elephantdoesntforget ago

Kirk Kerkorian was a well known Vegas mobster. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mgm-mirage-kerkorian-loses-control-and-organized-crime-ties/

Kerkorian used now incarcerated ex-PI Anthony Pellicano to illegally wiretap his ex-wife. https://blogs.wsj.com/law/2009/09/24/was-kerkorian-complicit-in-pellicano-conduct-judge-thinks-so/ http://www.redorbit.com/news/general/393174/kerkorian_lawyer_indicted_in_pellicano_case/

Who was Pellicano? None other than an ex-PI that worked for many celebs and powerful people including .... the Clintons.

http://rightwingnews.com/top-news/hillary-clinton-and-her-former-employee-anthony-pellicano/ http://www.foxnews.com/story/2006/10/18/clinton-madonna-pellicano-kabbalah-africa-connection.html http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2005/09/pellicanoclinton_watch_continu.html

Gores, according to the New York Times, is said to have hired Pellicano because he wanted to catch Lisa cheating with his brother, Tom, a business competitor (a third brother, Sam, runs the Paradigm Talent Agency in Hollywood and is married to a former soap-opera star). Alec Gores paid Pellicano $50,000, loaned him the same amount (which was not repaid) and treated the private investigator’s family to a Hawaiian vacation in exchange for services rendered.

Why did he go to jail? Possession of C4 explosives and illegally wiretapping FBI agents INVESTIGATING HIM, along with others...

Thank about that for a second.

Pellicano is a well known thug who breaks into homes and threatens witnesses. His signature is using a baseball bat.

migratorypatterns ago

Freaking thank you for this. Just posted because Assange's Twitter account has been temporarily restricted. Strange times when someone who speaks the truth is getting their account censored.

As for this, again a YUGE thanks. Pelicano, eh? Yup, I ran across the name and he's a dirt bag. At one point, I wanted to follow up on him, but got distracted. I'm copying this down and will look into it. He's such a perfect candidate for some of these things and knows PedoWood and its inhabitants like the back of his hand. If anyone knows where the bodies on buried, it would be him. In fact, he probably has the graves being dug on videotape.

elephantdoesntforget ago

No problem. You don't end up with the ability to wiretap FBI agents if you don't have massive resources / organizations backing you.

migratorypatterns ago

Too true.

Plan1988 ago

carmencita ago

I don't know if I found the hot dog stand yet but here it is from the info by our Island Girl. I is on the street she gave Alii This is the owner https://www.facebook.com/chrisjcolby/about

Plan1988 ago

Anyone interested in knowing:

Powers that be are still taking some videos about Chris Cornell down. Gone fast.

Critical mass.

allconnected ago

have not logged in in a while. Logged in OP to say bravo 👏👏👏😀. Great RESEARCH

migratorypatterns ago

Wow, thanks so much.

Appreciate it.

carmencita ago

UPVOATS PLEASE. This should Go Viral.

migratorypatterns ago

Thank you, Carmencita!

carmencita ago

:) Just telling it like it is!

Plan1988 ago

Want to add something I heard this morning. May be of interest to you.

Las Vegas Shootings: No security film footage at Las Vegas...And it is a casino. No pictures! And Paddock supposedly

brought all those guns up to his room earlier that week. No Film!

Well it "happened again". The night Chris Cornell was killed at The MGM Gand Detroit Hotel in May 2017 .. The security cameras

were OUT OF ORDER all over the place and certainly not working

on the floor Chris supposedly stayed on. . No pictures of Chris exiting the elevator. Nothing. No Film. No Pictures Of Chris.

migratorypatterns ago

Identical situation for both. Sounds like they work from a template.

Maybe I'll use this. It depends on what I post next.

Thanks, good stuff.

Plan1988 ago

OK...Are you ready for a new theory?

Was surprised to hear it discussed. Very plausible by me.

Here It Is:

After the concert, Chris DID NOT return to his hotel room!

