Narcissism ago

The baby probably initiated the "sexual performance" babies they're like that.

SovereignWisdom ago

America-first darling i am not into murder. i do not want to become like the monsters that i fight every day of my life. i would rather do the right thing, live with love inside my heart for all life and hold my head up knowing that just because i could do that without anyone ever being able to prove i had, i live with integrity. i do the right thing even if noone knows it or sees it. the demoralization of our entire race is a major part of why these monsters have risen to the surface and into power positions within our companies and government offices. If i were to use my gifts and superhuman abilities to harm others i would be just like all of them. frankly i am not alright with that thought form and choose to manifest a more appropriate outcome that doesnt sink me to their level or lower my vibratory frequency. sometimes using your words and love and my advanced intellect is better than any gun that i have shot (at the gun range or in the woods or mountains). to be an inspiration to be a leader and to have honor and integrity in this day and age is a rarity indeed. i choose to empower others to get their needs met in peaceful calm appropriate ways that open doors instead of slam them shut in my face. Their days are numbered far fewer than they have any clue and i am just waiting for time to catch up to my already well played and planned and laid out road of the destruction and fall from protection and power seats of every paedophile in existence. I wont have to kill anyone, most will kill themselves honestly when their world stops turning. whats imortant is those children. i want to share with you all the true monsters i fight and what they do to these children. its graphic audio of podesta torturing a child. please be aware that it will not be the best 3 min of your life if you choose to listen to the link im about to post but its gonna shake you awake to what happens to millions of children every year and most are killed within a few months of being adopted out by cps to there paedophiles and murderers;_ylt=AwrT6VoJoEFZihEAfO0PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=youtube+podesta+torture+child+audio%5C&fr=yhs-iry-fullyhosted_003& as you can see these douche bags monitor every move i make online and try to block my reaching others by stalking me . everywhere and putting on elaborate public assasination campaigns and slander my name. i dont care those children deserve a warrior and thats not going to be something i turn my back on ever no matter how hard it gets for me for them its much worse. i dont matter they matter.

carmencita ago

I believe it is 10% of the bail charge. If you fly the coop, aka beat it, then you loose the money and end up in the slammer. So far this guy is getting the soft touch. His father seems to be trying to cushion the damage, so I think he will be pretty upset if he jumps bail. Was he the one that abused him? Who knows. But they did say in this article that Schwartz played on a lot of baseball teams (Little League) so there could have been a Hastert or Sandusky around.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Was he really set free? Is there any proof? this article is pretty minimal. NY Post article says it was sexual performance as well.

SovereignWisdom ago

indeed they do. its called the jesus order or the jesuits. they run the largest child sacrifice cult out of the vatican called the ninth circle child sacrifice network. they just moved their base of operations into the united states or the border of canada due to the international common law court of justice in brussels busting up every child sacrifice meeting to rape torture and kill then eat the children little ones its disgusting and if they are allowed to keep doing this it will only get worse. i am an activist i fight these monsters every day and i will never stop. have you all heard the podesta torturing aa child audio on youtube. im a mother the jesuits had my child kidnapped to try to shut me up. i havent seen him in almost a year. i pray that was not my son in that recording every day. just saying. hi im wisdom.

pbvrocks ago

Welcome wisdom!

SovereignWisdom ago

Thank you pbvrocks darlin. happy to be welcomed. cyber hug.

Antarctica10 ago

God Bless you. You are in my prayers.
I hope this song gives you strength Thank you for fighting.

SovereignWisdom ago

Thank you so much for that. it indeed uplifted my spirit and i shared it on my twitter. thank you so much dear heart

Watching ago

They use "Child" to soften the impact on our dissonant minds... Six month olds are BABIES, and there is nothing more evil than harming a baby.

remedy4reality ago

It's exactly why I capped that.. it's a BABY !! you fucking animals..

This points directly to SATANISM which inverts the moral paradigms of family and goodness.

It's pure EVIL reduced down to semantic gymnastics and Orwellian double speak.

remedy4reality ago

really? That is exactly what I imagine the Talmud followers call it...

meowski ago

He did not rape a baby. He had child porn images. In light of that, this bail amount is appropriate. A lot of people have images of criminal acts and we don't act like they actually committed the act themselves unless there is evidence.

You're just getting swept up in this mob mentality witch hunt that is pizzagate. Yes, child porn and exploitation is bad. Totally horrible and wrong. But having pictures of something horrible is not the same as committing the act, and the punishment should fit the crime.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

It is the same. It's sexual gratification taken from the abusive torture of a child. Or in this case, a 6 month old baby.

It''s ruining the life of another human being, a defenseless baby, for the purpose of an adult's sexual arousal.

How you're unable to comprehend that is astounding.

