adam_danischewski ago

If you have been researching a lot lately, it may be something a bit more insidious - the Mandela Effect in realtime, in your case its not truly a Mandela Effect since it didn't literally disappear (an island (~1 acre) in a lake near my house literally disappeared) yet the data was taken out from under you. I have experienced micro-management of my reality several times over the last few weeks and it looks like things in this world are getting uglier quickly. If you look into the Mandela Effect then watch TV you'll see that many of the known Mandela Effect attacks/manipulations are being put in everyone's face.


Was able to zoom into the lane using Google Earth. Found occult pentagrams on the side of James Alefantis's Pegasus 'Museum'. Here's the five pointed star with the point facing downward on the 'Museum' > The property was previously owned by a now deceased business development manager at New Life Academy - an 'international school' started by Moonie cult followers in Washington DC. Interesting that the Moonie Cult Church, known as Unification Church, also goes by the name Family Federation for World.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

We should have known from the threatening Ryan video meant something big.

ponyfriend ago

can i get a link to that video?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

YouTube Ryan Pegasus Death I can't see the original but a few discussing it :)


Check out this Google Map Guide Reviewer of Trolley Park. He really takes his Google Maps job as a 'Local Guide' very seriously! Sure does get around! Manages to photograph/review walnuts, avocados, donuts, pizza, sponge bob style guitars, whole foods, vegan, twistee treats, et al - all over the world. He's constantly on the move. Got to be Muslim (loves Mosques throughout Africa), working for the CIA and their New World Order. Really takes his Google Map 'Guide' responsibilities very seriously.

409 reviews・214 photos

Trolley Park is listed as being '11 & Monroe Playground - Trolley Turnaround Park'.

Rodney Hunter Local Guide ・ ★★★★★ 3 months ago Lots of homeless here, but a cute park with a trolley theme.

Another thing is the 'Guide' speak i.e.. 'VERY friendly staff!' It's used by all of them!,160.965983,3z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e2


Google Maps for 'Christian Alliance for Orphans', CAFO, Washington DC has been somewhat scrubbed too! #chickenlovers


Google...Obama ...Washington DC Police Head... the CIA...God Alefantis is one connected dude.
Must be biggggg $$$$ in his 'Museum' and Trolley Park business.


For new comers it's important to understand that Alefantis is highly connected - Rothschild's / Obama etc and supposedly 'influential' / 'powerful'. And he's awfully protective of his Pegasus, cough cough, 'Museum'. Wonder if it's because we've established evidence of his connection to the Moonies Cult (Unification Church et al DC that's tied to the Bushes and the CIA etc) and its New Hope Academy - that private 'international' school in Washington DC.
Let's face it - you couldn't possibly get to successfully carry on any global trafficking business without the absolute and full support of Google. 'Pizza' Map = Google Maps


Archived Photo of 2 hustlers - Laneway feeding to Pegasus 'Museum' and Trolley Park May 2014


Google Maps = Pizza Maps!


Google are partners in crime. Clearly and quite plainly Google Maps is being used for them to all communicate. The world is terribly sick. Trump is up against some awfully evil forces.

2impendingdoom ago

yes, my mother has a house a neighborhood with a judge, her house (the judge's) on google is blocked by trees that do not exist irl.

twistedmac11 ago

Weird. How is that even possible....? Don't they just drive around in a van and take pictures, essentially?

ReddittRefugee ago

If you're somebody "important" you get your lawyer to contact Google in writing and demand that they remove the building you don't want to appear on Google Maps or Google Streetview.

If Google staff decide to honor your request, they edit the maps & streetview elements to delete (actually, cover over) the stuff that said "important person" dosn't want Joe Schmos like you to be able to see.

Rmm ago

and I guess we all know how important james is, right!

2impendingdoom ago

I think they edit it after. the trees have weird edges like a very bad photoshop job.

nwho ago

i don't want to expose the address of your mother's house but could you screenshot the photoshopped trees. i would love to see an example of this.

2impendingdoom ago

you'd need to be able to drive by to compare to real life, I assumed that this is the case for all judges, officials, etc?

nwho ago

oh i see...

twistedmac11 ago

That is so weird. I've heard of people having their houses blurred out from street view, but never of the images themselves being altered. That's really interesting.

carmencita ago

I saw my friend's house on one of those sites that gives you an estimate of what your house is worth and I had to laugh. It was below what it should be, because there is a huge fir tree in front. I told her don't worry, how can they tell if it is totally blocked? The company was in another state, so, what gives? Crazy. I don't get it There is a lot of crazy stuff on the net.Especially with Google. When you look up something on Wiki now, you have to wonder, has it been played with?

twistedmac11 ago

Good find, I figured out I can drag the yellow Google Maps man down in front of Pegasus and it will work as well, but those are the only ways I can get it to work. I also just noticed the Google street view images are from 2017, so they've been updated....are there any visible differences in Pegasus now vs Pegasus when we first discovered it, I wonder?

jstrotha0975 ago

Oh, that's what the little yellow guy is for.

twistedmac11 ago

I thought I was the only one! I just figured that out a few days ago LOL!

ArthurEdens ago

I wonder if it's because of stuff like this...

dontmindthemess ago

I dont see much about bad people disappearing. The are hundreds of thousands of children who disappear. Posting shit like calling your friends "chicken lover" while holding a baby boy, or making comments like " the butt" on a picture of an infant on a hammock, these are not what normal people say. "Killroom" commemts on a, what appears to be, a walk-in restaurant fridge or freezer. Comments like these would have some sort of police force wanting ro discuss the meanings of these, unless you have a Rothschild relative or lover. These people have shown nothing to incline me to think they are "Dextering" bad guys, but their references do seem a like child molester/killer/trafficker to us crazy conspiracy theorists.


If you're bad, good people are your enemy - therefore bad.

DonKeyhote ago

I think dexter actor was cast because he resembles Lefantis, Hollywood is all intentional.

dontmindthemess ago

Good God! I think you just broke the case!! Wouldn't that be fucked up though? If you started seeing similarities between season 1 and the beginning of v/pizzgate? Or if they found some Podesta emails that started mentioning a "Dexter" being the new pizza delivery guy? There is so much crazy shit surrounding JA that it would not suprise me.

DonKeyhote ago

LMAO nice "map."

ArthurEdens ago

not impressed by you jackoff

DonKeyhote ago

That's funny cuz I do know th real meaning of pegasus whereas quantokittys theory, while plausible, he/she deemed "DEFINITELY" the answer, led to less digging and i didn't discover it til days later by accident.

twistedmac11 ago

Care to share? I'm interested in what you think Pegasus is.

DonKeyhote ago

I'll make a thread just for you NIGGA, tonight or tomorrow

twistedmac11 ago

I look forward to reading it!

twistedmac11 ago

! I never saw that video before, good find!