Moray ago

PG was branded a traitor and killed right after she outed 3 members of a VIP pedo ring.

Munkle ago

Gary Caradori the investigator in the Franklin Scandal interviewed Paul Bonacci, who told him a man introduced himself as Hunter Thompson at Bohemian Grove. That right there is suspicious who would use their real name? Then he was not able to ID HST from photos. HST is a very distinctive looking man. Caradori has his doubts about this story of Hunter.

It doesn't make sense that such as anti establishment figure has any sympathy for pedos, although I can picture him coming across daming info and wanting to blow it open, hence his "suicide." BTW on that suicide the semi-auto pistol was found without a new shell jacked into the chamber and a full clip, something that is unlikely unless someone manually ejected the round. It is also confirmed by Paul Craig Roberts that Thompson was working on a 9/11 Truth story, something which might have caused a revolution. A writer with Thompson's gifts taking on 9/11 would be very dangerous.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Gary Caradori NEVER said that. Do not spread disinformation. Caradori was also murdered with his young son on his plane coming back from a weekend picking up damning photos of politicians with the Franklin kids. Hunter Thompson was murdered because Jeff Gannon was found out to be Johnny Gosch.

pizzagate007 ago

Ted Gunderson said many kids told him that Thompson filmed them in snuff films: "I think it's kind of strange that Hunter Thompson would commit suicide at this time," says Gunderson. "Several kids told us that he directed snuff films. I think it's a strong possibility that he was murdered and I strongly suspect that it's all connected."

PedoStomper ago

You know that he allegedly tried to get an intern to watch a snuff film with him, and called her a coward for not wanting to watch it?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah, always a gentleman when forcing his ex wife to watch snuff films with him and hitting her when she refused. Nice try.

Dollaholla ago

None of this sounds like a conversation sounds like you R ust convinced.

Unless you were there you cant know...its hearsay and you need to realize that.

Doesnt matter if its probably true or probably not true, no real proof either way hence the discussion

Glockamole ago

To use his own words. "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." Until he shot himself.

JeremiahSinclair ago

This story has been making the rounds for years now. On one level he seemed to have such potent, genuine contempt for power and corruption, I find it hard to believe. On another level, who the hell knows...

privatepizza ago

OTO info - Around 2 months ago someone from the OTO came here and submitted a post offering to answer questions and give us "The Truth about The OTO". @hojuruku , the OP mentioned the Australian lawsuit the OTO had successfully won, and seemed to be making a veiled threat to us to take care what we say about the OTO.

People have challenged OTO in the past. OTO sued for slander and won:

For those interested in Crowley's OTO, the thread is enlightening in terms of information, as are the OP's non-answers to my questions regarding Crowley's written texts regarding child sacrifice and blood drinking.

I feel it's important for us all to know what Crowley's texts say exactly, so that we can understand fully what the OTO are about and be able to argue our points with exact quotes from Crowley himself. This information is contained in the thread below. Check it out and arm yourself with the truth which can be found in the comments, rather than the OP.

The Truth About The OTO Thread -

PS - Big hello's to all my Voat buddies ! I hope you're all enjoying the summer. Taking a break here, but will be back with a vengeance ; )

Godspeed you awesome people !

hojuruku ago

Thank you for that. That court case has been proven in case law to be ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL KIDNAPPING of Christian anti-pedophilia activists so a pedo cult can get tax exempt charity status. Now we are making the shit hit the fan for them really HARD. See here: The 4 links at the top of the thread nail them. They ACT TRIBUNAL even forced Riena Michelson in her forced apology to say I THINK THE OTO IS A GREAT "RELIGION" when EVEN THE OTO members themselves in America agree it's debatable if they are on a recent Masons news youtube channel interview with a US OTO member. It's all on that link. We've found their old VHS training library admitting they run child orgies, now we are going through their online training occult training portal.

privatepizza ago

Thanks to you. What you've found is nothing short of awesome and a major discovery of hard evidence. You're doing amazing work. Godspeed and back up back up back up ; )

hojuruku ago

I use distributed backup. YOU

Glockamole ago

As someone who has read a lot of Hunters work I was always impressed with the lack of sexual involvement in his crazy drug fueled works. This is a man that got Nixon accused of being addicted to a fictional drug Before fake news was a term. He was an original provocateur. I always read everything about him with two grains of salt, especially his own work.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah he saved his sexual involvement for the kiddie porn snuff films he filmed regularly that's why. He was obsessed with death and murder and regularly watched human snuff films including animal torture videos. Yeah, he was just awesome what a standup man...not.

