cthulian_axioms ago

Far as I know he's still alive, so that's technically still an option.

The fact that CEOs have not begun "taking hikes and not coming back" or "shooting themselves in the back of the head" continues to amaze me. How much more will it take? I get that people are loath to begin taking revenge until they have nothing left to lose, but are there no terminal cancer patients with a sense of duty to their country? Are there no suicidal maniacs?

DeathTooMasons ago

Bart Sibrel exposed them as frauds IMO. Their reactions alone made it clear they were dishonest.

DeathTooMasons ago

Notta chance. He is one of them. It is a show.

jbooba ago

Disband the CIA. Boom. Organ/Child/Drug Traffic is dismantled.

thomccc ago

I went to the source site and can't believe the attorney general said what's being reported. Because where are all the fireworks....the trumpets...the thunder from the clouds? What this man has said is earthshaking. This is the chief law officer of the land unleashing the hounds...and we get silence? Even if this is just more trickery, those words are living. That might explain the silence. If I was a pedophile, pimp or human traficcker...especially a vicious murdering raping torturing one...I'd be too scared to breathe right now...much less make a sound. This is unbelievable and either dummies don't know what the AG had declared or they are too dense to understand what he has declared. I believe when they find out the abominations are going to drop by 90 percent even before the people in kevlar start chasing. This world is coming to a conclusion because a whole lot of power has just put a whole lot of power on notice. And we get silence from the media? Unbelievable. Blessing and protection to all whom it concerns.

DeathTooMasons ago

Nothing will happen. Words are wind. Here you sit, zero arrest made. Zero charges. Zero consequences. They control the courts, DOJ, FBI, CIA and your government in general. Staments and proclamations are supposed to appease you. Looks like it worked. "everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail".

guinness2 ago

It's been raining arrests on Democrats lately for crimes ranging from pedophilia to voter fraud and corruption:

  • Anthony Weiner

  • Reality Winner

  • Seth Williams

  • Senator Thomas Oaks

  • Jacob Schwartz

  • State Senator Carlos Uresti

  • Ron Calderon

  • Roderick Wright

  • Patrick Cannon

  • Ray Nagin

  • Tony Mack

  • Bob Filner

  • Kwame Kilpatrick

  • Larry Langford

  • William Scarborough

  • John Sampson

  • Malcolm Smith

I suspect the key to bringing the entire Podesta / Clinton crime syndicate down is to arrest enough of the small fish and make 'em squeal in exchange for lenient sentencing. I hope this is what's taking place!

Commoner ago

thanks for that list. I didn't know there were so many.

guinness2 ago

These are just the ones I've heard about.

shoosh ago

Is it true that Sessions recused himself of Clinton and Comey? If so, how would he be able to take down the government heads or corporate heads? The 2 headed beast.

ObamaFAG1 ago

ALERT! we have a psychic on Voat. Can you please send us a pic of your crystal ball? maybe a thread from your magic carpet? PLEASE wise one, send us minions more "Predictive programming" insights? Who will be the next president? Do fairy's really exist? Was the moon landing fake? Can't wait to be enlightened.

DeathTooMasons ago

His comment went over yor head, as you do not know what he was referring to. Because of that, you look like an ass....as usual.

Drnoway ago

Lisa Simpson will be the next president.

trueringstrue ago

This man was mentioned in important article posted by @ObamaFAG1 above:

Jacob Schwartz

Son of New York labor lawyer Arthur Schwartz

Administrative Assistant to 109th Mayor of New York City:----- Bill de Blasio

Voat Post One Week Ago: @Commoner


Voat Post 17 days ago:



@Mad_as_Hell post 17 days ago:


PGIsRretarded ago

Aaaand you're still being a deluded retard. Tick tock tick tock.

