. But I agree we are winning. People are waking up! 👏🏻🙌🏻

LoverNotHater ago

Laura, you are fired.

srayzie ago

Thanks Sarah

argosciv ago

I lol'd

srayzie ago


Cc1914 ago

Even though we may not agree on Q I still think it helped people open their eyes to the organized chaos that has been going on for ever and at the same time is giving some people hope .. I thought Q was awesome at first but soon had a feeling it was another way to keep us at bay and divided for sure . 😔 I love @srayzie no matter what Q turns out to be ,🤗 my hope is we all get back on the same track .. whatever track that may be , because I sure and the heck don't know anymore 🙃

think- ago

Great comment, thanks.

srayzie ago

You should be a mod @think- You say what you feel but do it respectfully. You are a peace maker. Even tho you and I have always disagreed about Q, we’ve gotten along.

https://streamable.com/r8jy2 😁

think- ago

Hahaha, I love this guy, I really do! :-)

Thank you for your kind words. blush

srayzie ago

You’re welcome 🙂

srayzie ago

You’re my girl! Love you too. ❤️

Cc1914 ago


srayzie ago


Blacksmith21 ago

wow...someone got triggered. LOL.

JusticeforAaron ago

I wish I could say what I want to say but instead I will just remain silent and take some things to my grave.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hey look @EricKaliberhall you got he magic 6 downvoats. That means u done your job real good.

Lobotomy ago

I read Q posts, and I think they are entertaining, and sometimes even informative, but they are absolutely an intentional campaign to keep /pol/ from doing what they've done. Don't you just love how Q implies that everything is going to be taken care of, and that everything will be a-ok? I guess we can just rest on our laurels then. I suppose we don't have to do anymore digging. Don't you love how Q tells us not to go looking into the Jews, despite it being fact that they are wholly implicit in pizzagate, and all of the governmental corruption? Q sure knows how to make us feel secure and complacent!

That's the danger of Q. The Q campaign may have tied a lot of loose ends together, but if you had paid any attention to /pol/ during this time, he wouldn't have told you anything you didn't already know.

ESOTERICshade ago

We all know Saudia Arabia was only a patsy of the U.S. Mil Intel/Mossad, so, Trump is lying and covering for the C.I.A. and Mossad

Donald Trump Said Saudi Arabia Was Behind 9/11. Now He’s Going There on His First Foreign Trip.

Published: January 7, 2018


Saudia Arabia blackmailed and threatened with left holding the bag alone.

Saudi Arabia calls on US judge to drop lawsuit against the Kingdom over 9/11 attacks


Federal Programs are Helping Local Police Buy Surveillance Drones


War on the Poor: Jeff Sessions Rescinds Legal Doc That Ended Debtors’ Prisons


Half of Total Trump-GOP Tax Plan Benefits Go to Richest 5%


The Spy Coalition In Congress Rushes Through Plan To Keep The NSA Spying On Americans


Only Year One: Trump Milestone as US Sends Special Ops to 149 Countries in 2017


BETSY DAVOS SISTER OF BLACKWATER'S ERIC PRINCE COMMON CORE SCHOOL CURRICULUM (after being outed she will only say ("I don't support it.") She has many ties to it and will not condemn it.

Trump Education Chief Pick Betsy DeVos is Pro-Common Core, Family Donated to Clinton Foundation


He is actually "Chabad" and even a lot of Jews hate Chabad, because they are THAT BAD.


This Skyscraper Is a Perfect Illustration of the Trump Administration’s Intractable Conflicts of Interest


Trump is not against the Rothschilds, plese...., his is their servant, they pretend not to like him as part of the theater. Trump appointed Rothschild bankers to his cabinet, Goldman Sachs guys

Goldman Finds Tax Reform Will Greatly Benefit The Big Banks



Trump commutes sentence of kosher meatpacking executive


DHS Announces Program to ILLEGALLY Scan Our Faces—And They’re Forcing Us to Pay For It


ESOTERICshade ago

Protester in a wheelchair is shot dead by Israeli troops

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Israeli troops shot dead a wheelchair-bound man with no legs in Gaza today as two other Palestinians >were killed during protests, medical



Report: GOP mega-donor Adelson to give Trump up to $100


Iran does not have a Rothschild Bank, yet, time to bomb and starve their children, WITH OUR MONEY

**‘Time has come’ to change Iran’s nuclear deal: US VP>


As Trump Gives Out Fake News Awards, WikiLeaks Reminds the World BOTH Parties Are Liars


'Billionaire Boom': While World's Richest 1% Took 82% of All New Wealth in 2017, Bottom Half Got Zero, Zilch, Nada

A new billionaire was created every two days last year and now, according to Oxfam, just 42 individuals own as much wealth as the world's poorest 3.7 billion people


Kushner Under Fire for Receiving $30M From Israeli Firm While Shaping Middle East Policy

President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is once more under intense scrutiny after new reporting revealed that his lucrative financial relationship with Israel has deepened even as his influence over U.S. Middle East policy—from his leading role in Trump's effort to "derail" a U.N. vote against Israel to his sway over the president's Jerusalem move—has continued to grow.


Congress Quietly Passed A Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches Of Homes—Only 1% Opposed It

(TFTP) A bill that will allow homes to be searched without a warrant was passed with overwhelming support by the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Trump—and it happened with no media coverage and very little fanfare.

On the surface, House Joint Resolution 76 looks harmless. The title of the bill claims that its purpose is “Granting the consent and approval of Congress for the Commonwealth of Virginia, the State of Maryland, and the District of Columbia to enter into a compact relating to the establishment of the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission.”

The text gives the Commission the authority to enter property near the Metro Rail System “without limitation” and without a warrant, for the purpose of “making inspections, investigations, examinations, and testing.”



Redefining Hypocrisy: Trump Signs Executive Order Allowing The US To Seize The Property Of “Human Rights Abusers”



The Department Of Labor Has Proposed A Rule That Would Make It Legal For Employers To Pocket Their Workers’ Tips.


There goes more of YOUR MONEY.

US administration approves $500mn missile system deal with Saudi Arabia

The US State Department has approved a possible $500-million sale of missile system support services to Saudi Arabia in defiance of global calls for Washington to stop providing Riyadh with military support due to the regime’s war crimes in Yemen.