Remember, no films security or otherwise.

They took him somewhere else after the concert to do the unthinkable.

Have listened to witnesses who attended Chris last concert.

They said he was extremely off and was slurring his words.

The witness said his band mates gave him no help or cover at all from what she could see.

General consensus is that one or two of Chris band mates knew what was

coming down on Chris.

Anyway your MGM hotel theory holds more water than ever. MGM personnel

had to work a 'cover up' shift that night. As did the Detroit Police and many Others.

Vicky's time line is off.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

Definitely a possibility.

Plan1988 ago

Addenda. Researchers are saying tonight..a twist here:

Chris was taken from his last concert to some

planned place and 'suicided'. Now get this.
They say after they murdered Chris

they took him back to his MGM hotel room and dropped his dead body there.

This fits with the body being

as cold as it was when emt showed up.

Fits time line (not Vicky's timeline).

Also they speculate someone was

using Chris as a front and his foundation to launder money.

migratorypatterns ago

Vicky's obviously lying. She's the only one to say he was slurring his words. You mean, his band mates wouldn't notice that? And then she raises an alarm based on this and not being able to get in touch with him? If she talked to him, how couldn't she get in touch with him? Nope, not buying it.

Plan1988 ago

chris toxocology showed the presense of

a perscription drug. chris was not perscribed that drug. drug is injested and takes

effect in 23 hours. plan was to give it to him sneakily so when he was in concert

he would be loaded. Chris got loaded from it and gave bad concert. many attendees noticed there was

something wrong with Chris. a loaded man is easier to kill but that was not the

only point. Vicky had plans to sue big pharma over Chris death. i can send

you a specific utube video on this if you want. Chris was not in any kind of relapse.

Plan1988 ago

Hey use what you want and need! It's your sub.

I just want to post random stuff you might find of interest.

Your style is where it's at.

And you are mighty.

Am going to post a new interesting theory

that just came up this morning. God Bless.🇺🇸

ps.. I spend practically no time on voat. As I mentioned I moved to

another platform.:-)

Plan1988 ago

Remember Ben Swan the journalist?

He is coming back on TV with his own program.

migratorypatterns ago

Really? Best news I've heard all day.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. Heard it from a reliable source on Twitter this morning.

Ronin3000 ago

Great work!

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

Appreciate the support and good words.

Dreamland ago

Just a thought, but people with better sleuthing skills than me might want to check out the Wonderland clinic and see where that rabbit hole goes. I did a bit of digging a while back, and there seems to be some meat on this particular bone. It caught my attention because of the whole 'Alice in Wonderland' programming mentioned by Fritz. Celebs seem to check in there with MPD programming issues. I found a link to the purchase of a machine bought from France to 'deprogram' people who had MPD. The reason I mention it in this context, and it baffled me at the time, was that I also found links from the management to strange combat training groups for kids with links to iirc Armenian/central European orthodox high church. The woman at the top also sold jewellery to the Obamas. May be nothing, but.

migratorypatterns ago

This is awesome.

Thanks for the tip. Will most definitely be checking this out.

Big UpVoat for you.

Dreamland ago

Thanks.. hope it proves juicy. Iirc it was (when I was researching, two years ago) owned by a couple of guys, and one of their wives. Not much info out there at all. May need to hit the wayback machine hard. I remember seeing a pic of some major religious dude in one of the links (think it was from the combat page), massive beard, all the accoutrements of high church, etc. Think they had a few other offshoots, one in Ireland? Seemed on the surface to be touting 'keeping kids safe through self defence' or some such. I just thought it was odd that a clinic would be investing in such offshoots. That and the jewellery link to the Obamas. Oh and of course there was that secret Alice in Wonderland themed party the Obamas threw...'Curiouser and curiouser'...

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. It is a tightly-knit cabal. Each part of it has a purpose and they all link together for one thing.

