The28th ago

Google maps is intimately involved - aiding and abetting the child trafficking network.
Been pointed out many times with clear evidence (yeah, nah - no coincidences) on this forum. Any idea why Eric Schmidt suddenly resigned his post from Alphabet Google's parent company?

Anonymous_3 ago

Does Google Earth show the 360 view of said location? I literally just saw this on 4chan, haven't even looked at any comments yet.

RoadRunner1 ago

My theory: The word KIDS was written on the wall by the people / workers who manage the sewer system tunnels. The paint matches the markings on the pavement. If you follow the red markings around and they lead to manhole covers. This means that if there is something nefarious taking place the sewer (DC Water) people know about it. I think the kids are taken into the house where it says KIDS, then into the basement, then into a tunnel to Pegasus, then later exit at the house on the other street that is parallel to avoid suspicion.

carmencita ago

@Honeybee Would you please link that video of you scouting the Pegasus Museum? Do you think it would be helpful and iron out some of these problems. I think @Gothamgirl may be on to something with that picture she posted of the Girl and Woman

new4now ago

Come on people, Do you really think a Child Protection caseworker is going to dress like that?

3141592653 ago

CPS workers wouldn't have that on their car. At most, a state worker sticker. I also do not think the workers on that level are the evil ones... maybe a few. Lot of great people doing amazing work on horrible pay. I do think there is corruption higher up. It could be massive - I don't know, but I know many instances of horrible corruption, for sure. Keep up the good work

septimasexta ago

3518 11th St. appears to be the BLUE house.

Castellum Achilles LLC has building permits for same address on 1/6/ 2015 (see bottom of page 1) Alefantis link:


"At the moment three persons have been linked to PEGASUS:

James AlefantisJPG, owner of CASTELLUM ACHILLES LLC, co-owner of HERECOMESYOURMANLLC John KreherJPG, co-owner of HERECOMESYOURMANLLC, a construction company (topic, imgPNG, whois, defunct site) Valerie WisemanJPG, a project/event director hired by Alefantis (site, arch). PEGASUS is all about the building at the back alley of 3518 REAR 11th Street NW in DC:

Google imgPNG, streetview. Images from dcocto in april 2015: topPNG, frontPNG, rightPNG, backPNG, leftPNG Due to the cadastral situation (osm) it has been referred to as 3516 REAR and 3518 as well as 3518 REAR. Video of voat user site visit ~dec 15: url, original"

TrishaUK ago

You could maybe add the name Boris Tochilin This voat post was very interesting regarding the houses and who own/renovated them. I don't know who wrote the post or why they deleted it but it is VERY interesting, I had not seen it until someone above shared it again. Seems to tie in some missing pieces. - again I say - Send in the cadaver dogs!! @heuristic @Gothamgirl @srayzie @carmencita @Honeybee_.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much for this Trisha. I see all the changes to the building now and it is amazing. This will take a lot of looking over, butis very welcome. @millennial_vulcan @new4now @migratorypatterns

millennial_vulcan ago

not entirely sure what this thread is about??

carmencita ago

It's about Pegasus Museum and that evolved into the car out in front with a woman getting out and taking a girl and heading up towards the stairs of the Museum. Someone claimed the sticker in her car CPS was for Child Protective Serv. It gets stranger from there. @Honeybee is now trying to get to the Bottom of It for Once and For All. Quite a few posts on this the last few days. It always starts and then trails off, but I think this time we should all band together and just dig till we Hit Pay Dirt.

TrishaUK ago

@Honeybee_ thread - Check it out. I am going to right now :) - Help Find the Identity of the Little Girl Being Lead into a House Owned by James Alefantis (pizzagate)

submitted 1.5 hours ago by Honeybee_

carmencita ago

Thanks Trisha I have already been there and will join in again later. We need to get to the bottom of this Rabbit Hole.

TrishaUK ago

We all just want to know the little girl is safe, and why a little girl is connected in anyway to A!fantis property - if she is indeed. :) - wish someone with authority could just check out Museum and these 2 properties (white and blue house).

carmencita ago

I am all for finally getting it all out there and solving this problem. Remember the group that went there and did a little video on it. Can't remember the guy's name and a couple more people.