I hope someone video tapes your torture. I hope it's sold for the pleasure of other's viewing and you're victimizatiin is forever recorded. I hope people get off to it to such an extent, you're hunted like a fucking animal and abused again. I hope whoever does actually commit the assault is paid a shit ton of money off of your suffering, over and over and over.

meowski ago

There are various levels of involvement in a crime. Of course he sounds like a sick pervert viewing and having images of CP. If he directly paid money for it I consider that far worse. And actually physically raping a child (as the title here misleadingly implies) would of obviously deserve the worst punishment.

How do you know he even paid any money for it? You sound like a hysterical moron. It's a good thing retards like you are not in charge of actual criminal investigations. Instead you just sit around and talk tough on the internet.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

If you had any idea how ironic your comments are...

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

I didn't say he paid for it, you sadistic fuck. I said I hope whoever creates and disseminates your torture video gets paid a dick load of money.

Learn to read, pedo.

remedy4reality ago

How do you know he's not the guy fucking the baby, you dumb fuck ? Look at the judge on the case, you fucking faggot.

Now you're doubling down on your stupidity ?? fuck off, already.

remedy4reality ago

you're a pile of shit... Nobody said he raped the baby, fuckface. He had video of the rape of the baby, dumbshit, and the statute calls it a 'performance'. Stupid mother fuckers like you have no ability to understand that child porn is a DEMAND DRIVEN MARKET and if it was not for perverted shitbags like Schwartz ( and maybe yourself ) there would far less 6 month old children getting fucked by you faggots..


meowski ago

blocked you f*ng rabid moron

remedy4reality ago

you got downvoated into oblivion for that dumb fuck comment, you faggot..

You are marked around here, pedo apologist piece of filth.

DerivaUK ago

In the case of child porn I believe every viewer the same as the participants. Same gratification involved. How can you defend this pos?

meowski ago

I'm not defending anyone. The title is misleading.

Having an image of an act is simply not the same as doing the act. Your logic is flawed.
Think about it logically and not emotionally for a second. If a person has images of adult murder, for example, do we charge them with murder? Of course not. If they pay money to have a snuff (murder) film made, then we charge them with solicitation of murder. If they simply have a picture of it we would just think that person is sick in the head, but they would not be charged with a crime.

CP of course is so horrible that it's illegal, and I fully agree with this, but the title of this post is misleading. Hysterical mob justice is not what we need to solve this pedogate problem.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

No, you're right. Possession of material showing adults sexually torturing a 6 months old is no big deal. /s

remedy4reality ago

I would lop Schwartz's head right the fuck off.

You would give him a pillow and ask if he was comfortable..

You're a pseudo intellectual pile of shit and are here for a specific reason.

Jem777 ago

This is disgusting. Sexual performance by a child? Children do not sexually perform they are raped! Can you imagine if these rape survivors advocate groups were fighting for a victim who was called a sexual performer by a rapist attorney. It is horrific. These are 6 month old babies. We need to dig into this guy & Mook & DeBlasio and all connections to Podesta/Clinton etc. There is no way you have thousands of baby raping vids on your computer and your the top assistant to DeBlasio friends of Robby Mook and not be in tight circles with Alefantis, etc.

cthulian_axioms ago

Former N.Y. defense attorney here[FN1]. New York has a lot of weird names for crimes[FN2]. I don't know why they don't update them. It's stupid and confuses people. In this case, "sexual performance by a child" basically means "child molestation which is recorded on video", so it's not quite as outrageous as it initially sounds.

I've never heard of $7500 bail for a Class C felony, though. When I was practicing, I defended misdemeanor cases with higher bail than that. Given the nature of the charges, I'd say Mr. Schwartz is absolutely a flight risk, and it's not like he's some schmo off the street who will have to beg off friends and family to come up with the bail money. $7500 ain't pocket change, but it's not really a hardship either. A more proper amount would be somewhere in the $50-100K range, if they even set bail at all.

We need to dig into [...] Mook

Robby Mook is a close associate of the Witch-Queen. I think he was her campaign manager or some similar senior mucketymuck. Ain't much needful digging to be done there.

[FN1] I don't practice anymore, I'm not your attorney, and this post isn't legal advice. Don't ask me legal questions.