I noticed on Twitter the idea of this self-made genius being shot down. The new narrative is that there is no such thing as genius. It's a matter of the number of hours you put into something. Patently untrue. There were geniuses and self-made men/women. but the new narrative is to get people to band together for strength. In its best sense, it's like a pride of lions. In its worse sense, it's jackals and vultures. There's nothing wrong with networking except when you use in cabalistic fashion to undermine all else. Prime example: Amazon. It's too big for its own britches and keeps bloating from the companies it ruins and wealth accumulated. We've been warned of secret societies and this is the result of not taking the warnings seriously. After all, conspiracy theorists fantasized that something was afoot. It was real ... but it was. Just like the predation on youth is real. Take away the dream of being an individual and you have this ... losers clumping together like feces and spreading their disease through attained power.

I can't wait for this cabal to fall, but every time there's a glimmer of hope, it disappears. Like the FISA memo. The dems release a statement that it was just talking points and that nobody even read it. POOF! All gone. Here it was building to be this juggernaut to start bringing the insidious cluster of cabalists down and it disintegrates before it's even released. Very frustrating. I pray Assange has the goods because verifiable, undisputable proof about the political leaders funding and fostering terrorists groups like ANTIFA is the only thing that will work.

Dreamland ago

I agree whole heartedly, apart from Assange. If you judge a man by the company he keeps, he has shared a lawyer with, and been in bed with, some rather nefarious characters without explanation on his part. Then there was the recent green-screened collar incident. Many years ago I came across an account of his early days in Australia, finger tapping phone switches from public phones to hack organisations etc. A fascinating read, but..It seemed to lead to the all C-ing eye aye... It's just my opinion, but he seems to be limited hangout, or as my other half would say, 'all fart, no poo'.

That being said, wikileaks has put many people in the spotlight who would, I suspect, rather not have been there, and that's a good thing.

Yeah the FISA report will probably wither on the vine, but I just see it as part of their 'death by a thousand cuts'.

As to the bigger picture? The puppet masters? Hmmm. I just get the feeling that you don't ever get into positions of influence unless you can be influenced. What we seem to be revealing when discovering incongruous actions that just don't sit right, is some sort of blackmail 'top trumps' deck. Who has the most dirt on their opponents wins. Unsure about Trump. The previous Kleptocrats had to go, for sure, but at what cost?

Btw, Have you come across this guy? He makes some interesting connections. His website is a little all over the place, and he's not always right I don't think, but he's erudite never the less. Drumpf

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I have come across and read his posts. He is erudite, but he reminds me of that TV series LOST. Many people I knew watched it. I warned them telling the writers were also LOST and just including anything that sprang up on their radar. He reminds me of that, but nonetheless provides some very hidden events that make it invaluable for intel mining and research.

As for Assange, the problem is that he refuses to fit our definition of what a benefactor and political leader acts like. Yes, of course, he rubs shoulders with all sorts because all sorts may know something. That's the thing great men/women understand. But you need to either be a narcissist or humanitarian to be able to properly cull and put up with the rabble and sin. The narcissist will be able to do it with his unshakeable conviction that he is right and these others are there to serve him. The humanitarian does it by possessing a basic love and understanding that everyone has a divine place and time to live and be a part of this drama. If I had to guess, I'd say he's the latter. He's also complex and difficult, and I'm sure, fighting many foibles. But the most important thing is that I do believe he's interested in the truth which makes him rather noble.

Dreamland ago

Perhaps. All we can do is keep pushing eh. Something's gotta give. Sometime. The new control systems seem to depend on camouflage and garnering public opinion via sock puppets etc rather than direct censorship. We have to pick this narrative apart, with many caveats, the best lies are 99% truth etc, the question is, which 1%? Fascinating times. I do like the collective spirit behind voat. Crowdsourcing at its best. Anyway.. thanks for your measured, interesting posts. Meanwhile, according to mcba, the Kardashians claim to be Armenian, and Kanye had one of his kids initiated into high Armenian church. Funny old world, isn't it?