That should show those Rothschild banks who the boss is. (eye roll)

As No One Watched, Trump Pardoned 5 Megabanks For Corruption Charges

https://www.acti vistpost.com/2018/01/no-one-watched-trump-pardoned-5-megabanks-corruption-charges.html

srayzie ago

I replied here... https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2393969/11910828

It applies to everyone, including you.

ESOTERICshade ago

It applies to everyone, including you.

I read your post and it is, in my opinion, a direct reflection of allowing non pizzagate related material into the sub. Allowing political posts into this sub has angered many and a lot of people don't like it. It has divided the community and none of this had to happen. It has gotten to a point that it needs to stop because it has fractured the community in a terribly destructive way. @vindicator could stop it anytime he gets ready by going back to the RULES that say pizzagate material only in the pizzagate sub. I don't have a problem with @vindicator personally but I think it has been proven that dragging Q, "the storm", etc...into this sub was dismal failure. Since it happened a lot of people have drifted away, include me now, because I don't pay as much attention to this sub as I once did, and its a direct result of the political posts, I can get those all over the web.

srayzie ago

If people are going to complain about things not getting done, arrests not happening fast enough, about what Trump did in regards to Israel, on rather or not he’s a Zionist, etc... then YES, things get political. I’ve never said it’s about republicans or democrats. McCain is a piece of crap. Many from BOTH sides are. But, if “pizzagate” is the result of sick satanic elites, including politicians, that are into raping, torturing and killing children, then politics is part of it.

Why is it ok to post stuff about celebrities but not about somebody that involves politics? Why is it ok to post about blind items and rumors from that crazy days and nights site? Things are not black and white. You can’t fit pizzagate in a little box. It’s global and involves many. The elite involve politicians and the ones running our country are the ones making decisions. Those decisions effect everything.

ESOTERICshade ago

Things Are Getting Worse, Not Better: Round Ups, Checkpoints and National ID Cards

The problem with allowing government agents to demand identification from anyone they suspect might be an illegal immigrant—the current scheme being employed by the Trump administration to ferret out and cleanse the country of illegal immigrants—is that it lays the groundwork for a society in which you are required to identify yourself to anygovernment worker who demands it.



Bankers bankrupted the country in 1933, declared an emergency, we have been an Unconstitutional slave nation since then.

Trump renews the permanent state of national emergency

On October 20, 2017 Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13814 extending the state of emergency. Like all of the Presidents since 1933, Trump maintained the unconstitutional powers the state of emergency authorizes.

Under federal law, a national emergency declaration lasts for only one year, meaning that the 9/11 terrorist-threat national emergency has now been re-declared 16 times. And the number of agencies the White House has created to deal with the ‘national emergency’ has grown to over 600 – the worst and most insidious being the Department of Homeland Security.




Trump Wants More Nukes Than US Can Handle – Outgoing Nuclear Warhead Chief

As President Donald Trump plans to modernize and expand the US nuclear program, Frank Klotz, the outgoing head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), warned that his agency is already at capacity.



“I am here to convey one simple message. America stands with Israel. We stand with Israel because your cause is our cause, your values are our values, and your fight is our fight,” he said Monday in Israel’s Knesset.


Israel ‘Accidentally’ Shoots Palestinian Toddler In The Head With Live Bullets


>Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and Orders U.S


JusticeforAaron ago

Actions show a push towards totalitarianism. Trump is taking away freedom, increasing hostility between people and between nations. Of course die-hard Trump supporters won't look at it.

ESOTERICshade ago

The consequence of the scenario stated above goes against our main objective.

Our main objective is to be as accurate as possible and stay in the truth, because our salvation and freedom from the bank slavery REQUIRES accurate perception. We cannot fight what we cannot accurately see.

because what is occurring right now, is so surreal and exceptional that the only words I can think of is; life truly is stranger than fiction.

Not being rude, being 100% real. The only strange thing I see is the fact that people are totally ignoring Trump's and Q's direct connections to the enemy, and the actions, destruction, and slavery that result from it.

What I can post is proof that the Republicans, nor the Democrats, is at war with the deep state. I live in a world of tangible facts as well as a world of "64 D chess" that has yet to materialize. What we see in D.C. is theater, and the chairs on the stage floor are being rearranged and costumes changed on the actors.

Why did Trump just give 5 of the biggest banks a pass on corruption? You know, those ROTHSCHILD controlled banks.

Why did Trump appoint Goldman Sachs bankers to his cabinet?

Why does Trump have a company named "Trump Drinks Israel LLC" that makes Kosher Vodka.

Why did Trump involve Chabad member Kushner in his staff of advisors?

Starting at 51 minutes is a whole list of Ashkenazi Zionist and BANKERS in Trump's long list of zionist comrades. Why is Trump connected to all these Ashkenazi Zionists? Including Dyncorp people, and Dyncorp is known for child trafficking.


Zionism is a political philosophy so don't try to play the race card on me

Why did Trump accept campaign donations from Zionists?

These are not hopes and words, these are the actions of the Republican Zionists



Congress Quietly Pushing Bill To Require National Biometric ID For “ALL Americans”


Yay Trump! America has millions starving, homeless, and a couple of dollars away from homelessness and you send billions to Israel every year. The funny thing is that if you read Israeli news you will see how obvious it is that Trump is selling us out to Israel, BUT, the U.S. news mostly won't report it because they don't want us to realize it.

Mar-A-Lago Will Host Gala For Israel’s 70th Birthday.



Israeli Army Shoots A 3-Yr-Old Child In The Head “During Training”


Video: Israeli police officer knocks disabled Palestinian man out of wheelchair


RT on Twitter: "IDF shoots dead disabled man in wheelchair


Domestic Terrorism Bill Targets Patriot Groups and Citizen Militias

Published: February 10, 2018


The FBI defines domestic terrorism as “U.S.-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.”


Ron Paul Warns House Resolution Makes Americans Have National ID Card



This will show those Rothschild bankers. Way to go Trump.

Trump Administration Waives Punishment For Convicted Banks, Including Deutsche — Which Trump Owes Millions

2018-01-09, International Business Times


Trump Flashes Masonic Hand Signals


Wow. With two months of war fees we could house a lot of homeless and help social security. Pay off poor people's mortages.