TrishaUK ago

The only group of people I saw at Pegasus was the group with Honeybee, I think they went twice and recorded it all.

srayzie ago

@Yuke is great at that kind of stuff.

carmencita ago

So is @street1510 who I remember from reddit. Amazing researcher. His comments in the listed thread are amazing. Hope people take a look at this and climb on.

septimasexta ago

Alefantis owns: Buck's Fishing & Camping 5031 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC 20008

5031 CONNECTICUT AVE NW WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 20008 There are 3 companies that have an address matching 5031 Connecticut Ave Nw Washington, District Of Columbia 20008. The companies are Castellum Achilles LLC, Herecomesyourman LLC, and Arcwel LLC.

Comet Ping Pong on same street. Also owned by Alefantis.

septimasexta ago

Trolley Park, Pegasus lookout, Pegasus alley directly behind white house: Looks like house can be accessed by car from behind!,-77.0283618,60a,35y,269.86h,45.05t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

Building directly across from Pegasus has rooftop patios!,-77.0283618,60a,35y,269.86h,45.05t/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en

septimasexta ago

July 2017 UNMARKED WHITE VAN IN FRONT OF TROLLEY PARK Garbage bag establishes same time! Found this going down 11th and making right turn at park.,-77.0285012,3a,75y,270.13h,74.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sboEJpYnjf68viLNVhxM2Xg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Gate entrance to Trolley Park, garbage bag at gate entrance, young student pedestrian, woman and young girl entering white house from parked car: GARBAGE BAG ESTABLISHES TIME.,-77.0285076,3a,60y,310.63h,81.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4K4qS2hjvC_tDy-FrbAjZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Same view as above, looking toward Trolley Park. Garbage bag at entrance. Man in road talking to person in car. Garbage bag establishes same time.,-77.0285087,3a,75y,335.78h,71.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdZnIkVLC-VlmufniGMz5uw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

septimasexta ago

A good summary of Pegasus for newcomers. The hole, according to matching brick wall/plaster patterns would be at the front entrance of the renovated "museum". Compare with Instagram of "trench"

septimasexta ago

Interesting things about the white house (next to the blue one):

Overgrown trees blocking view of front yard Backyard borders Pegasus museum property Only house with closed front gate Lower basement level (windows behind bike) Burgler bars on upstairs window Cinder block wall with KILLS (?) and down arrow in red spray paint in front of house Three short parallel lines in same red spray paint on either side of sidewalk steps,-77.0285012,3a,89.3y,270.13h,74.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sboEJpYnjf68viLNVhxM2Xg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en The Trolley turnaround playground a short distance away on corner. Pegasus rooftop viewing deck overlooking playground added by Alefantis. (design was shared via Instagram) Connect the dots.,-77.0285012,3a,90y,270h,74.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sboEJpYnjf68viLNVhxM2Xg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

new4now ago

Has it opened to the public yet?

septimasexta ago

Reference was removed from Google Maps after exposure.

new4now ago

Google has removed a lot of stuff

AugustaJulia ago

If it's true that Alefantis is a Rothschild, it shouldn't be surprising that he is (has been) untouchable.

used2likepizza ago

So who wants to volunteer to clean up the neighborhood and pressure wash the sidewalks and the "kids 666" right off that wall? If there's nothing there, then no harm done cleaning the place up, right? LOL

birthdaysuit11 ago

GO DOWN THE STREET ON STREET VIEW, just keep scrolling back whilst watching the car you'll be able to see it park, when thr google maps car is a block away. It comes from the opposite side of the road from thr small allway to the left. Seems a little odd, unless they took a short cut.

Truthseeker3000 ago

THERE IS SOMEONE SITTING ON THE PORCH!!! Open the link the poster put in the top and go to the house to look at the porch, he is wearing a white tshirt and there is a portable red barbecue beside him. The house purposely has overgrown trees covering it so u can’t see in windows and whatnot. Why would this woman be sitting in the car with the girl for so long waiting to go into the house when there is someone sitting on the porch waiting for them and they can see one another. So many questions...

RedditSucksFacebook ago

Still kinda strange how long that car was parked out front before actually going in. I went pretty far up the block to see how long the car was in front of the googel car and they were parked for at least a block,-77.0285059,3a,75y,210.19h,69.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHdTUs_nv9O4Og5e7MIkcLQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

car comes from back alley:,-77.0285088,3a,15.5y,179.39h,87.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spBduSYAIgqd36KSRfOqaTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

This is alley:,-77.0285034,3a,75y,103.05h,80.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXc_uAxP5wfhhQBc1iFK6kg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Exit of the alley is a one way, she should of either been in that alley with the child or she illegaly went that route - follow that alley.

