ASolo ago

this thread must not disappear.

where are you OP Quoting: ASolo 74741098

Op is still here.... Keep this thread alive, this next week will be epic.....

Right here, we are always right here....time to call out the fuckers that think they are hot shit.... Not one person or agency can prove this thread wrong. It's a fact. I'm keeping it alive until they drop the NK shot and the individual states about to file bankruptcy and they pull their heads out of thier info coming in 24 hours. Where is imran awan????? Hey Debbie , you fucked up....

ASolo ago

A Hurricane Of Media Disinfo Blew Away A Key 911 Anniversary

By Yoichi Shimatsu 9-12-17

When Irma made final landfall on the Continental USA at 5 p.m. on Sunday, September 10, at Naples, Florida, “the greatest storm ever” (a big lie, if ever) was by then winding down to a Category 2. Despite a week of hysterical predictions of unprecedented damage to the Sunshine State, the first near-casualties were two manatees stuck in the mud when the waters retreated from Sarasota Bay due to low air pressure and they were soon saved. Before reaching Tampa, this media-hyped “unprecedented” storm was a listless Category 1, soon thereafter downgraded to a tropical storm.

On the following day, the major news media kept churning out horror stories from Florida with repeated coverage of a fatal road crash. That sad death fits the category of “man bites dog” news, to be relegated to page 16, since it marked the state’s lowest number of highway fatalities for a single day. According to the Florida DMW, the average daily death toll is 10 drivers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists.

A Storm of Fake News

Headlines blared “total devastation”, even though a closer look at photos of strewn sheet metal from K-Mart tool sheds showed undamaged houses standing intact in the background. News reports of prefab cottages and mobile homes displaced by the storm surge is a no-brainer when these boxes lack a standard foundation. Online deception, some of it skillfully photoshopped, showed a shark swimming over a highway and a picture of flooded downtown Miami, which were taken actually at the Miami River. The hurricane of fake news, which included false “sightings” of tornadoes, was abetted by a massive power blackout, The outage affecting a million homes inexplicably overcame the state even before the weakening storm made landfall, preventing residents from showing or seeing the much less frightening reality on the ground.

Hurricane Irma was a classic case of “fake news”. A media-vilified Rush Limbaugh is completely exonerated for exposing Irma as a global warming inspired media hoax. The radio host deserves an apology from the mainstream corps of professional liars.

What’s even more disturbing than the climate change propaganda is the date of that Monday after Irma pooped out: September 11. This year’s remembrance was an especially important anniversary when hundreds of injury victims from the World Trade Center attack are suing the FBI for disclosure of 80,000 classified files on the Saudi role in that attack. Operation Irma was not just a media stunt, it is a sacrilege against the memory of the 911 victims and a cynical insult to their surviving kin.

Home Field of Al Qaeda Air Force

Florida is the home state of then Governor Jeb Bush, who immediately after 911 flew aboard an USAF C-130 with a 2 truckloads of files from Rudi Dekkers’ Huffman Aviation in Venice, Florida (and Naples), where 911 terror suspects Mohamed Atta and Marwan El-Shehhi received flight training. Another flight school in Venice owned by fellow Dutchman Arne Kruithof taught 6 other 911 suspects how to fly.

Venice Airfield was also the base for Britannia Aviation, which provided repair and other aircraft services for Caribe Air, a CIA propriety company used for covert operations, including drug shipments from Latin America. Instead of its scheduled rendezvous with an FBI team in Washington D.C., Jeb Bush’s plane landed in northern Virginia, to safely deliver the incriminating documents to the CIA headquarters in Langley, McLean. The CIA continues to suppress disclosure of that trove of treason.

Israeli Art Students in the Sunshine State

Aside from the funding and planning by the Saudi Royals, 911 truth advocates have also uncovered a web of Israeli connections to the demolition of the World Trade Center. Saudi-Israeli cooperation to hoodwink Americans should come as no surprise, since their bilateral alliance was a major factor during the Afghan War against Soviet occupation, starting in 1979. The cooperation between Riyadh and Tel Aviv continued in their containment of Iran and against Hezbollah-connected Lebanese diamond traders in West Africa. These joint projects involved the late Osama bin Laden and his team of Sunni radicals labeled as Al Qaeda.

Following 911, the FBI rounded up and expelled 60 Israeli “art students”, working undercover for the Mossad spy agency, in Hollywood, Florida, where Atta and Marwan had rented an apartment. Far from investigating terrorism (which might have prevented the WTC attack), the Israel spies were themselves part of the terrorist planning and logistics behind the 911 deception.

The Florida governor was, of course, the brother of President George W. Bush who stood to gain the most from the 911 events. It comes as no surprise then, that Jeb who currently resides in Miami was also vocal in exaggerating the strength of incoming Hurricane Irma. He has no excuse, not after dealing with 9 hurricanes as Florida governor, including the 1992 landfall of Andrew, a genuine Category 5 storm and fourth most powerful recorded in the U.S., as compared with the much-hyped but under-performing Irma La Douche.

Buried at Camp David

Operation Irma also kept Donald Trump and his Cabinet hostage inside a Camp David bunker, preventing the President from public discussion of the Saudi documents needed for the current 911 victim’s legal proceedings and what he learned from the Saudi legal authorities on his state visit to Riyadh in mid-May. His disclosure of those bombshell revelations at the 911 Memorial on the 16th anniversary would have been the first high-level breach corroborating what many truthers suspect, that the demolition of the WTC was an inside job involving many and perhaps most of the same candidates that he soundly defeated in the 2016 primary and presidential election.

Yet, an even more urgent and pressing question is why yoichi so goddamn aloof about Donald Trump.

