srayzie ago

Q is posting but it hasn’t updated on the qanonposts site yet. I’ve gathered these from Twitter. Time zones are different.

srayzie ago

Q is posting. For some reason, they are only showing up on the 8chan board. Here is what I’ve gathered so far from other places...

srayzie ago

Jerome Corsi is LIVE now. A new one. This one is on his channel. It’s been on for like 30 minutes but can rewind it.

srayzie ago

For anyone who missed Jerome Corsi live this morning talking about Q posts, you can watch it here.

srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@fartyshorts @pby1000 @Mad_As_Hell @think-

think- ago

TY, @srayzie, for keeping me updated! :-)

srayzie ago

You’re welcome!

think- ago

:-) I'm sorry, I can't seem to find time to PM at present. :-(

srayzie ago

No worries!

srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@Gothamgirl @Dressage2 @Bopper @oh_Well_ian @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

Tack srayzie!

I didn't expect Q to post so early on after the "board cleaning", this Florida False Flag isn't working for them... It's a Twitter purge.

srayzie ago

Pizzagaters may find this interesting...

@vindicator @Blacksmith21 @2Impendingdoom @anotherdream @TrishaUK

TrishaUK ago

Thank you :)

anotherdream ago


srayzie ago

Thank you. That’s interesting! Pizzagate people will understand this.

srayzie ago

They are deleting accounts of people bringing up [D*vld-H0gg]. AI is catching the hashtags and name. That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting. If you want to see what fakes these teens are, look my tweets from yesterday...

2impendingdoom ago

Maybe these teens shouldn't have treated the shooter so bad in the first place. Seems to me that if the shooter was such an outcast and alienated then its only the fault of those same kids who are now demanding gun control, so they want "us" to give up our guns so that they can be free to be assholes to their classmates. If the kid was so crazy, why didn't the Hogg kid have his ex-FBI dad call someone?
Hypocrites, the whole damn lot of them.

Are_we_sure ago

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

That’s the false flag teen that’s a crisis actor from the Florida school shooting.

bopper ago

I'm beginning to worry about you. Half the world is waking up and you're still asleep, or worse. Tell me it ain't worse. Where rumors persist over a long period of time they're usually true, where there's smoke there's fire. Like w/ JFK. What about the Paul Is Dead theory, rumor, that hasn't been squelched in over 40 years.

Or at least, "twenty years ago today."

Turn me on dead man. Miss him miss him miss him.

Now don't be a faggot. Watch the one below, good for newbies like you. Then go from there. Don't be left behind.

2impendingdoom ago

lol, you worriing about AWS, the pedo must be having trouble finding kids to molest.

srayzie ago

I like it when you’re a fighter @Bopper! You go boy!


Contribution points...
Submission Contribution Points: -89
Comment Contribution Points: -1460

That speaks for itself. All he does is act like a prick on other people’s posts. You know we’re doing good when we’re trolled a lot.

@Bopper @2impendingdoom

bopper ago

So, what are you sayin, that there's no hope for @Are_we_sure ?? Should I just give up ?

Just ignore him and hope he goes away ? How would you handle it ?

srayzie ago

LOL. This is how Trump would handle it...

bopper ago

That's so cute haha.

srayzie ago

Trump is gangster

Are_we_sure ago

Way more than you realize.

Trump's been involved with real gangsters virtually his entire career.

*His lawyer and friend, Roy Cohn, represented the head of the Genovese and Gambino families in the early 80's, Anthony Salerno and Paul Castellano. They controlled the ready-mix concrete industry in NY. This was one of the bigget rackets for the mob and everybody knew about it. If you hired a company outside the mob's cartel, you could be hit with a work stoppage long enough for the concrete to solidify which meant your truck was, now no good. NY concrete cost about twice as much as concrete in Pittsburgh. The early 80s is also when Trump was building Trump Tower. He chose to use ready-mix concrete for his building, which is one of the few skyscrapers ever to choose ready-mix over pre fabricated or steel.

*When the Teamsters struck in 1982 work continued on Trump's projects, because Trump helped the girlfriend of a Teamster official get a mortgage to buy three apartments in Trump Tower even though she had no income. I particularly like this part

After Cody was convicted of racketeering, imprisoned and lost control of the union, Trump sued the woman for $250,000 for alteration work. She countersued for $20 million and in court papers accused Trump of taking kickbacks from contractors, asserting this could “be the basis of a criminal proceeding requiring an attorney general’s investigation” into Trump. Trump then quickly settled, paying the woman a half-million dollars.

*When the demolition crew that cleared the way for Trump Tower was all illegal immigrants and non-union labor, but the union run by Roy Cohn's client never set up a picket line.

