Shizy ago

Anything is possible. I have supported Trump but now that I know how much we are lied to and manipulated about everything in life, only a fool would not be skeptical and continue to question everything

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

Technology is nothing more than a form of mechromancing, one of the prospective programing is laughing at something that needs to be looked at seriously....they do this with Saturday night live, and waterboy.....the mom always said "it's the devil" yup it's the work of Satan alright......when they aired the tv show, showing Amish converting into the prep Satan nation of America (America is a hellegnic word).

Vindicator ago

Now why would he do that? Hmmm....

ESOTERICshade ago

"...and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities."

Dismantling the deep state takes away from the protection of Clinton and Podesta. Read the whole way through Rule 1. Q falls under that umbrella.

Each post stands or fails on its own merits. Run all posts, Q or not, through the same set of rules. Problem solved.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Q leaks reference PG related stuff.

Needs link and citation to child abuse like everything else does.

YOU are attacking the mods.

I think all material should be judged equally.

So they should decide for the half that doesn't?

Following the rules solves the problem. You made the rules for a reason.

ESOTERICshade ago

Look bro if you want to allow something that about half the community believes is a psyop to bypass the sidebar rules then go for it. You are King. I don't have the steam left to argue with you about it.

I was waiting for you to start attacking the mods. And you didn't disappoint.

Typical. You don't come up with a good reason for allowing Q to bypass the rules so you start attacking people.

We didn't pull MF just to have someone else's personal standards dictate the sub.

The sidebar rules say all material are judged on the same criteria. "someone else's" personal standards are now allowing material to bypass the rules and the "someone else's" are you and vindicator. So, fail....again.....

ESOTERICshade ago

How are they any different than Millennial_Falcon then? There were topics that many people insist are related to PG >that he didn't think were. Since he had the delete he could make it happen.

Maybe those folks can use their downvotes?

Q posts are allowed that don't have to meet the sidebar rules, which according to our Modships, are the criteria by which posts are judged. Allowing Q to bypass the Holy Graille Of Judgement is beyond discretion, favoritism, and straight into abuse. And speaking of votes this thread is proof that roughly half the community wants Q to be judged by the same standards as all other material. So if you plan to ignore roughly half the community, give or take, the entire effort to straighten this sub out just ran up on a reef and will remain a shipwreck. Q is no small topic to the people that don't want it in here because they don't want what they see as a psyop in their sub polluting the place.

If you guys want to play favorites with it then you just will. Pretty simple.

janet58 ago

I want to believe Q, want to think Trump and enough "white-hats" are on the side of the angels that they can tear this abomination down, but I agree with you 100%. WE are the ones we have been waiting for. WE must continue to spread the truth until so many people know, the monsters who perpetrate these atrocities will have no place to run and no place to hide.

Konran ago

This is very possible. Have you ever heard of Benjamin Fulford? Long before QAnon he was always claiming similar things about the good guys behind the scenes helping to bring down the bad guys. Investigating the things he claimed were going to happen and comparing it with reality quickly led me to distrust the guy. Controlled operatives have done this kind of thing forever and people can be always be persuaded to sit waiting in hope doing nothing.

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you ever heard of Benjamin Fulford? Long before QAnon he was always claiming similar things about the good guys behind the scenes helping to bring down the bad guys.

Correct. For all practical purposes Q serves the same function as Fulford. The fabled white hats behind the scenes are doing the work and will free humanity, so just agree with the white hats, and the fairy tale will have a good ending. Meanwhile its politics as usual and they are talking about giving us all national biometric I.D., continuing to increase their spying on us, spending our money on their wars, etc...

We are the white hats and people need to let that sink in.

Shillaxe ago

MQ Ultra ; When asked questions our minds reach for answers ,its then they attempt to impose their "truth", shaping the masses.

cutelobster ago

Yes, the Q-team is engaged in a psyop, but the Trump-boosting effect is marginal. I think more important is the tracking-function. Q provides a way to map ideas/phrases/memes as they are spread out across social media platforms, identifying networks and seeing how ideas travel along those networks. Someone made the barium meal analogy and that seems apt. "Learn to read the map." In this case a pizza-related one.

rarepeeks ago

Right at this moment as I am writing this @vindicator 47% of the people that have voted disagree with you. I challenge you to prove to me that you are not playing favorites right now. Go ahead. Show me how this post fits the rules. You can't do it. You are playing favorites and ignoring this 47% percent. I wonder why?

djklbd ago

Are you trying to set up a removal of the post dude?

