EricKaliberhall ago

Thank you ESOTERICshade! This gave me a few well saught-after puzzle pieces, in this surreal, multi-layered fucked up puzzle.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Clive always wears a heliotrope purple tie which is Satan's colour.

SoldierofLight ago

Fascinating. And it answers a lot of questions I've had. The narrator was outstanding but is not credited. Probably was afraid to have his name attached so he doesn't end up as another sacrifice.

VieBleu ago

Didn't Clive Davis "handle" Whitney Houston? and throw the big party the night of her death, while her body still lay in the bathtub on a floor above them?

MyUSA2017 ago

Part 6 has been blocked on copyright grounds. Darn it.

ASolo ago

"(Let it be said that the vast majority of Masons have absolutely no connection to this upper tier of Masonry, few have real and accurate awareness of it, and are average everyday people active in their community. A lot of innocent lower level Masons take heat for what the upper tier is involved in.)"

True. But only to a degree. They are complicit for their lack of curiosity and passivity in the hopes and promises of advancement. This might have been the case before the 1900's but their organization has had many various spotlights on it throughout several points in history. This kind of ignorance is unacceptable in this day and age.

ASolo ago

Please excuse me, I didn't mean to detract from your thread as the rest of it looks interesting and very relevant.

2impendingdoom ago

This looks really interesting, how long is the total thing?