Zeeeffgee33 ago

Jaccoby's organization's name just stumbled out of Jorge's mouth. Why? Why did he drop everything to do this, especially for free? Was he sent by someone at the behest of someone else, someone he had not met, only knowing that it all had something to do with Friends of the Orphans, blurting it out when he unexpectedly had the spotlight on himself? Because all we have are crowd sourced links in the public domain our ability to put the pieces together is not perfect for sure. But this affair is just one more weird coincidence in this matter, circumstantial. Weird thing about circumstantial evidence is that it is the hardest to falsify.

HugoWeaving ago

I am not defending anyone here, but OP provided sourced material and explained the connection he/she was trying to make with it. Whether it is ACCURATE or TRUE is another argument. That requires a thorough evaluation of the links and facts therein.

Just because there is dissension on the accuracy of what is being said does not make saying it wrong. Rather than jumping to "shill-calling" take each and every point made and refute it with counter facts.

That is how you win an argument. Not through endless commentary...

darkknight111 ago

You must be new here. Welcome aboard.

The thing with RWeSure is that via his post history, its blatently obvious that he is a shill. Therefore the accuracy and truthfullness of his claims is questionable at best.

He also has 3+ accounts, which is damning evidence he is a shill.

He has never once made a single post to help expose pedophilia and human trafficking by elites.

All of his posts can be summarized as "defend liberal elites.

You gotta make shills feel as unwelcome around these parts as psychologically possible for they are our ENEMIES not "loyal dissenters" and need to be treated like the scum they are.

HugoWeaving ago

=) Far from new...And well aware of which users are here to steer the ship in the wrong direction. It takes a lot of restraint not to respond to every falsehood presented here.

My point, however, is that the general populous sees those who "believe" the evidence we claim as true in the same way we see shills on this site -- crazy and deranged, hopelessly regurgitating fake news to further their ridiculous agenda. Rather than responding to them (which is what they want), my approach is simply to let them finish their rant, then look the other way or present contradictory evidence that refutes the former. A simple down-vote would suffice as well.

Calling someone out for being a shill does not stop them. It does not identify them as the enemy either. It merely floods the comment sections of legit posts with personalized attacks that clutter and distract from the truth -- again, what they ultimately want.

This is a game, a war of words. And the only way to win against them is to never play at all. Just my .02.

darkknight111 ago

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @Honeybee @sensitive

Due to this thread's OP being a known shill who has no interest in exposing pedophilia and human trafficking by elites, only in defending leftist elites, requesting "Possible Disinformation" or "Accuracy in Question". flares. Title is also misleading, so axing under rule 3 is recommended. The "evidence" being used is the group in question's own word of mouth and groups own website. Questionable evidence at best.

Him having 3+ accounts in his own words "make more commemts" aka shill more is just further evidence that he's a shill, therefore anything he says is inherently untrustworthy.

RweSure ago

Feel free to engage my argument. I have made it clear and given copious sources for my claims. Please point out what you find questionable or untrustworthy. Title is not misleading at all. I believe I have proved my point.

@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @Honeybee @sensitive

Millennial_Falcon ago

I agree he is most likely a shill, but Voat is very protective of free speech. Unless he is clearly and incontrovertibly misrepresenting facts, we must allow him to lay out his argument. I haven't thoroughly read the post, though, so if you find any violations of Rule 2, please let me know. The title is not violating Rule 3, because it is stating the position that his post attempts to support.

darkknight111 ago

None of his links make any mention of James Alefantis. Nothing in his post even mentions James Alefantis. Its all about Silsby. His title is misleading.

His sources are the websites of the suspects in question, so they're inherently untrustworthy. Like taking a murderer's testimony as being honest.

The agenda of the shill is to censor people who disagree with "the official narrative", so him trying to use free speech as his justification to censor us is hypocritical.

Are_we_sure ago

I mention Alefantis right up front.

I plan to prove this statement is false and demonstrate there is no connection between Silsby and Alefantis.

Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which ... happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children.

The alleged connection goes Alefantis to Maccoby family to Friends of the Orphans to Nuestro Pequeno Hermanos to Silsby.