I mentioned PG and how Q has talked about it in my OP. Chill.

rarepeeks ago

Are you trying to set up a removal of the post dude?

I mentioned PG and how Q has talked about it in my OP. Chill.

Actually I want it to stay up for a while because what I wrote proves that Q by itself is not pizzagate related. I am glad you posted actually. It just proves that Q gets a pass.

Leave the man's post up @vindicator. I want this example to stay. Not because it is relevant but because of what all is written in it.

rarepeeks ago

This post proves that the Q subject gets preferential treatment in this sub and that it breaks the rules. The mod considers Q intrinsicly related to pizzagate and nothing could be further from the truth because there is nothing about this post that is related to pizagate which proves that point all by itself. This post is a rule breaker.

According to all the mods, the mods are not suppoded to use their own discretion and Q gets total and complete favoritism by the mods to the point of getting it's own flair. If that is not favoritism then favoritism does not exist.

By breaking the rules regularly with Q the mods have and continue to create friction and division in this forum with their discretion and favoritism. The non-existent argument that the government is in the process of taking down a pedophile not only does not exist but it is ludicrous on it's face.

Pizzagate related posts are deleted and flaired for technnicalities and often get deleted but a Q post can sail through here without having to thread the needle at all. Q is almost all realated to political drama and theater with a sprinkling of pizzagate related material here and there. If the Q posts that were let through the door were only the ones that were directly pizzagate related it would solve the whole problem and fly with in the rules.

We have one mod, @vindicator that advocates this favoritism with his discretion and I for one would like to see it stopped. The opinions of Q in this thread are proof that the Republican Q PR program is not appreciated by the community at large. @vindicator I like you but you have overstepped your bounds I would like to see it stopped. @kevdude keeps saying no discretion and this is a deal breaker.

The nucleus of the truth community that believe "Q is real" is smaller than the rest of the truth community by a long shot and just because this small nucleus is loud does not change the facts. What drives me crazy about the Q business is the "Q is proven legit" argument. Legit to who exactly? Legit to the people that love to roll around in party politics, that is who, which is by far not the larger truth community. The larger truth community does not believe there is a war on the deep state because they read the news headlines instead of keep their head buried in confirmation bias all day.

This needs to stop. It is not fair to all the people in this thread who are not interested in Q, believe it is a psyop, don't believe "its legit", or whatever. All those people are certainly not in this thread either. This is a tiny sampling of sub members that don't buy the Q thing and do not participate in it.

Vindicator ago

Is Podesta PG related? Is Clinton? Julian Assange? Q has addressed pizzagate more times than any of these, and yet no one is making unsourced caims allowing posts about them is unrelated. This only comes up when Q is mentioned. You are advocating censorship, here, not me. Why is that, I wonder?

rarepeeks ago

Is Podesta PG related?

Sometimes. If someone makes a post about Podesta going to get a newspaper is that pizzagate related?

Is Clinton?

Sometimes. But like Podesta, not always. I bet I can make a Podesta and Clinton post tomorrow that will get deleted.

Julian Assange?

See above.

Q has addressed pizzagate more times than any of these, and yet no one is making unsourced caims allowing posts about them is unrelated.

When Q mentions child trafficking, child abuse, exploitation, etc...then it is related. Q talking politics is unrelated and I challenge you to prove to me that it is and I will prove to you that it is not.

This only comes up when Q is mentioned.

This post is not pizzagate related. You are talking in it without deleting it and advocating for it to stay. There is nothing pizzagate related about this post and I challenge you to judge it by the rules in the sidebar, just as pizzagate relevant posts are, and prove to me that it is.

You are advocating censorship, here, not me.

I am advocating for you to leave your pets at home and stop bringing them to work.

Why is that, I wonder?

You are sitting in a non pizzagate related post arguing with me. Why is that I wonder?

Vindicator ago

This post is not pizzagate related. You are talking in it without deleting it and advocating for it to stay. There is nothing pizzagate related about this post and I challenge you to judge it by the rules in the sidebar, just as pizzagate relevant posts are, and prove to me that it is.

