TrishaUK ago

Anyone seen this TRUE movie? The whistleblower about the UN trafficking and how sick it is. There is no justice, she lost everything trying to expose it SAD

49-louie ago

not sure where to post this. PizzaGate Is the Silver Bullet! Exposed as CIA Global Pedo-Operation! gunman at Comet was 'false flag'. this is a worldwide 'Pedogate' Monday, December 26, 2016

lostmypassword ago


Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I've seen all the illuminati stuff. Adele and Beyoncé did the Hillary concerts though so that annoyed me. Didn't Katy perry do one too?

I mostly listen to old 90s country like George straight, Alan Jackson, Randy Travis, Clint black etc on a classic country station (the new country music is absurd - it's laughable really)

George_Carlin ago

$2.3 Trillion missing on 9.10... follow the money. CIA are behind the greatest heist in history. Having sex with kids is just one of their hobbies.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Read the article again. Politicians are named. Clinton is named. CIA is named and in the dailymail article the journalists, politician who was an assosiate of Clinton all named, and they were shot dead, assassinated, the Clinton associate and the two journalists, killled just looking into the ties between Clinton/CIA/and the Norway Pedo Ring.

Anyone investigating this is assassinated. Proof? here you go:

Heffter ago

No conspiracy behind Finnish shootings. A locally well known loonie with violent crime history, a psychopath really just randomly killed people. There is no conspiracy behind it.

Heffter ago

Truman wanted the CIA to be presidents intelligence arm but Eisenhower did nothing to stop it from growing into this massive mafia-style monster. Interested times we live in indeed.

sunajAeon ago

Eisenhower, The Zionist Jew infiltrator responsible for the starving to death of over one million German POWs in an outside hell-hole with no fresh water, almost no food and NO protection from the elements

4thDaGrymReaper ago

I think Clinton plays a big role. Much so I hope she doesn't go usual suspects on us.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Could have been a controlled asset. The CIA is great at making people razy.

whitehand ago

Yup, Ted Gunderson (former head of the California FBI) warned about the CIA Finders decades ago. Watch his interviews on youtube.

srayzie ago

Don't you guys think that this is one of the reasons they are desperate to not let Trump become president? Then they would be investigated and not pardoned. That's why I'm afraid some really bad false flag is going to happen because giving Trump the presidency is way too risky for so many people!

OpBurnTheCrust ago

It is the old school Secret Team vs the new globalists who are trying to push the secret team right out. Secret team is hitting panic button and exposing their age old blackmails net work. Pizzagate is to prime the public, let the media defend it and allow everyone to look like fools. They think the secret team won't do it but just wait and come back to me 2 years from now

zlomsocz ago "Superclass" Child Abuse Research Center" good links for researchers

jbj ago

**Sorcha Faal, often writing on whatdoesitmean, IS A KNOWN BULLSHITTER. ** Always does the same thing, conflates one unrelated event with another via the "FSB" Caught being a bullshitter numerous numerous times. When you see Sorcha Faal, forget about it. No shit.

HOWEVER - I DID FIND SOMETHING NEW while trying to verify Sorcha Faal (in vain as always). This article (I didnt ever see the puttanesca email before now)

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

That's not all the CIA are into. Ever wonder how a war on drugs has been waged since the 80's, yet you can still find cocaine in every city, town and village in this country?

seanhurray ago

Please read John Price book "End of America"

whorsquini ago

Where is the connection of this politician and/or journalists investigating child trafficking?

The whatdoesitmean link doesn't provide any direct links to show this.

Doa11 ago

Clinton Investigation Back On: FBI Agents In NY Ordered To Continue Foundation Probe

etherael ago

Where is any indication at all that the journalists in question were investigating a pedophile ring? Sorcha faal is known for taking unrelated factual news stories and embellishing them with conspiracy theory narratives with wholly unsubstantiated dreck, so in the absence of any evidence the journalists were actually investigating a pedophile ring this does not appear to be related.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Gonna loop in on yourself.

"It's up to you to choose." "Don't try to figure it out."

They are one and the same lol.

SheSaidDestroy ago

So many of you who preach at people, I can tell you have never actually felt it. No offense, but those of you who try to argue people into a faith using videos, theories, etc, like you don't get it at all.

mrjdouble ago

Don't be so certain. He's a board member of HSCBank. That smells stinky.

Kiwi_Slave ago

The FBI always was the domestic political secret police, from J Edgar Hoover on controlled by the deep state - denied the existence of the mafia for decades.
But the CIA is far worse, under other names it has existed since the trans Atlantic slave trade and the opium trade in the 19th century. They serve the bankers, traffic drugs and people, supply the media with propaganda, launder money, bribe, blackmail, murder, do false flag terrorism, secret military operations, and overthrow regimes. They are exactly the sort of operation as the fictional foe of James Bond - Spectre. Reportedly they use the 3,000 lb cargo compartment of the latest Global Hawk drones to smuggle heroin - no pilot, no loose lips.

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” ― Harry Truman

Perhaps the most famous alleged quote from President Kennedy about his animus ... he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. ...

There is NOTHING good in the CIA, it was controlled by the globalists from day one, it is anti-American and needs to be ended.

sunajAeon ago

One of the best comments ever read, the CIA is the military/covert army of the ELITE, I had no idea they existed before WWII, please explain the previous history, if you suggest there was a direct link between modern CIA and previous thank you:)

NerdyNoodle ago

^^ This is a brilliant comment. I would like your permission to quote you anonymously on my social media.

reasonedandinformed ago


For those who deny that pedophilia among the powerful, with impunity, is not real..."fake news"...maybe they should invest 10 minutes watching this 60 Minutes story about the explosive problem with pedophilia that was tied to the head of MI6 in the United Kingdom:

NotTooLate ago

Bigger part of the story is what they are used for. Podesta and Clintons selling arms for oil allegedly taking down countries and stealing the oil and all the countries funds by regime change, sending refugees everywhere including the US.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh, thanks for the warning. I actually already forgot about it. wondering now what's this JA update is all about.

MoonWalker68 ago

I agree with you. I've even been tempted to convert, but sadly, my deeper research into Christianity seems to suggest it's just another branch of Satanism in it's own way. It would make sense given how trigger happy and keen on intervention so many Christians are. It would also make sense that the Christians I know in my town are such amoral turn the other cheek hedonists who love rock and roll....