The only evidence for this last connection is Silsby's activities in Haiti. I focus on Silsby because I can prove she never dealt with NPH/NPFS and thus has no connection with the Maccobys and thus no connection with Alefantis

His sources are the websites of the suspects in question, so they're inherently untrustworthy

Suspects? Here you show yourself in unconcerned with the truth. The whole point of my post is the entire story of how the "suspicion" came about is the unsupported word of a conman. And I cite contemporaneous sources. From years before this now debunked theory came about.

Your point about censorship is ridiculous. I am arguing about the facts of tbe matter. Either Silsby went to an NPH/NPFS facility and was given children or she did not. You seem to be jumping to censorship because the facts of the matter are against you.

darkknight111 ago

We don't trust you or the truthfullness of your claims because what your motive is already known to be. Therefore any post you make or link you send has an intrinsic ulterior motive.

If you are not a shill, then how come you have not made a SINGLE thread or comment to help expose pedophila or human trafficking by ELITES. Everything you do is to defend the elites. If you were truly not a shill, then you would be helping expose these things. You don't therefore nobody trusts you.

The fact that you use 3+ accounts in the first place is further evidence that you are untrustworthy. You claim its because you get downvoated thus have reducef comment ability. cough reduced ability to shill. If you are truly honest, then delete all accounts except ONE. Then show photo proof you actually did it. If you don't do this, then anything you say cannot be trusted on the grounds of being a shill.

It is you who are not interested in the truth, only in covering it up.

Now you're moving on from "msm is the gospel for truth" to "the suspects word of mouth is the offical truth". Given the level of deceit by lefist elites and their underlings, everything they say upfront is suspect of being double speak.

Are_we_sure ago

Truth does not depend on my motive. That's the beauty of it. You can take a look at all of my research and see whether it stands up or not completely independent of me. You don't even have to think of me while you do it. You should try it. Engage my argument instead of me.

If you are not a shill, then how come you have not made a SINGLE thread or comment to help expose pedophila or human trafficking by ELITES.

Because I think this is a terrible way to view the issue. I think it distorts reality. We see this every time child pornographers or human traffickers are arrested and people get UPSET about it because it's not the elites. It's a distortion makes several errors. It's a mistake to view the ELITES as one harmonious group with one agenda. The people who do the most to fight human trafficking are also the ELITES. It's basically a pre-exisiting, free-floating conspiracy theory of "They're all out to get us" that was foisted on 2016 circumstances. It's a mistake to view criminals who commit the same crime as working together in a common conspiracy. It's a way of avoiding determining who is innocent and who is guilty and prefers to just sweep them all together. It's a flight from the truth.

votesarestolen ago

I really wish people here would understand what you say: a factual and well-sourced argument stands up as true regardless of who writes it. Honestly, I'm incredibly weary of the elite pedophilia investigation focusing so intensely on Comet Ping Pong, Laura Silsby, any and all occurrences of the word "pizza", etc. There are too many sensational and false claims being spread around concerning those topics. Many well-documented cases, like the Franklin scandal and Dutroux affair, are worth researching without resorting to mud-slinging that happens to be almost exclusively against Democrats.

Are_we_sure ago

I also found a lot evidence that story that the Clintons intervened in any way is not supported by the reporting at the time. There was a report in the British press that Bill Clinton went down there on a diplomatic mission, but nothing in the US press and nothing from Haiti. There are no State Department emails to this effect. Bill Cinton went down there as a UN envoy for earthquake relief.

There was no news like this when Jimmy Carter went to North Korea to negotiate the release of a prisoner. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/38874977/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/t/american-imprisoned-n-korea-returns-us/#.Wdw2b2hSw2w

In fact, the Baptists were still in jail when Bill Clinton returned to the US, they couldn't even get bail. Soon after he got back he underwent surgery on a clogged artery, none of the new media reported anything about a diplomatic mission in Haiti.

On December 5th NBC News had this story http://www.nbcnews.com/id/35256786/ns/world_news-haiti/t/no-early-release-jailed-us-missionaries/#.Wdw6sWhSw2w

The lead was that the Baptists were not even going to get bail. It also included the facts that an American lawyer for one of the Baptists called on the US to intervene and this Baptist appeal to Obama

Three national leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention sent a letter Friday to President Barack Obama urging him to "do everything within the authority of your office to secure a safe return home" for the detainees.

Here's the part about the Clinton's.

