I made this cause i think the Alertsense logo echoes the heartprogress logo in that it has a double arc,; that post was deleted unless i could prove my theory, I cant prove that, but i found out some things about ALERTSENSE where Laura silsby UNBELIEVABLY works. It's good to know these things so here it is.
There is somebody in charge to complain to, Von Hansen Alertsense CEO who made Laura Sislby VP at Alertsense which is the main computer Amber ALert uses. Interoperable. This is VON HANSENs public contact info for work.
https://ibb.co/n2JSWa<br> (how sick is Google they have to put stick dog wants a hot dog, they been shoving me stick dog wants a pizza, and scholastic published it I! I HAVE checked it out, bad for kids A dog called poo poo) back to VON HANSEN
Von Hansen Idaho Sislby Alertsense
MyStateUSA CEO, Claudia Bitner, founder of MySateUSAappointed Silsby-Gayler the CFO and corporate secretary in 2011. MyStateUSA changed its name to AlertSense Von Hansen is now the CEO and owner. Hansen announced Sislby-Gayler is, as of, October 2015 the VP of Marketing. In October or 2015 Laura Silsby (now Laura Gayler) married Norman Gayler of Nampa Idaho. Von Hansen is a former HP VP whose son, Blake Hansen, of Alturas Capital in Eagle Idaho invested in MyStateUSA in 2011.
Mystateusa logo looks satanic, to me.
Looking at Alertsense headquarters Boise. Boise, it does have history that pertains to this investigation, this post is part of that pizzagate investigation as to why is silsby at amber alerts? shes a child kidnapper? Boise is Home of its own personal 1955 Pizzagate called THE BOISE HOMOSEXUAL SCANDAL , with a number of 100 boys having sexual contact with elites. The investigation turned ugly and went away. It sounds like from reading a tiny bit that they tried to frame ending the investigation because it was focused unfairly on gays. And reflecting badly on the state.
Alertsense revenue 1-5 million a year <br>
Some employee reviews are very interesting Alertsense employee reviews:
A positive review that talks about ping pong and snacks.
The majority of top reviews i read were bad, i screenshot all, indeed. Com had ONLY Good reviews, took screen of their logo with again the over arc.
The indeed site reviews are all ping pong and snacks anyway.
This bad review:
This bad and THEY most likely referring to Von Hansen, the alertsense ceo, as he is the CEO, must be part of the they this person speaks of
This was 2015 I doubt they will post photos https://ibb.co/hg3AZv
Alertsense benefits don't sound good either https://ibb.co/daX9SF<br>
The is the first review I read, im sort of
working back thru my photos
This software engineer interview review on glass door. Com is interesting cause it's bad short and lists the job that was interviewed for, so you could ostensibly find that person. But after it, like directly, Alertsense actually comes on the interviewed persons review and attached to it a sort of total fake apology/shaming and they sort of tried to say this person is lying about the whole thing, and they don't know them. So here's the short review of an interview process with Alertsense https://ibb.co/iG0w7F
Here's Alertsense snappy comeback and I don't know how are they allowed to do that either? what if they had somebody responding to every negatory review? Looks really bad. https://ibb.co/jKpOnF
A bad review from someone at Alertsense one year
Another avoid like the plague <br>
Von hansen is general ledger accountant at instructure, here come the panda<br>
And ping pong https://ibb.co/ix4v1a
At the in structure site they flash too many little blue words to fast to read but I saw voodoo and magick spelled like that etc..https://ibb.co/ig2tnF
An ad popped up, now I try to screen every adthat pops just cause. This one coincidentally also has an arc central logo. Btw. https://ibb.co/jsaonF
The ad popped up when I had just been looking at cheof technology officer and the woman who says -data standards are not just for alerting- Elysa Jones
predators of idaho are getting savvy. <br>
Idaho today sex offenders are organized and suing since 2016 legal battle ensues seeking retroactive punishment for officials who put the on a sex offender list. Search srx offender Utah Google is offering the search option how to get off the sex registry list in utah.
2013 men sue idaho mormon church and boyscouts
Tracking the underground sex trade in Idaho- also 2015 article .
excerpt from this Boise article<br>
revealing the tech connection of human trafficking. From this article
There are over 3,000 animal shelters in the United States but less than 300 beds for sex trafficking victims that are children," Jost said, drawing gasps from the audience.
Excerpt from this idaho article https://m.boiseweekly.com/boise/absence-of-choice/Content?oid=3086953
"Boise is kind of a hub stop where you have these human traffickers who travel with these girls all over the country. They may be on their way from, say, Denver or Salt Lake City. What's a natural place to stop but Boise? They may be in Boise for a day or two, but then they're gone," Pacheco said.<br>
Seems like boys are targeted in Idaho too though to me. Getting rid of Silsby is pointless when the remaining people are the ones that tried to lift her up, speaking about Von Hansen, how should he be held accountable for the promoting of a kidnapper to higher level of vp of Alertsense? I say fire them all. Not to be trusted. Hello they got all these gadgets.