Don't get me wrong there are other types of Christians like the patriotic southern Americans - but when I look at people like Jim Beckwith and how he seems to have unfettered blind faith in Trump despite all his ties to Jews and establishment players I do have to wonder...what is really going on I can't say. It seems like Trump wants to drain the swamp but not at the cost of his or his families life. I don't think he will go far enough. I don't think he will touch the fed, but maybe such a goal is not within our reach yet. Maybe we're looking at something like that in another 4-8 years when they have destroyed the dollar... but gold seems to be what the elite themselves want? I am pretty confused if I'm honest...

On the bible, I have a feeling 'certain people' edited it to their benefit and the genuine allegorical roots of these teachings have been mistaken for factual accounts.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Well, it certainly true that nearly every civilization that has ever existed, has held beliefs about creators from the sky. It's like it's in our DNA or something, or "written on our hearts" as you might say. Different words for different people, but there is definitely something there. None can convince me that certain things about humans are just 'random'.

MoonWalker68 ago

What makes you think this?

NeedPolyGF ago

How about links to your stuff that was banned. And who banned it?

NeedPolyGF ago

Charles Chandler at is even better than Thunderbolts and I'm a member at the latter.

willofthewarrior ago

This is great. thanks

youhavetogoback123 ago

She can't. Any pledged elector who doesn't do what they're bound to do, the state legislature, mostly republican now in every state can strip the delegate and appoint a new one. Second, even if they did get 37 electors to defect which they won't, it would go to the house of representatives, they wouldn't allow Clinton.

blackpill ago

I haven't seen any evidence about the slain Finnish journalists being involved in any pedo investigations.

BlackListMedia ago

Criminals Impersonating Authority

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

This is so true, as with Mossad in Israel, far too powerful, and not elected or accountable, and have already been caught doing shockingly heinous, murderous, unethical things

ris4republican ago

The real question is, who is in charge of the CIA, what family / dynasty?

If you look back in our own history, its very easy to figure out and then connect that family to the clinton crime family and the pieces come together, everyone is focusing on the clintons and the clinton foundation and even the foundation mind maps are good but theres THIS ONE PEICE MISSING... which family controls the CIA, add it to the current mind maps and everything fits together

NeedPolyGF ago

I think the Rockefellers were largely in control initially. The Rothschilds & British royalty have had a lot of control over the U.S. from the beginning, starting at least with Jefferson's Sec of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin. A lot of wealthy Bostonians and others were connected to the Rothschilds and others. Peabody, Belmont, etc.

The thing about the Rothschilds is that they were used to secrecy since when they lived in Europe and were restricted in their movements and doings, because they were Jews in Christian Europe. The Rockefellers likewise employed spies to ruin competing companies. The Rothschilds et al caused economic depressions in the U.S. by restricting gold supplies on occasion, which they used as a means to enrich their friends in the U.S., i.e. Rockefellers et al, and themselves.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Look into the Dulles brothers. One a Catholic priest the other head of the CIA. Hence (Catholics In Action) Arm of the Jesuit black pope. Look at the Carroll family. One the First roman catholic arch bishop in America. The second a signer of the Declaration of Independance. Wealthy land owners . The Capital is built on land donated by the Carrolls.

diamond-_sutra ago

that's BS, the CIA was founded by people associated with the Brown Brothers Harriman, for example the Bushes and the Council on Foreign Relations which was founded/funded by the Rockefellers. The Rockefellers, Harrimans and Bushes are as WASPy as it gets and so was the CIA when it was first founded.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

With founding American heads heavily Jesuit, The Bush one. Bushes are Merovingian? Leads back to the British Royal family ("the Germans" real Brits call them.)

vacvape ago

Who do we eat first?

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

All you're doing is posting click bait. Misspelled click bait. And btw, duh, newbie. Fraficking. How frightful.

bopper ago

Maybe you guys should give the scriptures a second chance. Go back to the Reformation and the Puritans, forget the trash out there nowadays.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I think the scriptures are lost on me. They were used to justify a lot of abuse in my childhood household. There was a day when I was very young, and I was running my hand in a stream by a lake, and a baby turtle was just suddenly in my hand. I had been extremely sad and lonely without even really realizing it, and I just felt like "God" (whatever that really means) had given it to me. I tried to tell my father and he used his warning look/voice that always turned me to stone. He used the scriptures, likely in a twisted way, to have "God" be authority, and the authority was that I wouldn't even be worthy of receiving any recognition or gifts from "God" so how dare I even suggest such a thing. And since my father had killed a lot of my other pets, I let that baby turtle go, even though I wanted to keep it, because I loved it. And that was what love was. And to me that was my version of "God", a gift and teaching me about the nature of things.

See I know it sounds weird/stupid/crazy. It's hard to explain it. I think that whatever anyone calls it, I think it is something you feel, not something you read.

eyeVoated ago


bopper ago

One bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch (your dad). Yes, I was messed up by parents and esp. public school (I later homeschooled all my kids). You say you were told "I wouldn't even be worthy of receiving any recognition or gifts from God." This was actually a message (good one) to you, as that is the heart of the gospel, that none of us are worthy but that Christ's death atoned for us (for our sins). There's very little truth being voiced today (the message is corrupted), I only find it in the Dutch Reformed Churches and the 'Free Presbyterian' churches of Scotland. The truth, the gospel, will be revealed to you (inwardly) if you seek it, but will be 'verified' or substantiated by the outward objective word of God, the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. They will bear witness to the truth that is revealed inwardly.

SheSaidDestroy ago

Nah we are worthy, that is why we are loved so much. Duh.

A God who can never lose, can never know the pain or fear of defeat. A God who can never be wrong, can never experience what it is like to grow, or experience humiliation, and then humility. A God who knows everything, never has to ponder, overcome doubt or make a difficult decision, or trust.

And so on.

Humans are very impressive and beautiful in our own right. We are like.. modules of a greater being, that allow that being to experience things, that it otherwise could not. There has to be that separation, and then we experience things, and then we get reabsorbed.

Sorry you never overcame your abuse yet. I'll tell you in case no one else ever has: You are definitely worthy.

bopper ago

Thanks, I appreciate your message and kindness.

ronnyCPI ago

I believe this is true, HOWEVER, sooner or later people are going to have to realize HRC and Alefantis ARE CIA. They're covered assets for the Agency. Alefantis's cover is pizza business, and HRC's is senator, Sec of State, democratic presidential candidate etc., etc.