Samime ago

Why do you think an actual nuclear warhead was aimed at Hawaii... think of all the filth there is to cover... besides starting world war three. Pearl Harbor was a false flag that killed many Americans ( sacrifices must be made) just to get japan into a war! Just like Benghazi... let them die!

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Wow!!! My heart started racing while I was reading all this. I need to hear more! Stay safe everyone.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. I felt much the same way when II discovered it.

Hopefully, will be able to go dumpster diving again and see what's lurking at the bottom of the cesspool.

carmencita ago

Thanks for Your Fabulous Work! Have been reading and will be looking into it more. Thanks for continuing the Hawaii Rabbit Hole. Upvoat.

migratorypatterns ago

You're welcome and thanks for your support.

Looking forward to see what you find.

carmencita ago

I think I may have found that hot dog stand but don't know. I sent our Island Girl a pic of it. Am waiting for answer. It is on Alii Dr. I am going to be in and out today. Meetings. Shopping. Will try to do what I can today.

migratorypatterns ago


migratorypatterns ago

True enough.

It helps the Cannibal Elite to control the media. Is Cornell another victim of the star whacking system that Randy Quaid alluded to?

darkknight111 ago


The guy's a total perv apparently.

Definitely worth a look as part of pedowood.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. Yes.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. My guess he is a player.

Will try to find a couple articles I have on him.

May take two days.

Do you know if anyone has SEEN him lately?

Plan1988 ago

Chris Cornell. Blind Item. 5.


darkknight111 ago


While looking for Kirk connections, I found this. A link with a shit ton of potential new leads.

The body guard to Cornell works for G4S. Yes, the G4S that's a known accomplice to false flags such as Pulse Nightclub and is the security firm for the Minnesota Vikings home stadium. I HIGHLY suspect there's a plot for a false flag on 2/4. Likely motive: get US involved in cabal plots to instigate tensions between Sunnis and Shiites.

There's also Sony connections to ICMEC. All of this goes up to the Windsors.

migratorypatterns ago

Another great lead. Thanks for this.

I'm considering making a thread regarding G4S.

Absolutely. Go for it. You have journalistic chops and I'd love to see what you do with this and where it goes.

Definite UpVoat for you.

Plan1988 ago

Martin Kirsten was body guard to Heidi Klum before Vicky

hired him to guard Chris. Got her marriage broke up. Their love relationship lasted around 18 months.

I heard Heidi had to buy Martin's mother a house and give him some money so he would not talk.

Low life? Thug?

I think he killed Chris in the hotel room in May 2017.

darkknight111 ago

I agree. Either the culprit or an accomplice.

Given his background, having a ligature type weapon would be easy. Includes the use of the very rope used to hang Cornell.

Theory: the rush for cremation was to cover up evidence. The "rope burn" profile for a strangulation murder is different from one that was hanged. Its difficult to notice the difference without training in forensics or as a coroner.

Actually learned about this difference from a mystery novel. The Mikan Tsumaki case in Danganronpa 2 has a scenario identical to this (strangulation murder disguised as a suicide).

Plan1988 ago

Chris was 6ft.2 in. If you look at the 'official' police pictures,

I don't see how Chris could have hung himself on that door.

Plan1988 ago

Randy Cody writes the rush to creamate was primarily

due to Vicky not wanting another blood work up done

for comparison. But. Absolutely. Like what you said "destroy evidence.".Chris had a GASH on the back of his head.

I heard that verified on the initial police scanner call. And Chris had nine broken ribs.

And who gave the police all the information and signed the police report?

The body guard, Martin Kirsten. I heard they did not check for

DNA under Chris' fingernails.

Plan1988 ago

Chester was suicided. At least one of his band members - complicit. General Consensus.




