kiwianna111 ago

Renowned forensic investigator believes Chris and Chester were suicided ....

10644707? ago

l love Chris Cornell.

Saw this. Chris and Vicky arriving at LAX.

How does Chris look? Like himself?

Vicky seems to walk ahead of him.

Maybe there is a rock star reason. for this.

I don't know. Chris seems to hunch over at times.

Observers of Chris and friends said that Vicky led Chris around with a leash.

Copy. @angry_mob

ASolo ago

That fuckin millennial falcon is a complete fucking retard. That NFL thread observed the same parameters as the original and the fucker deletes it. Dudes a straight fuckwad.

Jem777 ago

Chris Cornell's wife Vicky is close friends with the Alefantis Comet Ping Pong crowd....

Like the Rothschilds possibly. Her last name Karayiannis is one of the wealthiest families in the work. They are much more hidden but are top financiers of the globe.

This was mentioned almost immediately after his death. His supporters and investigators believe she is complicit.....she needs further exposure

10642302? ago

If for no other reason I think that Vicky may be dirty for this reason:

Why would Deproit Law Enfornement, Detroit Medical Examiner and MSN lie and cover up and let

Martin Kirsten get away with killing Chris?

I'm telling you the goods are out there to arrest Kirsten sooner rather than later.

Do you realize that police got most of their write up from Bodyguard

Martin Kirsten. He signed the police report. Cool huh?

Vicky did not accompany Chris to Detroit.

ping to @angry_mob

10641748? ago

WOW. What a post. @Jem777. Thanks can't even put it into words.

Vicky was living in a Paris apartment with her mother and brother

when she met Chris Cornell. Vicky's brother arranged the introduction.

I know stuff based upon my research since May 2017.

A few things:

Vicky has a brother named Nicholas. He was drunk and driving. He killed a person. Not charged.

Yes it is a Greek family.

The family owns a well known restaurant in Brooklyn New York.

Huma's husband Weiner was noted as a regular patron there.

Read this info in a Christian Science Monitor article. Will look for it.

Will ping you a post germane re: Vicky, Chris widow.

ping to. @angry_mob

Have searched high and low.

Cannot find any voat threads on Vicky.

If you find can you post here for us?

copy. @ASolo

ASolo ago

Looks like a greek name.

I couldn't find anything substantial in a quick look for the surname.

Interesting to say the least.

Jem777 ago

Yes she is from extremely wealthy Greek family. She is tight friends with Courtney Love and others involved in pedogate.....this was discussed on Voat it should have extensive threads.

ASolo ago

I'll float through some voat archives then thanks Jem (keep kickin' ass sister!)

carmencita ago

Does anyone remember that tweet that was posted on here of Chester B wishing his Dad JP A Happy Birthday. I saw it but then could not find it later. There were so many posts and comments that time of the death.

angry_mob ago

it really pisses my off about vicky, chris' wife. what a cunt for being mealy mouthed about chris' death. it's a real slap in the face to his family, friends and fans. also, his wimpy bandmates for not coming forward either. what a shitty biz.

10633800? ago

It hurts.

Look at this: Was Chris being abused by his wife? Did Vicky (Chris' Now Widow) Hire Bodyguard Martin Kirsten To Kill?

For more than a year prior to dying, Chris was afraid of his wife, Vicky:

The Chris And Vicky Cornell Foundation was founded in the state of California in 2012.

The State of California subsequently stripped i.e. revoked the foundation of it's coveted 501c3 status as a

registered non-profit corporation.

Looking at public records the last fiscal year the foundation filed the required

Form 990 was 2014.

ping @Jem777 2:15 PM Sept.28. and @ASolo

Question:. Vicky comes from a super wealthy family people say.

Why oh why did she get Chris Cornell to invest mega bucks of his own money

In one of her family's investments and have

Chris loose all his money?

angry_mob ago

thanks for that! wow, just wow. it's weird, the first time i saw pics of her (right after chris' death) i had this instant negative reaction. i couldn't explain it, but now i think it was a bit of intuition.