Fair enough, rarepeeks. First of all, this is not a Q post, it's an anti-Q post, so the argument that it not being removed is evidence that I am biased and pushing Q material that is not relevant to pizzagate is retarded on its face.

Secondly, this post is about whether Q is a psyop designed to distract and pacify the army of pissed off Americans who saw the Podesta emails, pedophile art collection, Spirit Cooking, Clinton Foundation rape of Haiti shitshow and voted Trump to Drain the Swamp. And according to Rule 1: Definition of Pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Relevant areas of research may include but are not limited to:

  • John Podesta and his relations
  • James Alefantis/Comet Pizza
  • The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Family and associates
  • Any entities or events with domestic or global connections to organized pedophilia and human trafficking of minors
  • Official Law Enforcement Investigations
  • Media or Government Cover Up
  • Current Breaking News
  • Tangential Pedophile info/stories (post MUST at least speculate how they might be linked to a network of some kind)
  • Satanism/Occult as they relate to the ritualized sexual abuse/sacrifice of minors
  • Code words and symbols related to pedophilia
  • Any information about someone associated with pizzagate that may plausibly constitute or lead to new evidence or leads. Such as: art, people, food, habits, family, slang, partying, socializing, jokes, music, religion, politics, names, travel, affairs, etc.

A psyop to soothe the pissed off electorate would certainly fall under "the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities" and is therefore OBVIOUSLY relevant to pizzagate.

And frankly, as a four month old account who has never made a submission here, you're not really in a position to pontificate about imagined rule violations. But thank you for giving me the opportunity remind everyone about what consitutes "Pizzagate Related."

rarepeeks ago

Secondly, this post is about whether Q is a psyop designed to distract and pacify the army of pissed off Americans

It is pure distraction. Nothing substantial came from it for pizzagate and its not even pizzagate related except on infrequent occasions unless a person counts typical D.C. drama as a "deep state take down." Republicans and Democrats point fingers at each other and always have. Some anon on the internet wasting people's time does not change that.

What Q leaves out, or does not focus on, are the important parts, like the fact that our government is in the process of bugging all our homes with smart appliances with the 5 G network. Non smart TVs are already slowly being phased out as we speak. We won't be able to make a cup of coffee before this is over without big brother knowing. Biometric IDs too. Israel is the satanic Talmudic center of the globe, and Trump's son in law is Chabad. Meanwhile people are chasing Q's meaningless drame and we will all suffer for it in the end because Q people could spend their time on meanwhile pursuits to free us all.

And frankly, as a four month old account

I might have been reading the forum longer than you, you don't know.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"Why did we never consider that he might simply be a PSYOP, providing positive PR for the POTUS and his goons?" Speak for yourself, I knew it was a psyop the moment that Q was selling that Trump is fighting them and something was going to happen. Arrest around the corner. Trump is a Jesuit, backed by the Rothschilds, business ties to Rockefeller and the CIA/Mossad, Clinton and Epstein buddy, Roy Cohn was his lawyer, Trumps uncle stole Tesla's work and was likely involved in his murer etc etc etc. You have to be a shill or a fanboy or just idiotic to not know that Trump is theirs and the show is made to make you think he is their enemy. I have been pointing that out since day one.

You will get heavy resistance in this sub, this sub is subverted by the mods and shills and their are many that are slow on the upkeep about Trump.


Q could be real or fake, but Trump doesn't need Q for positive PR. You're making things up.

People believe in Trump because they see what he does. Like blocking the NWO agenda TPP and Paris agreement.

You presented a big theory with no evidence. Just ramblings.

However, there is evidence to suggest Trump is against the NWO, since he's blocking their agreements. The same agreements Hillary was suppose to come in and pass since she was going along with the NWO.

Are you new to this NWO information?

djklbd ago

Perhaps the people who believe in Trump are being coerced into doing so, via online influence? "Q" would certainly help beef up the psy-op and drum up support among the online communities.

I made a write-up a few months ago regarding Trump's legitimacy on this forum, I suggest you read it.

What has he done, for any of us, to give him the benefit of the doubt of being on our side?


Are you new to the NWO plan? Part of the plan was to use Paris agreements and TPP to bring about the 1 world government.

Trump blocked the NWO plans TPP and Paris. Why avoid these facts TRUMP IS BLOCKING THE NWO PLANS?