In 2018 The US Government Will Spend Nearly $2 Billion a Day on War

While the United States Congress has struggled to pass legislation governing taxes and healthcare, it had no problem uniting on the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act—a bill that will ensure the U.S. continues to wage wars around the world, and that promises taxpayers will cover its costly expenses.

The price tag on the latest NDAA is a massive $700 billion, which means that for every day in 2018, American taxpayers will spend nearly $2 billion on war.


You won't be able to heat up a can of soup or go to the bathroom without the government knowing before this is over. This is the "internet of things" that will connect your appliances, TVs, Smart Meters, etc...to the grid

White House planning to nationalize 5G network: Report**

By Zero Hedge -

January 29, 2018, @7:50 am EST

White House national security officials are considering an unprecedented federal takeover of a portion of the nation’s mobile spectrum/network to protect against Chinese attacks

https://www.inte llihub.com/white-house-planning-to-nationalize-5g-network-report/

We have enough nukes to blow up the world. Me and you have to pay a trillion dollars for this? I would rather have back the 2.3 Trillion stolen from the Pentagon the day before 911 and the 21 Trillion stolen from HUD and the DOD (Catherine Austin Fitts) to pay my mortage. Thanx!

Trump Plans for Nuclear Arsenal Require $1.2 Trillion


That giant sucking sound is the sound of your future, your children's future, and the next ten generations of your descendants groaning under the debt we are being issued so that the government can play king of the world and bomb and starve people to death.

Trump Now Increases ‘Defense’ Budget 37% Above Obama’s


Oh, its "muh Russia and China" We can all already blow each other up about 100 times anyway.

What’s Driving US Effort to Modernize Its Nuclear Arsenal

During Tuesday’s State of the Union speech, President Trump stressed that the US must create a nuclear arsenal “so strong and powerful that it will deter any acts of aggression,” including from US “rivals” China and Russia.



Papers Please: “Daily Citizenship Checks” on Buses Across Maine Highlight Constitution-Free Zone

Still unknown to much of the U.S. population is the fact that they reside within a “Constitution-Free Zone,” as it has been dubbed by the ACLU for many years. In fact, it is estimated that 200 million people (2/3 of the populace) are likely to have their 4th Amendment protections completely disregarded by border patrol, as well as to encounter other routine violations unbecoming to a land of the free.


Israel's Effective Colonization of the US

"A sitting US senator proclaimed allegiance to a foreign country, and nobody asked him to resign!"

1/ During the Congressional debate around the Iran deal president Obama had negotiated, Senator Chuck Schumer said he would vote “against”…not because of any independent analysis, but because this is what Netanyahu wanted. In other words, he publically said that he would follow the Israeli prime ministers’ direction, over that of his own president. Because, as he said, he was “guardian of Israel”.

A sitting US senator proclaimed allegiance to a foreign country, and nobody asked him to resign!


Our Gov. supports Israel: Israel does not like the "shvartzes" (their word for nigger)**

Israel offers to pay tens of thousands of African migrants to leave within 90 days or face jail after Netanyahu said their presence is 'a threat to the country's Jewish character'


Trump To Netanyahu: Palestinians 'Disrespected' Pence And Stand To Lose Aid


DerivaUK ago

So in short, @ESOTERICshade, we’re fucked. The odds are pretty insurmountable and we haven’t a chance in hell. Do we give up now or just continue flogging the dead horse? I read yesterday and today that you stand for change, yet given the odds what can we realistically do? It’s depressing.

think- ago

Do we give up now

No, please don't give up.

ESOTERICshade ago

So in short, @ESOTERICshade, we’re fucked. The odds are pretty insurmountable and we haven’t a chance in hell. Do we give up now or just continue flogging the dead horse? I read yesterday and today that you stand for change, yet given the odds what can we realistically do? It’s depressing.

I am not saying that we are fucked. What I am saying is that is is VITAL for us to have an accurate picture of what is going on so that we can come up with a creative and accurate narrative to expose and fight this. Anybody with half a keen eye can see that not only is Trump not fighting the deep state but is it's leader and integrally tied to it. People don't want to see that. All they have to do is look at what is actually happening instead of focusing on what they wish were happeing.

Q has pretended that Soros and a bunch of people and intel agencies have already been neutralized and people are burning endless hours of valuable time distracted by it. Also people cannot fight what they cannot accurately see.

Q's basic message is "we got this, look how many bad guys we took down, we will handle it, you guys don't have to fight it anymore, sit tight watch us do this." Well bullshit. It is a psyop. Soros just got through heckling Trump in Davos when he is supposed to be locked up at Camp David.

The nonsense needs to stop.

EricKaliberhall ago

The nonsense needs to stop.

What? Discussing possible future scenarios... I read all your links @ESOTERICshade did you trash my post by spamming it? Because I don't see what a fucking Palestinian in a wheelchair got to do whit anything?

ESOTERICshade ago

Because I don't see what a fucking Palestinian in a wheelchair got to do whit anything?

If you don't understand that Israel, funded by the Rothschilds, is the global seat and head of the satanic globalist movement, then I am not sure I can help you out. Kushner is Chabad. If you don't understand that Chabad is literally a fang of the Illumaniti snake then I can't help ya there either. If you are not making the connection between the Repblican Neo Con Zionists, Israel, and Luciferianism then I don't know what to say....

EricKaliberhall ago

Oh, I know about Israel my friend... I don't understand what's it got to do with my post? You can't go macro vs micro just to suit your narrative... Q might be a Psyop, my concern was how we interact with new individuals coming here for answers regarding PizzaGate... Wanted to discuss that. Not the Middle East.

ESOTERICshade ago

Fuck off with your condescending tone, who the fuck do you think you are?

Somebody trying to show people that Q is a cheer leader for the Luciferian Neo Con Republicans? Excuse my tone this morning please. I need coffee :)

pby1000 ago

Well... Q and Corsi can both be in on it. However, they are discussing a lot of the issues that we have been trying to get out there- pedophilia, ritual human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc. That part is good, whether or not it is a larp.

I do not agree with some of the things that were posted, like SA (+++) being the top, then the Rothschilds (++), then Soros (+). What about the Vatican/Jesuits? Has Q mentioned the Vatican, Jesuits, or Pope? I believe our tax money goes there. Same with other countries.