Atta honed his flying skills at Lantana, the Palm Beach County Airport., less than 10 blocks from Trump's Mar-a-Lago.

What's more is that TRUMP and CLINTON'S BUDDY EPSTEIN had one of his personally trained masseuse's (Nadia Marcinko/Marcinkova) attend flight school at this same airport.


ASolo ago

I just had to reproduce this here so everybody gets to see a shill lashing:

Are_we_sure -2 points (+0|-2) 2 days ago

"This makes George Webb look sober and rational."

[–] ASolo 0 points (+0|-0) 3 min ago

I've been thinking an awful lot about you, this comment, and George Webb. I think what you said there was a perfectly calculated quip that lends credibility to Webb at the same time decreasing the efficacy of both. Brilliant. Except for the fact that your opinions have betrayed you and your reputation precedes you, I believe that what you said would provide the perfect cover for Webb's Mossad counterintelligence operation. See, he did have it right, but in the end you see there were slight variations that Webb threw in there while skimming very close to the truth to give it enough traction, come to a big climax, and then, NOTHING. That's a perfect, classic bait-and-switch.

See, there are serious threats happening in our ports and with the international bankers wealthy shipping corporations, but Webb's interpretation took the nice, long, country version of the reality of weapons, drugs and human cargo within the nations and the worlds shipping industry and limited the scope, and interpretation, of the original Pizzagate findings.

It all would a worked if you weren't such a transparent turd Are_we_sure.

ASolo ago

Add'l discussion:

Little Birdie Says A Connection To Awan Knows Why Chester Bennington Was...

ASolo ago

More interesting comments from that thread:

"You have to add in Kurt Smolek ~ found dead in the Potomac River ~ only a month into his new assignment in washington DC.

he worked for the clinton state department in Cambodia ~ if not the top at least top 5 human trafficking countries in the world.

Kurt was a DSS agent ~ the state department agency that would have vetted and provided the Awan clearances.

after the april charges they used to freeze Awan in the united states (bank fraud ~ just a holder charge while the real charges are still coming together). when they found the laptop ~ wasserman schultz says in may 2017 to the Capitol Police threaten “consequences” if Chief Matthew Verderosa did not give her the laptop. “If a member loses equipment,” it should be given back, she said.

when they didnt give it back ~ her story changed to it wasnt hers - despite the username to log in being repDWS." Quoting: Rufus Juice

"Some have laid dormant for a few years... Intentionally... News media CBS, CNN, ABC..... Tread softly, for you tread on my dreams.. All of you falsely reported on the above post and thread comments / videos produced. Even Fox had to do with hiding the facts. That's why u are seeing a purge from there and only there. Let's take a time trip back to prove my point in which the above info and videos clearly disprove in a factual manner. For reinforcement, why is hillary's and obamas pet ( Malloy) all of a sudden not running for office anymore. Maybe it's the illegal extradition of John reich rescently from NY to CT for a misdemeanor . It wouldn't be to stop a 150$million lawsuit from being pursued and fucking up the sandy hook narrative now would it??? Hey DNC, what strings did you pull to stop all this info from coming out???? It ain't finished yet. State of CT illegally extradited Jonathan Reich November 2016 ( right around election) to stop evidence from coming out through the Patch lawsuit case." Slammed With $150 Million Lawsuit For “Trial By Media” & “Carelessly Endangering & Revealing Alleged Witnesses”

Interesting video here as well:

ASolo ago

Interesting behavior from a grieving father:

Felix Pantaleon Stalked by Lenny Pozner/Leonard Pozner/Len Pozner, Harassment, Fake DMCA’s, Libel, Slander Documented.

Lenny Pozner obtains a domain name of one of his victims, with their real government name. And post private images obtained, by hacking into their iphone cloud account. Lenny wants this woman to commit suicide, by tormenting her and posting private pictures on his illegal slanderous website. Links inside

ASolo ago

"100$ says imran awan knows Leonard pos zner , worked for wasserman Shultz, used her CT connections and Malloy covered up the entire thing knowing his people were in place at every agency in CT under obamas directive. Shall I get into how they used hurricane sandy and the federal $ to have a state of emergency at the same time of the incident in place??? You dem's are bold, cocky, and we now know how you pulled it off. Wait till wasserman and imran are deposed.... I'll leave it at that for now. Comey, ur being sued soon including attorney general holder."

ASolo ago


Thick as thieves up there in Connecticut. Just imagine the centuries old elite familial entanglements that occasionally have to get untangled in times of transition. This is what yoichi shimatsu tries to outline in his work. These elite cartels are intertwined in and throughout every governmental agency and are specifically designed as endemic triggers for societal collapse.

ASolo ago

"On top of that, Sandy hook was a cover for illegal and operations in the state of CT via fast and furious part b that was never announced for domestic weapons to be sold at gun dealers for the purpose of infiltrating gangs but also to arm them. It backfired when weapons in murders were discovered and Nancy Lanza had a 50 page grand jury report that the state police of cT redacted. I wonder why??? It would have politically ruined Obama and the dem's. But that grand jury material with Nancy Lanza says that she was either an atf informant or that she was from an agency of some sorts. Where is the redacted 50 pages?????? It's called political cover ladies and gents....wake up!!!!" Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11333535

And it has been proven after over 10 yrs of court battle for Discovery and FOIA that Clinton Asst US Attorney General Erich Holder was running joint agency PATCON teams, like the one they had blow the Murrah bldg. in Oklahoma, which was OKBOMB, and the parallel teams running BOMBROB which was attribute to over 22 bank and armored car robberies, and all authorized by and in Fast and Furious.