Stick to the facts and evidence.

Shizy ago

That right there is what has led me to have hope that Trump is the real deal. He's putting a wrench into those plans, so either he is on the good side, or deceiving us to think he is is all a part of the plan. This all makes my head hurt!


If Hillary got in the NWO plans would have been moving forward like it was supposed to. If Trump was on their side I don't think he would give a $hit and continue moving forward with the NWO plan. Very little benefit to blocking the NWO plan just to deceive his supporters. Although anything is possible and still need to keep a close eye on everything. And the fact Trump is getting attacked by the NWO is likely that he is not one of them.

Shizy ago

That's what I'm leaning towards too... who knows

Immelda ago

While Q and Trump allegedly look like they are playing the long game i keep thinking of all them poor kids still being raped and murdered that could have been saved by now. And I say allegedly because i'm not convinced of who Q is and whose side he is on and Trump, well, haha

ESOTERICshade ago

And I say allegedly because i'm not convinced of who Q is and whose side he is on and Trump, well, haha

Trump's joke of a contribution to ending child trafficking was to meet with our enemies NCMEC and Ashton Kutcher for a big dog and pony show. If I wanted too I could push the point that he is collaborating with the enemy but i'm not in the mood. There is no war on a pedophile ring in our government and its obvious as as it can be. The only thing going on in D.C. is politics as usual and this is not v/politics.

This thread, the opinions in it, and the votes on the thread are a perfect example of how badly this issue is causing division and friction in the sub. This is beyond mod discretion and going into mod abuse. Can we end this now and simply let the Q stay in its own subs? If a Q post is directly related by sidebar rules, great, its relevant, if not, then its not. This ain't rocket science. Don't answer this ping because I don't want us to get into a long drawn out discussion. Just think about it. This subject is too divisive and too many people don't want Q in here.

@vindicator @kevdude

srayzie ago

I’ll just leave this here... 😁

@Vindicator @think- @Bopper

ASolo ago

I’ll just leave this here... 😁

@Vindicator @think- @Bopper

Beep Boop Beep

BG is a HUGE part of the New World Order, his ministry took off in 1954, one year after the OSS was incorporated as the CIA and Hefner's Playboy Honeypot.

"We know that Billy Graham is serviced by ... sex slaves." Mind Control

"Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected and popular person in America.

"Who wants to find out they have been deceived?"

The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier

"In 1952, in Paris, Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home.

"See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170.

"In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room prior to him going out for the Crusade.

"Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room."

Billy Graham told the American people that we need to embrace the New World Order.

"When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the 'Illuminati', the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan."

"Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank...

"Billy Graham’s daughters have lived in Israel, and Billy Graham’s son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War...

Billy Graham said that he "often attends love-ins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard."

Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.

"In The Deadly Deception, by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason, ... Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies."

"Mind-control survivor Kathleen Sullivan has written an astounding book...

"Sullivan says she was abused and raped by ... Billy Graham, among others."

BG; Cliff Richard

Cliff Richard; Uri Geller


Beyond Magic: Unclean Spirits; David Copperfield, Mulholland, Blaine, Geller; Mk-Ultra, Laurel Canyon, Carribean and Hellfire Club

Billy Graham Dies at 99 years old

srayzie ago

You can go here and go to the first comment. Feel free to start researching that...

ASolo ago

Na. I'm done w ur Trumpism.

Shizy ago

Awesome girlfriend!!!

srayzie ago

Haha thanks Fo Shizy my Nizzy! 😁

srayzie ago

Word. 😎 🇺🇸

bopper ago

I saw him twice in the Houston Astrodome. Ironically (tho I know POTUS will speak well of him likely, but then POTUS is a crafty fellow), Billy Graham was opposed by the relatives of Donald Trump's mom (via their Presbyterian congregation) when he 'crusaded' in the UK back in the day. He's an Arminian who preaches easy believism and antinomianism, both heresies that the Great Reformation movement opposed vehemently; next to the Roman Church they stood against this the most.

srayzie ago

If you’re bored and want something to research, say the word. I have stuff for you. That is unless you want to continue to find ways to make me not like Trump which will not happen.

srayzie ago

So what’s your point? He’s at a dinner with a huge group of people that Billy Graham attended as well?

think- ago

Let me guess before I watch - is it Steve Motley? ;-)

srayzie ago

LOL. He put everyone in check!

think- ago

:-) ;-)

Vindicator ago

This guy cracks me up. Reminds me of my uncle.

srayzie ago

I LOVE HIM! I save clips all the time lol. My Steve Motley collection lol I want an uncle like him! This is one person I’d love to have a coffee with.