Gammi ago

I hope so much for this to be true, there have been so many let downs.....I want so much to see these people leaving a courtroom with chains on their wrist and legs, loaded on a prison bus and, put in a prison cell/cage the size of the ones they put little children they have captured in, they deserve the same torture, not being able to stretch out their arms or legs, or to straighten their necks or backs, or even lay down, but I realize that will never happen, so I will just have to settle for them being put in an 8 by 8 cell......and they should never be able to leave it....and no TV, Books etc.....just a cell to go slowly insane in.

madhatter67 ago

they are already insane, they just don't realise...time for quiet reflection would certainly fix that

Harpua33 ago

It would be nice if he worked something into his opening statement tomorrow. He did ask for an open hearing.

Atticus182 ago

posted this to glp and got instabanned. Post latest "why there is no threads about PIZZAGATE" thread to keep it alive! There are good people there but deeply misled.

redditsuckz ago

"pizzagate" must a instaban word...like "Tavistock".

GrDec ago

Nice article.. except...

brave independent journalists like David Seaman

Dave Seaman?.. please.. the guy is a band-wagon jumping, self-promoting coward who deleted all his pizzagate videos, when he got scared of John Podesta.

He has been exposed by several people already as a disinfo phony shill.



ObamaFAG1 ago

I have an idea (12 day member) how about you post a video calling John Podesta a pedophile on youtube with YOUR real name and use your face in the video. Once you have done this then you can call David or anyone else a hack but until then bring something to help the cause or just STFU and eat a dick!

GrDec ago

i actually used to have one of Dave Seaman's old deleted Pizzagate videos on my channel.. one of the ones he was too afraid to have on his own channel, but i deleted it, not because i am afraid of "John Podesta:", but because i don't want to give that coward more publicity.

And no, asshole, i don't have to do jackshit, because unlike (((Dave Seaman))) I am not interested in being famous, or making money from pedophilia victims and you tube videos, like your scumbag hero, who is always trying to take down videos that expose him as the phony shill that he is...... i wouldn't be surprised if you were one of Dave Seaman's sockpuppets..

BTW, ask your valient hero to post some videos exposing George Soros.. i have two of them on my channel.. But he is not going to, because he works for Goldmoney


David Seaman, Pizzagate & Goldmoney


Blacksmith21 ago

Let me ask you a simple questions @GrDec:

If you were an independent journalist, essentially considered kryptonite, how would you go about earning money so you didn't have to work at Starbucks?

By the look of all of Seaman's videos, he is pretty far from living high on the hog.

GrDec ago

Real Independent Journalists do what they do, because they love journalism, not because they want to make money at it. James Corbett has been an independent journalist for over 10 years, and he has exposed everyone and everything.. and has never taken any videos down, because he is honest, not a phony youtuber, jumping on the pizzagate bandwagon to make money.

If Dave Seaman wants to be a journalist (which he has never been.. he worked for Jezebel and he got kicked out of it, for self-promotion) and wants to make money, he should go and work for NYTimes or the Wapo.. but we know he will never get hired there, because he is not even a real journalist, he is a phony self promoter. Watch the videos i posted, and get back to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not arguing what Seaman has or hasn't done. What I am saying is everyone needs a funding source. Hell, if I had put a paycheck in Bitcoin when Seaman was talking about it (like anyone pumping a stock for long term), we wouldn't be talking as I'd be on 1000 acres somewhere where I'd never be found again.

I will completely disagree with you over Seaman being a journalists. Those POS on the nightly news who call themselves "journalists" - those are not journalists - those are party apparatchiks. Don't forget it was Seaman who was booted from HuffPo for reporting on HRC's health. that was journalism IMO.

Hate or like Seaman, and you can argue the smaller details, but that is what trips everyone up here. They focus on the details too much sometimes. And I think MM/CTR knows that. They throw something miniscule out there, and everyone gloms onto, and obsesses over, said morsel. Rather than looking at the big picture of things.