10644524? ago

wow. Yes. Based upon research.

I want to ping you on something that came up today about the woman.

Will do so now. Started with @Jem777 comment .

10633413? ago

Eddie Bravo Relates About The Demises Of Chris and Chester:

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

I think the creepiest thing about this whole situation in regards to these guys is the fact that Chester looks just like John podesta

ASolo ago

I agree. Yet, personally I'm not ready to throw in the towel on this particular aspect of the pizzagate narrative. I do know through my own understanding that this possibility is not beyond the norm for this sort of thing but I find a healthy amount of speculation and reservation is required for an objective rationalization, partially in essence to retain some amount of credibility within this investigation because this is one of those aspects that simply stuns the crowd and automatically creates a sort of cognitive dissonance.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Also are there any metal heads here that can vouch that this guy is really this popular in the community? Like have you heard of him before this post?

sunshinepines83 ago

Are you asking if people have ever heard of the guy randy cody that wrote the article, or are you asking about Chris Cornell or Chester Bennington?

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

I meant randy Cody

sunshinepines83 ago

Yeah I figured that's what you meant but thought you should clarify since it wasn't completely clear.

I'm a big rock and metal fan, but I don't keep up with rock magazines or whatever so I've personally never heard of the dude.

10641958? ago

He may have been 'before your time' He was 52 years old when he died.

Involved in the early 1990s helping found Seattle's Grunge Movement.

Noted among other things for him and his guitar. Got clean and sober sometime after 2000.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Oh no I meant the author

angry_mob ago

yeah i've heard of him yrs ago. \m/

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

So I know this might sound either naive or dumb, but has anyone considered that Kurt Cobains death could've been related to PG via Courtney Love?

If someone has already speculated on this and you have a link to some info that'd be great. I've always thought she was the direct reason behind his death, but being PG related would make a ton of sense.

ASolo ago

The Cobain and Courtney Love angle is huge. Courtney herself has to be a monarch trained finder. Her father Hank Harrison at one time managed the Grateful Dead. He'll even toss his daughter under the bus when it comes to Cobain's death. This is the note that was found in Cobain's wallet after his death: 'Do you Kurt Cobain take Courtney Michelle Love to be your lawful shredded wife,' the note begins, 'even when she’s a bitch with zits and siphoning all (your) money for doping and whoring.'

"Adding to the scuzzy appeal of the note, it is written on paper from the Phoenx Hotel in San Francisco's gritty, crime-infested Tenderloin district."

quiche ago

Rockstar digs percolating with transient energies; if only these walls could talk!

Been here a number of times. The lounge is cozy, hip, and chock full of shelves crammed full of vinyl. Funny, I didn't see any turntables anywhere...

Hotel room 61 is as remarkably charged (vibe-wise) as I remember it from years and years ago. I think that bullet hole in the sliding glass door leading to the veranda is fresh, however (my limited detective skills determined that the shot apparently came from INSIDE the bedroom). Said veranda reeks eversoslightly of nicotine and there is a charming altar-esque scorch mark on the living room ceiling what conjures up scenes reminiscent of Jimmy Page's fascination with Satanism and occult guru Aleister Crowley (see: Zeppelin hey-day tour chronicle Hammer of the Gods wherein Page's penchant for ritualistically holing up in candle-lit hotel rooms with very underage "acolytes" is detailed greatly). The fact that real-world crack deals and ladies of the evening brandish their vendibles in full view from the glass-enclosed confines of the veranda's overlook almost invalidates the existence of the flat screen TV that comes with the room. Of course, the heated pool further eliminates the need to pay any heed to either TV or the bitter realities that lurk just a few feet from the Phoenix's backdoor. It IS possible to really stay-cation here, even if you call the tenderloin home.

Be advised that one of the best, reasonably priced, and egregiously overlooked (in my opinion) Vietnamese eateries lies just across the street from the hotel. After the lounge pulls your pants down over the price of their scrummy cocktails, forgo further financial fudge-packing by filling your bellyat Vietnam House where you feed a family of five for the price of two, maybe three small plates at the Phoenix's lounge. Or don't go out at all; the brussel sprouts & bacon small plate is yummy and kiiiind of filling, but not.__----- This is a review of the Phoenix Hotel. It is in the Tenderloin but is a famous rock and roll hot spot. Plenty of occult art, swimming pool decorated with six six six.

