ASolo ago

Looks like it, yeah wow of course that asshole MF deleted it. I guess @Jem777 we'll have to revamp and revise to make it stick on the main page.

Thank you for the confidence in my work, you're an angel too I can tell.

ASolo ago

I don't have alot of time atm but I'll try and figure out a way to satisfy mod requirements with this thread, which pisses me off because it's obvious you did in the comment section but these mods, and the one in particular, has to have it just right, so frustrating.

ASolo ago

can I still comment on a dead thread?

Jem777 ago

I think you can...I get the responses.

Commoner ago

Army Public School massacre in Peshawar, Pakistan on December 16, 2014.

So is that shooting fake, too? Both are fake?

Jem777 ago

MF deleted because this is the truth...

Dressage2 ago

I had not seen this post. This is the truth and mods want to hide it I guess. Thanks for re-posting this post.

LA_Trump ago

Is Mary Lanza and Nancy Lanza the same person? What about Annie Hadid?

Jem777 ago

MF deleted please research this. It is the truth. Research Lenny Pozner and Imran Awan and Debbie Wasserman Shultz...Research Mary Lanza, Lanza's and indictments.

Jem777 ago

The point is just prior to the staged Sandy Hook. Mary Lanza had a 50 page indictment for child trafficking in Connecticut. Just prior to Sandy Hook the parents were at the Whitehouse actually on the same day as James Alefantis.

Miraculously a few days later there is a school shooting where the parents happened to have just visited Pres. Obama...Odd?

Then the shooter Adam Lanza whose mother Mary Lanza (Who had the 50 page indictment) goes on a shooting spree and he and mother are slaughtered. Ofd that the indictment and evidence disappeared.

The children happen to be found by many as child actors involved in commerials etc. The father Robby who was so sad 😭 had visited the Whitehouse only a few days before and then would later go back to the Whitehouse as a grieving parent for Obama pictorial on gun control.

The alleged dead child most shown Pozner is somehow registered in a Pakistan elementary school a year later in Imran Awan's neighborhood and is killed a second time with the same photo shown at Sandy Hook?

Odd that no one wants to talk about Sandy Hook and screams at you Conspiracy Theorist if you ask questions.

Sandy Hook father laughing before ptetend tearful press conference a day after his son is allegedly slaughtered in school shooting.

Lenny Pozner...guess who he knows? Imran Awan & Debbie Wasserman Shultz

Father Robby Parker laughing.

@jangles @Asolo

Sueshia101 ago

What do you expect. News like this moves a country to do what the elite want. It works so well in America of course they do in other countries.

carmencita ago

Yes, We are the Test Tube Idiots. If if works here, they will eat it up elsewhere. We are really the most gullible idiots (Well not we, those others).

Jem777 ago