Shizy ago

One world adoption agency? Oh hell no!! And how convenient that he's Mr autism and all of these recent mass shooters are on the spectrum. It's very common with adopted children as well, and surprise Mr Cruz was adopted and has autism!

srayzie ago

Yes! That’s what I was thinking!plus the entertainment industry. Plus being a cop. His background is red flags in the pizzagate community.

bopper ago

One world adoption agency

What could possibly go wrong?

anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

Thank you!!

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work Srayzie. I'm pretty sure you will find the same suspect backgrounds on all the families of the "vocal victims of CNN".

Shizy ago

You forgot one- has connections to the Clintons.

Blacksmith21 ago

Like the over/under on FL shooter "hanging" himself in his cell. I think they are going to start tying off loose ends soon. The whole false flag (yes real kids died) was sloppy as shit. What the media organ of the Deep State hasn't realized is that technology has allowed the Q-refernced "hive-thinking" which allows a lot of people to "think" on a subject. get 100,000 minds all looking at any media event for discrepancies. And shit gets exposed. It's not going so well for them...

bopper ago

Having grown up NOT in the internet and social media and digital age ... it is fascinating to see.

bopper ago

Wow a lot of work there. Great stuff. The testimonial from the woman about the adoption agency was good, it's these anecdotal things that are so convincing.

I watch nightly mainstream news to observe the narrative, it's almost as if they're throwing caution to the wind, having no other choice at this point (knowing that an ever larger number of people are onto them), but to try and salvage whatever 'bona fides' they have left with their chief targeted market, i. e. those that are still slumbering, and who have come to love their chains.

They are getting sloppier, and soon they will begin to look like nothing but a parody of themselves.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I think they are making fools of themselves because a lot of people are awake.

slwsnowman40 ago

The aftermath of these events could be the false flag. It certainly has a pattern to it.

srayzie ago

Well that’s the purpose of a false flag.