ASolo ago

Is this sourced or is it your experience?

10630887? ago

Contains historical and factual information about Chris including

a message from Chris Cornell's birth Mother.

OP. @Dejure

MichaelClayton ago

It is strange that all of the Ramones died one by one. Linda sacrificing them makes sense. I believe Joey was brought up in a satanic household and was actually female.

RweSure ago

It is strange that all of the Ramones died one by one.


I believe Joey was brought up in a satanic household and was actually female.

Really? How long have you believed that?

MichaelClayton ago


eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Read this via the link. Phew....

I'll say this much. If fake, it is an expertly woven tale. I never believed for a moment that Chris OR Chester committed suicide. I need to hear more before I can accept this, but as I said, if fake, they did a great job compiling those bits and pieces and creating a plausible narrative.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Sounds exactly like the thuggee cult, where we get the word thug. They would befriend people along a trail, then suddenly strangle them. A movie was made about this with Pierce Brosnan. Its rooted in islam. Most of these deaths seem connected to so-called 'friends'. Finding out who these people were with that day would narrow it down. The islamophile would be a first clue. Look at Chris Kyle, Breitbart, Seth Rich etc were all out with 'friends' earlier.

neo50 ago

Awesome! I'm sure he's red-pilled many of his followers. The snowball is picking up speed!

10630499? ago


Thinking of song Chris sang with his 12 year old daughter, Toni:

Sung together at The Beacon Theatre in New York City on October 19, 2015.

Worth a listen.

Seems prophetic. Stop killing our prophets.




Are_we_sure ago

You know that's a cover version right?

StreetMusic ago

So was Jeff Buckley Hallelujah. Shut up.

Are_we_sure ago

Yeah. I had the John Cale version what's your point?.

My point was it wasn't just a song he sang. It's the quite famous Redemption Song.

darkknight111 ago

@Vindicator @Millennial_Falcon @sensitive Looks like we've got an alt of banned user RWeSure running around. The two are the same person as he happily admits.

StreetMusic ago

None but ourselves can free our asses.

10630012? ago

This post is pizzagate related.

Randy Cody of The Metal Den And His Band Of Investigators Believe

Chris Cornell Was Murdered And 90% Of Donations To The Chris and Vicky Cornell

Foundation Never Went To Child Traffic And Abuse Rescue.

2-3 days before Chris death the Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation webpage

went dark. THIS IS A MUST READ regarding their foundation:

One problem Randy Cody And His Band Of Investigators are having is that

Vicky Karayiannis (Chris widow) is an expertly trained publicist. That is what she was

doing before she met Chris in Paris.

She is helping control the news coverage and public perceptions to fit her

story (details and her assertions which dramatically changed through the four weeks

after Chris was declared dead around 1:30 AM May 18, 2017.)

She has been feeding wrong and perverted to MSM. Investigators

found TMZ's reporting so turned upside down. You would have to

know what true Investigators, Thank You God, have unearthed.

ASolo ago

"I posted on another thread here last night about the research that's been going on at Lipstick Alley for the past 2 months. About a week and a half ago, someone discovered that Vicky, Linda Ramone, & Alexandra Osipow Vissicchio had all been removed from the listing of the board of directors, and only Chris remains. Also, someone named Jessica Diep is now listed as owner. They are now operating as a "civic & social association" since they lost the 501c3 status."


ASolo ago

Great contribution.

10630236? ago

Thank you.

There is so much to his death and cover-up that would horrify

any sound minded American.

ASolo ago

I think there are enough rockers and metalheads that payed attention to this to tip interest for it over the edge.

ASolo ago

Whoa. This guy ain't fuckin' around (wayne n garth air guitar finger slide - rock on, party on...)

