carmencita ago

Blackpool has experienced numerous high-profile crimes since the early 20th century. In 2012, Blackpool was identified as a "crime hotspot"[128], and in 2016 was revealed as having the fourth-highest murder rate in the UK.[129] Rates of violent crime, sexual assault and domestic violence exceed national averages.[130] THIS Shocked Me. In 1972, Dr Ahmad Alami (the son of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) murdered 3 sleeping children at Blackpool Victoria Hospital, he also stabbed two nurses, and other children asleep on the ward.[134] Alami was diagnosed as a 'Paranoid schizophrenic' and judged unfit to stand trial, and was detained at Broadmoor high security hospital for several years before being released and deported back to his native Jordan. AND In 1999, Stuart Michael Diamond was convicted of the brutal murder of a homeless 17-year-old heroin addict, Christopher Hartley. Diamond murdered Hartley and dismembered his body before 'dumping' the remains in a hotel 'swill bin'; Hartley's head was never recovered.[135] IF THAT Is Not Enough In 2007, the jury in the case of the alleged rape and murder of Blackpool schoolgirl Charlene Downes, 14, heard a police surveillance tape of Jordanian Iyad Albattikhi, 29, and Iranian Mohammed Reveshi, 50, allegedly detailing her stabbing, and her later alleged disposal in their "Funny Boyz" kebab shop's mincing machine by the prosecution. Albattikhi allegedly boasted that he had sold her remains in kebabs.[136] Both men were acquitted of the alleged offence. John Bromley-Davenport, for the defence, said: "We have uncovered within the Blackpool Police force an astonishing catalogue of incompetence, failure to disclose, manipulation and lies, some of which were uttered on oath during the trial last year. If the jury at that trial had swallowed the lies and been duped by the manipulation then a grave miscarriage of justice would have occurred."[137] Those I believe border on the SRAbuse Crimes. Still looking for the Cliff Richard charges at the BG Revival.

Marfa-Lights ago

Celebrity Worth- puts Billy Graham's net worth at $25,000,000 making him among the richest fat cat religious persons in America- and mind you- this does NOT represent the MILLIONS of dollars in real estate which is owned by his Ministry- but given use to Billy Graham and his family…nice perks to be a Man of God!?

darkknight111 ago

He once urged Nixon to "bomb the dykes", an act that would have likely killed at least 1 million civilians by flooding.

kazza64 ago

he looks like the devil incarnate to me all evangelists are full of shit all they do is preach to the masses for money and do evil shit behind closed doors. billy graham was connected to the cia and mk ultra he was a bad man and i'm glad he's gone

Nana66 ago

This is how Trump got "the Evangelicals" on his side.

Podge512 ago

And thus I clothe my naked villainy with old odd ends stol'n out of holy writ, and seem a saint, when most I play the devil.

carmencita ago Reports have suggested in recent years that Richard had been accused of sexually abusing a 15-year-old at a Christian rally led by the US evangelist Billy Graham in Sheffield, northern England, in 1985. How did CR die and how? This does not prove anything about BG but it does bring up a possible connection to what Fiona Barnett has claimed. In the tents of the Revivals? Is this the climate at those Revivals. Is that what goes on in some of those tents. I have never researched them, but it should open a can of worms. BG's nephew is running around now claiming there is just as much sex abuse with Protestant ministers as in the RCC. Just Sayin'

letsdothis1 ago

Unusually for an American evangelist Graham was a friend of Elizabeth II - raises eyebrow with quizzical expression

carmencita ago

He claimed that Barack Obama was “born a Muslim” and had allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to infiltrate the US government at the highest levels during his presidency. He also said the Obama administration was pushing “a gay and lesbian agenda”, and he has spoken out against LGBT rights, saying Satan is behind same-sex marriage. I am not a big supporter of Billy or Franklin, BUT I think it is very strange that the British govt. has taken this turn. The Royals have always welcomed them in the past and BG was bestowed with an Honorary Knighthood. This is the NWO Propaganda Machine at work. I am presently looking up about tents at the gorunds where those Festivals are held. I have read before that the charges against BG and Cliff Richard were taking place in those Tents. This is a real possibility. So they have done a Turnabout Face and are throwing him under the bus. Beware You Pedos, even you are going to get Slammed. Ha Ha Ha. But I wonder if this will come about since they only have about 4,600 sigs. Only time will tell.

letsdothis1 ago

An Honorary Knighthood? Well, that's another indicator right there.

carmencita ago

When I read that Bob Hope received a Knighthood of the Highest Level, I made a note that from now on I will check and see what level it is when I am checking on someone. Some are just ordinary paybacks or little thank yous. Others are Much Much More.

pimpinainteasy ago

I knew there would be some Evan-smellicals who would come leaping to this charlatan's defense lol.