Zorox ago

I lkethis. I like this a lot.

wh0care ago

How the hell they can conclude (that fast) that it was "random" shooting...since when read it (and the Guardian article) it say the guy shooted them when they went out of the restaurant and seems not oppose any resistance to arrest ..? like waiting in his car ??

this need more investigation i believe, anyone who can read finish should try to dig more on this...its lack some source ,especially for this part about the 2 "reporters" :" who were interviewing a local politician about her ties to a human smuggling ring believed by Federation intelligence analysts to be “controlled/organized” by the current Finance Minister of Finland for his “client/associate” Hillary Clinton,"

edit: why the hell they say "3young woman" , the pics on sputnik not a show a young women at all !

youhavetogoback123 ago

Its not random there were just assassinated. This just happened. They were going to question the NorwayPolitician who was linked to the Clintons. It is Clinton's MO, she'll off anyone especially those she knows who could get her caught.

whorsquini ago

Where is the source that says they were going to question the politician in Norway?

Electionfraud ago

The function of the CIA is to support the overthrow of the world. They do nothing that benefits you and I here in the usa. Get rid of this agency. Why the fuck do we need to fund 16 different intelligence agencies.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yes.....this is it. CIA is just killers for the ONE WORLD. I came to that conclusion a couple of days ago. Kennedy said he would smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and died for it.

postfascion ago

Yet he was catholic. Its crazy how the labels can hold us back sometimes. Its why I believe "by their deeds you shall know them"

Electionfraud ago

Of course the CIA obtains its black budget from criminal activities. Child trafficking would be a large source of income

UglyTruth ago

Guns & drugs could also explain that.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

Why not both! I read a quote from a CIA spook a while back in which he essentially referred to incoming administration (don't remember who was coming into office at the time) as the 'summer help'. Administrations come and go and the CIA consolidates. Literal Wormtongue.

postfascion ago

Did you see the movie "the good Shepherd"? The most I retesting line was "why is there no the before CIA?" Answer: "Would you put the before God?" Now replace CIA with "elite".

pizzaequalspedo ago

All of the above. I think you just hit the nail on the head..... Kids, drugs and guns. Remember the guns that our ATF sold to Mexican drug lords?

Thakiddds ago

One thing you can take comfort in is that the Bible has all of this mapped out. There are a few prophecies left to come to fulfillment and pray that you will be taken in the rapture, at this point it's only a matter of time before all things are fullfilled

Heffter ago

Rapture is a verified deception by the jesuits. There is no rapture. Let that sink in while you research the origins of rapture. Hint; Cardinal Ribera

Thakiddds ago

I can defend it biblically if you'd like to discuss

sunajAeon ago

The Bible is a Jewish book, written, maintained, clouded in secrecy by the very people Jesus called the Den of Thieves, gentiles play right into their hands, because they have adopted this "Jewish Construct" you are forever imprisoned in this Construct, which is why no matter how much harm the Israelis due, bombing hospitals, the Christians still believe these are God's Chosen, as we send the billions of hard earned US tax dollars to kill and maim, while US citizens are out of work and cannot send their children to college (education is free to Israeli citizens-compliments of US stolen tax dollars)

Heffter ago

No need. I know it is an invention by the jesuits.

If it were true Christ would not come only second but THIRD time too and that is unbiblical.

Thakiddds ago

Its fine if you think that. But there's biblical support for it that you can't explain without a rapture type event.

Heffter ago

Regardless, rapture was an invention by jesuits in the Middle Ages. It is not biblical. It is an hoax to lure people to falsely think they need not do the works because that are already "saved". That is not biblical theology. Rapture is an invention, ordered by the pope, executed by catholic cardinals and propagated by American protestants. The Bible clearly teaches that christians endure horrible times and only a handful survives that. The rapture the Bible talks about is post tribulation time when Christ comes the second time. There is no pre trib rapture.

Thakiddds ago

The word sure. The concept is biblical however. Let me ask you a few things if the second coming happens during the second 3 1/2 years into the tribulation, and the tribulation itself will be known because it is marked by several distinct and successive events... How could his second coming come like a thief in the night? It wouldn't cus we would all know and be expecting his return. How can 2 men be working(Matt 24:40) and one is taken and another is left if the second coming is the 'great day of the lord' or the white throne judgement. There would be no one would be left. How could Christ be seen 'coming in the clouds with thousands upon thousands of Saints, if the saints haven't been taken yet? The second half of the trib is known as the 'wrath of God' when God sends his wrath on the 'sons of disobedience' Yet the church is still here? Nope 1 thess 5:9 (saints are not appointed to wrath) The second coming is simply him coming back to collect the 400,000 Jewish people that remain and have survived the trib and chosen to accept him during that period. The Bible(2 thess 2:7 )says once the church, who has been holding him back is removed then the man known as the antichrist will appear on the world stage. Luke 21:36 says pray you are found worthy to escape the times that are coming. How can anyone escape if we aren't going anywhere... A few points to consider...

Thakiddds ago

R u calvinist? Most calvinist believe there will be a rapture.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Ephesians 6:12- "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Very fitting for the times we live in.

Thakiddds ago

Amen amen

NeedPolyGF ago

The prophecies were mostly fulfilled in 70Ad. The Book of Revelation was written before that and predicted it.

Thakiddds ago

John died in 90ad. That is a preterist view.

Schade ago

Interesting. I would like to know more about him--what good things has he done?

youhavetogoback123 ago

FBI white hats need us to expose this stuff. Don't underestimate the role you play.

youhavetogoback123 ago

Comey's brother has deep ties to the ClintonFoundation.

AdVict0riam ago

This What Does It Mean site appears to be even faker than the NYT.

youhavetogoback123 ago

This is not fake: The journalists named in the sourced article were just assassinated: Source from just a few days ago. Not fake my friend.

red_pill_stefbot ago

Harvey Dent. Can he be trusted?