Will Trump go after the Vatican and Jesuits? Will Trump help stop these people from stealing our tax money?

If the very, very top of the pyramid is not dealt with, then this is all for nothing. My fear is that we will focus on the lower levels and stop there. This cannot happen. It is all or nothing. If the top is left in place, then they will eventually regroup and try again. They do not perceive time like we do. They implement their agenda over time, and it can be 1 year, 10 years, or 100 years. They do not care. They just keep making progress over time.

ESOTERICshade ago

Will Trump go after the Vatican and Jesuits? Will Trump help stop these people from stealing our tax money?

If the very, very top of the pyramid is not dealt with, then this is all for nothing. My fear is that we will focus on the lower levels and stop there. This cannot happen. It is all or nothing. If the top is left in place, then they will eventually regroup and try again. They do not perceive time like we do. They implement their agenda over time, and it can be 1 year, 10 years, or 100 years. They do not care. They just keep making progress over time.

Briliant comment.

pby1000 ago

Thank you. I was pretending I was you when I typed it. LOL.

argosciv ago

I do not agree with some of the things that were posted, like SA (+++) being the top, then the Rothschilds (++), then Soros (+). What about the Vatican/Jesuits?

Wait for it... that said, I'm no authority and don't speak for Q.

Has Q mentioned the Vatican, Jesuits, or Pope?

Pretty sure he has, will have a look in a moment.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Deliberate typo to make searching harder, love it.


Why is POTUS referring to the Black pop now?

Refer back to crumbs.


Will Trump go after the Vatican and Jesuits? Will Trump help stop these people from stealing our tax money?

No comment(I'm genuinely not sure).

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator

pby1000 ago

Hahaha! I searched for "P" and "pope". Nice catch!

Are_we_sure ago

Exposing PizzaGate/PedoGate has always been and continues to be our main objective. It is hard, not only because most of western society seems to be asleep or brainwashed (probably both).

Isn't the lack of evidence the main issue?

think children. Think slaves. Not my words, it's from Q. Now we are fast approaching PizzaGate territory. John "Skippy" Podesta and Comet Ping Pong. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/10037 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e6/ef/1f/e6ef1f20de436063a9c9f85726de3d27.jpgJPG

That email and photo have nothing to do with slaves why are you trying to make it that?

Blacksmith21 ago

I guess the troll finished eating it's bag of diaper flavoured dicks and is back for more.

twistedmac11 ago

It is hard, not only because most of western society seems to be asleep or brainwashed (probably both).

This part is especially laughable because OP doesn't realize they're just as brainwashed.

I'm starting to realize how small the population of rational-thinking people is....

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a true statement. Eveyrone is on drugs, meds, etc. The old people are completely lost in this world. I cant even get staunch conservative senior friends to stop watching CNN.

ESOTERICshade ago

This part is especially laughable because OP doesn't realize they're just as brainwashed.

I'm starting to realize how small the population of rational-thinking people is....

Tons of em used to hang out here. @Millennial_Falcon ran off most of the brilliant researchers by deleted work that took them years to learn and then many hours to research into a great post. Check out the deleted submissions. Some great stuff in there, stuff on par with the old days before Falcon ran off the researchers.


Cc1914 ago

Wow! I was just thinking about all the good researchers I use to see before I ever started commenting here .. I thought to myself " where did they go " then I figured they were ran off by MF . It seems your good here as long as you don't t get too loud .

FlippantLaker ago

"What "Pizza.jpg" actually shows is American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling along with a young girl, possibly Lee's daughter Hana. The three are eating pizza after Clinton secured their release from captivity in North Korea in August 2009" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1980965

EricKaliberhall ago

Yeah... I don't think so!

think- ago

Is my risk-analysis over-analyzed?

TBH (Q=psy-op person here), the only thing that I really found useful that came from Q was him pointing out that some weird shit is going on in the Standard Hotel - confirmed by their website, their program, and the people who hang out there. @bopper recently did a great post about it.

@Srayzie has done a tremendous job by creating an excellent subverse for everything related to Q, so why not invite people to go there?

Sorry, 'think children, think slaves' doesn't hold any meaning for me.

I'd like the pizzagate sub to stay focused on pedophilia, not discussing memos, the whereabouts of Soros (who turned up really healthy looking in Davos) or other stuff not related to pizzagate.

If their should be Q posts in the future who really point out some new evidence, like the Standard Hotel one, please cross-post to v/pizzagate.

It's painful for me to see that great researchers like you, @srayzie and @bopper invest so much time in Q research - but then, I accept it I guess. Still, I hope that you will re-focus on the core of pizzagate again on day.

bgrenual ago

I live in Los Angeles. I've been to The Standard 10000x. It's a normal hotel. If there's some weird freaky shit going on in some rooms by individuals, I wouldn't be surprised, it's fucking Hollywood. It's a weird, creepy, perverted place. But the chain of Standard hotels does not have any weirdness going on other than some of their guests.

Onetime1 ago

Check out the Crazy Days and Nights posting about the responsibilities the two dead hotel executives had.

bgrenual ago

Link me

ASolo ago

Notice how quick he came back. That was odd. Upvoated too?

Sackajahweeda ago

Agreed please link I would love to read and CDAN is difficult to search.

think- ago

Would you have a link? Thanks!

bopper ago

Still water runs deep?

AdmirableNelson ago

There are very good and obvious reasons for keeping the "Q" community divided from the pizzagate community. If all the people united, then there would be no stopping us. It is unfortunate that it causes you PAIN that others are engaged with what is clearly, by far, the most hopeful and plausible phenomenon that all concerned with truth have had ever. It causes me pain to see the absolutely relentless subversion happening on the internet. The desperate flood of shilling that beset the Q threads on /pol/-- that didn't surprise me. It showed that the those in charge of controlling internet discourse wanted to discredit Q. To this day, anti-Q threads appear on /pol/ daily. What does that tell us? Do the shills that control the internet swarm on Q for no reason? Is there a plausible explanation for the shilling? But then how do we even entertain foolish claims about "LARPs"? That makes no sense. I hope you can get over your pain. It does make sense that those that seek to control internet discourse would penetrate and insinuate themselves everywhere the truth is discussed. And will alway alway always push pretenses to divide. So you're in PAIN because the community is not divided enough. But I expect pain will increase. Because all the dirty little tricks will keep failing. You can repeat the lies and scripted talking points over and over, but nobody is buying it. Hence the painfully awkward absurdity of your simulated PAIN. Quite laughable.

srayzie ago

What’s quite laughable us how much of an asshole you just made yourself sound and how well you proved my point.