Gothamgirl ago

Here is some archived Voat research done about that area.

carmencita ago

Not good at maneuvering on google street, but is there a way to get around that car and get a closeup of the plate? Why is that plate so blurred when you can see her so well? Maybe this can't be done, just asking.

edblings ago

it's blurred because google does that automatically for license plates and some other stuff

carmencita ago

Just as I expected. Blurred to protect the innocent and the GUILTY. Don't suppose the FBI would look into any of this. They could get the Plate # for sure. But nothing to see here folks.

rickman ago

Silsbys friend?

This back yard runs right along the side of Pegasus

The yard along Pegasus belongs to the house the woman is going into

But the sticker is definitely not Child Protection. There is also a child's bicycle in the front garden. So I'm not sure what to think.

dreamdigital ago

Is anyone willing to Call that CPS office and call them out on this?

Dressage2 ago

Not CPS. I posted pic above of sticker.

BlueEyedDevil64 ago

Look at the wall and what is written on it. KILS 666 ?

birthdaysuit11 ago

kids 61 6

which is the firrt known acronym for the mark of the beast.

Judgejewdy ago

Any coincidence that voat went down last night around the time this was first posted??

new4now ago

Mine did, Ian was on too

Out for about an hr

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I was actually trying* to post it BEFORE Voat went down, then had to wait, then posted the initial mention of it before this thread was created. So, just a fluke in timing.

BKAtheManScout ago

Chocking this one up as "Fake News;" that CPS logo isn't anywhere close to any Child Protective Services logo. Unless proven otherwise, I call BS and would down"voat" if I had the 100 comments required to do so. (Workin' on it)

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Ummm... ok, CPS was already determined NOT to be child protective services, but instead a large auto-lending firm with multiple locations. Likely the company that was used to finance this vehicle.

So... nice try?

Dressage2 ago Here is the sticker. Having hard time posting.

BKAtheManScout ago

Yawn. I'm commenting agreeing with the community decision that it's BS. What's your point?

Dressage2 ago Here is what was on the windshield blown up.

srayzie ago

It is not fake news. People should be able to post something here that is questionable so that we can all dig in and help figure it out. Now, several people have gathered information and possibly even identified what the sticker was from.

If everyone decided to not post because what they had wasn’t yet proven, then what’s the point? The beauty of citizen investigators is that you have help from others with the common goal of finding the answers.

People need to chill out around here and stop trying to be the voat police.

srayzie ago

Oh thank you!

Dressage2 ago

Shills are panicked just like JA was with GameofThrones. They do not want this place highlighted. Shills have list of buzz words on their list. If one of those words pop up, they come out like cockroaches in the dark.

Z11Mama ago

You need more upvoats on this. My thoughts exactly. Those who are negative are just here to try and stop us. The more negativity, the closer to a truth we must be.

Dressage2 ago

I agree.

srayzie ago

Yeah it’s been driving me nuts. People shouldn’t have to be afraid to post because people can be such jerks and nit pick at every single detail.

Aasb ago

Im curious, how did you find that? And is there a possibilty to see other appearances of people entering that area on different dates?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I checked all timed street views. Nothing else. Even "drove" up/down the street to see if the imagery shifted at crossroads. Nothing. This is the newest (July 2017).

It's not concrete. But, a kid being walked into the same address with "KIDS" spraypainted on the wall, behind Pegasus, in a building that was once defined as "PEGASUS REAR" and given a 5 star review by JA?

Ummmm... that is fishy to me.

new4now ago

I having trouble with this one too

If you scroll down to Gothamgirl with links

The link with voat 1551878, quantokitty I think, you will find it interesting

Not so much with this pic, just interesting

Dressage2 ago

Do you get paid $14.50 an hour like the shills on the Chan’s?

Digital-Patriot ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

what the fuck are you on about ?

GeorgeT ago

I remember it very well!

Aasb ago

Youre good

Oh_Well_ian ago

too good sometimes -- I've had unwanted visitors.

Yuke ago

It's important to point out that this kid is not being dropped off at Pegasus, but at what looks to be one of the houses on 11th street. The two locations are not interchangeable or related, as far as we know.

