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Jem777 ago

I think the key about Idaho is Mormonism. I am not blaming all Mormans at all but the CIA has been placed in positions of power in the Mormon Churh...think Mitch Rimney. They are very secretive and follow the laws of the sect not if the constitution.

Operation Under Railroad is an example of this. It is funded and run by ex-military snipers as a Mormon child trafficking rescue group. They are not. They are involved in trafficking and organ harvesting themselves.They make a few low level "John" arrests to seem legit.

nameof ago

Wondering about sandwich place called subway all the sudden today randomly, no reason.

hojuruku ago

Jared Taylor.

nameof ago

I appreciate all your posts and all your rage. Fundamental uncertainty is our enemy family is bonded by knowledge. The opposite of denial of atrocieties done to self/others (color code green). Contrasted with that knowledge of atrocities done ap on oneself as you said YOU ARE BEING FKT WITH well so am I. I think they may just have took my kid. If I fight for ger, maybe I'll get killed. They have more power. And have done this atrocity thru the county state turned against. Commited SiN I believe and God is handling it. Thank you for your rage against child fucking gaggots. I need to learn more about the oto you speak of.

hojuruku ago

I feel for you I think I'm going to do my first live show in over a year. Do you wanna join in anonymous (chat live - no sign in required) or call in anon via PSTN or SIP (the latter you can do over tor if you use TCP sip)

@DarkMath pedo stalker of me has been invited too it should be fun.

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath pedo stalker of me has been invited too it should be fun."

Do you have trouble reading too? I just told I have no desire to debate someone who's borderline psychotic.

You scare me. You're scaring a lot of people here which ironically means YOU ARE THE ONE HELPING TO PROTECT PEDOPHILES because if you keep it up nobody's going to come here anymore.

Get it?

nameof ago

Why? Course that's not true about @hojuruku. Come on the talk show. Its not a debate, its just you saying who u are and why you hate pedophiles and us saying us too. We all are sick by it and that there's something to gain by exposing it. Possibly some child's life and possibly dignity that all kids deserve. Protection.

DarkMath ago

Why don't I want to talk to you two dipshits? Because @hojuruku is out of his fucking mind. He's got some serious issues upstairs.

Did you know the police went to his home a few days ago? I'm not surprised. He's a nutter and his bullying is going to drive people away from /v/pizzagate in droves.

And then there's the fact I'm INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.

The burden of proof isn't on me. His "proof" I'm Drew West Best is based on "sentence structure". Is that proof beyond a reasonable doubt?

hojuruku ago

It's based on the fact that only you and your alter-ego have been obsessed with stalking me on multiple platforms this month.

DarkMath ago

"your alter-ego"

Listen up you fucking Fascist Nazi. YOU HAVE TO PROVE I'M "DREW WEST BEST" before you can say that.

You're starting to piss me the fuck off. If you keep up your bullying I'm going to contact the Mods and get you banned because you're wearing out your welcome here.


hojuruku ago

@NameOf - he speaks for the mods. @SaneGoatISwear will love this.

DarkMath ago

"he speaks for the mods"

You're letting this go on @NameOf? Have you read some of what hojuruku has written about me? Does that seem acceptable to you?

hojuruku ago

fucken stop replying to me and i'll stop replying to you - you are role playing the VICTIM. Typical faggot technique to get special powers power to oppress others!

Here are other examples of this faggot pedo false victim tactics used to push horros onto our children and all those who oppose it:

As what has happened here. Safe schools child sex program is an "anti bullying program" that tells children hey if you don't play with the children of the same sex, you want to fuck someone in the same sex here is how to do it....

And then the homoseuxal vilification laws used to normalize pedophilia by criminalizing dissent against gay heros who fuck kids:

CC @redditsuckz @nameof @privatepizza @mark_luke @hookednosedjoooo