LoverNotHater ago

The sweetest moment will be when Q is revealed as John Podesta,

I am very much looking forward to that.

think- ago

So you're in PAIN because the community is not divided enough.

This is ridiculous - consider thinking before writing?

Going full ad hominem? Unlike you, I can see why people hold an opinion that differs from my own. I respect that, and I like many of the Q followers.

Thank you for providing a great example of someone who does ad hominem attacks and spreads the negativity @srayzie talked about.

AdmirableNelson ago

There is no ad hominem. Please don't use terminology improperly.

It is a fact that divisions weaken the collective force of all those "seeking truth", as opposed to accepting mainstream beliefs. It is a fact that the pizzagate community, and the "Q" community both fall into the former category. It is a fact that Q is being relentlessly shilled against on every forum he is discussed on. It is a fact that Q is being propagandized in precisely the same manner as 'pizzagate' was, by getting labeled, attacked, and then quarantined.

None of the preceding facts could possibly be called "ad hominem" in regard to you, as they are true entirely independent of you, nor do they bear on you in any specific way. They do, however, put your PAIN into context. Whereas you would appear to wish to restrict the context of consideration of your PAIN to some woozy realm of free-flowing objectivity, that realm doesn't exist. We are in an information war. Therefore, I have good reason to suspect that you are seeking to divide the community. I claim no more than that.

You shall fail utterly in the end.

srayzie ago

It is a fact that people who follow Q are spreading the word and waking people up. I welcome ANYONE that wants to see change happen. Division is what the goal of the NWO. Whatever. I’m not wasting time on you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't OP include a picture of suspected child traffickers with fucking pizza?

ASolo ago

Umm, like, totally dude, know what else, that's IN Comet Pizza, yeah... Moar? Those two were scooped out of north korea by none other than billy Clinton and Ron burkle. They personally went to pick up their dirty 'journalists' Laura Ling and Euna Lee on Air Fuck 1.

LoverNotHater ago

They were journalists, not child traffickers.

EricKaliberhall ago

You pedo protecting cunt... You are one nasty fucker!

Blacksmith21 ago

You a funny shill.

think- ago

Ahem - if you would like to enlighten me about this, please do... ;-) Did Q post the Wikileaks E-mail link together with his 'think children, think slaves'?

srayzie ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, even if Q turns out to be a LARP, I will STILL see this as positive because people are WAKING UP! I believe what Q has done, and continues to do, is what will break pizzagate wide open! It’s become an amazing movement of people that have gathered together and researched, formed bonds, have meme wars and support each other. You can meet someone new and we’re nice to each other because we realize we’re on the same team. We don’t tear each other apart. It doesn’t matter what race or religion you are.

Q has helped redpill so many people about pizzagate. It’s amazing. It’s beautiful to see people in 8chan with prayer requests and make memes that are patriotic. People have hope again. They are pumped. Everyone I’ve come across that follows Q also believes in pizzagate! If people don’t see how evil these sick elites are, then pizzagate will be looked at as nothing more than a conspiracy theory. When you don’t have strict rules and can spread everything, INCLUDING pizzagate, it opens people’s eyes and they see the whole picture.

The negativity in the pizzagate sub is tearing this place apart. It doesn’t even feel like we’re on the same team anymore. People are divided and it’s like a competition on who can pick someone’s post apart the most. It’s all about JEWS JEWS JEWS. It gets old! Which Jews?! All the negativity is too much. It’s hard enough seeing and hearing about children being tortured daily. The last thing we need is to be torn apart here too.

Last time I posted something showing that there was a big child trafficking bust with a lot of arrests and children rescued, even tho it was on several legit news sites and spread all over social media, only pizzagate picked the story apart and said it must be fake. I just deleted it. Fuck it. Arguing with everyone isn’t helping kids.

It’s like people aren’t willing to accept that there ARE changes happening. A lot of good things are happening. But so many here choose to focus on Jews and call Trump a Zionist. Therefore, no matter what changes take place, even if they are fact, negative people will just say nothing is changing or it’s not happening fast enough. Until they see BIG arrests then forget it. Of all people, you all should know how hard it is when the deep state is against the president. He’s fought every step of the way. People can’t accept that this is a process. They put more effort in talking shit to anyone that supports Q that they don’t get anything else done except make people not even want to be here.

At this rate, everyone is just going to lose hope if they are told daily that everything we’ve done for over a year has been for nothing. I’m working my ass off daily, I’m running a sub and just became a mod of another. I never thought I would do something like that. I’m not brave. I was nervous. But SOMETHING has to change. I’m researching, gathering, organizing and spreading. All while assholes find fault in almost everything here.

One of my last posts on pizzagate was showing that an innocent search term resulted in child porn. Then I have some asshole tell me that the Jews made duckduckgo so don't use it. Wtf. People like that and all the negativity is tearing this place apart. I know people that are afraid to even post and have left. They are afraid to post or comment because people jump down their throat.

I’m not directing my irritation towards you @think-. You are great. Even tho you haven’t followed Q, you’ve always been respectful. I appreciate that you thought of me. I’ll be around. I used to be here daily almost all day long. But I can’t deal with so much negativity. Right now I have hope and I am working on doing my small part in the world trying to make a difference. I choose to be positive and do something. People like @are_we__sure choose to not post anything of their own. Just pick others posts apart. “Sarah’s” daily shill posts stay up. Good posts are deleted. The shills are winning here. It’s really sad.

ASolo ago

I'm with y'all on this. It what it is. Q got a really thin, straight line he gotta walk, I hope he stays on it and don't get weird, as if giving any credit at all to the cracked out orangutan in office isn't weird or wise at all anyway but oh well lets see how many normies he can red-pill before the next phase of learning how evil trump and his cadre are. What can you do? Its gained too much traction.

srayzie ago

I’m using this moment the best I can while it lasts.