Glockamole ago

It's possible I'm just saying the man said a lot of crazy shit.

millennial_vulcan ago

HUNTER S THOMPSON's DAILY read by JOE ROGAN on Joe's heavily subscribed podcast on YT.


Gorillion ago

6 hours of porn movies. Bet it wasn't regular porn.

And what would be the out of pocket cost for a drug regime like that? Does it compare to his known income in any realistic way?

BIGLY17 ago

Anons will always live on.

DeathTooMasons ago

I can't decide if he is being slandered because he was investigating 9/11 and they want to ruin his legacy, or if there is truth to this. Remember, he supposedly commited suicide. Suicide is supposed to be rare, but Hollywood is full of deep meaningful people who don't want to live another minute. There fame, wealth and comfort be damned.

pizzagate007 ago

Ted Gunderson said many kids told him that Thompson filmed them in snuff films: "I think it's kind of strange that Hunter Thompson would commit suicide at this time," says Gunderson. "Several kids told us that he directed snuff films. I think it's a strong possibility that he was murdered and I strongly suspect that it's all connected."

Truthseeker3000 ago

No. He was murked the same time the real Johnny Gosch aka Jeff Gannon was outed as being the fake journalist at the White House. All the questions from the press on who Jeff Gannon really was and, yes, I believe he is in fact Johnny Gosch. I followed the Franklin story and Gosch along with the Hunter T kidddie porn allegations. 100% Hunter T was filming the kiddie porn.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Wait why do you think Bannon is Johnny Gosch?

pizzagate3456 ago

There's no way this is disinfo unless you think rusty nelson, nickole brown, and paul bonnaci are lying? There's no way. All 3 of them said hunter was involved with snuff films

Joe10jo ago

@pizzagate3456, who's Nickole Brown?

pizzagate3456 ago

Hunter's assistant

DeathTooMasons ago

Good argument, but is it true they could not identify him when his picture was shown?

Warmoose76 ago

Ya and his suicide was suspicious, wasn't there like a half finished sentence on his type writer when he was found next to it or something. And ya he just recently told a close friend that he had some evidence of a controlled demolition on 9/11 and that it was going to be a huge story right be found he was found dead. And they claimed that he used a silencer when he committed suicide. That sounds more like an assassin trying to make it so the other people in the house (which there where at the time) wouldn't come running in when they heard the shot. They found him later.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

But a silencer doesn't really "silence" the gun, it just makes it so it's not ear shattering loud. Is the silencer bit confirmed about his death

Warmoose76 ago

I'm almost positive, but I researched it along time ago. And I'm pretty sure he had a big enough house, also it was a compound so it sounds like a place that was big enough for a silencer to be effective.

DeathTooMasons ago

Thats the way I remember it.

pizzagate3456 ago

Didn't ted gunderson say he thinks Thompson was murdered because Thompson was going to be outed as a pedo? They had to murder him to cover their tracks because Thompson being outed would have exposed others as well, like with jimmy Savile.

DeathTooMasons ago

I am not sure if this makes sense. How would killing him stop him from being outted? Are you saying he was going to expose himself? Saville was outed after his death so that is the only scenario that would make sense, and it doesn't sound likely. He was definately researching 9/11 and controlled demolition. Coming from him, it would get attention from the normies. So I ask again, is he being slandered or was he really part of this? It could be both. They could be revealing what he was a part of because he was going to reveal what he found about 9/11. We already know about building 7 and still no reaction from the sheeple. Nothing will wake them.

pizzagate3456 ago

Revealing the truth about 911 doesn't make someone a perfect being. Charlie sheen exposed 911 and yet he's a pedo who molested corey haim.

PedoStomper ago

Yeah. Crazy how these guys--like Sheen--can molest young boys, smoke crack, but then try to jump on the "truther" bandwagon by saying the same shit that had been floating around ever since "Loose Change" came out. I hate celebrities. Even when they say something positive, I'm thinking to myself "Yeah like that means a thing coming from a shit-eating, Satanic pedophile."

DeathTooMasons ago

Very interesting. Alot of you have bits that I hadn't heard before.

PedoStomper ago

Remember when he went on David Letterman and said "I like to kill people" and then described murdering people for fun? Letterman looked confused as fuck.

Hunter Thompson on David Letterman

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Probably was outing himself all the time; his mind was addled at the end

DarkMath ago

Don't tell @Donkeyhote about this Hunter S. Thompson being a non-Jew and all. Ditto for all the high level pedophiles like George McGovern who were at the same snuff parties. Ditto for George H.W. Bush, William J. Casey and all the rest inside the American Aristocracy and their hired help who delight in gentile and institutionalized child rape.


