bcboncs ago

Saving this. It's a shame that image site is blocked at work :(

srayzie ago

Awww. That sucks.

average_nobody ago

Excellent work! I noticed the picture of Hogg in the 2017 yearbook is the exact picture from the HS in California. Hogg is not a student, nor a teenager. He is a 20 year old man. He looks young, until you see his real senior picture then you can see how much older he looks now. I actually feel sorry for the guy who was obviously born into this satanic cult of misfit psychopaths and had no choice. His parents groomed him and used him for this event, so sad.

Cc1914 ago

šŸ˜² whoah girl! I've been out of the loop for a few days and just had a min to read all this ! Great job with this! My question is this ? ? If your kids were just murdered would you be running all these protests against guns etc or would you be mourning the death of your child ? Any normal parent would be still in a deep state of pain . At least that's how I would be .

GreenDell144 ago

You would have to scoop me up with a spatula. I would be punching the cameras, keeping them out of my face. The last thing I would want is gun control. I would be tempted severely to stock up.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly my thoughts !

srayzie ago

Heck no. I couldnā€™t even function. Itā€™s just weird. These people would be mourning and planning funerals. I think people really did die. It makes it so sick that they use a time like this to push their agenda. No heart or soul!

fuspezza ago

David Hogg is in the closet all right

Shizy ago

I wasn't sure what to think either in regards to the year book photos. Either way, it's so obvious that this kid has been fed what to say. The video of him screwing up his lines and apologizing to the guy off screen are just ridiculous.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know why exactly but their little term "active" shooter is sort of annoying. Shooting is an activity. What other types are there? "Lazy" shooters? "we have a lazy shooter, he burns a lot of ammo but his aim is lousy." Again, i'm sure nobody really died, so I don't feel like i'm victim bashing.

srayzie ago

Lol. I made a new one today with a different student...

The_Savant ago

Srayzie how could you? I was about to compile a lot of this yesterday but was tired and going to finish it in the morning... šŸ˜ Great minds.

I've still got a little to add so I'll post it when I get back home.

srayzie ago

LOL. Awesome, we can compare notes and put it all together. I gathered more last night too!

srayzie ago

You guys arenā€™t gonna believe this one! This is another one of the crisis actors. Heā€™s in the above collage I made. The one where heā€™s smiling with the others and the news reporter. Look who heā€™s with!


Beast-mode-freak ago

Who is paying and orchestrating these attacks, FBI? On Donald Trumps watch? Wtf.

srayzie ago

Why in the world would Trump be in on it? This is to push gun control. To take away our rights! They are doing all this so Trump looks horrible if he doesnā€™t go along with their narrative. That theory makes no sense.

truthdemon ago

Trump is no saviour ..he is a cohn agent. Dont depend on the pedoempire and its employees to save the children and us..its upto to us to imprison the prison wardens..

srayzie ago

Oh whatever šŸ™„

Beast-mode-freak ago

I'm not implying Trump is in on it. Just the opposite, I thought FBI. I was merely amazed that they are trying this retardedly obvious shit while Trump is President; when he finds out heads will roll.

srayzie ago

Did you know that heā€™s hiring his own people to investigate this shooting? He knows.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

good post

srayzie ago

Thank you. Look at the update!

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Are you fucking kidding me?

srayzie ago

I have more to add today.

Mad_As_Hell ago

The CNN VIP tour is available to anyone for $33, doesnā€™t mean the mother has anything to do with the organisation http://tours.cnn.com/#

Iā€™ve posted stuff here about this kid but thereā€™s a lot of false info out there. Looks like he moved to FL after Redondo Beach video (someone found his Reddit account and his posts indicate as much) and that Laguna Beach Antifa Twitter account is bogus

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

33 dollars? You've got to be kidding me. Their NWO graffiti has never been easier to spot. LOL

ben_matlock ago

yea, i'm not seeing any hard evidence that his mother used to work for CNN.

be vigilant folks! there is a ton of disinfo out there (eg. that ridiculous mugshot lol)

srayzie ago

This is another one of the crisis actors. Heā€™s in the above collage I made. The one where heā€™s smiling with the others and the news reporter. Look who heā€™s with!


Mad_As_Hell ago

Is it her? Iā€™ve only ever seen that one photo of her they keep trotting out and she looks a lot older than this lady. Could be she just dyed her hair since but iā€™m not 100% convinced

srayzie ago

Iā€™m not 100%. Iā€™m hoping itā€™s something we can verify.

EricKaliberhall ago

If that's Nellie Ohr, Wow... This shit is getting crazier by the minute.

srayzie ago

I know! That will be the bombshell. I hope we can verify.

SuperConductiveRabbi ago

You can also tell that the photo from "LagunaBeachAntifa" is the same as the one shown in the video...and obviously it's a million times harder to fake that yearbook photo than it is a single still image.