This is all I've ever thought of it.

GreenDell144 ago

I haven't paid too much attention to Q. An anonymous source is only worth so much. As it goes on and on, its important to be skeptical. At this point the kool aid must be getting stale. People should stop drinkin it, IMO. I respect Trump. I hope he does some good. He may not. I keep my expecations low, and focus on things that I can have an effect on.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You drank the cooliad yourself and you are selling good polticians vs bad politicians. You lose. You don't get on the ballot unles you are theirs and you most certainly don't become POTUS unless you are theirs.


Trump got on the ballot because Hillary thought Trump was an easy win. Haven't you read the wikileaks? Look how that turned out! HA!

GreenDell144 ago

Not at all. There is a principle involved here, expressed by Jesus himself. He submitted himself to earthly authorities, even paid taxes... the son of God. I’m not gonna disrespect an elected authority. I think it is well within reason to hope that such a one will actually do some measure of good. But I well know that they serve the master of this system, knowingly or not. In theory, I agree with you. Elections are ritual fakery. In the 2016 election, a ham sandwich would have beaten Hillary. Their just aren’t enough satanist voters. A ham sandwich would likely accomplish more in office than she would. Hopefully Trump will do as well or better. Not my problem though. I’m in Mexico.

GreenDell144 ago

Edit: all politicians, even here in Mexico, are part of freemasonry and secret societies. Everyone should know by now that they only care about personal worldly power. When a large mass of people care about something and find a leader willing to speak out for it, that leader gains power.

Shizy ago

Have you always lived in Mexico (i.e. Are you Mexican) or are you a transplant? I am always curious to hear about life in Mexico and what really goes on there

SterlingJB ago


SoldierofLight ago

The biggest argument that Q followers seem to have is that Q is red pilling so many many people. I'm not seeing it. For all the energy invested in Q, researchers could have been tracking down actionable locations where children are being held rightthisminute. And the Q followers-- I'd bet most of them voted for Trump. In today's news, Trump is urging a ban on bump stocks. What would Hillary have done in his place if she'd won? She'd be urging a ban on bump stocks.

I could go on and on, but you made many good points. Thank you for the post. I'll enjoy it for as long as it's still up.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

For all the energy invested in Q, researchers could have been tracking down actionable locations where children are being held rightthisminute

Ehhh, I'm going to have to disagree on that one... we had over a year of straight up PG connections/digging, and not once did any leads point to the discovery of locations where children were being held captive.

I don't think the time invested in Q's posts has slowed down the efforts to continue that research... I think the leads themselves slowed down from what used to be a rapid (10+ per day) pace.

carmencita ago

Amen. Well said. If Trump goes through with this Bump Stock Proposal we shall see how many Rep. vote for it. And Dems will never pass Gun Control because they love the money they raise railing about Murder and Mayhem. I don't trust either side, they are only working for themselves. Upvoat.

Shizy ago

I do not agree with banning "bump stocks" because it's always a slippery slope of the left wanting more bans and regulation, however, as a gun owner and 2nd A supporter who lives in a very pro gun area and associates with gun enthusiasts I can say that no one I know really cares about bump stocks. No one I know uses them because they are silly and just waste ammo. You can achieve the same "action" by looping your thumb through your belt loop so this whole "gotta ban bump stocks" is just dumb. It's not going to make anyone safer or prevent any other mental ill, psychotropic Med taking loser from murdering innocent people if he really wants to.

With that being said, a part of me thinks Trump may know this and is foolishly trying to appease the lefties by "giving" them some token thing. At least I hope he is just doing this out of foolishness and not because he is not as supportive of gun rights as he clams. And you are spot on about the left not doing anything because they love the money and fear mongering ability is brings them!

carmencita ago

Since I have volunteered for Dem candidates, I can't tell you how many requests I get a week asking for money for Gun Control. Feinstein, Durbin, Pelosi, Duckworth, Quigley, MO, BO, Biden, etc. In the Trash. Thought about asking them to not send, but I like to see them waste their money. They will never vote in favor of outlawing any of them. End of Campaign Cash. Never gonna happen.