Idaho set to update child trafficking laws 2017. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.idahopress.com/news/local/lawmakers-set-to-update-child-sex-trafficking-law/article_5b0f182c-49aa-5cbf-b442-8b1fe05e551d.amp.html&ved=0ahUKEwi17uKOudDVAhWIw1QKHUhrBpkQFggxMAc&usg=AFQjCNF9qnNhMfVcIBOqVG2OoVX1LPtqQA&cf=1
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Jem777 ago
I think the key about Idaho is Mormonism. I am not blaming all Mormans at all but the CIA has been placed in positions of power in the Mormon Churh...think Mitch Rimney. They are very secretive and follow the laws of the sect not if the constitution.
Operation Under Railroad is an example of this. It is funded and run by ex-military snipers as a Mormon child trafficking rescue group. They are not. They are involved in trafficking and organ harvesting themselves.They make a few low level "John" arrests to seem legit.
nameof ago
Wondering about sandwich place called subway all the sudden today randomly, no reason.
hojuruku ago
Jared Taylor.
nameof ago
I appreciate all your posts and all your rage. Fundamental uncertainty is our enemy family is bonded by knowledge. The opposite of denial of atrocieties done to self/others (color code green). Contrasted with that knowledge of atrocities done ap on oneself as you said YOU ARE BEING FKT WITH well so am I. I think they may just have took my kid. If I fight for ger, maybe I'll get killed. They have more power. And have done this atrocity thru the county state turned against. Commited SiN I believe and God is handling it. Thank you for your rage against child fucking gaggots. I need to learn more about the oto you speak of.
hojuruku ago
I feel for you I think I'm going to do my first http://talkshoe.com live show in over a year. Do you wanna join in anonymous (chat live - no sign in required) or call in anon via PSTN or SIP (the latter you can do over tor if you use TCP sip)
@DarkMath pedo stalker of me has been invited too it should be fun.
DarkMath ago
"DarkMath pedo stalker of me has been invited too it should be fun."
Do you have trouble reading too? I just told I have no desire to debate someone who's borderline psychotic.
You scare me. You're scaring a lot of people here which ironically means YOU ARE THE ONE HELPING TO PROTECT PEDOPHILES because if you keep it up nobody's going to come here anymore.
Get it?
nameof ago
Why? Course that's not true about @hojuruku. Come on the talk show. Its not a debate, its just you saying who u are and why you hate pedophiles and us saying us too. We all are sick by it and that there's something to gain by exposing it. Possibly some child's life and possibly dignity that all kids deserve. Protection.
DarkMath ago
Why don't I want to talk to you two dipshits? Because @hojuruku is out of his fucking mind. He's got some serious issues upstairs.
Did you know the police went to his home a few days ago? I'm not surprised. He's a nutter and his bullying is going to drive people away from /v/pizzagate in droves.
And then there's the fact I'm INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
The burden of proof isn't on me. His "proof" I'm Drew West Best is based on "sentence structure". Is that proof beyond a reasonable doubt?
hojuruku ago
It's based on the fact that only you and your alter-ego have been obsessed with stalking me on multiple platforms this month.
DarkMath ago
"your alter-ego"
Listen up you fucking Fascist Nazi. YOU HAVE TO PROVE I'M "DREW WEST BEST" before you can say that.
You're starting to piss me the fuck off. If you keep up your bullying I'm going to contact the Mods and get you banned because you're wearing out your welcome here.
hojuruku ago
@NameOf - he speaks for the mods. @SaneGoatISwear will love this.
nameof ago
Ok. Be careful. Don't get sensored.
hojuruku ago
that's his goal to troll troll troll and then censor censor censor. Who gives a #$@#$ what we say on this thread - because it's buried under press to expand to see replies on a post he downvoted into obilviion with all of his sock puppets because it's anti-gay.
We are only replying to you - not stalking / threatening you @DarkMath
You are the troll here. You have pissed off a shit load of other people on other threads for the same reason we are pissed off. And now we know what your day job is and how you are only here for stories to put up on youtube with a pro-lgbti-pedo spin for some adrev.
Still after all this time - ARE YOU DENYING Californian SB 48 bill forces children to praise nambla icon Harry Hay. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1863343/9125577 ????
i.e. this fuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_dR2hlvCtg
CC @nameof @markluke @redditsuckz Stop shilling for NAMBLA!
DarkMath ago
"that's his goal to troll troll troll "
Me claiming my right be innocent until proven guilty doesn't make me a troll. The burden of proof IS ON YOU.
Can you help me out here @nameof? This isn't complicated. He needs more proof than "sentence analysis" right? What's up?
hojuruku ago
The presumption of Innocent until proven guilty doesn't give you the right to skip the trial which is what you are doing now mate ;)
DarkMath ago
"The presumption Innocent until proven guilty doesn't give you the right to skip the trial"
Here in America a prosecutor has to convene a Grand Jury to bring a criminal trial. Innocent until proven guilty holds there as well.