Plan1988 ago


Linkin band member Mike Shinoda had a problem at recent American Music Awards Show.

Plan1988 ago

Good thinking!

This information is good. Really!



Very Important. Click top lines above comments for archived depository.

Each archived article is a must read!

Plan1988 ago

Heard that Chris Cornell

Plan1988 ago

Have you searched wikileaks-- Kirk Kerkorian?

darkknight111 ago


Found a hit. "Adopt a village" is really suspicious.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. But need to warn you if you don't know. WikiLeaks is compromised.

Will look for the article.

carmencita ago

The Children of Armenia are mentioned in there. Another charity. There is something mentioned in the Post about Armenia. There seems to be no end to this rabbit hole. It seems to only create more of them.

Plan1988 ago

Take the dive but cautiously please!

Plan1988 ago

Chris Cornell's second wife, Vicky, called the shots in the family. She is heavily GREEK.

VERY. Got Chris to convert to Greek Orthodox. Married around 2004.

Until Chris died in May 2017. Randy Rocket Cody writes Chris and

Vicky's marriage was on the rocks when Chris was suicided.

Plan1988 ago

Have not read your piece in detail yet.

Hope you don't find this a silly question but do you

know who David Geffen is?

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, it's hard to figure out these things.

Could be she was his handler and he wanted to leave the relationship. I know sometimes the Cannibal Elite permit it, and sometimes, no. Then there's them having gotten everything they could out of him. Vicky would be getting all the money and she might be more amenable. Even if they took three-fourths, she could live quite well ... live being the operative word.

I don't have my mind made up about this. I'd say he was lured there since it was one of Kerkorian's hotels, but who knows?

Plan1988 ago

I see a point here. It would be easier to cover up a murder at a hotel

KK owned.

Plan1988 ago

Are you referring to where Chris died?

He died at the MGM Grand Hotel in Detroit.

Chris had just completed his Detroit Concert Tour dates.

Vicky did not go with him to Detroit.

Martin Kirsten his 'bodyguard' was with hm.

I recommend this: absolutely do not trust any mainstream news reporting on Chris death. Not TMZ. None.

migratorypatterns ago

Not sure what you're saying. TMZ did say he died at the MGM Grand Hotel. That was the whole point.

Plan1988 ago

I think I misunderstood. I have to re-read your sub.

Checking for Gremlins. Will get back. In the meantime, my fault. Will check point out on my end.

Plan1988 ago

TMZ is a disinfo agent. I looked at their reports broadcast and print. They reported very little true stuff.

I mentioned not to believe any MSN. Real possibility - one of Chris' band members was or went rogue.

TMD is the The Metal Den and Randy Rocket Cody. He is straight with us.

Just posted several things.

Plan1988 ago

No. Vicky will not be getting all the money!

Chris was married to Susan Silver before Vicky. She was/is a great lady and was his producer/manager.

Susan gets all monies relating to money earned resulting from his creativity

prior to marrying Vicky.Chris' work prior to marrying Vicky.goes to Susan I believe. Unless Chris left it to his children. I do not know how their divorce papers read.

That's why Vicky was pushing Chris to work so much

when he did not want to. For the money. Vicky wore the pants.

Vicky was planning by all manners of account to sue the pharma makers

of Activan over Chris' death for money.

Plan1988 ago

Wish I could explain.

I know quite a bit.

Not from knowing Chris or Susan or Vicky or Chris' birth mother or Vicky's mother or brother though. Are you on Twitter?

I know they censure but do not

have mods per. se. I could tweet you with threads completed.

I used to be on voat but sometimes I was not treated well by several

mods and got banned from one area. I left. They let me back which I appreciate. So I am

cautious here.

Plan1988 ago

Alot of new information here for me. Deep. Taking a look.

Could take a while to get back. Upvote going your direction.:-)

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, there's tons in there ... and I didn't even begin to include it all.

I just wanted to get that out now because I wasn't expecting the connections.