*When Trump applied for a casino license, he was supposed to disclose any unsavory acquaintances and any criminal investigations that involved him. He lied on both counts including the fact that he bought the land for his NJ casino from a couple of hitmen from the Philly Mob. (One was the son of a mobster immortalized in a Bruce Springsteen Song....They blew up the Chicken Man in Philly last night.) Trump used to brag that the guy he signed the lease with was the guy who killed Hoffa.

*In 1995 Trump took his casinos public and formed TRUMP HOTELS & CASINO RESORTS. THCR never earned a profit and went from a high of $34 a share to just 88 cents, Trump filed for his third bankruptcy. Now he had a problem, no NY banks would lend to him. So Trump found a new partner in the Russian mob.

*Just six years after pleading guilty to a $40 million stock scam involving both the Russian Italian mob, (A guy I know got 14 years for this and other shenanigans.) Russian born Felix Sater adds a t to his name and as Felix Satter provides the financing for Trump Soho along with another ex-Soviet from Kazakhstan. When the NY Times reveals Satter is actually Sater and his gangster past, Trump pretends to drop him.

*In fact, Trump was still working with Russian Mobster Felix Sater on a deal to build Trump Tower Moscow during the campaign. A deal to be financed by a Russian bank.

Felix Sater was just subpoenaed in a money laundering case involving some of the Kazakhs who invested in Trump Soho. His father is said by the FBI to be part of Semion Mogilevich's, gang. Mogilevich is said to be the most power gangster in the World.

bopper ago

I know who killed Jimmy Hoffa, and his body was incinerated. You won't find that in any article or book. Not yet. It was Frank Schweihs professional hit-man for Chicago mob. He killed Marilyn Monroe using a suppository. Red Wemmett is free to talk now, ex FBI informant for the mob. He has fingered him. I seriously doubt Trump knows about it.

srayzie ago

Why don’t you go waste your time analyzing every pizzagate post as usual. Stop following me to any sub I postnin. I don’t like you. Get a life and leave me alone loser.

derram ago :

#WeThePeople PATRIOTS SOAPBOX 24/7 LiveStream. Q/STORM Coverage, 24 hours a day! - YouTube :

Jerome Corsi Live Stream - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

bopper ago

Q cites the film 'Jason Bourne' and gives a few lines from Wikipedia concerning the plot ... sounds like the story of how Twitter, though somewhat fictionalized possibly, was delivered into the hands of the CIA and became a tool. Lovely. Gonna watch the movie tonight, everyone should try. I guess they really did think Hillary would win and they'd never get caught.

OP was onto this a long time ago.

Why oh why do people indiscriminately post pics of their kids all over Facebook.

2impendingdoom ago

If I remember it correctly because I read it millions of years ago, the Bourne series is a Robert Ludlum trilogy, where the spy has amnesia and has to figure out who he is, why people are trying to kill him and who he is supposed to kill.

bopper ago

Sounds to me like this spy is in a heap of trouble. I can't even remember what day it is. Thanks, is the entire trilogy encapsulated in the movie, or just part?

2impendingdoom ago

there are also three movies, so I'm not sure how its broken up. I know that one of the movies doesn't even include Matt Damon who plays Jason Bourne, I can't really remember how it worked...

I'm pretty sure you could get a better plot summary at wikipedia. I read the books in 1987 while in Paris so its kind a miracle that I even remember this much!

bopper ago

Thanks very much, yes I went to Wikipedia to check it out. Appreciate it. You made me hungry for a pastry when you mentioned Paris lol. 1987 was a year I remember well.

2impendingdoom ago

LOL, 1987 was a year I forgot a lot!! one of many. :)

ah,, the good old days when trouble was fun.

bopper ago

Been there done that.

Okay, as long as you didn't trash any hotel rooms it's all good!

2impendingdoom ago


srayzie ago

I’ve never seen the movie

bopper ago

No, never heard of it. Sounds vaguely familiar.

11986649? ago


heretolearn ago

Thank you

Lag-wagon ago

Weird, I just got this.

E1: oh.. it was just posted.

srayzie ago

Yeah I went to sleep heart broken thinking Q left us 😫
Then I woke up and saw that he posted 🙌🏻
So that’s why I was late posting it.

Lag-wagon ago

How dare you sleep!

srayzie ago

I know! Good thing I didn’t see it because I wouldn’t have slept and would have been a bitch all day today! Hahaha

MolochHunter ago

cheers, bro

srayzie ago

Cheers, I’m a chick 🐥

MolochHunter ago

oh, well then we must have dinner and discuss the oh-so romantic topic of human trafficking ;)

srayzie ago

Ok 🤣

bopper ago

Thanks ! Great job.

Vindicator ago

So glad you're doing this srayzie.

srayzie ago

Awww thank you. You can have @Are_we_sure back tho 🤣