11147931? ago

Still wondering why Eddie Vedder did not attend Chris Cornell's funeral.

11147802? ago

How Does The "27" Club Fit Into Pizzagate?


Thank You


Criticalthinker615 ago

Im 50\50 undecided if this was because they are being targeted or it is a work and mike wants us to think he is an enemy of the pedos

11144485? ago

Song at Chris Cornell's funeral:

🇺🇸 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015789

11144252? ago

Having viewed, on TV, Mike Shinoda's body language words and behavior that morning after hearing Chester's housekeeper screaming:

I have always thought that Shinoda was complicit in the murder.

When Eddie Fedder was not around for the funeral, my suspicions increased.

I stress: this is based upon my opinion and no facts that I know of.

Maybe there where some LA PD there who knew truth story.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Anyone else notice that mike seems to have a homosexual accent now?

new4now ago

After Kurt Cobain died

Dave Grohl got a sweet deal

Watch for awards and Paris Hilton dating one of the members

Time will tell

Oh_Well_ian ago

Also, Courtney Love was elevated to superstar status in music and film.

A complete crock of shit.

Everyone major star at the funerals of Bennington and Cornell are part of the CULT.

Are_we__sure ago

Dave Grohl got a sweet deal

A sweet deal? You mean he wrote a bunch of songs and then recorded his debut album playing every instrument himself kind of deal? The kind of deal where he traded his primary instrument for a new instrument and became a singer kind of deal? Then went on to become the biggest rock band of the past two decades kind of deal?

You don't think talent played a part in that?

Also, Courtney Love was elevated to

Elevated? Her breakthrough album was already finished before Kurt's death and was one of the best albums of the grunge era.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're part of the pedo cult @are_we_sure

we know this about you

11147785? ago

Facilitating downfall for selection of

music artists:usually entails death.


Thanks to @ESOTERICshade

11144547? ago


new4now ago

Read where Kurt wouldnt sign his name in blood but Dave was willing

And we know Paris is the welcome hostess, among a few, Selena Gomez comes to mind8

carmencita ago

This would be Truly Shocking. I find it hard to believe after we found those badges with pedo logos on them. But who knows. It certainly would be a very Good Bit of News. Wow is all if Can Say.

Oh_Well_ian ago

looks like a contrived dog and pony show

I don't believe a damn bit of this garbage.

carmencita ago

Trying to look like they are on to it. Possibly because there was a report that they will be investigating all of the accusations. Uh, yeah, right.

Oh_Well_ian ago

any 'story' that is picked up across the broad spectrum of the MSM can be considered as FAKE

Want to know the lies that are being pushed every day? Just look at the headlines of the WAPO and NYTimes. Finding the truth has never been easier, in my view. Just invert the headlines, and dig deeper.

carmencita ago

I so aggree. It amazes me how many people don't think or know that Wapo is lying. Only people on here are aware really.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I was banned from WAPO almost 2 years ago and I was a top commenter on HuffPo 5 years ago ( got banned there, too lol ). I have never voted (R) in my life. Don't be so discouraged, people are waking up.

carmencita ago

God I hope so. I hope both sides wake up. For there is no party for either one. The Jig Is Up Elites. We Are Coming For You.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=kMm-_KVfxS4 | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/kMm-_KVfxS4 :

Linkin Park Gets Kicked Out Of The American Music Awards | Rock Feed - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

11147838? ago

Thank you.

11144384? ago

Oh, I wish I could interview the officers who were reluctant

to give the group re-entrance.

Was the scenario this:

Ya got your prize

you've been seen on stage..



Criticalthinker615 ago

I also never suspected Mike Shinoda of being homosexual until his speech in this video...

carmencita ago

He is the one you can find in a picture on line. He is with Bill Clinton in Haiti and has invested in a Sustainability Project. We researched it and it is a Fake Set Up. A site, but no real address.