EricKaliberhall ago

And you are doing a damn fine job srayzie! Your post/words above^ are spot on!

srayzie ago

Thank you!

EricKaliberhall ago

Thank you srayzie... For real! I did not expect that this post would turn out to be a shill-fest bonanza... Boy was I wrong!

srayzie ago

Oh I did lol. Thank you so much

LoverNotHater ago

You are Jewish Laura. Nothing wrong with that but it's a well known fact Duck Duck Go is used for the dark web.

srayzie ago

You are mentally ill Sarah. You seriously need help.

VastExpansive ago

Mentally ill is someone like @argosciv admitting to being a blood drinker.

Or @BlackSmith21 in his weird porn fetishes online LOL

srayzie ago

I’ve talked to Argos. What do you mean Blacksmith21’s fetishes?

VastExpansive ago

Piss off you creep.

argosciv ago

HAHAHAHA! Classic... next recycled talking-point, kgo.

Rob Zombie - Meet The Creeper

VastExpansive ago

Laura, everyone knows you work for the CIA and everyone knows Duck Duck Go is used to search the dark web.

If Sarah is mentally ill why do you bring her into every conversation. I think we all know why.

You should try and develop a soul, i know the CIA have probably robbed you of your own but I am sure with time you can develop your own personality and stop sucking Roger Stone's dick, you infowars piece of shit.

EricKaliberhall ago

Changing your username won't change the fact you are a fucking whore! You go suck Brock's dick you useless cunt!

srayzie ago

Sarah always accuses me of being CIA 🤣 I don’t do sloppy seconds. I wouldn’t suck Roger Stone’s dick because you already have whore.

LostUnicorn ago

Well said Srayzie x

srayzie ago

Thank you :)

Narcissism ago


EricKaliberhall ago

This bore you?

Are_we__sure ago

People like @are_we__sure choose to not post anything of their own.

I can't post on the pizzagate board. I can only reply. The rules are such that anyone who doesn't follow the herd will lose the ability to post.

I have my point of view, mainly nothing about the original pizzagate conspiracy stands up to logic and scrutiny. I don't see concern for truth and that claims are supported by evidence as negative. I'm not a fan of witch hunts.

And because of that point of view, I'm accused of being a paid operative or a pedophile. And if you're concerned for negativity, perhaps, you should make an objections when someone is called a kike kid fucker or told to eat a bag of diaper flavored dicks.

srayzie ago

You are the most dull negative depressing poster on this sub. I’ve never seen you say one positive thing. You show no emotion. I’m almost convinced you’re a bot. There is no point trying to reason with you.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

I agree with you 1000%! We need to focus on the issue at hand and stop bringing up other unrelated issues into this sub. We need to work at least somewhat in unison!

argosciv ago

+1 for the username, hahahaha!

Onetime1 ago

To bracket the letters L D R supposedly referencing Lady de Rothschild just days before a private plane crashes INTO an airborne helicopter nearby the Rothschild's estate is beyond coincidental.

I can appreciate the uncertainty to connecting Q to these Voat pizzagate threads, but any attention whatsoever brought to bear upon these unspeakable atrocities is a step in the proper direction.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Sing it from the hilltops sister.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Pizzagate sub is for pizza bread. a massive pizza crust is being baked by some peculiar gourmet bakers. The breads sticks in this place suck however. Somebody cans the hot and fresh ones on the regular because they don't get enough seasoning or enough bake time or whatever. That is very annoying. Overall this is just a shitty pizza joint. Sad because it's really the only one in town. I think we all could go for a good crust but damn. while you all work on that colossal thing let us have the hot fresh and sloppy breadsticks. I mean why cant we have garlic bread too? I understand keeping the cheesy breads to a min and nsfw'd but can we please mix it up in here and let us roll with what is fresh out of the oven once in a while? I think most people agree with me on this.

argosciv ago

Hahahaha! Brilliant!

Cc1914 ago

😂😂😂 that's funny

srayzie ago

You crack me up lol

bopper ago

The dude made me hungry. Garlic bread and all.

think- ago


carmencita ago

I have some information I am hoping you Q posters are going to look into. It was given to me by @Wolftrail7272 and I think there he is really on to something. It has to do with the Q Blunt Posting the other day. We think that it has to do with this Posting by Senator Roy Blunt https://www.blunt.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2015/11/missouri-members-demand-action-on-west-lake-landfill There is a link that WILL BLOW YOUR MIND http://www.stlradwastelegacy.com/secrets-buried-beneath-westlake-landfill/ The St Louis Archdiocese is connected to this, the EPA Head under Obama Lisa Jackson aka Richard Windsor. @think @bopper @Blacksmith21 @TrishaK @fartyshorts @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

Thanks Carm, will look into it.

carmencita ago

Yes I promise it will Blow Your Mind. From the 2nd link: “I seen a large ditch being dug on the field. And then later that evening, right before dark, those two tractor trailers pulled in,” he said. Then they guys got out, shut the doors and walked up the ramp. The 50 foot hole was then filled in.

srayzie ago

Ok thank you Carmencita

carmencita ago

This means a lot to him and I think he is Spot On. Don't take this lightly. He is a Master.

srayzie ago

I won’t. I was looking into him the night Q posted it. I’m on discord too.

carmencita ago

Thanks a bunch :)

DerivaUK ago

Well fucking said @srayzie. For better or worse Q believer or not - if Q curiosity is what gets new members engaged then it raises the profile of PG and opens them up to what we DO know for fact- then all for the good of the cause. I too am fed up of the negativity and admit that for the first time in all these months I find I have stayed away because of it. I’ve hust in fact posted a DM to a member of some potential findings of my own - and your post has made me realise that this is me possibly putting out the ‘feelers’ before making my ideas and thoughts public for fear of being lambasted and slaughtered for having them. You’re right. People get afraid to post because of the negativity and sometimes downright viciousness of some members. And I’m no newbie, but I remember being nervous at the beginning - I shouldn’t have to be now, but find myself being cautious because of how this sub is going. What the hell would a new member be feeling. We’re on the same fucking team, surely. No?

srayzie ago

Yes thank you. I’ve already had people send me DM’s saying they are afraid to say something. I remember when I was new. I don’t blame some people for staying lurkers. Some people don’t have personalities that can deal with this. Especially if you’re made to feel like nothing you do is right or helpful.

