UltramegaMK ago

You mean, the Vicky Needs a New Birkin Foundation? After watching the meet & greet prices (of which only 10% - or at one point only 5% - allegedly went to to the foundation) go from $400 in 2013 to $800 the next year to eventually $1200, I had suspicions about possible financial mishandlling by VK. The percentage from the last few tours were said to go directly to IfOnly (the 3rd party host) or another refugee charity.

This is because the state of California suspended the foundation in late 2014-early 2015 because they did not file tax paperwork for 2014. You can find more info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChrisCornellClub/comments/6gojnj/chris_and_vicky_cornell_foundation/?st=J5I3QJWM&sh=ca820f94

I posted on another thread here last night about the research that's been going on at Lipstick Alley for the past 2 months. About a week and a half ago, someone discovered that Vicky, Linda Ramone, & Alexandra Osipow Vissicchio had all been removed from the listing of the board of directors, and only Chris remains. Also, someone named Jessica Diep is now listed as owner. They are now operating as a "civic & social association" since they lost the 501c3 status. http://www.buzzfile.com/business/The-Chris-and-Vicky-Cornell-Foundation-310-826-3174

One of our members emailed IfOnlg as well as Jessica Diep to inquire about the change in the members of the foundation board, and both Ms Diep & the IfOnly rep gave vague "I will get back to you" answers, but haven't yet.

ETA the morning of Chris' birthday, the 20th, VK announced the foundation was giving $100,000 to establish à music therapy program at Chikdhaven , a Seattle-based charity dedicated to helping local area kids from birth to 5 & their families deal with the effects of abuse, domestic violence, and chemical dependency.


This had to have been arranged by Chris in his estate because VK has no love whatsoever for Seattle. She still had to plug that narrative of how it was saving the "world's" most vulnerable children. She is not to be trusted - nor is her family at all.