To me the most plausible situation still seems to be that Hogg is a student interested in journalism (as indicated by his past posts on his Instagram account), probably because his mother was so high up at CNN, and he saw an opportunity and jumped on it like fuck. His interview about the beach incident was probably also him jumping on an opportunity to try and get noticed.

anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

Aww. Thanks!

srayzie ago

This explains exactly what we keep see with these False Flags.

srayzie ago

This sounds like what we go thru

wgtt911 ago

some students said there were 2 shooters.. maybe it was hogg.

srayzie ago

Yeah maybe

Baconmon ago

The deep state is running on borrowed time..
With every manufactured crisis they create, the people can see the truth more and more each time, because the MSM is dying and even most normies it is all bullshit, and the amount of people being red-pilled is spreading faster than the people that remain blue-pilled..

I would love to see when the truth spreads out so much that you would even start to see some based politicians start to publicly question the official story..

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s why they are trying to censor us! You know youā€™re doing something right when they freak out.

TrishaUK ago

Where can this be posted for maximum people to sign?? was posed in a comment on Elliott Marxx (Anti-School) youtube @srayzie - POTUS make executive order stopping YouTube, Facebook and Twitter from violating free speech of conservatives online Created by C.G. on February 28, 2018 - https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/potus-make-executive-order-stopping-youtube-facebook-and-twitter-violating-free-speech-conservatives-online

srayzie ago

Oh nice! Iā€™ll spread the hell out of it and post it on Great Awakening. Will you post it in pizzagate? Or did you need me to?

Baconmon ago

I will admit that twitter is starting to look more like reddit every day in their heavy-handed censorship.. They are trading long-term sustainability (and I don't mean profit-wise) for short-term censorship; Their days are numbered..

srayzie ago

I hope so. This is getting old

gazillions ago

Nice work!

srayzie ago

Thank you!

srayzie ago

I have the video of that in the post

x0byte ago

Did David Hogg set up Nikolas Cruz with target practice video?


srayzie ago

It wonā€™t load for me. What is it?

x0byte ago

Here's the original non-archived link: https://deplorablekel.com/2018/02/21/did-david-hogg-set-up-nikolas-cruz-with-target-practice-video/

I also posted this in the News forum. Someone asked about addresses in there. On my own I came up with this for the Hogg house (kinda funny saying it like that)...

According to this news report, his father is Kevin Hogg. https://www.thedailybeast.com/parkland-teen-survivor-david-hogg-welcomes-the-conspiracy-theories http://archive.is/bRXmQ

A search for Kevin Hogg in Parkland FL address have a white pages result here... https://www.whitepages.com/name/Kevin-Ralph-Hogg/Parkland-FL/785bs57

Current address 7819 NW 112th way Parkland FL 33076-4714

Previous locations San Diego CA Los Angeles CA

I can't seem to get a street view on that address though. Might be my browser though.

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s interesting. Itā€™s ridiculous how they are showing people screaming at Trump and showing videos from cell phone footage inside as the shooting is happening. They want that shown over and over on the news. But they donā€™t want you to see anything from the Vegas shooting.

M346 ago

I would like to know more the context of the picture with the reporter.

pby1000 ago

I saw this posted somewhere else. It is a video of the 2017 yearbook photo from the high school where the shooting took place.


srayzie ago

I added it. Thank you!

srayzie ago

Iā€™m glad you found that. I thought I bookmarked it and then couldnā€™t find it. That just adds to the mystery.

pby1000 ago

Is it me, or are none of these people students at that high school? I mean, the alleged shooter is not even a student there. Are all these "kids" MK ultra victims?

I even saw that the blonde girl is not a student there.

PrettyBigDouche ago

MK ultra victims?

Just highly paid traitors.

Oh_Well_ian ago

more like generational members of a 5th column

PrettyBigDouche ago

Yeah, the psyop has been going on for centuries. Old families and all.

srayzie ago

I donā€™t know. Itā€™s so odd

bopper ago

Breaking News. NBC just spent ten minutes on David Hogg saying conspiracy theories are running wild, Twitter is fighting back taking down tweets (fake news ya know), the boy's feelings are hurt etc. ... Gateway Pundit was brought up (a right wing fringe site they say) and the author of an article about Hogg on the site was mentioned, and yes, Thomas Paine was mentioned, yes, becuz, gasp, Donald Trump Jr. "liked" two of Paine's tweets.

srayzie ago

I hope they donā€™t take my Twitter down. Iā€™ve been all over David Hogg

anotherdream ago

Gettem Sray! - After I read this post I nearly lost my fucking mind. - I can't believe this shit. Diddn't even go to the school. - CNN involved, parents are CNN, - ?? CIA NEWS NETWORK? - LMAO - WOW. Definitely an all out assault on twitter accounts happening. From now on we should call all crisis actors "Hoggs" - HAHA - Let's get some memes rolling!

srayzie ago

Lol. I would love to go meme crazy but look what Twitter says... http://i.imgs.fyi/img/2pn3.jpg

They have been deleting users or removing their followers!

anotherdream ago

WTF?!?!?! - No wonder Q is all over Jack. LMAO - I hope these fuckers get what's coming to them. This one is probably the sloppiest shit we've seen as far as false flags go.

srayzie ago

I know!

bopper ago

I've never seen NBC do something like this before, this is getting wild, and the shooting is looking awfully silly. They showed Gateway Pundit and Thomas Paine twitter. And of course an interview (brief) w/ Hogg.