Lobotomy ago

You need to stop bluepilling in here. If you're getting tired of hearing about the Jews, then you need to find a different line of investigation, because, if you had paid ANY ATTENTION AT ALL, you'd discover just how deep that fucking rabbit hole goes.

If hearing about "Jews, Jews, Jews!" gets old, then maybe it's because we are fucking ON TO SOMETHING. Now look, I'm going to try and break this down into tiny, edible chunks for you, and I want you to listen so that you don't have to make another blue/blackpill post, and look so stupid in doing it.

Which Jews?

Most of them. Want me to be more specific? There are two main echelons of Jew behind this. The secular, and the mystic. The secular Jew is the one who takes part in the ownership of The United States' government, and popular culture (Hollywood). The Harvey Weinstein type of Jew. The John Podesta type of Jew. Now, while this type of Jew may or may not have a vested interest or fascination with Jewish Mysticism, he's probably not in active practice of Kabbalah.

Speaking of Kabbalah, let's move on to the Mystic. Kabbalah is Jewish Mysticism. Yes. the Jews believe in Occult Magicks. No, Judaism is not as closely related to Christianity as you may have previously believed. In fact, what the Jews call Kabbalah, is what the Christians call Satanism. Yes, ma'am, this is where Satanism comes from. I can elaborate on that far more if you'd like, but I'm far more interested in laying down the basics of pizzagate, which you clearly don't understand in its full breadth, than delving into what I know about Kabbalah. Ask me about it in a reply if you want.

Why do Kabbalist Jews want the children?

As a sacrifice to Moloch, as a toll they must pay to gain more power. See, remember when I said that Christianity and Judaism aren't really derived from the same source? Judaism is an evolution of the prototypical Caananite religions, which focus on gods such as YHWH (Not the Christian God, but rather, El), Moloch (Their god of Fire), The four Ba'al dieties, et al. Kabbalah assumes that these gods are still active, and that you can negotiate with them, which is, in fact, the basis of the etymology of the word "Israel" (lit. "Wrestling/fighting with the gods/angels").

What does the Secular Jew get out of this?

On top of being a pawn for the Mystic, being able to carry out the Mystic's wishes in the world, the Secular Jew takes joy in sexually abusing/torturing the children, as they are more inclined to pleasures of the flesh, but it doesn't exactly stop there. If you've ever watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and A Clockwork Orange, you know what Adrenochrome is, and how it is derived. When someone is under a very high, nearly lethal level of stress (i.e. torture), Adrenochrome is released by the body, into the bloodstream. Adrenochrome is an insanely powerful psychostimulant, not unlike DMT. Where the Kabbalist gets his "spiritual events" through human sacrifice and intense meditation, the Secular can get it from taking Adrenochrome. You can liken this to taking Dimethyltriptamine, either by smoking it, or by taking Ayahuasca, to achieve the kind of "spiritual experience" that a Buddhist monk would get through years of meditation. Even in the Q posts this is referred to through the "A-head and Y-head" allegory.

It’s like people aren’t willing to accept that there ARE changes happening. A lot of good things are happening. But so many here choose to focus on Jews

How does your appeal to emotion detract from the fact that Jews are behind this? Does your perception of "muh negativity" somehow make the Jews not responsible for the largest share of the world's human trafficking industry? You must live in some surreal world if your feelings take precedence over what is observed to be fact. Sure, there are indeed changes happening, and things are looking EVER SO SLIGHTLY brighter than they were a couple years ago. But does that mean I should sit on my hands and let things assume that everything is going to be alright?

Now this all sounds really fucked up and hokey, but hey, it's the kikes that buy the religious aspects of this shit, not me. All I want is for them to stop killing children.

group_one ago

a small amendment/addition; Israel; Isis Ra EL

Their magic is literally in the spelling and often related to how each character is written and then conjoined into words.

srayzie ago

Most pedophiles are males too! Is that what we should say everyday? Or how about an age group? No because that includes millions of people. That means nothing! Narrow it down! So many people are sick of this. Maybe you should find some hate group sub. There are religions of every kind here. If you can’t deal with it, then hit the road Jack!

Lobotomy ago

Evidence means nothing! So what if you find the leading cause of something? It doesn't matter!

Okay, bluepill. Stay retarded. You have just fully admitted to disregarding the truth. I have nothing else to say.

srayzie ago

Lobotomy ago

Gas 'em!

fartyshorts ago

Agreed. If Q is a LARP, it's the most useful LARP/ARG ever, because it's having an actual impact. I really don't care if it is or not, people are digging and meme:ing like crazy.

LoverNotHater ago

Yes, the best part was when John warned us of Vegas. Who would ever have expected that plot twist?

srayzie ago


think- ago

But I can’t deal with so much negativity.

I agree. I'd really wish people would refrain from slamming this sub, like some do in their comments (not you, @srayzie, of course ;-) ;-), your input is much appreciated).

We need to focus on building the community, not on involuntarily destroying it.

I know that many good researchers have left (I was a lurker from the beginning.) So lets try to create an environment where everybody feels respected.

Everybody should be welcome, no matter whether he/she writes comments, posts links or does lengthy research posts.

Please realize that many people are lurking, and they, too, do a great job when they use the info here to redpill family and friends.

Nobody should be dissed because he 'only writes comments' or 'only provides link posts'. Not everybody has the time to do research, all kind of contributions should be welcome. (Apart from the obvious shill posts, of course.)

srayzie ago

I’m not talking about lurkers. I know people have jobs and lives. I’m lucky enough to have more time. What irritates me are the ones that ARE here and do nothing but bitch and complain about others posts. Who find fault in anything and everything. @Are_we__sure is known for that and even followed me to my sub and continues. He’s just one example. There are many people here that I cherish. But there are more jerks here than ever before in my opinion.

Are_we__sure ago

I followed you? LOL. That's pretty amusing. I read posts and if I want to respond I do. I usually don't notice usernames unless someone has been nasty to me.

srayzie ago

Yeah, you followed me to another sub! A new sub! Which means you at first would have had to be looking at my profile so you could see my posts. I must be a threat to you. I guess I’m on Brock’s list. Leave me alone.