This ties into FBI Larry A. Potts whom Tim McVeigh who was a Gov/mil/intel employee soldier who was sheep dipped into these programs, that also involved CIA drug running operations. Potts and the PATCON teams did Ruby Ridge, Waco and many others.

These operations are still running and just pulled off Charlottesville, as opening salvo in things to snowball and yet to come. (SPLC also involved, and Google, etc w/ the Feds in this large operation that has gone live)

They already publicly admitted the DOJ/FBI/BATF had embedded agents, and informants in BOTH sides of that operation.

That to find those groups that are and have been long time, or newly changed hands, or created that have CIA assets in them, look for groups that profess the gov narrative on 911, and other past FF attacks.

The main threats and fully coopted persons and organizations have an intimate relationship and are David Duke (1970s CIA, USAID, Asia/Air America), Don Black [he with Duke involved in CIA/ADL plot for regime change / trafficking/laundering in OP Red Dog, Bayou of Pigs that failed and covered up profoundly by Agencies, DOJ and media. Duke was never even indicted. Black was in Federal prison, in prison learned computer programing, starts Storm front web page and forum 1995, full swing 1996] , Strom front forum [National Alliance members are moderators, it is also a long time honeypot operation], National Alliance [zombie operations brought back from the dead for these purposed 2014], Will Williams, leader of Fed front National Alliance (CIA, Operation Phoenix, mentally disturbed, violent, connected to many murders and murderers. Such as his early mentor from Carolina Knights of the K k K (shut down) rebranded as White Patriot Party, many decades murderer Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. [Green Beret, decades long FBI and task force informant and operative. Last murders were April 2014 Overland Park, KS. Prior Greensboro Massacre, and Shelby, NC assassinations/explosions, and others. Miller subject of nations largest manhunt after infamous stunt "Declaration of War". Another murderer Williams claims he incited is Jonathan Preston Haynes. Williams was also a pen pal of Charles Manson.], pedophile Kevin Alfred Strom [on national and Pennsylvania sex offender registry, made deals, light sentence. On Federal fully intensive Federal monitoring probation until 2022. Encouraged in the movement, no prohibitions, runs all servers, communications, media, all data gathered], David Martin Pringle [provocateur], Albert "Jay" Hess, and others. These are the weak points of other movements and orgs in advancing their stated cause. These people are having others herded into their direction as all information and activities are fully compromised. All of these persons were fully active in setting up Charlottesville.

Another fact is the ADL has always been top of the US and Canadian mafia and partners with the CIA. The SPLC also is not what they portent to be and also have played their part in past False Flags and staged BS events, and their cover up. Such as Oklahoma City. It can also be evidenced that they support and protect those listed above in promotion, narrative, nothing to end or stop them. That is not the business model and not profitable to end them.

The problem is there will never be any accountability for anyone for any past false flags, and operations because all the agencies, FBI, BATF, DHS, DOJ, Pentagon, etc and in some cases WH were all fully involved. They DOJ has NO interest in investigating themselves or the programs THEY run. Excuse "national Security", as after all what Daddy Bush said "If the American people ever find out what we have done, they will come after us in the streets.. ". No Americans are too far conditioned, programed, and controlled by media, the controlled "religion", corrupted programming indoctrination centers called the mandatory attendance schools, and not understanding the "government" their "representatives" in States and DC have NO intention of harming their own wealth and power sources and are blackmailed and controlled.

ASolo ago

Wonder what kind of turd shit downvoated, shills we gonna ferret your stinkin asses out.


Wolfgang Halbig? Seriously? The guy runs subliminals in all of his videos. Bad 2nd rate subliminals. That Monte guy? They're all paid. What's really funny is when they all pretend to hate each other.

AgainstPedos ago

Most YouTube hosts that do exposes relay some truth among the way, way out there stuff.

Jem777 ago

Excellent OP.....thank you)

Jem777 ago

@ASolo this is the most mind blowing incredible post to date. I connected some dots and made the following post by clipping in youtube and other evidence proving your posts. It was deleted but here it is.

ASolo ago

Thank you Miss!

TrishaUK ago

If this is the case, I hope his 'immunity deal' is not a 'cover all' and his own personal crimes are not commuted along with what he gives up about, Killary,Obummer, cohorts&DNC!

alley401 ago

Hastings wife was a former Director of Communications for the National Security Council under Obama. At first she said her husband was killed then she called it a terrible accident days later. "Elise Jordan is a journalist, political speechwriter, and commentator. She served as the director for communications in the National Security Council from 2008 to 2009. Jordan also worked in the White House Office of Presidential Speechwriting, at the U.S. Embassy, Baghdad, Iraq, and also for the Commanding General’s Strategic Advisory Group at the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan. Additionally, she was as a speechwriter for former Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. As of January 14, 2016, Jordan has been an MSNBC Political Analyst."

millennial_vulcan ago

.....but a shit actress! Here she is on Piers Morgan, a day after Hastings died, awkward spinning some bs

ASolo ago

So totally relevant.

ASolo ago

You know you've hit a chord when known shills stumble out of bed rubbing their eyes telling themselves they better muster up some negativity before they lose their job and have to go clean the fusion center shitters.

10557350? ago

I got disconnected and had extra challenges posting the video by Jim Fetzer

'Noone Died At Pizzagate'. Some type of voat gremlin does not like this subject

OUT and discussed is my take.

ASolo ago

Oh I agree that NOT EVERYONE DIED as the MSM claims but I do believe a patsy and a few 'teachers', and the more unbreakable children probably did. I'm a firm believer we did see the majority of the children at the super baal and that they happen to be the chosen monarchs to escape whatever was going on at that abandoned school over those poorer children that were not so lucky.

Are_we_sure ago

This makes George Webb look sober and rational.