"Obviously this is a matter for the Haitian judicial system," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday. Clinton's husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, now a special U.N. envoy for Haiti relief, met with President Rene Preval in Port-au-Prince on Friday, but said his visit had nothing to do with the detained Americans. Later, Clinton said the U.S. and Haitian governments should try to resolve the issue quickly. "I think what's important now is that the government of Haiti and the government of the United States to get together and go through this because the government of Haiti, as I understand it, is not looking for a fight. They just want to protect children," he said during a visit to an AIDS clinic. "The only thing I ask is both sides try to work through it as soon as possible.""Obviously this is a matter for the Haitian judicial system," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday. Clinton's husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, now a special U.N. envoy for Haiti relief, met with President Rene Preval in Port-au-Prince on Friday, but said his visit had nothing to do with the detained Americans. Later, Clinton said the U.S. and Haitian governments should try to resolve the issue quickly. "I think what's important now is that the government of Haiti and the government of the United States to get together and go through this because the government of Haiti, as I understand it, is not looking for a fight. They just want to protect children," he said during a visit to an AIDS clinic. "The only thing I ask is both sides try to work through it as soon as possible."

A few days later CNN revealed that lawyer's appeal included a letter directly to Secretary Clinton. The State Department

explicitly rejected that lawyer's request

explicitly stated things would follow regular State Department procedures and consular services

explicitly rejected any role for Bill Clnton.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not get directly involved in the case of the 10 Americans detained in Haiti on child abduction charges, a State Department spokesman said Tuesday. "It would be highly unusual for the secretary of state to intervene in a case involving the judicial process of another country," spokesman P.J. Crowley said in an off-camera question-and-answer session. Reginald Brown -- the Washington lawyer who represents one of the detained Americans -- sent a letter to Clinton on Tuesday asking her to personally intervene with Haitian authorities.

He asked Clinton to make "a personal request" to Haitian authorities to allow Allen to speak to his wife and her lawyers and to have fresh supplies. "As far as I can tell, the one thing our detained American citizens have been able to do is communicate with just about anybody who wants to talk with them," Crowley said at the State Department. "If family members wish to talk to them, I think that is something that can be easily facilitated through our embassy in Port-au-Prince or through the Haitian government." The State Department continues carefully to defer to Haitian authorities. "We have had regular consular access and meetings with the 10 American citizens," Crowley said. "I believe we have facilitated getting medicine or other needs to our citizens. We are doing exactly what we would do with detained Americans anywhere in the world. "As to intervening directly in the case, we are very respectful of the Haitian government and of Haitian law."

"This is a Haitian legal process. The matters right now involve whether these individuals have broken Haitian law. We have talked to Haitian officials in general terms about their ability to conduct this procedure. If they want to explore alternative avenues with us, we will be happy to have that conversation," he said. The State Department also has ruled out any special role for former President Bill Clinton in a possible release of the Americans. **"It is unnecessary for former President Bill Clinton to play the role of intermediary as he did in North Korea in the case of the journalists being held," **Crowley told CNN on Monday. "The situation in North Korea and the situation in Haiti are dramatically different. In Haiti there is a functioning government with which we have diplomatic relations and established channels to monitor and deal with bilateral issues. North Korea is an opaque society with which we have no diplomatic relations." Crowley said there are other Americans in custody in Haiti, in addition to the 10 Americans, but he provided no details of their identity or circumstances. Some are believed to be held on drug charges. "There are other Americans in custody. I don't know what their charges are. ... I think there were some in custody before the earthquake," he said.


RweSure ago

The nail in the coffin of NPH/NFPS giving kids away, is they are so well funded or organized, they ended up starting new programs in other parts of HAITI, that is they grew and cared for more kids and NPH does do adoption. Let me repeat that, THEIR KIDS ARE NEVER AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION. https://www.nphusa.org/children/

Children at NPH homes are not available for adoption. Instead they are welcomed with their brothers and sisters and become a part of the larger, stable NPH family environment that gives them a chance to focus on education and personal growth, knowing that a loving support system will always be in place for them. The children grow and learn in their culture and language and become contributing citizens in their own countries. Our homes are located in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru.

The intention is that they are given education and support and graduate out of the NPH programs.

Commoner ago

A reporter's visit Saturday to the rubble-strewn Citron slum, where 13 of the children lived, led to their parents, all of whom said they turned their youngsters over to the missionary group voluntarily in hopes of getting them to safety. Similar explanations were given by parents in the mountain town of Callabas, outside Port-au-Prince, who told the AP on Feb. 3 that desperation and blind faith led them to hand over 20 children to the Baptist group

How did Silsby find talk with all of the orphans' parents, ALL OF THE PARENTS, and confirm their parents wishes, in an earthquake-devastated country, in ONE day?