Thanks for the good words, I appreciate them.

Plan1988 ago

Welcome! Worthy Topic Here! You take care of yourself ya hear?

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! I'll try.

Plan1988 ago


Plan1988 ago

UCLA Medical School Is named:

DAVID GEFFEN School Of Medicine At UCLA.

carmencita ago

Good God. I knew the minute I read the word Dream in the post it might lead to DG. Dreamworks is also connected to DG. This seals it for me. He has to be caught up in this up to his Eyeballs.

Plan1988 ago


carmencita ago

YES! Amazing. Although the school did not release details of the case, the Los Angeles Times reported that authorities were investigating whether employees stole and sold body parts from cadavers for personal gain. Henry Reid arrested. Any relation to Harry Reid? Ha. That would be a Pip!

migratorypatterns ago

OMG ... that's scary right there. But Kirk Kerkorian was ninety-one when he died.

Is there a connection? Are these people receiving advances in anti-aging like stem cells? Or only blood?

Plan1988 ago

When I have enough points I will PM you if that's ok. ?

The title of your piece caught

my attention for a reason which has expanded.

Quite a bit of research time has been spent in related areas.

I was on another site most of the day working.

Checked into voat. Crazy. You seem to be hitting a paydirt like substance. Will get back.

carmencita ago

I am going to upvoat all your comments. Thank you!

Plan1988 ago

Thank you! Progress. Glory To God. My most recent post...a PG resubmission is a must read currently.:-)

carmencita ago

Will check it out. Thanks!

Samime ago

Research the owners of Casanova’s restaurant in Haiku, Maui

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely. Thanks.

Samime ago

Ask Mark Levin about his pervert friends in Olinda, Maui

Samime ago

Look up info on Bishop Estate on Hawaii

Samime ago

Hawaii is known as the gateway to the east. Look up sex trafficking sex tours to Philippines and other pedophile countries. They have been the major booking tours for sex trade with kids for decades. Hawaii has a huge pefophile problem. They say they love their kids... but is it only because they bring home the money for the biggest welfare scammers in the universe? Obama helped to proliferate this behavior and hid it for them. Hawaiian mafia is huge and they run all the islands. Zuckerberg bought his property on Kauai from Poomai Dousette... connected to all Hawaii mafia... through her Pflueger sons trust fund. She the biggest piece of shit on the Big Island. She knew exactly how many family claims were on his property before selling it to him... just contacted the other families to show up and sue for extra money... they all know and he got rolled Hawaiian style. Never a clean deal... extortion and lies. Welcome to Hawaii!

Vindicator ago

I've often wondered how Hawaii went in 200 years from a caste system in which peons faced death if the shadow of an ali'i nobleman fell on them and human sacrifice was a thing, to a bunch of happy-go-lucky uke-strumming stoners. You don't domesticate a society of blood-thirsty badasses who surf down mountainsides of volcanic glass and defend themselves from spears by catching them out of the air that quickly. I don't buy it.

Samime ago

Read about their sexual anthropology ... anything goes... sex with kids, family, marriage was no barrier it was encouraged to have outside relations. Homosexuality was/ is still revered! The only difference was their women could get money for sex from visitors....since the first boat landed! They don’t have a moral compass.....$$$$$$$$$$

Vindicator ago

No wonder they were added as the 50th state. :-(

Samime ago

Remember! Elvis was a pedophile... her father let her go live with him when she was 14! Her dad was high military too! Then all those Hawaii movies... connect the dots! Priscilla was 14 years old!

Vindicator ago

Really? I never heard this!

Samime ago

Re watch the movie “ South Pacific” even all the song lyrics with your awakened eyes! It was advertising the perversions you could enjoy there. Sex with children “ Younger than springtime.... “‘makes me sick how it was marketed! Orgies on Bali Hai.... Mother’s who sell their daughters to rich old plantation owners... still doing it today!