Are_we__sure ago

Stop being melodramatic.

I did not follow you to a new sub. I saw that people were talking about about a new sub about Qanon I went there.

A new sub! Which means you at first would have had to be looking at my profile so you could see my posts.

No it would not have to be that. I don't look at new subs on voat, I became aware of it because people on /pizzagate linked to it. That's the only way I knew it existed. I clicked on a link and then read the sub.

I must be a threat to you. I guess I’m on Brock’s list.

Again with the melodrama. You're a threat to me? I'm baffled.

I never thought about you one way or the other until you accused me of stalking you, by posting on a message-board.

Leave me alone.

You just pinged me twice tonight

anotherdream ago

@srayzie - I totally understand what you've said. It's tough right now. The war is raging; this is certain. I am so hopeful for the future. As a human being, I was nearly broken, but the emergence of Q and what is happening now; it brought be back. I saw you, and others, just like you said ; saying prayers, making, searching, digging, encouraging, - trying to do something; anything. This is humanity, and what's happening right now is important. - Keep doing what you are doing. Don't worry about anything or anyone else. You're simply documenting what's happening, and you're doing a great job. I wouldn't ... I've been so glad and thankful to you. Yes, Q may end up being a LARP. He may end up being a hero. Either way, these past few weeks are shaping us all, and I agree. We are woke; for better or worse. - To follow this person (Q) who you're not even sure about, to seek this ...kind of torturous drama; every day. Hoping against hope that justice is finally being meted out properly. ... It takes a lot of courage and fortitude, and... just hang in there. I don't sweat the shills; constantly berating, talking down to others, causing chaos, insulting and misconstruing facts, trying to shut down logical discussion - The real here have never done these things. We are able to see each other clearly.

LoverNotHater ago

It's pretty cool that John Podesta is doing this Q anon thing.

Guess there are some good people in Washington after all.

srayzie ago

Thank you for all your support ❤️

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Will dig tonight as much as I can. thanks for the shout. I can't really do pizzagate though. It's too much. :( the only contribution I could make to pizzagate is with a rifle an axe a gallows or a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. And that would be just the beginning. Even the idea of it makes me shake like a purple haired faggot on election day. I will go down if I follow that dark road. No doubt about it.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

lol ho-lee-fuk dude!

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Pizzagateway to hell man. That is the bottom. Nothing worse.

srayzie ago

Lol I’ll try to never make you mad at me

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Ha ha yeah I don't do pizzagate. It's the gateway to hell.

FlippantLaker ago

"What "Pizza.jpg" actually shows is American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling along with a young girl, possibly Lee's daughter Hana. The three are eating pizza after Clinton secured their release from captivity in North Korea in August 2009" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1980965 ?

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I watched the video. It refers to one Jerome Corsi. Isn’t that the same idiot who claimed Assange had been extradited to Switzerland?

Narcissism ago

Yep, and says George Webb goes of on crazy tangents - just so happends he turns out to be right on most things.

Are_we_sure ago

Corsi is a longtime conspiracy theorist. He has some loopy ideas on petroleum.

FlippantLaker ago

"What "Pizza.jpg" actually shows is American journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling along with a young girl, possibly Lee's daughter Hana. The three are eating pizza after Clinton secured their release from captivity in North Korea in August 2009" https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1980965

FlippantLaker ago

The photo of the little girl eating pizza... She is alleged to have been rescued from North Korea?


Gothamgirl ago

I read here somewhere, the pic was taken at Comet Ping.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

We can all agree Podesta is scum, so why not question his response "I doesn't get any better than this" . He sounds like a man full of sarcasm. That statement struck me as massive sarcasm the first time I read it in wikileaks. He's just creepy.

Lobotomy ago

He is an arrogant motherfucker, and he always has been. Watch the Fatherhood video, and read his tweets.

LoverNotHater ago

Oh? I thought he was an ancient being.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I know - it's a charming scene. The only even remotely distressing part of it is that they're eating pizza from paper plates and not using knives and forks. Maybe it's an American thing...

EricKaliberhall ago

Rescued? Fuck off!

Blacksmith21 ago

@erickaliberhall If anything, it was probably the result of a successful cloning operation.

bopper ago

Clinton, Gore, Podesta, Obama, North Korea, mainstream news ... what could go wrong?

@are_we__sure Does this clip give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside like it does me? Is all this for real, like, on the up and up, and, if so, how can we_be_ sure?

Are_we__sure ago

Clinton, Gore, Podesta, Obama, North Korea, mainstream news ... what could go wrong?

Other than a bunch of confirmation bias triggers for you, what are you getting at hear. Also VOA is mainstream news? Really?

@are_we__sure Does this clip give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside like it does me?

I like family reunion clips. I like those dogs see their soldiers return from their deployments clips too. NK is scary place, so I'm glad these Americans imprisoned there.

Is all this for real, like, on the up and up, and, if so, how can we_be_ sure?

What other options are you entertaining?

bopper ago

Hey, you're not the real "arewesure" you're somebody else. Don't try and fool me.

Okay, watch this then if you like that stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR6ItJmnkCA

Are_we__sure ago

Nice, I have not heard of that before. Is that airport a common destination for returning soliders? Like Soldiers from all over the US come through Maine?


bopper ago

Possibly, I don't really remember, but this is a very moving documentary. Hard to describe.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

This? Oh, this is the worst acting job Laura's done since The View.

FlippantLaker ago

Sarah, work on your acting skills. You are meant to be a woman. Act like it.

EricKaliberhall ago

Shut your cock-hole you fucking whore!

srayzie ago

I agree Sarah

VastExpansive ago

Is everyone Sarah to you Laura? Is she omnipresent on the interwebs?

srayzie ago

I’ve talked to “Sarah” enough to recognize “her.” Or should I call you George?

argosciv ago

Is my risk-analysis over-analyzed?

Not at all, bit lost for answers, though. There are other subverses for Q discussion, but, it's a bit unfortunate to think that every newcomer would need to be pointed elsewhere and that in itself would probably just fan the flames, really... I dunno, hard to avoid bias on this one.

FlippantLaker ago

You drink blood, yes?

LoverNotHater ago

Who drinks blood?