DonKeyhote ago

This is part of the shill tactic faggotry you all display: typical straw man.

Why on earth would the existence of gentile pedophiles in a 98% gentile country disprove that jews are behind pizzagate?

Please read about Cabala with a C, as CHRISTIANS do it, same source: jews. Then slit your wrists vertically.

DeathTooMasons ago

Always derailing the conversation. Yes Zionist are a big part of the cabal. No, it isn't any old damn jews. you can stop trying to discredit us by association. Wont work.

DonKeyhote ago

You discredit yourselves by being moronic faggots.

DarkMath ago

"a 98% gentile country"

How about we do this. You attack 2% of the problem. We'll attack 98% of the problem and you leave us alone.


PedoStomper ago


Clearly Jews and their belief systems have a LOT to do with the inner workings of the Beast System.

DarkMath ago

And yet your last post was about Peter Scully who, ah-hem, isn't a Jew.

Kind of makes me think you're a shill because you can't get your story straight.


PedoStomper ago

And you don't think Scully's checks had GOLD or STEIN signed onto them? You're fucking kidding yourself.

DarkMath ago

I'm sure some were. There's also no doubt he had checks from Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Theosophists, Janists and Zoroastrians.

I'm not sure why you want to give the Christians, Muslims, Mormons, Theosophists, Janists and Zoroastrians a free ride.

PedoStomper ago

If you're a true Christian, you're not into pedophilia. Period. If you are a Christian who's into pedophilia, you have been compromised by Zionism, and you are no longer a Christian, you are a Zionist/Satanist. Jews, however, have pedophilia at the heart of their religion. Their "holy books" dictate that pedophilia with goyim is okay. Read the fucking Talmud; that shit comes straight from Babylon. The Talmud contains the practices that Christ was speaking out against. Fuck the Talmud, burn every copy to ashes.

As for "Muslims, Mormons, Theosophists, Janists and Zoroastrians," all of them can fuck off.

Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. Him and Him alone.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL another tactic: pretending not to understand proportions! To confuse the women LMAO!!!

DarkMath ago

Jews are no more prone to Pedophilia than any other group of people.

That means you're freaking out over 2% of the problem.

This isn't complicated.


Bishop1923 ago

I would be interested to see statistical proportions of pedophile cases based on demographics.

If anything above 2% of reported cases are carried out by 2% of the population then there is cause to raise alarm.

DonKeyhote ago

I would definitely argue that jews are more prone to pedophilia than other cultures, partly because a culture of secrecy protects offenders. No reason to assume pedophilia would be equally distributed between ethnicities.

Perhaps thats another reason they suppress the idea of race and genetics, LOL! FUCK YOU DICKMETH

DarkMath ago

"would definitely argue that jews are more prone to pedophilia than other cultures"

I doubt that but for arguments sake let's say you're right. Let's say Jews are FIVE TIMES more likely to be pedophiles.That would mean "The Jews!(tm)" in effect are responsible for 10% of all pedophilia.

You're now attacking 10% of the problem. We're dealing with 90%. You're still ironically charging at Wind Mills.

And that makes me think you're a shill because that's the kind of ironic name some Intel Community shill would come up with thinking he's all smart and shit. That would also explain why you're a "Black" Nazi. I could easily see a jaded and ironic Intel Community guy coming up with your absurd story.



DonKeyhote ago

Stfu you blatant shill faggot. God you are loathsome.

DarkMath ago

The Truth hurts doesn't it Donkey.

If it's any consolation to your bruised ego I'm only at about 50% you're a jaded Intel Community disinfo shill. The other 50% of me still thinks you're the only Black Nazi living on planet Earth at the moment.


DonKeyhote ago

You probably havent spoken with a real nigger in your life. The ones who live alongside jews. Lets see if they feel alienated like hundreds of past groups did

DarkMath ago

The Protocols is a literary hoax put together by White Russians around 1900 to garner financial support from Western Europe in the White Russians fight against Bolsheviks. It plagiarized entire passages of from other books the most famous being Maurice Joly's fictional Dialogue in Hell, a thinly veiled attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III.

You taking it as gospel immediately discredits everything you've ever said to anyone ever about anything.


DonKeyhote ago

LOL! You cant go two replies in a row without strawmanning!

You don't know whose side to take between blacks and kikes so you cite wikheebpdia about a book he referenced, as if i care.

Thanks for admitting what revisionism has not taught us, that bolshevism/Soviet murder was a JEWISH crime perpetrated BY JEWS because they've despised russia for centuries.

DarkMath ago

"two replies in a row without strawmanning"

You DON'T think The Protocols is real? Help me out.