TheUltimateDebate ago

It's hard to believe, but I TRULY hope ur right... :-)

isthisreality ago

Ive never considered myself a Christian... But I will be damned if this is not biblical prophecy good vs evil type shit. This is going to be an all out war, and it is NOT going to be pretty. I have my own personal beliefs in God.. But this is... Wow. Crazy times, man. Crazy times we live in.

sunajAeon ago

I agree the idea that total perversion has spread across the globe like this is unimaginable, like a bad dream, but real it is

Stellarjay ago

Yes, this is where one decides how they will live. Truthful or dishonest, good or evil. A basic tenet of life, the very core of our being. Which side do you pick. Being on the side of truth is downright difficult, but freeing. It causes me to question everything, which is the noble path.


It's not biblical at all. It goes back 10's of thousands of years to the Priesthood of Amon Ra and the Sisters of Isis.

They wrote the bible.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I agree 100% with this. I've always considered myself a Christian, but didn't spend much time studying the Bible - I didn't know where to start. Well, I started after the election and got a Hebrew concordance to help decipher. Also realized the KJV bible is the only English version that matches the closest with the original texts. Wow, the floodgates opened up once I really got into things, and fast. I see connections that I've never seen before.

Rakosman ago

War requires opposing ideology and physical separation, usually. Should a true war start there'd be some pretty heavy chaos as everyone rushed to find their (physical) side. And now I recall how liberal democrats vehemently fight gun ownership... 

UglyTruth ago

The opposing ideologies are common law and civil law. Common law serves the public interest, civil law serves the interests of the elites.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I feel it. Have felt it all my life, but I feel it strongly at times, and I feel it very strongly now. I've also been told my whole life that spirituality even of just that nature is stupid/insane and worthy of mockery. I get embarrassed and nervous just admitting to myself that I feel it. But I do.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You are awakening.

Ronnilynn31 ago

I'm more committed than ever. Before I would admit that I'm Christian, but would shy away from conversations about it because of what others would say. Not anymore. Studying the Bible these last few months has confirmed that for me. Everything is there - even the Old Testament that people just say is full of bloody is, because we're a bloody people. But history repeats itself. You can read the OT from beginning to end and have an idea of what's going to happen if it hasn't already happened in recent history.

EndThePizza ago

I don't think it's silly to acknowledge that there are things in the universe that we don't understand, and that we may never understand. To the contrary, it's arrogant to act as if we know everything, and that we know what is or isn't possible.

Schade ago

Comey was on the Board of HSBC, which has been directly involved in moving cartel money. The only reason why he had to reopen the case against Clinton was because the NYPD were the first ones to get Anthony Wieners laptop with their 'life insurance' file Abedin kept that had 10's of thousands of emails. He seems like he working for the Clintons to me.

hedy ago

I agree about Comey. I would not expect ANYONE on the inside to make this happen. It's too risk and they're all being watched.

CrackerJacks ago

Does anyone remember this email.....

Well we all know who died from the DNC.

unfuckitup ago

What exactly do the CIA do for America? They make trouble around the world, they are allegedly involved in all manner of contraband trafficking. I hope they get disbanded

mrjdouble ago

There once was a man name John that tried to do that very thing. His days were numbered when he famously said, "I want to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds". We all know how that ended for him in Dallas.

SterlingJB ago

They justify playing in the gray area as it is the only way to gain intelligence of the black areas. Problem is, when you're the biggest funder and operator of the black, you can't exactly claim gray. And any amount of black work, or wet work, can be justified by claiming it affects national security. Even things like false flags, drug dealing, fixing elections, and trafficking can be justified under the banner of national security.

youhavetogoback123 ago

They are a Catholic group. Never have been for America.... Look into the Dulles brothers.

IlluminatiKing ago

That explains all the MK Ultra involved. Also look up MKOFTEN

Truthseeker3000 ago

Of course the CIA is behind child trafficking. Look no further than The Finders organization out of Wichita Kansas with connections to Michael Aquino mastermind of PsyOps psychological warfare (CIA). He was also behind the California daycare tunnels in which Ted Gunderson exposed. This man is PURE EVIL and hundreds of kids were abused in the hands of this predator. He also did much of the MK Ultra child training. These are facts.

sunajAeon ago

I don't understand this AQUINO factor-an open originator of Luciferianism/Church of Set-are there NO MEN in special forces that would extinguish this monster? This is a very different military from when I grew up

Nadakai ago

I cant find anything about this group in wichita, got any leads?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Really?! Where are u looking? For starters try googling The Finders Wichita Kansas. Petrie is a fvcking creep 100% certain he's CIA.

Nadakai ago

Ive found stuff about him, but I cant find anything related to wichita, which is near where I am from

hedy ago

also @Truthseeker3000 Finders didn't originate from ICT, although a faction might still be there - might not. The home faction of the group that was caught (two men w/ 6 kids) were carrying info w/ them when they were picked up in TN that identified a residence in D.C. along w/ a warehouse and other contacts. Here is a great piece by David McGowan:

He's written a lot of good stuff:

The Finders were components of a CIA operative but this group was low-level.

Ted Gunderson & the McMartin Case - according to the mother of one of the little victims who was attending the McMartin day care center - the MOTHER found evidence of the tunnels, Gunderson caught wind of it, pushed his way into the investigation, moved in with her to "help"... started causing a lot of problems with the case in terms of sabotaging it, claimed to have found the tunnels himself, stiffed the excavation team so they never finished, and she claims he tried to poison her. This is one of the MANY allegations on Gunderson. So be wary - some of his stuff is good but there's enough info out there to suggest he is dirty. COINTELPRO dirty.

Nadakai ago

Alot of good info here, thanks for the input!

Truthseeker3000 ago

I'm aware. The last known info of their location is that they were in hiding in KS as I mentioned but still active. I don't have the same view as u do of Ted Gunderson. Of course they want to discredit him by any means possible. He lost his life to the fight, I give him that. I don't believe your theory of the one child's mother over Ted. No way I believe he tried to poison the child's mother and that the mother found the covered up tunnels herself either. Please don't throw this kind of stuff out there. It's not factual, its your opinion. But hey, we can agree to disagree on it ;)

hedy ago

You've done very little research on Gunderson, that much is clear. When you have, then we can talk. Until then, stop promoting him - he's dirty.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I've done much as I've stated and I'm not promoting anyone. End it.

hedy ago

Yes - just as I said. You've done very little researching into Gunderson. You've watched a couple videos, got the impression he's a "nice old man" and was poisoned wrongfully and now you're compassionate and all-knowing.