ASolo ago

Straight fucking idiots.

pimpinainteasy ago

Many of whom also gave Roy Moore a pass as well.

ASolo ago

BG is a HUGE part of the New World Order, his ministry took off in 1954, one year after the OSS was incorporated as the CIA and Hefner's Playboy Honeypot.

"We know that Billy Graham is serviced by ... sex slaves." Mind Control

"Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected and popular person in America.

"Who wants to find out they have been deceived?"

The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier

"In 1952, in Paris, Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home.

"See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170.

"In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room prior to him going out for the Crusade.

"Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room."

Billy Graham told the American people that we need to embrace the New World Order.

"When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the 'Illuminati', the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan."

"Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank...

"Billy Graham’s daughters have lived in Israel, and Billy Graham’s son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War...

Billy Graham said that he "often attends love-ins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard."

Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.

"In The Deadly Deception, by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason, ... Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies."

"Mind-control survivor Kathleen Sullivan has written an astounding book...

"Sullivan says she was abused and raped by ... Billy Graham, among others."

BG; Cliff Richard

Cliff Richard; Uri Geller

Beyond Magic: Unclean Spirits; David Copperfield, Mulholland, Blaine, Geller; Mk-Ultra, Laurel Canyon, Carribean and Hellfire Club

322Babylon ago

You do realize Fritz Springmeier gave an interview with Freeman where Freeman openly admits working on films with James Alefantis right?

Beast Computer System or something it was called.

ASolo ago

Yes. I do. I've listened to the interview admitting it and he sounded legitimately shocked he was in alefantis' periphery. It's not that I'm super skeptical about Freeman, it's really that I don't care, I respect him to a degree but I think his format and his voice sucks and he tends to get tangential.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

That's hilarious. If this Fiona Barnett said that, it throws shade on everything else she said as well.

322Babylon ago

Yeah she talks nonsense. She accuses Nixon of being at Bohemian Grove when it's a well known fact he avoided it.

Soulbrotha2 ago

Pictures of Nixon at Bohemian Grove with audio

322Babylon ago

You learn something new every day. I did not know he was in attendance.

Then there is this little clip:

Soulbrotha2 ago

That mother f***** was high as s*** on cocaine. It's obvious

Soulbrotha2 ago

Have you not heard the audio of Nixon saying Bohemian Grove was the most faggety goddamn thing he had ever been to?

322Babylon ago

What do you think about Watergate? Billy Graham forgave Nixon’s sins, blaming them on the ‘demon-power’ of sleeping pills

lamplight ago

I remember the accusations but have not seen any evidence that Billy Graham was involved in SRA. We all know that anyone can be accused of a crime but that does not make it true. Fake news did not begin in 2016.

sunajAeon ago

I agree, the only evidence is the testimony of a few people who claim to be MK Ultra victims, SRA, etc, these are fantastic reports, but despite my feelings there is no proof, and we may find out many of these alleged victims are less than reliable, they may even be plants, Fiona Barrett's testimony is riveting but I have seen no proof of her claims-you can't destroy a person on this basis

ESOTERICshade ago

Let me guess who you voted for

ssshhhh. Don't tell anybody that Trump has been friends with all these same scumbags all his life. You will disturb the sleep.

322Babylon ago

Interesting fact: Machines don't require sleep.

ASolo ago

...Rock a by baby on the tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock....

Night Syrazie, Night caroline, night John Boy...


Theytookoutgodslaw ago

birds of a feather flock together

TurdLord5000 ago

Thank God.

derram ago :

Billy Graham, world's best-known evangelist, dies

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