[FN2] Examples: they spell the common name for Cannabis spp. "marihuana". What most states call "assault", they call "menacing".

sLnTsRvC ago

5 feet of rope and a 12 foot drop will stop the maddness

KosherHiveKicker ago


remedy4reality ago

Eyezopen ago

That's such a low bail. The judge is just as fucking guilty. Sick shit.

acesneights ago

Presumably a card carrying member of the pedo-network.

trueringstrue ago

Other important data on Jacob Schwartz contained herein:

If you look in comment section there is also important discussion of two other politicians' admin. assistants arrested for pornography:

Jesse Ryan Loskran. OP @trueringstrue

Enrique Pearce. OP @waxdino

trueringstrue ago

More information about Jacob Schwartz admin. assistant to New York mayor Bill DeBlasio and son of NY Labor Attorney Arthur Schwartz here:

Are_we__sure ago

Why are you claiming this guy was an assistant to Deblasio? He wasn't.

He was a city employee. He worked in Queens not City Hall.

remedy4reality ago

DeBlasio appointed his judge, after the fact, and that judge is guiding the entire prosecution, you fucking faggot child raping piece of shit.

MetalAegis ago

another paedophile jew

Psalm100 ago

That's terrible!

GeorgeHodelDidit ago


GrDec ago

(((Jacob Schwartz))) is on his way to Israel right now..

remedy4reality ago

I cannot find the presiding Judge in this case and any help locating that information would be appreciated. Schwartz had over 8000 images and video on a single laptop. Did the investigators and/or Judge determine that Schwartz was NOT the perpetrator in any of the evidence ? A disgustingly low bail amount and the release of a pedophile who still poses significant risk to children, is beyond human decency and standards of the application of law.

Are_we__sure ago

It's called that because that is the language of the law.

Out on bail doesn't mean walks free. He just hasn't had a trial yet.

remedy4reality ago

fuck you Are_we_sure and all you pedo shitbags.. We already know the Judge on the case is a FIX, you dumb cunt.

Your days are numbered, faggot..

4thDaGrymReaper ago


If and when he really walks free pay attention it will be on the news, if not make sure of it. The Judge could be in on it in the end and free him. If he is freed, watch what he does next, it might be a trip to Israel. A connected democrat with a big load kiddie porn that is connected to the mayor that appointed a judge might show case of corruption in NY that the people need to see.

Are_we__sure ago

Go take your medicine and don't libel me.

markrod420 ago

hes right, you cant commit libel against an anonymous internet personality. why does everyone suddenly think they are a fucking lawyer or some shit. lol.

Are_we__sure ago

Actually you can. And I am using a pseudonym which can easily be traced to a real identity.

In fact, we are on a website where our pseudonyms get reputation points by having people up or down vote us.

Thirdly, the word libel has a meaning short of the legal meaning to to write things about someone that are not true

markrod420 ago

Well you cum guzzling gutter slut. Take me to court and prove defamation of character to the point of financial detriment then bud. Oh wait you cant. Because you are full of shit.

remedy4reality ago

fuck you faggot... can't libel an anonymous account, you fucking retard faggot child raper

markrod420 ago

i mean in a technical sense out on bail is not supposed to be considered walking free. but if a person has enough money and doesnt mind not being able to enter the united states then it is basically walking free. But if he actually had sex with a 6 month old child these charges are not at all acceptable in any way. and also he probably shouldnt be out on bail cuz he will end up shooting himself in the head 3 times.

nuworldblue ago

I believe it is Phyllis Chu, according to public records through the New York Unified Court Systems website. Image

Please note:

Phyllis Chu is a judge of the New York City Criminal Court in New York. She was appointed to the court by Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in January 2017.[1]

remedy4reality ago

THANKS! She was appointed by DeBlasio THIS YEAR !!

I think there is some digging to do here, for sure.

GeorgeT ago

As It has been exposed - it's a tightly knit pedo circle.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Or at the very least, evidence of the power they have.

GeorgeT ago

I would say 'illusion of power' which makes public complicit in their crimes. Their power, in large part derives from public's willfull inorance that is why to paraphrase JFK's last speech ...' .... that is why Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed a crime to stay away from controversy!'

42times5 ago

Quick search found this (

" In 1998, Ms. Chu went on to the Crimes Against Children's Bureau where she investigated and tried physical and sexual abuse of children under the age of 11."

And this, (

remedy4reality ago

very suspicious resume..

DeBlasio would never send a shark after Schwartz and I bet the farm that she is a cover-upper.

42times5 ago

Absolutely. Primed for it her whole career by the looks of it.

nuworldblue ago

Even more interesting is that the initial incident occurred in November. She was appointed after they knew about Schwartz's appetite for children, by DeBlasio!


remedy4reality ago

total set up

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, part of their 8D chess game. He may have even been set up by them to take a fall as one of their sacrifices. Look for significance in the numbers regarding his arrest: the date, number of images found, number of victims, etc.

My guess is he was set up, told about it, and promised a light slap on the wrist and then he'll be hired by some other organization run by TPTB and it will be business as usual. UNLESS we can break this open and shine some light into it for the masses to see what's really going on.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Holy Fuck ....