Shizy ago

Oh I bet! When I was registered as non partisan I was hit up with propaganda by both sides! Not for money but to vote with their agenda. They are like vultures

carmencita ago

I never sent money for that. Somehow I was sitting on the fence and had not been red pilled yet. Glad I kept my cash. Not sending any of them even $1 anymore.

GreenDell144 ago

Most of us would still be oblivious if Hillary had one... But as to the rest of your comment... Thats totally reasonable. There arguably as much red pill value in Podesta's tweet responses as in Q posts.

SoldierofLight ago

But ask your friends, relatives, neighbors-- Who is John Podesta? They can probably give you an answer if only to say they know the name but aren't sure exactly who he is. Ask them, Who is Q? Blank stares, I bet. If you actually do this, ask around I mean, I would be sincerely curious to know the responses.

djklbd ago

I'd bet most of them voted for Trump

That's why I think this is specifically targeted toward them in particular.

Thank you for the post. I'll enjoy it for as long as it's still up.

You're welcome. Simply sharing my thoughts here. And yea, I hope TPTB of this sub consider letting an alternative viewpoint stay visible for awhile.

SoldierofLight ago

If it doesn't happen, please repost in Pedogate or Pizzagatewhatever.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Absolutely... I followed everything Q said. Read every post. Every decode. Consumed as much of it as I could. But, while I WANT to believe it all, and some odd coincidences certainly bubbled up... to truly believe, you need to have faith that a MASSIVE EFFORT is happening behind the scenes. To the likes of which we've never seen before.

Huge coordinated arrests, massive financial/black market networks being taken down, upcoming exposure of insane levels of corruption, and a place to put them all (the proposed expansion to Gitmo).

Is it all a Psyop? It could be. Very well executed mind you.

If I had to bet on real vs. fake? From an objective standpoint, with all we've researched to date and the parallels to Q, I would bet 60/40 that Q was real.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You utter that with a straight face? Trump is one of them in every way shape and form. Stop ignoring that. He also has been pushing all the NWO agendas as we watch weather wars, chemtrails, GMO's and all the rigged markets continue.


You continue to ignore Trump blocking the NWO agendas TPP and Paris. Why?

Poot_McGarvey ago

Even if he is an evil scumbag... you cannot say that he is one of them in every way shape and form.

We've never seen the MSM push public opinion against someone as they have for Trump. This leaves open the possibility that he is an evil scumbag on a different team. But he is most certainly not on the same team.


DeathToMasons is an emotional troll. Can't talk sense into crazies like that.

IrishJew ago

We all know The Devil doesn't exist...


Shizy ago

The biggest deception he has pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist....

IrishJew ago

Well duh his first post was about Satan being real.

KnightsofHubris ago

People really don't know what Gitmo is do they?

ben_matlock ago

are you implying it is something other than a detention center? color me curious.

KnightsofHubris ago

I absolutely and positively am.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

An illegal torture center. Then again, we have not had a government since 1933 so our representitives don't care about law. They answer to the babnking cartel. Hillary gave her penance to them and Trump was bailed out by them with his Taj Majal hotel. Rothschilds.

KnightsofHubris ago


Guatanamo Bay, aka Gitmo is first and foremost a Naval Base. Something like 5,000 people live there.

The detention center is just a small part of Gitmo. There less than 4 dozen prisoners. They do stuff there that has nothing to do with the detention camp like oceanography. The Coast Guard uses that base.

Here's the local girl scout troop.

The McDonald's has a drive through

So the folks who are been looking at Gitmo contracts and flights and just noticing that contractors/supplies are flying in and out of Gitmo are trying to protray this as some big change. It's not. They just started looking at it so it seems new to them. There's a couple thousand contractors who live and work there. They are building a new hospital among other things.

ben_matlock ago

Thanks for the info

ASolo ago


KnightsofHubris ago


ASolo ago


Vindicator ago

We know how smart the social engineers are, and they most certainly could have used the intelligence agencies to cook up a fake anon, who appeals to our cause of "taking down the New World Order",

So, what makes you think FBIAnon and Steve Piescenik and whoever leaked the pedo food codes on 4chan before and during the Podesta email leak aren't part of the same operation? QAnon has provided far more bonafides than any of those drivers of the pizzagate investigation.