ASolo ago

I've been thinking an awful lot about you, this comment, and George Webb. I think what you said there was a perfectly calculated quip that lends credibility to Webb at the same time decreasing the efficacy of both. Brilliant. Except for the fact that your opinions have betrayed you and your reputation precedes you, I believe that what you said would provide the perfect cover for Webb's Mossad counterintelligence operation. See, he did have it right, but in the end you see there were slight variations that Webb threw in there while skimming very close to the truth to give it enough traction, come to a big climax, and then, NOTHING. That's a perfect, classic bait-and-switch.

See, there are serious threats happening in our ports and with the international bankers wealthy shipping corporations, but Webb's interpretation took the nice, long, country version of the reality of weapons, drugs and human cargo within the nations and the worlds shipping industry and limited the scope, and interpretation, of the original Pizzagate findings.

It all would a worked if you weren't such a transparent turd Are_we_sure.

RweSure ago

I've been thinking an awful lot about you, this comment, and George Webb.

Really? You have my sympathies.

ASolo ago

You know you've hit a chord when known shills stumble out of bed rubbing their eyes telling themselves they better muster up some negativity before they lose their job and have to go clean the fusion center shitters. Dick. So funny

Are_we_sure ago

You keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

ASolo ago

And you have a GREAT reputation here so we already know about you fuckwit

ASolo ago

NOT from the OP of the discussion at GLP but nonetheless relevant and will be reproduced here:

OP, Sincerely appreciate all of your time and effort. I'm also having trouble connecting all of the pieces. I don't know all of the players surrounding Sandy Hook and CT. Cannot believe they would kill all those kids to cover up major fraud and blatant criminal activity.

Perhaps another poster can assist in clarifying and in going over all of the points for us? Know of many, many who would be interested in understanding this massive "spider web." Quoting: NotStarvingActress

That's the thing....

I don't think they actually killed any children.

I think it was all just a smoke screen to take the focus off of several other issues... namely the gun-running and the sex trafficking.

The ones who were actually murdered, i.e. Michael Hastings, were about to expose one or the other... or both.

And please correct me if I'm wrong. Quoting: Mike Ehrmantraut

I agree, Mike, I don't think one kid was killed at 'Sandy Hoax'. However, I am surprised that there isn't a post from someone claiming that 'they know that kids were killed as they have a cousin living in Sandy Hook whose kids attend the school'. NO matter what website you are on and if you doubt that Sandy Hook happened, invariably, there is a post out of nowhere claiming something like the above.

The tell for me was when I watched that goofball coroner, Wayne Carver, at his Saturday morning press conference - I have never seen anything like it before or since.

There were other slip-ups, too, like the dad that went from laughing to remorseful as soon as the camera caught him on film. There was also a lawsuit filed about a week after the 'incident' by a parent whose kid attended Sandy Hook. The suit was against the school district for not providing a safe environment for the kids. That suit was shutdown almost instantly. I believe that the discovery phase of the suit would have shown what a crock the whole incident was. I am surprised there were never anymore lawsuits connected with this event - people must have been bought off. Quoting: AC 30148669

right when Sandy Hook went down GLP was in full action as were other place. Thing was a few people were given a heads up about the event to come. Oddly those leaks, warnings came through the "brotherhood network" out of DC area mason, who also work in gov and all those things there. Some got a 3 months heads up. Even posts early posts on GLP w/ a odd heads up.

The heads up was that there was going to be a false flag, that it involved Holder and Obama. It said it was going to involve kids as the hook. That it was already set up w/ media campaigns and Soros groups for petitions, slogans, stories ready to go and that it involved messing w/ the 2nd amendment but had deeper ties and things they were using it for. The warnings to folks was prep, stay vigilant, and put up some craigslist ads and other things so you could later say you had private sold some things you owned in case they came after them. And to hide things, but to stock up on many things to and get new ones. This came 3 months before, so all one could do was watch things, seeding and patterns and see if the Feds teams were going to go live w/ their plans.

[this is not unusual as many from many of these org as contractors, PR found a way to get out the heads up for Boston and it went down that Monday and the other part of the original narrative that Wed also as planned. Glp was hot on this from at least the Web prior to all of it. Picked up more intel on Thursday, and insider drop on late wee hrs Friday and sat just before it here.. It all panned out. We also know who/what was the original target to take the blame and that is very telling. It was Patriots etc.. that means the ever running (doing some things right now, and they were involved in Charlottesville 2.0 recently and are ready to do more w/ in a month now.. ) but they were proven in many records, files, foia, law suits etc.. that these groups are part of the Deep State (CIA) joint task forces that work w/ mil/intel FBI and BATF the group of teams are called PATCON teams. WE know they were the once that for over 3 years before THEY did OKBOMB and their parallel totally connected BOMBOB with their "Aryan Republican Army" ARA that did over 22 banks and armored car robberies that then used that narrative to do a lot of narrative WEB creation that then had their guys donate/spread drop a lot of that money to many people and groups around the country, so could use in any future narrative shit show, and that one. Same teams also used their slow/mental ill pasties in some networks to also "touch" and spread, donated, give, drop and plant things that could be called components of explosives. It has been many years since then. Many people have reported and been shut up or ignored, or wondered why the fucked did they never go after and recover ANY of that stuff all around the country. This was also brought up by some trying to expose this but whose families had been credibly threatened and had been railroaded in the narrative BS and in prison. If you go back you will recall Nichols tried to point this out, and let slip that many knew stuff from those teams all over the place, and places they in the BS investigations that were a sham as the one who had been Tim (who was a mil/intel sheep dipped soldier and doing his duty) said he reported to FBI Larry Potts. As soon as OP goes live w/ the explosives planted on those pillars (fully witnessed and proven) and the silly gov truck put up front, Larry Potts was advanced and made Deputy Director and fully in charge of the investigation. He then obstructed other agencies, and they had prior stifled and threatened BAFT.. hard time, and the dirty FBI with the Dirty DOJ blocked all other agencies investigations and began the never ending lies.. and way Nichols proved that there was stuff buried and in places that connects this to Feds and then recall suddenly years later they said they found some things buried, made Nichols and other guys boogie men to spin narrative.. but if you knew what he was doing you would know he was trying to point out what some many others know.. and where other stuff is. Anyway given things in Boston we know the PATCON teams were involved fully in that. It is known because of the networks they worked hard on in the set up, and the drills they were running, and how truthers busted that early narrative hard and they went to like level 3 patsies and bull shit. Leaving out the gee but what about the wed boom boom show in TX that was connected, and that was the largest in history of the great state of TX combined drills ever done. That FF was stunning, and several components the Plant and explosives and missle, the "town" and the actors and other shit show. You need to look at what kind of plant that is/was & how it was being used as a claim to link to "patriots" pro gun citizens constitutionalist, Oathkeepers was a name they had in script and CIA/CNN and blitzer ran with that for hours, and all the special already in studios controlled were already on that track.. all day. and a game to play race war, Nazi card due to the ammonium nitrate ala "Turner Diaries style" They story was going to be to explain that these groups stole a lot of this stuff and then they could at any later time in any like NOW narrative (been watching seeding on this and time is RIPE as hell) blame another truck bomb and shit on that. The teams have been working hard this year w/ the mentally ill and similar and place name narratives.. it is all seeding for the show ]