This isn't about you and it isn't a contest about who is right/wrong. It's about getting to the truth and refusing to acknowledge that you don't know everything there is to know about someone you simply read a little about on the internet is ignorant. Referencing him like you did without any caveat to the shit-ton of controversy around him, is irresponsible. THAT is promoting someone. Get over yourself.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I said we could agree to disagree but now ur telling me to get over myself. U just want to fight and argue and I'm not biting.

Goodbye Sue Arrigo.

hedy ago

The argument was over with your first couple of posts. And now you're so delusional with your own self-importance that you think Dr. Arrigo actually gives a fuck what you think.

We're now in shill territory. Except that everyone is so busy calling ea other shills that I just say you're an idiot. Since you're completely unwilling to entertain the likelihood that you don't know everything there is to know on the internet... you're just a big, bloated idiot.

dogwalker ago

Even the black eyed peas knew this all those years ago

"We still got terrorists her living, in the USA the big CIA, the bloods and the crips and KKK"

RazorFries ago

Now I regret changing the station whenever they came on the radio.

e-traiu ago

This is very interesting, and something that could very well be true.

CIA starts to look more and more like a really bad crew. MkUltra, Contras, Smugling, Killing, Blackops etc.etc

They seem to be everything they ever have claimed Gestapo, KGB and other "shady" inteligence companys to be like...

CrackerJacks ago

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

In telephone conversations with Donald Trump, FBI Director James Comey assured the president-elect there was no credible evidence that Russia influenced the outcome of the recent U.S. presidential election by hacking the Democratic National Committee and the emails of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

What’s more, Comey told Trump that James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, agreed with this FBI assessment.

The only member of the U.S. intelligence community who was ready to assert that the Russians sanctioned the hacking was John Brennan, the director of the CIA, according to sources who were briefed on Comey’s conversations with Trump.

"And Brennan takes his marching orders from President Obama," the sources quoted Comey as saying.

In Comey's view, the leaks to The New York Times and The Washington Post alleging that the Russians tried—and perhaps even succeeded—in tilting the election to Trump were a Democratic Party effort to delegitimize Trump’s victory.

During their phone conversations, Comey informed Trump that the FBI had been alert for the past year to the danger that the Russians would try to cause mischief during the U.S. presidential election.

However, whether the Russians did so remains an open question, Comey said, adding that it was just as likely that the hacking was done by people who had no direct connection to the Russian government.

"It's also unclear," the sources pointed out, "why Putin would have preferred dealing with Donald Trump, who has promised a major military buildup, over Hillary Clinton, who would have continued Barack Obama's cautious policies toward the Kremlin.">

micha_ ago

Drudgereport and Breitbart do not report that. How reliable is Newsmax?

youhavetogoback123 ago

Newsmax's Ruddy is a Clinton Foundation donor.

CrackerJacks ago

Wikileaks follows @newsmax Not sure if that tells you anything.

CrackerJacks ago

I honestly have no idea, @BrittPettiBone Tweeted it....She normally tweets reliable stuff, but you never know what's what lately.

reasonedandinformed ago

There is evidence that Brennan is actually a muslim and may not have US interests at heart. I had not seen that idea before but stumbled into credible evidence of this a few months ago.

Heffter ago

He is a Muslim.

justforthissubverse ago

Nah. The "CIA" is comprised of many people. Many of them are law abiding and would not put up with that. If there is fuckery it's only at the top and they are in CYA mode.

reasonedandinformed ago

There are many good people in these corrupt organizations. We have had journalists in the MSM who say that those above will not let them report on this. The government at all levels seems to be filled with corruption and compromised people, but we still have brave, good-hearted people working to support us (think Trey Goudy). We need to work as a citizenry with the good guys on the inside to take down the corrupt machine.

justforthissubverse ago

I sure hope not...

remedy4reality ago

I think completely differently. I believe the CIA is the HEART of this operation and is 100% corrupt.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I still remember reading the CIA plans, back in 1981, laying out George Bush presidency and the Gulf war. Everything is planned years in advance. CIA is a Bolshevik think tank and planning department.

How can you trust an organization that has specific details on how long it takes a human to die when submersed in water of a specific temperature?!

And thats one reason why I have such an extreme network connection to hide my ass.

NeedPolyGF ago

William Colby was CIA director in the 70s I guess. He encouraged de Camp later to press on with the Nebraska pedo ring investigation in the 80s and early 90s. That seems to prove that not all CIA people are crooks.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Ya I was in a pedo task force in the 90's, something never seemed right about it. I wouldn't trust that everything they do is some sort of set up whether the agents know it or not. There are a team of wizards behind the curtain!

After 30 years of thinking about it, seems like it was some sort of house cleaning project, assimilate the competition or something.

P1ZZ4H473R ago


wh0care ago

ok i googled it , and seems to be a well known hoaxers... i cant take it seriously now, but maybe this shooting still need more investigation...the police statement saying that it was "random" sound weird to me... But of all i read on both of the cited source i cant find anything saying the 2 reporters was investigations on a pedo ring... (if someone find something on it please answer me)

willofthewarrior ago

I can't speak for anyone else, but pizzagate has made me question just about every conspiracy theory that I had previously written off. There's credible evidence that Orgone energy exists, that the luminiferous ether exists, that the the speed of light and gravitational constants aren't truly constant, "water memory". Unfortunately scientists aren't interested in pursuing most of these things because it gets you labeled as a quack and you can't find funding and you find yourself isolated from the scientific community.

Ted Gunderson now seems to me like he was telling the truth. Which means that FDR knew about WW II and let it happen. That the CIA killed JFK. That there were hidden motives behind Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Oklahoma City bombing.

So my point being: I no longer feel like we can write off sorcha faal,, and so forth.

mrjdouble ago

"Unfortunately scientists aren't interested in pursuing most of these things because", they don't want to get wacked.


isthisreality ago

Just know you're not the only one out there starting to question all these "conspiracy theories". Hell, I'm starting to question absolutely every single thing in my life nowadays.

paulf ago

Neo: I can't go back can I?