Would a Grand Jury bring a trial based on "sentence structure"?
hojuruku ago
you are on trail and you just plead the fifth because you don't want to pick up the phone and talk to me to prove you are not drew west pedo press.
You know what happens next don't you? You know what everyone thinks. the case is already over. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
DarkMath ago
"You know what happens next don't you?"
Actually I don't. I hope it doesn't involve you killing me.
hojuruku ago
paranoid queer afraid you might get both of your arms broken like the only guy named in this video? you only get that treatment if you try to kill me first as he did using his Chinese stooges.
You are ignored. The case was made and no defense was given other than pleading the filth. I'll do a talkshoe show tomorrow btw.
2 months later a gay judge named in that video got both of his arms broken
DarkMath ago
"paranoid queer afraid you might get both of your arms broken "
You're threatening to break my arms. Nice. You're a bully on a 4th grade school playground.
@Millennial_Falcon @Vindicator @nameof, are you guys going to let hojuruku threaten people with physical violence? This guy is scaring the shit out of me to be brutally honest.
hojuruku ago
YOu have been sending me 1000s of message with lies baiting a response you troll. I keep telling you the arguement is over, move on.
CC @redditsuckz @hookednosedjoooo @mark_luke @nameof - now you are making false allegations true to form to censor ME.
DarkMath ago
Oh, that's great then. I have no desire to kill you so I'm no longer worried you want to break my arms.
"baiting a response"
I was only trying to make sure you weren't out to do me physical harm. You come across as a little unhinged.
"I keep telling you the arguement is over, move on."
Ok. That's a good idea. Goodbye.
hojuruku ago
Stop swearing at people again and again at people and then roleplaying the victim when they beat you in an argument. It's a poofter tactic to get power from authority by claiming your a victim when you are the troll who harrases people first. typical boylover http://twitter.com/garryburnsblog tactics.
If you were scared of me you wouldn't be threatening me and trolling me and sending me 1000s of fucken messages you shill!
He has multiple senators telling him publicaly TO GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU COMMUNIST FAGGOT! Then he called the cops on the senator just like you are tyring to do to me.
As the senator said to the faggot - go fuck yourself you communist turd!
libertyviral.com/go-fk-yourself-you-communist-turd-senator-says-to-anti-free-speech-democrat/ http://dailycaller.com/2015/01/20/australian-senator-to-angry-constituent-go-fk-yourself/ http://thefreepatriot.org/go-fk-yourself-you-communist-turd-senator-says-to-anti-free-speech-democrat/ https://garryburnsantidiscriminationactivist.com/2015/01/14/senator-leyonhjelm-go-fuck-yourself-you-communist-turd/
The gay rights activist baby fuck normalization activist I'm famous for fighting is WORLD FAMOUS. Do you want to be the same? Then if not fuck off. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056942/10145520
Now go in peace. I'm not going to kill you because I don't know who you are or where you live other than you are Drew west Press. You should only fear for your life if you are are DREW WEST PEDO PRESS AND I KNOW WHO YOU ARE assuming you are a pedophile, adn you are threatened by my earlier statement that I will kill all proven pedophiles I come across and have the means to do so - and your not in my country unfortunately so what are you worried about?
The fact that you are shit scared is a reaction to being guninely doxed as a pedophilia normalization activist who wants pedos to practice on child sex dolls before they move up to real kids, not do self mastery or choose not to fuck kids or role playing doing it.
DarkMath ago
" when they beat you in an argument. "
You didn't beat me in an argument. The burden of proof is on YOU to prove I'm Drew West Best. Your sentence structure analysis doesn't cut it.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Northern_Soul ago
Bitches please.... A persons most useful asset is not the ability to wreck each other, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, & an hand willing to help. You both sound like Neo-Nazi's and are causing this community a lot of harm.
I completely understand your points concerning DarkMath. I've also had run-ins with him, sometimes, he's like a pot with poison, but so is everybody else, we are all fuck ups in our own unique little ways.
I've gone over your claims, but the evidence you offer is weak and flimsy. Please do not take it the wrong way. Even if you was right and math did enjoy being slapped around by cocks, it doesn't make him a pedophile. I have many friends who are gay, unfortunately, that's the way the world is, people are products of their own fucked up environment. Its not their fault and it certainly doesn't make them monsters who get kicks off raping babies.
So both of you, stop crying like little bitches, have a scotch, smoke a cigar and eat some leeks.
DarkMath, you keep down voating me into oblivion.
hojuruku, you want someone to take your shit out on. For the world being so gay.
Take it out on these cunts :)
hojuruku ago
i've tried to ex-filt myself from his trolling.
See my previous comment: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056069/10147284 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056069/10147060
and ESPECIALLY: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2056069/10147801
Let it end with this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssC77hapv0g