OK when that laughing "dad" did his thing, folks found him all over social media and who he really was. Name, his Facebook etc, and then started searching his friends. The guy was a long straight haired haired stoner "musician" "actor", "concept artist" and had done some projects and was tight w/ Spirit cooking lady.. no shit.. and some weird lefty exotic film maker chick. Many saved everything. I no longer have that computer I did all my image, and file saves on this.

But bound to be some stuff still on web not scrubbed.

That stuff about Nancy Lanza and the large Grand jury file came up to. And about it being a spook town, and the masonic temple right behind school that had been closed and not in operations. As well as long history of occult stuff going on in those woods, and some buildings there.

10557091? ago

Nobody Died At Sandy Hook

ASolo ago

Right, well, someone, or many, did die. I've seen and heard ALL of the speculation and theory and the truth is even those that got extremely close to the investigation still don't know, I believe these answers will only be revealed through an international court review. Period.

10558387? ago

Thank you for this thread.

I have read quite a few people died who would not participate in the cover-up.

Don't want to quibble in any way with you! Facts are thankfully still coming out.

ASolo ago

Repost, double post, for emphasis and effect:

"What if I told you the DNC and Obama administration is t telling you the truth about Leonard pozners identity and that he is opperating under two ssn's and multiple alias'...??? Can I prove it, yes.. So , who is suing newtown right now, and is it actually Lenny ??? Hmmm. Nope. What if I told you that imran awan has the answer. You see, Lenny is the only member of Sandy hook that is tied to awan, Pakistan , CNN, Hillary and wasserman Shultz . Now why is that?? Because his identity can't actually be revealed . Did anyone care to find out he is a foreign national, with exquisite ties to NY post, the newyorker, imran awan in which "Noah's picture is copyrighted" through false Id's and false copyright complaints on YT??? Why is "Lenny " apart of YT heroes now allowed to file (for past 5 years) false Dmca claims against hundreds of users and get away with it?? Lenny isn't Lenny ladies and gents . Google knows this. But the same people, pushing the same narrative , through the same situation , can't successfully sue the town of newtown why??? Hope this thread reaches millions. This is the successful deconstruction of the DNC in your face ..... More to come in a few min.... Chuck schumer and deblasio and Bloomberg coming up next.... "Mayors against gun violence" my ass!!!"

ASolo ago

Will Lenny Posner be questioned by congress about the awan affair?

How does Trentacosta fit into all of this. He owns the Newtown savings and loan. Will they supena Sedensky? Quoting: Anonymous Coward 60602028

"Trentacosta is board of governors for the FED right??? What about the charities though??? What if I told you the ring leader MONTE FRANK was the background cover and organizer... And the law firm that has malloys back funneled funds through people's united bank which is now being sued!!! Guess who joined that law firm after Wolfgang Halbig and Jonathan reach were silenced..??? monte frank as of last week!! We caught these fuckers extorting funds..."

"Now he is defending the bank from this law firm. Mind you, this is the same firm that back stabbed Jonathan reich."

"There was a conflict of interest... So let's recap;

Governor Malloy's buddies Pullman and Comley gets thier lead attorney in 2013 assigned to CT state Supreme Court . Pullman gets a referral (illegally) from attorney in NY for Jonathan to be represented. 40k for a class c misdemeanor. Throughout past 5 years everyone wonders wtf happened to Jonathan because of news stories about his arrest for "complaints from Wayne carver". Come to find out whole arrest is to protect info in Sandy hook report. (See video below) including documents and the phone calls. Ladies and gents, the extraordinary measures taken in this case for 5 years on a misdemeanor are atrocious now given the facts below. They fuckin lied from the PD level all the way to the president and the phone calls and docs prove it. So, what were they hiding??? Where all the charity money was really going . Law firms, banks, or firms and Hilary's campaign. Don't believe it?? Look up all the stuff on j reich and here the phone calls urself. They had a lot to hide."

I hope you are all following.... Hillary at all costs was trying to silence everyone using her position as a silencing tool, and it fuckin backfired.