Do you believe The Protocols is a literary hoax or not.

DonKeyhote ago

Another one for the womenfolk, who dont understand logic. You're pathetic.

The book being a "forgery" as its always called, rather than a fabrication LOL, DOESNT DISPROVE THR CONTENTS THEREIN, FAGGOT!

If i say you sucked ten dicks last night, that may be false, but we know you sucked probably 5. No less than 3 for sure

DarkMath ago


That's not the point. The plagiarism within The Protocols invalidates all who mention it. I'm sure any Mossad shill here goes to be every night PRAYING that you never figure out that fact. You're doing their work for them........for free.

Listen to Malcolm: "You're a chump.".


DonKeyhote ago

"The plagiarism within The Protocols invalidates all who mention it."

LMAO! What a fucking RETARD! Thats the most nonsensical thing I have ever heard.

"Its all ovet but the crying, hillarys going down soon" fucking kill yourself shill.

DarkMath ago

"Thats the most nonsensical thing I have ever heard."

I seriously doubt that. I think you're just too proud to admit you're wrong.

DonKeyhote ago

Plagiarism is copying prior work, it says nothing about the validity of said work. You fucking jew rat shill. How do you know how to manipulate women so well, being an obvious flaming faggot?

DarkMath ago

"Plagiarism is copying prior work, it says nothing about the validity of said work."

Again you're missing the point. When trying to win friends and influence people delivery matters. I don't agree with you but if I was you and wanted to influence people I sure as shit wouldn't start out shooting myself in the foot.

It's not the steak it's the sizzle.



DonKeyhote ago

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make women and brainwashed faggots think logically

Thanks for acknowledging that your primary concern is INFLUENCING OPINIONS TO YOUR OWN ADVANTAGE, JEW!

I just post facts and connections ive made, which is why my first 3 months of posts dont mention jews at all. Then their numbers accumulated and it became quite obvious why after i solved the pegasus lead.

You meanwhile havent done shit but post videos of another KIKE SHILL.

DarkMath ago

"became quite obvious why after i solved the pegasus lead."

Can you point me to your posts that did that?

DonKeyhote ago

LOL im sure i pinged you. More playing dumb, didnt you do this yesterday?? LMAO have a coffee you useless shill FUCK.

DarkMath ago

Then make the Pegasus Art Museum the focus of /v/pizzagate. That's one thing I agree with you on. Alefantis' Pegasus museum is covering for some nasty shit and it probably includes a few Jews given Jack Lew runs a Uranium processing sideshow using Maersk container ships. Someone got a picture of a license plate at Pegasus and it belonged to someone who works for the "US Enrichment Corporation":

DonKeyhote ago

I dont give a fuck about the museum, and the fact that you do means im right.

DarkMath ago

I thought you broke the story on the Pegasus Museum. Now you don't care about it?

What am I missing?

Moray ago

OTO is bad news all around. Peaches Geldof anyone?

Sheitstrom ago

That poor girl. She was so medicated she could barely walk down the street. She never had a chance.

Moray ago

When she named names that was it, especially as a former OTO member.

wokethefkup ago

I always think of her. She was so naive. Poor thing.

hojuruku ago Hunter S Thompson Snuff film director and OTO pedophile strongly linked to Johnny Depp OTO pedophile is exposed here too mate If anyone's got some free time lets all fuck the OTO pedo cult with the IRS and the Australian tax office. Instructions and the lowdown on them here:

SecondAmendment ago

Good thread. Hunter S. Thompson. . . . Holy shit. The video is eye-popping. I found an article about Thompson's lawyer, a Boston lawyer named George Tobia.

I find it very strange that lawyer Gorge Tobia of a Boston, Massachusetts law firm called Burns and Levinson was Colorado resident Hunter S. Thompson's lawyer for 15 years. Here is George Tobia's profile on law firm website:

How does a Massachusetts lawyer practice law in Colorado without a license, and why would Thompson rely on a lawyer located so far away?

That seems very odd to me because Thompson "committed suicide" in 2005, years before we had the technological advances thst we have today. Today the distance is not such a big deal because of technology but from 1990 to 2005 that distance would have made a lawyer-client thing a lot harder between 1990 and 2005.

But then there's the whole issue that George Tobia was licensed to practice law in Massachusetts and California, but not Colorado. So what lawyer on his right mind would admit to practicing law in Colorado without a license, as Tobia did in the Boston Globe article published after Thompson's death? George Tobia, that's who. Apparently he represents other celebrities. Might be worth looking into Tobia.