Morpheus: No. But if you could, would you really want to?

crystalclearme ago

Overall I agree with you. However at least to me- there are some mental health issues going on with some writers and the thinking is not as clear. We have seen some of that here on voat. Does not mean I discount them but I don't weigh as heavily as I have to work harder to use the information. In the same way- I agree about T Gunderson but don't necessarily believe he is 100% correct on all theories. Bottom line is we never could be here without the internet and people like Ted Gunderson and Julian Assage

willofthewarrior ago

Agreed. One needs to read with the eye of an auditor. Trust but verify. Recognize the difference between assertions and facts. Etc.

SpikyAube ago

I feel the same, and it's just horrific - when you think about how nice the world could have been without these people messing it all up for everybody. Like we've always been led to believe that bad stuff just happens and it's inevitable that there are bad people out there, but for the bad people to be almost entirely in our governments, orchestrating events so they can benefit at our expense, turning us all against each other etc... it makes me swell with rage to think about. These fuckers need putting in that flat square thing Superman's Krypton Dad puts baddies in, and sent out into space to just spin around and around forever in nothingness.

TruthTrumps ago

I'm with you. I feel like I've discovered that we are all pawns in a global LIE. Everything I've believed, we all have believed...including the generations before a LIE. I'm only part way thru this video...but it supports what we are discussing. How long will it take for the world to really wake up? Nobody wants to believe this shit. We are still a tiny minority.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I've recently come to the same conclusion and in fact, I would say we're all pawns in a spiritual battle between good and evil. Satan has done an excellent job of convincing us he didn't exist. As a nation or world for that matter, the supernatural parts of the Bible were meant for ridicule.

A year or two ago I would have laughed at someone who said they believed the Illuminati existed or the CIA assassinated JFK, or high level politicians took part in SRA, but after looking at it, there's too much smoke to dismiss this stuff. Then again two years ago who could have imagined President Donald Trump?

It appears it's all connected.

search4truth ago

What's most important is that this reality has been revealed. Now we can do something about it. We will never forget and move on. So never give up.

P1ZZ4H473R ago

Yes indeed the kill lists are long and very old. Just ask Bill Cooper and Andrew Breitbart...oh yes we cant they are dead

freeagent37 ago

Gotcha! Yes this is true! We are going to bring down the entire sick monopoly of criminals, right up to the CIA!

youhavetogoback123 ago

Explains why the CIA/Podesta/Clinton/are so desperate to cover this up. Blackout in the media about the Norway Pedo ring with ties to Clinton is revealing.

reasonedandinformed ago

I posted about the Norway thing being central on Saturday (, and it seemed to be based on the patterns that I observed. The MSM deletion of newsworthy posts about the pedo ring (sourced by the AP), the mention of "one person overseas" in the arrest, the tie-in to the Clinton Foundation, the drop in support of CF by Norway in conjunction with the pedo sting there, the later relevant exposure of the "how" of trafficking in which Norway could play a key role based on trade routes and its own trafficking-friendly laws, the fact that the FBI was involved in tipping off the investigation, the finding of 150 terabytes of data (which is massive and means the scale of the Norway hornet's nest is extensive), etc. This new thread continues toward the answer as to WHY Norway is so important.

crystalclearme ago

I agree and think I made connection that makes it worldwide. This is hypothesis and needs more fleshing out or I need to find where someone else documented it more fully: Norway politician is NATO Secretary General -- He is connected to CF . Also is appearing from another direction believe it or not that #Benghazi & discovery of CP on the recovered server are involved in that event. Sickening multiple wars and then having humanitarian efforts and "aid" swoop in to rescue (AKA trafficking) I don't think all aid is connected but am gravely concerned

reasonedandinformed ago

Nothing is off the table for these sick people.

youhavetogoback123 ago

there's also the fact that two journalists were assassinated when they went to question Clinton's ties to the Norway pedo ring.

mrjdouble ago

How do you know they were working on a story involving the Clinton's? I read the link, no where does it mention the story they were working on.

blackpill ago

Where is the proof? Dailymail article doesn't prove anything.There is no mention of them involving in pedo ring investigations.

wh0care ago

but i didnt see any mentions in the differents article (unless the whatdoesitmean on) saying they was investigated any pedo ring...its lack sources for this..or i missed something...

micha_ ago

Being sceptical, if this report could be true (because once more F.CKING UNBELIEVEABLE shit), I searched the politcians name.

On the Finnish Wikipedia that politician Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen was "killed" is mentioned in one sentence (btw two other people were shot). Not how, no circumstences, nothing.

Google translation:

Tiina Wilen Jäppinen

Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen ( 26 February 1963 Imatra [1] [2] - 4. December 2016 Imatra) was a Finnish Socialists represented in municipal politician, who served as the Imatra city councilor since 2001 and chairman of the city council since 2009. Wilén-Jäppinen was married and had two children. By profession he was a supervisor of measurement. Wilén-Jäppinen was killed in December 2016 which occurred in the center of Imatra shooting , which killed two other people.

Schade ago

They've called in litterally every favor.. Have you seen this latest ass cancer? - I'm kind of sad, I actually really liked Bob Odenkirk..

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. I now refuse to listen to Adele and Beyoncé when they come on the radio. Lol

zoot3d ago

yeah had a lot of respect for Bob for his work, but as they say, with great power comes great responsibility, which he is abusing now

people like bob / other celebs are probably cucks that want to appease the most people, the squeaky wheels, aka sjw fgts

Atatarkus ago

Might just be that most celebrities are too stupid to realise they're being used for something nefarious. Or maybe theyre paying them who knows.

LadyMinx ago

They are "actors" you know. They are trying to make it look like a Public Service Announcement. #TheMoreYouKnow - and all that BS.

Schade ago

I think it's more of a symptom of Hollywood itself. Odd how you don't see to many out spoken right-wing actors, eh?. They actually locked Kanye up after he endorsed Trump, boy did that fucking backfire haha!. I imagine a lot of these people have to play ball in order to get their shows. Or, if you believe Mike Cernovich, they literally have to fuck a kid on camera... o.o

zoot3d ago

intiation rites are a fucking thing for sure

yeah you have an excellent point, the only other people are batshit fucks like ann coulter

We_The_People ago

Because she is trying to avoid a public hanging.

sixgorillion ago

This is step one

youhavetogoback123 ago

She did say "he'd hang us all" after one of the debates.

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

I believe the quote was "He'll hang us all from the rafters." And rightly so.

mooteensy ago

Source? Not a shill, I'd believe it. Just curious!