Singleservename ago

Alefantis does not own 3516 (the blue house) but his company performed building upgrades on it. See her

Yuke ago

I can't get that link to work but if I remember correctly, given that we went over all of this about a year ago, the building permit you are referring to is actually for Pegasus, 3516 REAR, and NOT for 3516 (the house on 11th street), which by the way, going by the numbering on the other houses, isn't the Blue house, it's the one to the left of that house, the White one.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Actually... they performed upgrades on the house next door... 3518...

Which is even more strange. It implicates the museum and BOTH properties behind it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

way off Yuke...

look again. The property shares a back fence with Pegasus.

Yuke ago

Way off? Really? Sharing a fence, or backing on to another property, does not equate to you being linked to said property. Jeez Louise. Until we have something concrete on 3516 11th Street, it is a house that shares a partial numerical address and nothing more.

Oh_Well_ian ago

yeah... I totally disagree. Just what do you think they mean by: " it takes a village " ? Just like the properties near Comet, including Beyond Borders and Besta, they intentionally CLUSTER these areas with businesses and residences of their allies.

Pretty naĂŻve to be so dismissing. Tell you what, do a property records search on the surrounding houses. Pretty sure at least two are connected to Alefantis associates by investigators. I am looking right now for confirmation.

Yuke ago

With all due respect, your account is 3 months old, I was here, knee deep in the investigations surrounding Pegasus etc., at the time it was happening. We have been over the 3516/3516 REAR thing continually.

Oh_Well_ian ago

no.. I am @remedy4reality and I have been here since the beginning

Yuke ago

Well then you should already know. And while I'm at it, you should also know that Reddit is dead and to not take anything from there or listen to anything from there. Anything 'Pizzagate' there would be like a bunch of crooks planning a robbery whilst in a police station under the watchful eyes of - police!

Oh_Well_ian ago

never been to Reddit and only used these from imgur others have been scrubbed

Yuke ago

This whole "new" finding (which it seems has been proven to be false now) was FROM REDDIT.

Oh_Well_ian ago

nope.. only wrong about the CPS sticker... everything else is 100% accurate.. we're on voat now, so take a breath and calm down

and BAM >3518 11th St NW. Alefantis bought this property according to Zillow July 25, 2014 for $263,636

Yuke ago

He does not own 3518 11th street. Look on the taxpayer service center, (you have to enter the address it wont link directly to each results page). 3518 is owned by Boris Tochilin, with a recordation date of 07/06/2011. Again, we've known this for about a year.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Alefantis got permits through his LLC and did renovations on the property. Why the fuck would he do that? You are daft, dude. Look at the submission that unravels the layers of that property.

Yuke ago

He did renovations on 3516 REAR (Pegasus). That's why Pegasus has changed so much.

Oh_Well_ian ago

wrong... nothing in the permit records indicates that is the REAR property and when you Google map the address in the records IT IS THAT HOUSE IN FRONT

now.. you can have your opinions that an error was made, but that is not supported by the facts. WHICH IS WHAT WE NEED

Yuke ago

If you go here (screen grab of the page, it includes the address so you can verify for yourself) you will see the two owners listed and you can also see their permits. Notice the two different SSL numbers, this is important. If you look at the 'Issued permits' section on the left, all of the named permits are issued for the SSL that corresponds to 3518 11th, NOT 3518 Rear (Pegasus). There has been a tonne of work carried out, going by these permits, yet 3518 11th doesn't appear to have changed, yet Pegasus has - a lot! It looks like there has possibly been a clerical mix-up between the two properties (sometimes Pegasus is listed as 3518 11th St R, and sometimes as 3518 REAR 11th St, add in the actual 3518 11th and it looks easy to confuse the two, given there have officially been at least THREE ways of referring to them!). Call this an educated guess given the obvious building work.

You can then add into that mixture any legitimate permits for any legitimate work that 3518 11th did have that wasn't anything to do with Pegasus.

I wouldn't rule out that there was an intentional 'mistake' in identifying the properties, but there isn't, as yet, any evidence of intent for that theory. Going through the Pegasus permits and matching them up/ruling them out is perhaps one way to try and do that.