ASolo ago

"It gets better, let me catch my breathe for a few min.....lets just say, the whole "Russian " story, has all the evidence to show the Obama admin was in tight collusion amongst multiple states in order to force multiple agendas. Now that it has been deconstructed, I would like president Trump to declassify all reports including FBI, BATFE , CIA, CT state police, DHS, DIA, and any and all gag orders placed from these agencies on businesses, persons, and foreign intelligence operatives that were involved in the planning, making, execution, and pychological warfare initiative by the past administration In order to cover up crimes against the people of the United States. Wait.... There is more....."

"What if I told you the DNC and Obama administration is t telling you the truth about Leonard pozners identity and that he is opperating under two ssn's and multiple alias'...??? Can I prove it, yes.. So , who is suing newtown right now, and is it actually Lenny ??? Hmmm. Nope. What if I told you that imran awan has the answer. You see, Lenny is the only member of Sandy hook that is tied to awan, Pakistan , CNN, Hillary and wasserman Shultz . Now why is that?? Because his identity can't actually be revealed . Did anyone care to find out he is a foreign national, with exquisite ties to NY post, the newyorker, imran awan in which "Noah's picture is copyrighted" through false Id's and false copyright complaints on YT??? Why is "Lenny " apart of YT heroes now allowed to file (for past 5 years) false Dmca claims against hundreds of users and get away with it?? Lenny isn't Lenny ladies and gents . Google knows this. But the same people, pushing the same narrative , through the same situation , can't successfully sue the town of newtown why??? Hope this thread reaches millions. This is the successful deconstruction of the DNC in your face ..... More to come in a few min.... Chuck schumer and deblasio and Bloomberg coming up next.... "Mayors against gun violence" my ass!!!"

ASolo ago

"Music industry executives had a meeting in 2015 with clintons over long time friend pedo bastard from pedo island...."

Love this quote.

It all boils down to Epstein and his lolita express and island ritual sanctuary.

So Bennington, Cornell, Hastings and Paul Walker were preparing Fast and Furious bombs and knew all about Jeffrey Epstein and the flack it would bring from Bill right to her doorstep.


Boy I'll bet the cabal is MIGHTY upset at Hillary for making so much of this such a public mess.

I wonder if she knows she and many of her other coconspirators understand that they are being used as examples for the world to use as a pretense of instituting the REAL NEW WORLD ORDER (complete control, because the vatican doesn't know who's been affected by the bad guys, chip em all). Cant have the good without the bad huh, isn't that what we've been taught? Problem/reaction/solution.

HighLevelInsider ago

Just a heads up, godlikeproductions is run by Eglin Air Force base.

AgainstPedos ago

Not Tavistock in England? No it was sold from the original owners at least once. By the way I happen to know GLP don't allow links to this site or to Reddit. Threads and posts get deleted if one does so by mistake.

So why would Eglin AFB want to own GLP? They don't restrict many posts and shills are quickly and thoroughly shut down.

HighLevelInsider ago

So why would Eglin AFB want to own GLP?

Control the opposition. And putting malware on your computer. I recommend not going to the site at all for the 2nd reason, but at least make sure you have very good antivirus.

Reversible ago

The administrators of GLP quietly remove posts they don't like, sometimes months after the fact. It seems like a fairly open board at first, but when you go back later, you can find your posts have vanished.

For example, I wrote a detailed expose of the 2011 Norway false flag (NATO Partnership for Peace PSYOP), identifying all the agencies involved. An extremely rational laying down of the facts. All those pages were eventually deleted.

It's a limited hangout.

ASolo ago

I think I might a had an idea about that in the thread body yes but thanks for the specific base. Allegedly run by the ubiquitous tranny/soldier/spy ~Trinity~ right?

Yep, I get ya. Anyone here know for sure? No on that either. Not saying the speculation and rumor are true or false all I do know is that I've noticed alot of good, bad, odd and bizzare things there because I've been around from the beginning of all of them. But, occasionally, someone drops a nugget, of which they certainly did here.

independenceday ago

Has anyone considered that securing the international pedo-rings could have been behind Obamas' "TTP" Trans-Pacific Partnership, that no one was allowed to read the terms of?

Also, I had a friend in NYC who had a nephew and niece living in Newtowne and attending that school. I spoke to her that day and she was horrified about the "shooting", but when I asked her if her nephew and niece were okay, she said they didn't go to school that day.

millennial_vulcan ago

I thought the school wasn't even a real school, but a fake one where the 'drill' was carried out...?

independenceday ago

No, my impression from that friend was that was a real school, but mysteriously they stayed home that day. So, someone told the parents to not have them come to school that day?

Commoner ago

I had not considered that, but you make an excellent point. That is probably exactly what the TTP was doing.

Commoner ago

Could this bit of info have any relationship to this mess since Sandy Hook is in Connecticut?

I was doing some research into the Royal Order of Jesters roster which was posted several days ago.

In short, the occcupations of the ROJs all seem to be in work that would be helpful to child trafficking IF they are involved in nefarious deeds.

I ran across this Jester, Taylor E. (Gene) Best, out of the Phoenix lodge, PO Box 1150, Tempe, AZ 85284, (480) 777 9955 – Phoenix #17 .

His email address, [email protected], connects him to speedchoice, which I had never heard of, but it appears to be a private internet company based in CONNECTICUT.

Anyway, I made this comment on their earlier post


SpeedChoice A Corporate Profile

Preface: Ordinarily, 21st does not publish corporate background pieces. But we are making an exception with SpeedChoice. With xDSL and cable modems being pitched at consumers and small businesses around the country, it is useful to make a comparison with alternative "data pipe" technologies like Multichannel Multi-point Distribution Service(see accompanying technical article on MMDS)

.SpeedChoice is representative of what these alternative digital pipe providers will soon be offering in most parts of the USA. It is thus instructive to compare what this company has to offer in terms of products, services and pricing with xDSL or cable modem services. Things are changing fast, and the high speed "converged" access ballgame is far from over.