I googled Tobia's law firm, Burns and Levinson, and found links to author Douglas Brinkley, who edited a couple of books with Hunter Thomson (The Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967 [1997], and Fear and Loathing in America: the Brutal Odyssey of an Outlaw Journalist, 1968-1976 [2000]) and is also inked to Johnny Depp and John Kerry. Geez, they're all connected, it seems. I guess the links could be researched further, if anyone's interested. It's late but I'll keep this in mind.

HighLevelInsider ago

OTO was headed by Aleister Crowley for many years, and created Scientology, the Process Church, the Mansons, and a lot of the drug culture in the 1960s. OTO was under the control of Freemasonry through Golden Dawn (Crowley was 33rd degree).

chrisdurpaderdherp ago

ESALEN home of monarch

hojuruku ago

yeah but the "anonymous" fags wont touch the OTO because well they are all faggots and it is the religion of faggotry, even though it founded Scientology the so called cause that founded anonymous. I love it how great minds think alike mate ;)

DeathTooMasons ago

I deciphered what you are saying and yes, anonymous seems like limited hangout gate keeper bullshit. And yes, Scientology looks like it was created by the CIA just as the Jim Jones cult was. David Miscavige was exposed as a CIA "source" years ago and L ron Hubbard spoke of his family worhsiping Satan. It all fits. We know the alphabet agencies promote Satanism for the 13 families. And of course Scientology is about mind control and breaking up the family.

hojuruku ago see the newest comments and updated OP there. The child sex cult are getting their collective arses handed to them. I have other intel I'm not spreading right now and it's big. Really big, as in possibly a mass murder link. Remember Ivan Milat and the Belanaglo state forest OTO links / murders of OTO pedophiles Wollongong City Mayor Frank Arkell. Bigger than that big. I hope I'm not right.

ThePuppetShow ago

Anonymous was co-oped by the feds after lulzsec got busted for the hbgary hack. Sabu rolled over and sold "everyone" out. Everyone is in quotes because those that were smart enough, aren't stupid enough to be involved with anyone claiming "anonymous". That's why they don't give a shit.

hojuruku ago

On the topic of fucking anonymous: Zdnet MSM - Anonymous learns FTP - they are hackers of the Australian Election Commission I hack the Australian Election Commission legally and DOX every single GOV FUCK or anyone who wanted to be GOV FUCK in NSW Australia. (not newsworthy - because it expose the black box voting system wasn't LG Brillsoft as per the FOI's anonymous downloaded - IT WAS Egloo Pty Ltd UNCERTIFIED vote rigging software) I know where all the government fuckers live. Dyke Mayor of Sydney Clover Moore 36 Kepos Street Redfern. I got another 10k names addresses and business info of all Local and State leadership in NSW if anything happens to me. They don't want the political blowback of fucking with me personally and having my dead man switch activate. I love it. And I got paid to do this lawful hack of the NSW election commission by my Korean employer who was paying for government lobbiests who were soliciting fees to lobby for a tender that was long since suspended, and running a confidence scam against multiple Asian businesses (in other words fucken criminal). They are the lobbyist for CHINA RAIL's ONE BELT ONE ROAD IN AUSTRALIA FOR FUCKS SAKE. And I caught the Liberal Party of Australia doing carbon tax fraud here. Because of this (well me if you research the whole saga here that's off topic from pizzagate) the former prime minister Tony Abbott said you can't be in the Liberal Party and a Lobbyist AT THE SAME TIME. ONE MAN CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE (if you embarrass the deep state enough). Joseph Tannous had his linked in profile brought up in parliament - that was me it was part of my complaint the department of premier and cabinet ignored, so I leaked it to rainbow child fuck labor party Luke Foley and his gay receptionist who brought i up in parliament. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense but google all the facts I gave you and see the date on the video. There is lots of MSM news about this in Australia. I love fucking corrupt globalists up behind the scenes. Joseph Tannous was so pissed he called up threatening to rape my sister. I have the audio of that too.

SwampAintDrained ago

Your posts are not reader-friendly and I imagine if you are being serious you might want to change that.

Do you have any proof of your claims?

hojuruku ago That's the last comment I made. Enough proof that Australian celebs connected to gay rights activists and OTO pedophlie cults get away with publishing child porn or not? I wont even believe what you are saying I didn't prove. Your just a FUD agent I guess. Fear Uncertainty And Doubt. What public relations company do you work for? I hear who gets his children to say only those who anal fuck can be good dads hired one and sponsored the Great Boylover Garry Burns. I mean when you have your twin son born 10 years apart from his older test tube baby saying only those who do faggot sex can be good dads, no public relation agency can clean up that mess, so quit whilst you are ahead.

9991107? ago