Benkitchen105 ago

same location, note the two red blocks on right hand corner. same spray painted wall.

dundundunnnnn ago

from fuckchan: public companies are HUGE. they can't call for a snow day without miles of paperwork and bureaucracy. no matter how smooth they are they can't possibly hide everything if they really are involved with pizza

this is big because this is the first public company (at least to my knowledge) that is being accused of this shit. all other companies (comet/besto/museums) are private and it's almost impossible to find anything about private companies, especially when they don't want you to find it. public companies on the other hand have to document EVERYTHING and the SEC publishes it to the public (hence 'public company')

that means ownership holdings, leadership/management structures, client/partner lists ARE ALL IN THESE DOCS

these things are dense as fuck. I used to be a financial analyst and although there isn't much you can't find out about a public company, you won't find anything you aren't looking for. you need to: 1) know what question you're trying to answer (ie distribution expenditures and capabilities) 2) identify what type of document it would be found in (usually start with the 10k as it is the SEC's name for an annual report - high level, but comprehensive), 3) write down every name or dollar amount that may be suspicious, then move on to another question. you rarely find a red herring in one spot alone. usually you only find one once a name or client starts popping up in multiple areas and shit anyways, even if CPSS is clean as a whistle, I hope this helps a little if you want to dive into another public company or something

Oh_Well_ian ago

Strzok is also married. The Georgetown University graduate is married to fellow alum Melissa Hodgman, who was promoted to Associate Director of the SEC’s Enforcement Division by Obama in late 2016.

Read more:

new4now ago

Isn't the address of Pegasus 3516 11th St rear?

Address googled says it's the Monroe Tower Rentals

Oh_Well_ian ago

wasn't Alefantis buying up properties on this street including this one?

new4now ago

Would have to look that up, but does ring a bell

We have seen the alley side of Pegasus, but what of the front, and would this front be in the back of the building of the Towers?

It always say rear, how do you get in the front door? Do you walk behind the Manor Towers to get to it?

Insomnia has me up, gonna try to find front of Pegasus, as in not the alley view

new4now ago

Hey, did you have any trouble signing into voat last night/ morning?

Voat down for maintenance?

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes... got 505? code for over 90 minutes

new4now ago

Mine just said under maintenance or on fire

new4now ago

Was hoping you got it too, sry, but was feel ing a bit paranoid last night this morn

Couldn't get in here, couldnt pull links off Google, pics weren't same as on my phone, it was nuts

Seems goggle has been clearing more out

And you were the only one I knew who was on Voat

Ok, so the voat thing was legit, Thanks

Oh_Well_ian ago

no prob... my kid was watching lots of freemason vids on firestick last night, and now it's not working lol

they are in panic mode, it seems

new4now ago

Well I notice Pegasus is a nerve with them

Maybe it's my puter, don't usually have the problem, but notice when trying to pull up links on past voat posts, only a few, very few would work, the rest I got was bs stuff,

The page you are looking for.....

I got so frustrated, didnt fall asleep for like 5 hrs after talking with you

Knew the links were there at one time, so tried other ways to find them

Lol took it personal

Dragging ask all day lol

Oh_Well_ian ago

;) hang tough ! :)

new4now ago

I remember that poster long time ago

Think it was hang in there with a monkey hanging from a branch

Sleep deviation makes me cranky :)

new4now ago

something big time hokey going on

getting two different things on phone and laptop

phone says address on post is Monroe Towers

laptop says Monroe on 13th

when I look back at earlier Vost posts and click on views, it wont show up

what is it with Pegasus?

Voat was down tonight, couldn't get on, was it an attack?

think google got rid of a lot of Pegasus pictures or they wont let my puter at them

will look later, this is a puzzler for me

SuperSpaceTramp ago

This is insane.... And I always thought the kids with the down arrow referred to an opening to an under ground network for child sex trafficking but maybe it means the kids are meant to be dropped off at that property to be moved to the Pegasus Museum directly behind it. Instead of driving the CPS car into the alley. Can we figure out who owns that property?

karenrussell63 ago

here's the window sticker cropped out, appears to say "CPS"

Honeybee_ ago

I created an updated post with some new info @Trishauk

Jobew1 ago

i don't know what sticker sas but Chesapeake VA is a long way from DC

pilluminaatti ago

Could be something still...CPS = Child Porn Service?

MolochHunter ago

mmk, but why would a debt collector have a kid in their car

pls dont tell me client collateral !

Shizy ago

Maybe it's her kid?

Gothamgirl ago

I am thinking possibly Brownstone op.