NBC would like a word w/ you.

srayzie ago

Itā€™s really weird. You know they are covering something up when they go into panic mode like this.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hogg is getting Alefantis treatment

srayzie ago

Do you mean how they think heā€™s being treated like a poor victim so he becomes more popular and gets more attention?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yep... they are working together to fabricate a fake narrative and all unfavorable facts are omitted from his story.

srayzie ago

Thatā€™s for sure. I made a new post today about another student.

Oh_Well_ian ago

These robots are part of the 4-6% that Q said were 'hopelessly brainwashed' ( 15-20 million!!! )

Most of them are the offspring of members of the Deep State or 5th Column in this country.

srayzie ago

Well look how their brainwashed at school, thru music, tv, movies, etc... They are desensitized young. Itā€™s no wonder...

Nana66 ago

They lost control of he informatiom and so many people are waking up that they need to get the message out far enough to cast a bigger net of propaganda by going mainstream.

Blacksmith21 ago

Very true statement Nana.

srayzie ago

Everything is falling apart for them. I love it!

EricKaliberhall ago

When I see and hear David Hogg, this Q quote comes to mind...

Majority today were 'born in' to the circle. Q

Nana66 ago


EricKaliberhall ago

In deception.

srayzie ago

You mean, like his dad being in the FBI?

EricKaliberhall ago

And mother worked for CNN... Deep-state product.

srayzie ago

Really? I didnā€™t know that. Do you have a link?

EricKaliberhall ago

The mother is referred as an CNN VIP... Qualified as "working" in my eyes.


srayzie ago

Oh this is good!

NoBS ago

I have an issue with calling it a False Flag. People are being murdered, attaching the noune False is an insult.

This is Staged Murder and the FBI are instigators.

The FBI and their owner operator CIA are protecting Daddy Bush and his Clinton drug running buddies.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have an issue with calling it a False Flag. People are being murdered, attaching the noune False is an insult.

As usual, nobody died.

2nddammit ago

"False" is an adjective.

srayzie ago

False Flag does not mean the shooting didnā€™t happen. Many people donā€™t understand the meaning.

The contemporary term false flag describes covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by individual entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

Iā€™m not saying there werenā€™t real victims.

uvb76 ago

Origin of term false flag

The term ā€œfalse flagā€ has its origins in naval warfare where a flag other than the belligerentā€™s true battle flag is used as a ruse de guerre or pretext for war. As the term is used in contemporary America, a false flag is an event that is contrived and manipulated by the authorities to achieve a covert agenda.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=HvZD7UkJd24 :

Confrontation Between Lifeguard, Bodysurfer Caught On Camera In Redondo Beach Goes Viral - YouTube

https://archive.fo/PSqa8 :

Wednesdayy šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø on Twitter: "BREAKING: Student activist David Hogg, just happens to decide to interview students hiding inside a closet about gun control DURING the active shooting. Listen to this!! He says it's 9:30am but the shooting didn't happen until 2:21pm. #ParklandStudentsSpeak #WednesdayWisdomā€¦ t.co/2Y8xB1hCEA"

https://archive.fo/tm4NR :

Wednesdayy šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø on Twitter: "To anyone saying that the David Hogg's closet interview might have been filmed during a "drill" - watch this interview. He clearly states he filmed it during the active shootingā€¦ t.co/GcPUEjNZ8L"

This has been an automated message.

Lordbananafist ago


anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

This is my mortal enemy Donkeyhote yall. We canā€™t stand each other, yet he follows me everywhere I go. Under different alts. But I can spot the little fag a mile away.

Shizy ago

Who? Lord fisting?

srayzie ago

Yup! Exactly. šŸ¤£

pby1000 ago


Lordbananafist ago

If the only thing we disagree on is your boy Q's treatment of 9/11 and that makes me your mortal enemy then you got bigger problems than a Hogg yall

Then you got big problems indeed indeed

srayzie ago

Oh please. Thatā€™s just the tip of the iceburg šŸ¤£

Lordbananafist ago

Don't forget I'm a donkey. Just the tip might be enough.

Shizy ago

If you don't clear up that acne, and do something about those flabby bitch tits of yours, no ones gonna want anything to do with your silly little tip boy!

srayzie ago

Youā€™re so gross šŸ™„

Lordbananafist ago

We just got hogged yall I'm gonna be a little riled up

srayzie ago

Donā€™t quit your day job. šŸ™„ Oh that would be working for Media Matters.

TrishaUK ago

I see the donkeybutthole has changed his name dropping the donkey bit, but, like you said srayzie, he is sooooo transparent. Hoped he had decided to give up pestering people. It was bliss..........he must have been busy counting the few bucks Soros throws his way! GREAT JOB on this post srayzie! :)

srayzie ago

I donā€™t think he has as many hours as he used to. šŸ™„ Thank you!

pessimisticsteel ago

Consider it a compliment. The only time you get haters is if your making a big enough splash.

srayzie ago

I want a magnet that says that.