RweSure ago

She encountered a couple of people who were had already spent a a lot of time in those towns.

Issac Adrien worked in Callebas. Pastor Jean Sainvil worked in Citron

http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-ap-finds-all-baptist-groups-orphans-had-parents-2010feb21-story.html http://www.theledger.com/news/20100205/lake-wales-missionary-wrongly-linked-to-haiti-orphan-drama

Commoner ago

oh wow, that's comforting. .. to know an orphanage would grab your kids up without talking to you, but on hearsay.

Are_we_sure ago

That does not seem to be what happened. http://www.theledger.com/news/20100205/lake-wales-missionary-wrongly-linked-to-haiti-orphan-drama

In this case the orphanage said no, and a local guy spoke directly with the parents. The parents said yes to the kids getting on the bus, not the orphanage.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/C9Qk :

Legal adviser for Americans in Haiti facing his own charges - CNN.com

https://archive.fo/2l3aB :

The Man Who Conned the Missionaries

This has been an automated message.

RweSure ago

Wait, what about the first attempt to get kids? Silsby was in Haiti days before she was arrested

An early thread on Voat makes these claims https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1591337

1 Laura Silsby was given children from an orphanage called Friends of the Orphans during her first attempt of child-trafficking

2 The exchange took place in Petionville, near the collapsed Fr. Wasson Center of Friends of the Orphans

3 -The orphans were housed in a FOTO building called St. Helene in Kenscoff, where 100 children disappeared after the earthquake


These are some definitive claims do they stand up? No. They do not stand up and the evidence reads as if it is presented in support of a premade conclusion.

1 "Friends of the Orphans"

The link for this just goes back to Jorge Puello's TV interview. The one I just showed is not reliable.

2 The exchange took place in Petionville, near the collapsed Fr. Wasson Center of Friends of the Orphans

(Again, the Fr. Wasson Center is an Nuestro Pequeno Hermanos/Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs building, not a Friends of the Orphans building because Friends of the Orphans have no buildings in Haiti.) Put that aside. Did NPH/NPFS have a building that collapsed in Petionville, Haiti?


2010: Father Wasson Center collapsed in the 7.0 magnitude earthquake https://www.nph.org/ws/homes/home.php?org=11&lang=de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XOUIFsCZag

So NPH did have a collapsed orphanage in Haiti?

No. Evidence below.

First let's look at the claim that "the exchange took place in Petitionville. " Here's the link given for support https://archive.is/lMmHp#selection-1093.0-1093.168

However, this link does not says Silsby was given children from FOHO or NPH/NPFS. In fact, it says nothing about an exchange at all. It says they were on the bus with children. It doesn't say anything about where the children got on the bus.

The officer said he discovered Silsby and the nine other Americans on a bus in Port-au-Prince's Pétionville neighborhood after receiving a tip from a concerned citizen. He stopped the group and ordered the children to get off the bus. He then directed Silsby to the Dominican Embassy.

Obviously, when they were driving around through different parts of Haiti, the children were still on the bus with them. It's about a two hour drive to the Domincan border. So this tells us nothing about where the children got on the bus.

This is circumstantial evidence, but it is being stretched to support a conclusion that it cannot. Why not?

NPH/NPFS did NOT have an orphanage collapse in Haiti.

We can say this definitively. NPH/NPFS DID NOT have an orphange collapse in Haiti. In fact, their orphanage did not sustain damage.

To understand this and to clear up confusion, you have to understand where NPH/NFPS was located and how they operated at the time of the Earthquake. You can't simply look on their website now because since the earthquake they have expanded and opened more sites. To figure out what buildings they had in Jan 2010. I went to their annual reports https://issuu.com/nphi/docs/nph-haiti-country-report-2008 https://www.nph.org/intranet/reports/docs/6/2009%20NPHI%20Annual%20Report.pdf

"NPFS has three distinct locations with numerous programs. Kenscoff, Tabarre in Port Au Prince and Petitionville. Within these three locations, they had multiple programs."

**Kenscoff ** St. Helene Orphanage located in Kenscoff St. Helene is a home to over 430 children ... A preschool through secondary school is located onsite .... Kay Christine is home to 35 children and adults with special needs inside St. Helene.