RedditSucksFacebook ago

Still kinda strange how long that car was parked out front before actually going in. I went pretty far up the block to see how long the car was in front of the googel car and they were parked for at least a block,-77.0285059,3a,75y,210.19h,69.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHdTUs_nv9O4Og5e7MIkcLQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

car comes from back alley:,-77.0285088,3a,15.5y,179.39h,87.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spBduSYAIgqd36KSRfOqaTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

This is alley:,-77.0285034,3a,75y,103.05h,80.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXc_uAxP5wfhhQBc1iFK6kg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Exit of the alley is a one way, she should of either been in that alley with the child or she illegaly went that route - follow that alley.

IShallNotFear ago

Here are the screenshots of the above URLs made using They includes the original URLs as proof that it wasn't faked.

Original URL:,-77.0285059,3a,75y,210.19h,69.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHdTUs_nv9O4Og5e7MIkcLQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


Archive of above image:

Original URL:,-77.0285088,3a,15.5y,179.39h,87.24t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spBduSYAIgqd36KSRfOqaTQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


Archive of above image:

Original URL:,-77.0285034,3a,75y,103.05h,80.34t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXc_uAxP5wfhhQBc1iFK6kg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


Archive of above image:

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yeah and why the ally?

cky_stew ago

An auto finance company might give out those stickers to customers maybe?

heuristic ago

you didn't answer the question.

nonbreakingspace ago

Company car, using it for a day trip

BIGLY17 ago

This seems big. Step 2 figure out date specifics of the photo followed by step3-10 identifying the victim/CPS personnel and putting 2/2 together and disseminate the information if the FBI is unwilling to follow up as they should when should a connection is made.

sovrn ago

citizen journalists... lookup political events/parties around this date

Snailracer ago

It's fishy, but there's a little park near there, there could have been a parent waiting. Hard to tell without more info.

TrishaUK ago

You have walked around Pegasus Museum, can you tell if the little girl with the CPS Worker is headed towards Pegasus? @Honeybee_. - Good find heuristic if this is the case. Who is the little girl and where is she now? are my questions.

TranspararentWarfare ago

Heuristic indeed. A hirsute pursuit unbeknown to all.

KnightsofHubris ago

Actually this is a good example of availability heuristic.

There's absolutely nothing whatsoever that is suspicious about this woman, but since you have this conspiracy "available" in consciousness, you can immediately recall it and connect her to it.

It's like if the news reported a terrible elevator accident, people would vastly overestimate the possibility of dying in an elevator accident, because you were thinking about it so much.

This is also why people may be surprised that lightening still kills more Americans every year than terrorists.

Availability heuristic From Wikipedia, The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision. The availability heuristic operates on the notion that if something can be recalled, it must be important, or at least more important than alternative solutions which are not as readily recalled.Subsequently, under the availability heuristic, people tend to heavily weigh their judgments toward more recent information, making new opinions biased toward that latest news.

The availability of consequences associated with an action is positively related to perceptions of the magnitude of the consequences of that action. In other words, the easier it is to recall the consequences of something the greater those consequences are often perceived to be. Most notably, people often rely on the content of their recall if its implications are not called into question by the difficulty that they experience in bringing the relevant material to mind.

YogSoggoth ago

Unless they still have 1/3rd of a complete brain. Before I ever used a computer I recognized these overweight on top, skinny legged scumbags of all colors doing the same thing. I look for the body type clinging to children. Useless to society! Can anyone here tell me that that child is her daughter? From the back I would say Hispanic. Sure you could dye hair, but why would you if it was so easy to trade drugs for children for so long? Anyone can be wrong, but people know in their heart when somethinng ain't right Y'all.

2impendingdoom ago

this is AreWeSure's favorite word: heuristic

TranspararentWarfare ago

Or like the DNC joking about a sub-machine gun rampage at the farm just like Stephen Paddock did.

KnightsofHubris ago

I don't know what you are taking about.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Pegasus is DIRECTLY behind this property and could easily be accessed through a gate or break in the back fence.

Hereiam333 ago

Ummmm... there is a CPS sticker on the car.

Digital-Patriot ago

Yeah, Sherlock.

Dressage2 ago

Here is the sticker on the window blown up.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Good eye. Are we sure it isn't a coincidence as usual?

Cc1914 ago

What's with the numbers in brackets ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

lat. & long. coordinates.

Cc1914 ago

Lol thanks .. thought it was an incription code or something

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No prob.

Cc1914 ago

Wth?? When was this ? !

fartyshorts ago

July 2017. Says in the corner on Google Maps.