Forgetmenot ago


2impendingdoom ago

I thought the sex slave account of mk ultra cia activity was really pertinent, where cia is responsible for gangs wars inside the US, and drug running and blackmail/extortion actions. Maybe the FBI is just fed up with cleaning up their crap after all these years.

Truthseeker3000 ago

THIS WOMAN IS A FRAUD. The story is 100% FALSE fiction. I spent a lot of time reading the entire story and looking her up afterwards. "Dr." Sue Arrigo is her name so I googled both that and her email address which is located on the story. I found her online real life pics and some messages from her sister to conspiracy theorists' websites advising Sue Arrigo has delusional schizophrenia and was NEVER in the CIA, MK Ultra, abused, kidnapped or anything remotely similar. She should be banned from the internet. There were a number of red flags in that long story which I will not expose so she can potentially correct them. I believe she is here posting as "Against Pedos" and "logjam" and other aliases below looking for credit on this story. I believe Ms. Arrigo watched a number of YouTube videos of Brice Taylor and others, as well as reading first hand accounts of children in MK Ultra stories and put them all together in her fabricated story. Brice Taylor is real, Sue Arrigo is not. In another conspiracy forum she posted about Obama abusing her and sitting in on CIA meetings as of last year!!! As far as being a "Presidential Model" she is an overweight late 50s early 60s woman who, again, has severe schizophrenia. **I wish people like this would STAY OFF THE INTERNET and not post delusional fabricated stories that are not true in such a serious investigation. ** please do not promote her or this story anymore on here.

hedy ago

Are you kidding me? A woman publishes her account, her family claims she's crazy, you find a few things questionable, declare her guilty because she's gained weight and has aged, claim with some divine omnission that she's posting on VOAT... and you diagnose her and determine she's a fraud? What a mess.

You clearly know very little about these survivor stories, what MKU is all about and believe or disbelieve EVERYTHING you read online in totality. Fuck. No wonder you referenced Gunderson above. Let yourself out of the basement every now and then.

If you haven't read her article - do so. She cites a lot of interesting info on the shipping process of children. Is it all true? Doubtful but there's definitely information in it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I think you're trying to deflect. Read her article and her "stores" on conspiracy message boards under Sue Arrigo about Obama torturing her a couple years back and all the other bullshit about her CIA titles and work she still does now with them, her actual Facebook, her email and NOTHING ADDS UP. Yes, I'm well aware she's on here because she's posting the story constantly and messaging me and can't deny what I'm saying. But u go on believing in the Easter Bunny all u want. People need to know the truth and not waste time with the bullshit.

hedy ago

I've read plenty about her. She has some very questionable info in her accounts within a great deal of info that seems pretty accurate. If you know anything about MKU victims, they are quite fractured and most will admit that they have holes in their memories and have also learned things incorrectly. Some are drawing from memories from decades in the past. It's not at all true that "NOTHING ADDS UP" - what point of reference do YOU have that nothing she is saying is accurate? Nothing. You can use your intuition about things and even then you can be wrong. How many times have people been wrong in history? I've posted her story several times on Voat so I think you're self-aggrandizing. What is this "People know the truth" - how old are you?

ETA: The thing that rings insincere about your posts is your absolutism - your "certainty" about this or that - BULLSHIT.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Bye Sue!!!

hedy ago

LOL you're an idiot. A very obvious one. What a waste.

neo50 ago

I read through the whole disturbing story as well but don't think it's 100% false. They intentionally fractured her mind and are using her programmed family members to discredit her. There are so many details that, while evil, seem plausible. I think it's time we take notice of any victim, regardless of how long ago it was, to help them have a voice and help us piece together the current puzzle. Also, we can't expect victims to be 100% sane and believable. The insanity or split personality is most likely why they were allowed to live.

wecanhelp ago

(The archived article, for those who haven't read it.)

She admits having split personalities in this very article, so that's nothing new. I second that her article raises a handful of red flags having to do with psychic abilities and the like, but you have to give her that the rest of it is very logically and coherently written, and, what's more important, doesn't contradict the findings of this investigation and FBIAnon's leads so far. I'm not sure about her legitimacy whatsoever, but I wouldn't discredit all the information in the article just because some of it is fictitious.

european ago is sorcha faal ( david booth). Well know bullshit disinformation.

youhavetogoback123 ago

LittleSnowFlake The journalists mentioned in the article were just assassinated. What better source do you need then

2impendingdoom ago

Okay, I will give her a closer look. I do not know of Brice Talyor so thanks for that info. What I found interesting about gail allen story was that she presented specific details that collaborate with other people I've met who would not have known her from before the internet. Some of the things she says maybe misinformation she could have been fed but some specific details are uncanny. Her current weight would be irrelevant especially if she is on meds for psychiatric conditions.

Truthseeker3000 ago

It's NOT "Gail Allen" its Sue Arrigo or Dr. Sue Arrigo as she likes to call herself. Sue Arrigo has also posted this bullshit on another women's blog with another name. She doesn't want people looking into her name because she's a fraud. Yes, absolutely I 100% believe in MK Ultra and the MPD/DID it brings on but Sue Arrigo has taken so many stories off the Internet and put them all together in her own fabricated version of it and claiming she's a Presidental Model MK Ultra prodigy and she is not. Then she claims she's had President Obama torture her in another online claim. COME ON U GUYS PLEASE DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ONLINE. yes, absolutely I do believe in this stuff that's why I know so much about it (I think) because I have don't ALOT of research into it but her story is all over the place and NOT believable. Look at the very top of the story, it says it's written by Sue Arrigo and if u click on her name her email comes up, do what I did to find out for yourself with those pieces of info. Keep up the fight. Thanks everyone

2impendingdoom ago

maybe we are thinking of two different things, anyway its only tangental to this investigation.

remedy4reality ago

Doesn't there come a point where the benefit of the doubt is taken away from the CIA and given to those that claim abuse?

I would also suppose that schizophrenia is a common side effect of membership in MK Ultra.