Tabarre St. Damien Pediatric Hospital located in Tabarre, Port-au-Prince St. Damien is the only free pediatric hospital in Haiti......Also on hospital grounds, Kay Germaine, a rehabilitation and education center for disabled children

Pétionville Kay Pere Wasson (Father Wasson Center) located in Pétionville, Port Au Prince This five-story building, ... is the administrative hub of NPFS and the home to social workers who manage new cases and the Extern Program. Kay Elaine is located on the premises and, much like Kay St. Germaine, is a rehabilitation and education center for disabled children.

People on VOAT were wondering how an orphanage could collapse and no orphanges be killed. It's because they building that collapsed was NOT an orphanage. It was an office building. The school Kay Elaine was a day school and the children/adults went back to their families.

Again the NPH/NPFS orphanage did not suffer Earthquake damage. They are also a large and well funded organization. There would be no need to send orphans to another place. If any orphans were displaced at the Father Wasson Center, they could have simply moved them to St. Helene's their main orphanage.

3 The orphans were housed in a FOTO building called St. Helene in Kenscoff, where 100 children disappeared after the earthquake

We can now see this is ludicrous. The claim is that a building with no orphans collapsed in Petitionville, so Silsby was given 100 orphans (!!!!) from a different building in a different town that suffered no damage at all. This makes no sense whatsoever. At no point did anyone claim Silsbys group had 100 children with them. (Their bus would not have accomodated them.)

100 kids disappeared? Wow. What's the support of that. That would have been pretty big news.

450 children in Friends of Orphans orphanage, St. Helene, before earthquake http://i.imgur.com/eaUehMa.png

Post-earthquake update only reports 350 children "safe and sound", which means it was under-reported by 100 children http://i.imgur.com/9m8oWlZ.png

The support for this last one comes from here. https://archive.is/IDSbM#selection-1343.0-1349.243

Reading this, it's clear the point of the article is about how the orphanage is doing, not a full count of the children. Rather than assuming 100 children disappeared, what about other less shocking assumptions? Something as simple, as the reporter meant to type 450 or misheard what they were told or that Jennifer Rayno misspoke. Unless, you're claiming this woman is part of the conspiracy, she is clearly saying all orphans are OK. This is why I say, this evidence is presented to support a premade conclusion. Also note, the reporter talking to people in the US. The dateline of the article is in Chicago. Friends of the Orphans is a US based organization. They are not on the ground in Haiti.

More evidence of the premade conclusion is the fact whoever ever posted this had EVIDENCE the Fr. Wasson Center WAS NOT AN ORPHANAGE. It's literally in the paragraph before their screenshot.

The Fr. Wasson Center in Petionville serves as a guest house, volunteer residence, administrative offices and a day school for children with disabilities, and has completely collapsed. Rescuers and aid workers are assessing the extent of injuries.

The Fr. Wasson Center in Petionville serves as a guest house, volunteer residence, administrative offices and a day school for children with disabilities, and has completely collapsed. Rescuers and aid workers are assessing the extent of injuries. According to Jennifer Rayno, Director of Haiti initiative for Friends of the Orphans, all 350 children at the St. Helene orphanage in Kenscoff, 11 miles east of the epicenter, are safe and have sustained no injuries, and the complex is intact.

A couple of other points regarding the numbers. A. They are not static. You can't cite a 2011 report to support the numbers that were there pre Earthquake. As the kids get older they go from the St. Helene orphanage to the St. Bosco school where they live with different families. B. Their August 2010 report gives the figures of 400 at St. Helen and 200 at St. Bosco, probably rounded. C. Their Jan 2011 report gives 382 at St. Helene and 255 at Don Bosco. They also opened more facilities after the earthquake.


Saint Helene Foyer ::: Located in the mountains of Kenscoff, (elevation 6,000 feet) St. Helene is a permanent home to 400 children. Over 200 external students from the community attend the on-site school. Kay “House” Christine is located inside St. Helene and is home to over 30 children with special needs. Saint Don Bosco ::: Roughly 250 children and youths still supported by NPFS but not living at St. Helene are enrolled in the St. Don Bosco program. Students live with extended family or in group homes and attend secondary school, including professional or vocational school. The future site of the Don Bosco school and student dorms is located in Tabarre, near the hospital.