Samime ago

I don’t want to disappear to those who support what I say... but I guess I must!

Vindicator ago

We do have actual spooks in here monitoring what we turn up, as well as people paid by the Clinton cabal (Brock's H1b visa minions at Shareblue). It is real. Voat was DDoSed for a month straight here not too many weeks ago in an operation that would have been extremely expensive, and smart folk here who know what is discussed on boards across the site said the Pizzagate and Wikileaks boards were the only ones likely to have generated that much angst among the powers that be. Legal and financial pressure have also been strongly applied in attempts to shut us down.

Samime ago

I just want those fuckers to hang!

Vindicator ago

You can let a few close compatriots know you're the same person -- just don't do it public comments. And if your username cannot be traced back to your real life identity, you probably don't need to delete your whole Voat history by deleting your account. You could just go back through your comments and submissions and selectively edit or delete them to create ambiguity.

migratorypatterns ago

Giving you a big UpVoat for that info.

Didn't know any of that, but it makes sense. They'd have to know if something were going on. It's a small enough place where you can keep an eye on things.

Samime ago

Time to rip the lid off the hellhole... worse than shithole... Hawaii

carmencita ago

Thank you for your help and the information. We will do our best to dig to the bottom. So very sorry what you have been through and hope we can lighten that load by exposing some of this. Peace and Stay Safe.

Samime ago

Look up Noni Fae.. she ran the Women Helping Women shelter on Maui... I went there because of abuse... all Hawaiian abuse victims and their kids were encouraged to abuse any white women and their kids... it was sick! She is a filter for abuse reports... all info is given back to the abusers so they can cover or disappear the women who go for help. Her brother is Nelson Armitage on Maui! All syndicate/mafia families. Keeping the lid on abuse of women and children. They have nowhere else to go but back into the hands of their abusers. It’s a circle of hell for the victims.. why is there so much mental illness in the islands? There’s your answer! Put them on pills and give them welfare so they are too afraid to talk about their families. Most of them OD. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! They broke my life and I’m about to return the favor.

migratorypatterns ago

Congrats on finding the courage to speak out. You'll do a lot of good because outsiders do not know this. Everything you said is new to me.

Sorry you went through that. You will make a difference.

Samime ago

My life has been in danger since I was born... you’ll never know. I may have to kill my voat identity and come back as another.

Vindicator ago

Samime, if your username could lead to your real life identity, you should definitely delete your account and come back in a new guise. People have been doxxed here, due to careless details made in their comment history or in DM's to those who weren't trustworthy. Do not risk it.

Fist bump for your fighting spirit!

migratorypatterns ago

Good idea.

Samime ago

I didn’t put this info out for fun... I am seriously compromised for this... please dig on these people. I’ve been hiding for my life too long because of this!

Samime ago

I just put my neck on the chopping block for that info...she went to school with Obama. I was forced to live there for many years... on the underbelly side. Saw way too fucking much! Look up the Armitage family and connections on Maui.

Factfinder2 ago

Punahou School?

Samime ago

Yep... poomai dousette... Obama was a year older I believe.

migratorypatterns ago

Will do. I really hope you're not in danger.

We all appreciate what you did.

Samime ago

Yeah.. my life was already threatened

Samime ago

She is related to the Baldwins

Samime ago

I believe so ... Baldwin has their names on streets, buildings etc... maybe they are related to the Canadian actors family? I only related what I was told.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/PVDNP :

  How Paul Mitchell founder John Paul DeJoria got started - Apr. 25, 2012     

https://archive.fo/PVDNP :

  How Paul Mitchell founder John Paul DeJoria got started - Apr. 25, 2012     

https://archive.fo/q6RJ8 :

Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian destroyed MGM. Why was he honored at the Oscars? - LA Times

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago


Samime ago

Every fucking Hollywood or government pervert is directly connected to Hawaii See all the rockstars who live there? There’s a reason