The fact that SpeedChoice is being purchased by Sprint makes this backgrounder all the more interesting.

See also the article in this issue,"Digital Television, Exploring Opportunities for Broadcasters" by Scott Kosch.

When all these articles are read back to back, an interesting pattern begins to emerge. A lot of money is about to be made some, and lost by many. Vale 's Dolo column in this regard nicely sums it all up. -- Ed.

Company Overview SpeedChoice is a high-speed wireless service provider that owns, develops and operates broadband Internet, data and/or video distribution systems in nine major metropolitan markets in the Midwest and Southwestern United States.

The Company's "Fiber-in-the-Sky"ÂT local loops connect its customers to the rest of the world using the Internet and other dedicated data communications networks. SpeedChoice's wireless conduits are secure, robust and dedicated connections that use mature radio wave spectrum technology to bring distributed data, Internet and video services directly to customers without having to pass through local carrier networks or pay local exchange carrier tariffs.

The SpeedChoice network supports the communications needs of small-to-medium sized businesses, home offices, telecommuters, and even residential consumers at very competitive prices. SpeedChoice's products and services rely on a high-performance, Internet Protocol (IP)-based network that links its multi-gigabit local loop capacity to the global communications marketplace via high-speed national fiber-optic backbones. To ensure high performance and signal quality, the Company's network is monitored proactively 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a dedicated team in its Network Operations Center near Chicago, IL

SpeedChoice is America's largest MMDS wireless service provider currently serving over 67,000 subscribers in 9 markets located in the central and southwestern United States. The Company's FCC authorized frequency rights allows SpeedChoice to reach an estimated 11,100,000 households and 592,000 businesses in nine high profile Business Trading Areas (BTA).

SpeedChoice customers include residences or businesses located within the 35-mile radius broadcast range and with line of sight to SpeedChoice's transmitters. The SpeedChoice service is ideal for users who need a high-speed data/Internet connection to send and receive information at very high bit rates. Good examples would include customers who work with large, high-density file transfers common in CAD/CAM, medical imaging, high-resolution graphics, remote access /telecommuting scenarios or power users who use the web for research, business transactions or sharing information with other business partners.

SpeedChoice is headquartered in Shelton, Connecticut, and has exclusive rights to MMDS frequencies in major metropolitan areas of Arizona, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, New Mexico, Utah and Wisconsin

More information on SpeedChoice's products and services is available at or SpeedChoice is a wholly owned subsidiary of People's Choice TV Corp. (PCTV OTC: BB). PCTV has recently agreed to be acquired by Sprint Corporation, in a cash transaction that is projected to close during the summer permalink parent save edit delete reply report

10552555? ago

Chris Cornell Was Murdered Says Close Personal Friend

LongDongKeyhote ago

Of course Newtown is connected to PG: anti-gun is a proudly Jewish issue and PG is merely the children-involved aspect of Jewish control. Disarming whites is a Jews wet dream

I laid it out clearly here: THE BREADCRUMB TO NEWTOWN

srayzie ago

You're linking us to your post, that after a whole month, has only 2 upvotes? LMAO!!! Great job Donkey. I don't know what we'd do without you here.

LongDongKeyhote ago

Notice how a woman is incapable of independent thought -- upvoats dictate quality.

You and the rest of the retard crew upvoat each other until you get a 300+ submission that merely links to an MSM article -- thats what you do without me: gossip with each other and larping that you can "spot shills"

But alas, you didnt even know the Jews have a reputation for doing this stuff. Because you dont know shit. You are not even of average intelligence and thats why you cant find leads yourself, or even recognize one staring you in the face. LMAO

srayzie ago

Yeah, upvotes show that other people don't think what you posted was worthless. You won't even admit that your people marry children so they can rape them. How come you aren't married? Did your child bride reach puberty so you got divorced?

Dressage2 ago

Appreciate posting. Read all the posting in GLP. It blew me away. How is Awan still alive?!?!

LA_Trump ago

Holy shit... mind blowing stuff in here. Makes sense.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow... that is weird as shit. It's almost too outlandish for my mind to even comprehend... Pizzagate related to Paul Walker and Michael Hastings... Sandy Hook... Imran Awan?!

I've been looking for connections that pull Awan/DNC into the PG quagmire, but, this? I would have never even considered just about any of the connections.

It's at least interesting. I'm legitimately curious as to how this pans out.

TrishaUK ago

Wasn't Imran Awan subed to elsagate youtube vids etc?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I didn't catch that... but, if you can find it, that would be crazy and weird on all kinds of levels.

TrishaUK ago

There is more on youtube, but heres one plus a follow up one - Imran Awan is subscribed to what on YouTube?! - - U.S. Attorney, on Imran Awan: ""There Is Something Very Strange Going On Here" -

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That is weird as shit... I hope someone saved those videos!!! It looked like he had footage of his properties on his channel!

TrishaUK ago

He did, Ed from New Zealand his channel 'The Outer Light' on youtube has done some good videos on Awan and his properties, I would recommend Ed if you are interested. :D - Imran Awan was liquidating multiple properties before he fled - there are many interesting videos....

ASolo ago

I refer you to these links by Yoichi Shimatsu about the Sandy Hook Incident that may shed some light on this matter:

MK-ULTRA Links To The Sandy Hook Assault

The Lone Gun-Boy Theory

Nancy Lanza kept an arsenal of firearms, and ordered her son to be constantly under watch by older boys. She must have had good reason for being armed to the teeth. Judging from her hoard of rifles and hand guns, she was expecting an all-out assault from a coven of pedophiles, not an attack by a single shooter. The lone gun-boy theory is sheer nonsense ­ her son may have been an accomplice in giving the assailants access to his home but ended up murdered as a patsy.

