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srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@fartyshorts @pby1000 @Mad_As_Hell @think-

think- ago

TY, @srayzie, for keeping me updated! :-)

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

think- ago

:-) I'm sorry, I can't seem to find time to PM at present. :-(

srayzie ago

No worries!

srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@Gothamgirl @Dressage2 @Bopper @oh_Well_ian @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

Tack srayzie!

I didn't expect Q to post so early on after the "board cleaning", this Florida False Flag isn't working for them... It's a Twitter purge.

srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@vindicator @Blacksmith21 @2Impendingdoom @anotherdream @TrishaUK

TrishaUK ago

Thank you :)

anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

Thank you. That’s interesting! Pizzagate people will understand this.