Pizzagate? And the Pizzagate scandal – Chris Cornell – Chester Bennington – and other important names that I read about?

"Again, “Pizzagate” was a controversy that started once “Pedogate” stories began to break out in America, tying Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager, John Podesta, to a pizza parlor that allegedly hosts “pizza parties” which is pedophile lingo for having sex with innocent kids. A guy named Seth Rich leaked the scary details in emails via wikileaks last year and then shortly afterward he was found dead. He was at one time employed by the DNC, in charge of maintaining their computers."

Why should I trust your declarations? It would be very kind if you explain it to me?

"All I can tell you is that I am former United States Marine, with an honorable record, and I am not being paid at all to do this work. My site does not allow mainstream ads or take part in click bait. I am even blocked now from my videos being monetized on YouTube, they will not pay me my percentage of ad revenue dollars earned because they deem anyone who reports on either “Pedogate” or “Pizzagate” to be fake news. TMDlogoWhen the truth is, this scandal is very real. Kids are being plucked out of their homes and put in pedophile foster care… many are killed in satanic sacrifices, as hard as that is to believe. All you have to do is go online and start doing some basic research. Although,Facebook and Twitter are censoring “truthers” like me now too, and trying to hide this content from the public, you can still find it. There is a ton of evidence and proof the scandal is real, as long as you are willing to keep an open mind."

10629868? ago

Thank you.

Over 200 people are working on Twitter and Facebook working hard

to expose Vicky Cornell and Martin Kirsten and the specific and selected

Detroit Law Enforcement and Crazy Medical Examiner Personnel who are/were

untoward in this matter.


ASolo ago

He's not holding back on nothin' either!

I do not understand the relation between Illuminati and Chris Cornell? Illuminati does really exist? Why in America? They are Americans?

"Good question. I know a lot of people feel that the Illuminati is a myth, but unfortunately it is very real, and the freemasons (the Illuminati) who founded America, are claimed to be comprised of many of the current elite people in politics, business, Hollywood and music taking part in satanic rituals as part of their secret society at a place called Bohemian Grove, among other spots. It is said, amid this secret society, that many past US presidents are alleged to have also been fully involved. They are attempting to take over the world. They are the fallen angels who are trying to bring in the Luciferian [Satanic] agenda to our society and a New World Order around the globe. These diabolical monsters are known to sacrifice babies who are not even one year old yet. That is why there are so many missing kids in America over last 30 years. They harvest the blood of the young for what is called “Parabiosis” blood transfusion. They drink and bathe in the blood too. They snuff out the innocent kids they snatch from homes and then sacrifice their body in a satanic ceremony. Many times they also film this and sell the “snuff film’ to the elite of society. Many have reported seeing these types of gruesome films on the dark web, although I have never seen one myself. It is said this kind of thing occurs regularly in pedophile rings."

AngB23 ago

He's an awesome, brave man seeking truth and justice. If anyone is on Twatter and not following him...please do and retweet the shit out of him to expose this stuff. Thanks for the post!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Wow. Sending this guy lots of love, prayers and protection.

ASolo ago

"That story I did is easily over one billion views"-Randy Cody


ASolo ago

MetalDen boasts of over a MILLION shares on this article alone from his site

Police: Chester Bennington Was Murdered

ASolo ago

Why Is Chris Cornell’s Murder Being Covered Up?

ASolo ago

I have to thank 2155198 in pizzagatewhatever for the original thread.

subvertlinguistics ago

They aren't dead.

That's just like, um, your opinion, man.

10629668? ago

I want to be uplifted but then I see yournewswire and neon nettle mentioned. Are they still clickbait? I assume 'yes'...

10630422? ago

You can eliminate yoursnewswire and neonnettle.

Facts are out there.

Valid professional facts.

This source is loaded with facts:

Many independent experts were interviewed and cited.

I challenge you to read every article posted there on Chris.

Journalist Randy 'Rocket' Cody has the goods. copy


ASolo ago

Ah, well, yes, clickbait for sure but, who was it that said "ANY publicity is GOOD publicity"?

10629927? ago

True dat.