The coven is larger and more powerful than Mrs. Lanza could ever have imagined. Sexual violation is the key to creating intelligence agents and assassins who are impervious to reason and mercy, lacking any original thoughts or moral qualms. Plus a supply of children is needed in Congress and the White House to entertain the satraps and moguls from Colombian drug lords to Israeli weapons dealers and French money launderers, not to mention America’s own homegrown pervs.

The Motive: Payback for a Double-Cross

DeathTooMasons ago

There was no Adam Lanza. Shimatsu is delivering a limited hangout. Sandy Hook was a hoax and there was no massacre. Epic fail.

ASolo ago

So point blank and dismissive when Shimatsu has worked long enough in the field, has an unmitigated experience and knowledge in sex trafficking operations started by the US in other countries, and has given us an immeasurable amount of information on how this cult operates but in one sentence you wipe that all away. Yeah that's the intelligent response.

YogSoggoth ago

Way pre-PG too. He might be on the sauce, that's the only way to explain his comments, I guess.

ASolo ago

I guess, lol, must be a meth head too with all that cray cray info

ASolo ago

I'm not saying the man has it all nailed down because in a few ways his research does contain a bit of poetic license of speculation as does any journalistic endeavour, and sometimes it's based on experience. I think many of you have conditioned yourselves to see every mistake or creative license as a shill tactic or intel, when Yoichi has had more insight, more concrete names, places and organizations, as well as possible configurations and official designations to these operations THAN EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU PUT TOGETHER.

davemcgowanwasright ago

I believed that too. But what if the obvious stuff making Adam Lanza seem like he never existed was designed to obscure this?

HighLevelInsider ago

No one died at Sandy Hook. The whole thing was faked.

millennial_vulcan ago

Many of us believe this too. Love your username. And do share!

swordfish69 ago

See if Rolling Stone did any press with Bennington/Cornell in a strange way. I would ignore the sandy hook stuff.

Commoner ago

That's why dick blumenthol senator of ct and Chris Murphy of ct has gone silent

What does that mean? Dick Blumenthol was on MSNBC today, I do believe.

AgainstPedos ago

There are other threads on GLP specifically on the 2 Linkin Park musicians. I'd summarize the story as the friends wanted to stop the rabbit hole of evil. At least one had been the subject of repeated, extremely cruel physical and sexual abuse. John Podesta is believed to be the biological father of one of the 2 or perhaps his mother's lover.

Ukraine is the hotbed of nefarious activities involving several major US corporations, bioweapons testing, Modern Art dealing, drug sales & distribution, human trafficking. All in all there's billions of $$$ being made in exchange for favors, corruption, bribery, off-the books operations.

Paul Walker, the actor, had started a foundation to help the suffering kids when they land in the US. For all of his activities including helping to assemble a Black Book of "untouchables," a hit was ordered.

The 2 musicians too up the cause. Children were being shipped in standard containers without concern for their needs. Certain US ports had unsavory reputations so many could be "rewarded" for not doing their due diligence during inspections and approval.

millennial_vulcan ago

All my Chris Cornell and his foundation (discovered a major child trafficking ring in Greece before he died) submissions were all removed by Millennial Falcon mod

AngB23 ago

I saw a vid (can't find it now and I'm sure it's scrapped) where dock workers were interviewed, but you couldn't see them bcuz it was filmed at night, and they were talking about certain ports in the US have "seperate" docks. The ship would call in advance with code words and dock at the separate dock.

No inspections for these ships and the guys in the vid said they were in charge of clean ups of those "that didn't make the trip". The vid I saw was like 8 months ago and was about human trafficking via shipping containers. I've been looking for this damn vid for months.

TippyHome ago

When people say that human/child trafficking is not taking place, remember that the medical industry/personnel (doctors, nurses, techs) all know it is. They were alerted in a big way at a conference in France about two to three years ago. Because of the dangers to the world blood supply, organ trafficking and human trafficking is a huge concern. So, do not let people say it is not happening and not a huge convoluted organization of nefarious characters. But, honestly, I am so sad that this is true. Beyond horrible to think about.

Freemasonsrus ago

Oddly, this actually makes some sense. Not sure how someone can be this creative. If it's just made up, I still want to meet the person writing it bc it's super connective in a very creative way!

glorycloud62 ago

Astoundingly makes perfect sense. What anvil is big enough to bring this all down? How bright the light to shatter this darkness?

equineluvr ago

GL Pee/! LMFAO!!

Why not link to Sorcha Fail instead? He's about as credible.

ASolo ago

Are you kidding moron those sites are derated and debunked there all the time. No one falls for sorcha faal, david wil(suck)cock and the dragon society anymore shill go away with your insult disinfo tactic the only dis you seem to be able to use. All you do is bitch and whine in every thread.

millennial_vulcan ago

But I thought M Hastings was off-ed because he was investigating CIA Director Brennan?

It would make more sense that he was pursuing Bennington and Cornell though, as a Rolling Stone journalist....

WOW. WHAT a connection.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Hastings wrote a scathing article about a general in Rolling Stones. Information that was supposed to be confidential which led to him losing his position.

DeathTooMasons ago

Rolling Stone is part of the MSM, and I read an article questioning if Hasting is even dead. You might google it because it is interesting. It might be another phon murder like Seth Rich might be. Hastings and Rich may be back in Israel enjoying their lives.

millennial_vulcan ago

Hastings wasn't a Jew.