carmencita ago

This is a great article and I thank you for all your hard work. They have to follow rules so maybe list it by forming a small paragraph. Yes as I read it I did see an opportunity for child trafficking. Especially since the DR is right next to Haiti as well.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

The U.S. Dept. of Labor's "List of Goods Produced by Child or Forced Labor" report lists sugarcane from the Dominican Republic as having child and forced labor. This is a small source of raw sugar that is imported from 40 different companies to be refined then sold by Domino Foods, a marketing cooperative that among its products sells the Florida Crystals brand

They are moving kids according to the labor dept.

They don't come right out and say they're being sexually exploited but... It's not a far jump...

carmencita ago

I saw a post on here within the last few days about how the fashion industry may also be involved. Mother Jones had an article about how the Clintons spend every Christmas in the Dominican Republic at the estate of Oscar de la Renta (now deceased). Mrs. de la Renta survives. I would not be surprised if there are connections as well. Along with them at the estate also mentioned were, the Kissingers, Barbara Walters and I think Charlie Rose. I also believe they will use any possible means of transporting their valuable profits. Also by accident a while back, I happened on a shipping company on the dock of Port au Prince, Haiti. It was a perfect scenario and everything about the place fit, I asked within the comments if people could please research but no one took it on. I was knee deep in researching St. Louis which I still am. I truly believe there are many of these places near hubs and large cities that are doing the nasty work of shipping these beautiful children.

Vindicator ago

Hey Shizzle, is there any evidence this connects to the sexual abuse of kids by the elite? If so, can you link it up? If not, could you remove this post yourself and put it in v/pizzagatewhatever for now for safekeeping in case you do turn up some links? Otherwise it's going to be taken down for Rule 1. I will leave it up tonight, though, so you can clarify/add links if you've got them. Thanks.

JrSlimss ago

Bob Menendez was accused of having sex with an underage girl at the Casa de Campo resort which the Fanjuls' own (OP mentioned the "of age" prostitutes). Even though the DOJ was not pursuing the statutory rape crime (it was headed by AG Loretta Lynch - so no shock there), the DOJ even admitted that the timing matches the girls' claims:

In further bad news for Menendez, the DOJ says the senator’s trip to the Dominican Republic was “during time frames in which one unidentified alleged minor victim specifically claimed to have had sex with him.”

For more:

Casa de Campo is a haven for all sorts of elite crime as it has no regular police force and the outside police force isn't allowed in.

Vindicator ago

Perfect! This is exactly what was needed. Thank you for adding it.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I've shown a connection to the Clintons and an obvious history of trafficking in Jamaican and Haitian adults and children... That's seriously not enough to satisfy rule 1?

If not you need to make that shit a little more ambiguous.

All I have is obvious trafficking links. Everything else is inferred.

Vindicator ago

I hear you. The problem with inferred information to satisfy the submission guidelines is that it forces us to leave up complicated, seemingly well-sourced, baffle-with-bullshit posts by actual shills designed to discredit the investigators as idiots, nuts, religious extremists or racist neo-nazi's. Read that link, and you'll see the problem. There are dozens of posts like that every week, and it's our ability to demand more than inference that allows us to take them down so they don't slide real posts like yours off the board.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Fair enough... Never thought about it from that angle.

Thanks for the link.

fogdryer ago

Yes I have read this before. The visa and the law allow The low wages. Not illegal just immoral

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

It's very illegal. It's also illegal to exploit the children of the cane workers.

fogdryer ago

ok then wont argue.

if its illegal why would fed gov. risk so much by allowing child labor...... wth

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

What are they risking? Who do they answer to?

fogdryer ago

being caught and losing money answer only to Washington dc

PizzagateBot ago

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