Godwillwin ago

It most certainly absolutely is. They end up with up to 11 personalities at times.

youhavetogoback123 ago

they are assassinating journalists and politicians just for questioning Clinton/CIA ties to the Norway Pedo Ring... Source:

Chance903 ago

Don't be dissuaded you are absolutly right, they are the most corrupt agency in American history.

derram ago :

Local mayor and two journalists in Finland are shot dead by a sniper | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I've read a few theories that the CIA and FBI are sparring with each other right now, one theory referring to it as the "deep state" being at war with itself in this manner. I'm cynical of most things by now, but it would certainly be something amazing if the FBI was attempting to actually combat corruption from within like that.

wokeindie ago

when brothers can kill for thrones, it is not far fetched to think members of deep state could fight with each other for control.

AbduKareem ago

When GOV wolves can eat,fuck,bleed and harvest organs of the sheep, and the people become aware its time the majority of sheep, 'flay' the wolves.

In the 1->10 knowledge levels of pizzagate how far down the rabbit hole have you gone? (1) Education, franklin, mcMartin we had teach people that satanic child abuse is real

(2) contemporary like Hastert, epstein, show that its still happening and nobody goes to jail

(3) uk gov show that it goes to the top of gov and that BBC & NYT cover's it all up

(4) photos from comet-pizza show the public that these people are in your face normalizing occult child abuse

(5) note that the MIL/COPS have done nothing 50+ years FBI involved CIA involved, MKULTRA the US-GOV is a PEDO GOV, per FBIanon again this stuff takes time, you can't dump it on anybody in a day or even a month

(6) That kissinger got the saudis to sign on to the PETRO-DOLLAR by offering them infinite children ( white usa kids to fuck ), that this has been going on full steam since 1972, but actually forever, but its official USA policy that DOJ keeps them all out of jail.

(7) That all the MSM and most of WASH-DC is involved, compromised and on the payroll.

(8) Again the PEDO-DOLLAR ( was Petro Dollar ) keeping the saudis full of kids, keeps them taking USDollar FIAT, which allows DC to print INFINITE money for free and pay off anybody who speaks )

(9) Eventually world will catch on and US dollar will become worthless over-night.

(10) 8 Million children world wide are missing, enormous problem, enormous resources are being used to harvest organs, bleed, and make child slaves.

(11) That all wars waged by USA since 911 were just fronts to grab million of children to feed into the machine known as the "PEDO DOLLAR"

How much can anyone handle? What level is your understanding?

sunajAeon ago

GOOD GOD Is this reference to Saudi Slavery-Kissinger alliance based on solid evidence? I know there is sex trade with Saudis but at this level? Guess i have some catching up-God Almighty...

safetythrowaway1234 ago

please note: @AbduKareem is a shill

darthveddit ago

Those are the rumors. Apparently they call it the white hats vs. black hats.

GenghisSean ago

White hat, black hat, and gray hat are hacker terms to distinguish benevolent, malevolent, and somewhere in between intensions. White hats publish vulnerabilities in journals after they notify the repository owner and a patch is pushed out, whereas black hats exploit the vulnerability.

SheSaidDestroy ago

I am familiar. My brother is a white hat.

Godwillwin ago

Tell us more! What does your white hat brother say about all this?

SheSaidDestroy ago

He doesn't work in government. He is a professional white hat. I can't even begin to explain the details of his job, because I can barely operate my own computer. But when he tells me about his line of work, he uses that sort of jargon to help me understand it. Black hats are the people who break into systems. White hats are able to do that, and so they can test systems and also defend systems. That is his career. So both "hats" do the same thing, but they have different causes and battle each other. So I understand the concept as it likely applies to the government, if that is what is going on.

Godwillwin ago

Ohhhhh. Ok. The only thing I know of white hats is from Scandal the tv show. David Rosen is the white hat Atty general but they ended up corrupting him. He tries to stay good but has to bad sometimes to protect the good.

Last year I stopped watching Scandal because it got too Wronchy. The Christmas episode had Olivia getting an abortion with the o holy night playing in the background. That was the last episode I watched.

Anyway, I'm starting to think a lot of what happens in scandal has tiny bits of truth to it. Washington is very very very screwed up

JunOS ago

Both are hackers.

White hats use their skills for good, and black hats use their knowledge for personal, monetary, or political gain. The boundries of ethics are real, especially on the interent and the whole legal vs. ethical debate is always a fun topic...

White hats are moreso known as penetration testers. They are up to date with the tricks of the trade and are usually consultants who are hired "legally" to test what a black hat would do to see how their network or systems can handle black hat hacking. This can be brute force, social engineering, phishing, physical access testing.

Once i heard of a consultant pee under a door to affect the sensor on the otherside to think a human (something 98.6degrees) was on the otherside and gain physical access to a server room. (Usually required by fire code so people arent trapped inside) guy ended up costing tens of thousands of dollars because the piss actually hit some equipment, lol.

I hope thay clears it up, i tried as easy as i could.

One more to know... script kiddies. People who are new to hacking and try malicious code usually 3 to 4 months behind the curve to see what kind of damage they can do. Nothing of their own work.

SheSaidDestroy ago

My brother said script kiddies usually wind up with a bunch of malicious stuff on their own systems, because "hats" of either type will put bait out there like "download this to ddos someone" type stuff and so the script kiddies download it and it's full of viruses that they don't even realize are getting into their systems, which then the "hats" then use in different ways, but the script kiddie still goes to jail for everything. So yeah, definitely do not recommend lol.

DoNotGiveUp ago

Spy vs Spy

samhara ago

In my belief system that is the only reason we have gotten as far as we have.. Also, the perps got so "cocky" loving to strut their stuff and put it in public. However, without the emails , which were a tip, most everyone would've remained 100% blind. - - MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2016 "Is the Deep State at War--With Itself? "

Schade ago

Even the MSM is saying "Time to fire James Comey", and with Chaffetz new FBI Whistleblowers protection bill has me a little optimistic.

VoteOrDie ago

Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy are a couple of my favorite politicians... and I'm a progressive that voted for Bernie in the primaries. I may have voted for downticket Dems but I selected Trump as my next president on Nov 8.

sunajAeon ago

Gowdy? He is a good lawyer, a good spokesman, but besides all the drama on Fox/CNN, how come he isn't talking about PIZZAGATE? Or anything else really meaningful, and really doing something, besides talking?

Grandmas_ChewToy ago

We are so far beyond politics. It is merely a matter of what is the truth. CIA is the 'shadow government'. Unlimited budget, no real oversight; no way that can exist in a vacuum and not become corrupted.