Everyone here investigating has considered this possibility. Please show me some evidence that there are a bunch of pizzagate investigators following the Q leaks who have kicked back and said "Whew! Thank God that's over!"

I can show you a whole boatload of people who have moved their research to v/GreatAwakening because of discouraging, divisive and insulting commentary pushing the same message you are pushing here. They're not just researching, they've meme warring and spreading the word about Haiti, fetal tissue harvesting, Podesta art money laundering, creepy child massage charities, etc.

@djklbd: We require links to evidence of major claims in all posts here. You claim

twistedmac11 ago

I can show you a whole boatload of people who have moved their research to v/GreatAwakening

Good, let the sheep stay over there. Hopefully they will stay contained, and we can get more actual thinking people here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Steve P is a spook and a liar. Don't worry mr and mrs America, Trump is fighting for you.

auralsects ago

the food codes WERE TOTAL BULLSHIT. "walnut"t = "colored child" "sauce" = "orgy" HAHA nobody "leaked" shit. you completely ignored OPs chief claim but pretended you didnt by saying "Q has provided bonafides." because you know you CANT defend Trump because theres nothing that indicates he is anything but a ZIO-SHILL LIKE YOU. "discouraging, divisive, and insulting commentary" guess what bro YOUR JOB IS TO DETERMINE WHAT THREADS ARE RELEVANT TO PIZZAGATE not make subjective judgements like a fucking whiny faggot.

Vindicator ago

Hit a nerve, did I? LMAO.

This is Voat. I'm entitled to speak my piece just like everyone else, regardless of my "job". If you don't like it, go back to Reddit.

djklbd ago

Tough talk.

djklbd ago

Use more expletives and caps next time. Maybe you'll convince somebody.

auralsects ago


djklbd ago

Keep doing the bitch work, puppet.

djklbd ago

We require links to evidence of major claims in all posts here. You claim

Not a claim, this is me simply sharing my thoughts and promoting skepticism. Also, I provided a link of a youtube user who shared my sentiment, among others.

angry_mob ago

djklbd - don't let anyone discourage you from using discernment on this issue. we all need to keep using that or we're doomed. i'm left leaning (did NOT vote for hitllery) but was on the fence, first about trump (he's doing some very shitty things) and then about Q. i REALLY wanted to believe both, but i'm just not seeing solid proof. i do see some validation that Q is an insider, i think we all do, but you are correct in recognizing how adept the people at the tippy top are at manipulation, psyops and fake revolutions.

i do keep paying attention to Q to see what happens, but i've seen too much to be too excited anymore. i will say that sharing memes & such is a good thing and i commend people doing it. but my ass is getting kinda painful on this fence & i really need something solid so i can jump down!

twistedmac11 ago

Glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Q and Trump are playing this out to make Trump look good. So, so many people on this board need to lay off the Trump crack.

djklbd ago

So, so many people on this board need to lay off the Trump crack.

Couldn't agree with you more. That election was still a reverse-psychology sham to me. They want to merge our culture with the "right" side of the left/right paradigm.

They want to destroy our non partisan appeal and suck us back into the political spectrum. Fuck that, we traditionally reject that phony spectrum because we know these elections are engineered to look real, and that the political process is a facade.

twistedmac11 ago

You got it. Elections are for show. Trump has replaced god in many people's minds, and thats exactly how they want it. I keep saying that if people would stop looking for a savior and realize they have the power to make serious changes themselves, things would be radically different. Trump is playing off of that need to be saved. I wrote a post a few months ago about how Trump has waaaaay too much shit in his history to be clean. If it were anyone else, they would be all over it. But because it's Trump, and he says things that make them warm and fuzzy inside, they're all too happy to stay on the Trump train. It's pathetic and quite honestly disgusting how people cling so desperately to their god figures. Learned helplessness runs rampant.

derram ago :

What if Q anon is disinformation? A deep state shill? - YouTube

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ErrorHasNoRights ago

"Put not your trust in princes..."

GreenDell144 ago

Exactly. Wisdom is proved by its works. When and if we see results, Q will be vindicated. Until then, i see nothing to get worked up about.