At the end of the day ask yourself, has Seaman done more good than "harm"? And if so, in what ratio of percentage "harm" versus good? Lump in the items you mentioned above and I'd say Seaman has done 80% positive and 20% negative ("harm") via self promotion, Bitcoin slinging, etc.

GrDec ago

Seaman never worked for the HuffPo, Most HuffPo reporters submit articles there for free, and so did Seaman, he was just trying to do some self-promotion.. so he could have never gotten fired, because he was never paid and he was never an HP employee. HuffPo doesn't pay its writers.


Seaman is just another opportunist trying to make a buck from pizzagate and Youtube. One more time, watch the videos, so you can understand what he is and where he comes from.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll look at it again, as I am not above changing my mind. However, not that I am a fan of HuffPo, but they do clearly dispute the notion that "HuffPo doesn't pay".


If you want to go into semantics - was Seaman a W2 employee for HuffPo? Probably not. Did Seaman receive a 1099 from HuffPo? Probably.

GrDec ago

The HuffPost page you sent me was written 6 years ago.

The articles i am sending you about the Huff Post are recent.. and they are not made up.


The HuffPost doesn't pay its bloggers anymore and Dave Seaman probably didn't get paid, considering the date..
Dave Seaman was and is a nobody.

What is his work experience? getting fired from Jezebel for self-promotion?

The guy has nothing to say, other than parroting his bitcoin shtick. He is going to eventually going to dissapear into anonymity, as most people already know he is a phony,

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah I found an article on Medium that was more recent which pretty much says they accept content from 10,000+ writers who are not paid.

So what percentage of damage/harm has he done? Why such the hatred for him?

ObamaFAG1 ago

@blacksmith21 you can't argue with a Liberal... give it up. They don't use facts, just opinions they get from CNN and delusional libtard friends. Has GrDec provided any facts other than he is a pole smoker?

GrDec ago

Let me get this straight..

you worship Dave Seaman, a cowardly liberal flip-flopping Jewish clown who works indirectly for George Soros, who got thrown out of feminist liberal Jezebel.com and who used to write for FREE for the uber-liberal fake news Huff Post.. and you are calling me a Liberal?

bhhahahaahahhahahaha hahahahah hhaahahahahah hahahaha hahahahahah ahahahahaha

nice try libtard..

GrDec ago

LIberal because i am calling out your hero, bandwagon jumping coward Dave Seaman???, LOL.. right. Your hero took down all his pizzagate videos.. go and give the joo some money, LOL.

Hey clown, why you don't ask your anti-liberal hero Dave Seaman to do some videos on his boss George soros?? LOL

Your hero Dave Seaman probably already licked Podesta's ass as punishment for his videos. LOL LOL

GrDec ago

Dave Seaman is a phony, opportunistic liar.

What damage do liars and dishonest people do?

What happens when a company discovers that someone lied on their resume?

What happens to people who lie under oath in a court of law?

What would happens if your significant other had a relationship with somebody else and lied about it?

You make it sound, as if lying is normal, and liars and dishonest people should not be judged and should be loved

The whole pedophile systems exists because of lies and deception..

Blacksmith21 ago

@GrDec - And people who get paid to smear others do exactly what you are doing. You proved my point. No "unaffiliated" person would waste as muh time and energy as you are without 1) an ax to grind, 2) it is their job, or 3) both 1 and 2.

Keep up the good work. I doubt you are able to find better employment than 15.25/hr, so carry on. We see you shills for what you are. Shills.

No lying isn't normal. Making a paycheck is.

GrDec ago

Going by your own twisted logic, only a paid shill would spend so much time and effort defending a phony like Dave Seaman, because it is obvious you are obssesed with defending the guy.. why do you care so much about him??


Sorry i hurt your feelings, and sorry i made you look like the ass you are.

Look at your own record here and mine, and tell me who's spent hours and hours defending disinfo scum like Dave Seaman??

Blacksmith21 ago

Fail. I'm not defending him at all. Yet you obviously are paid to attack. Fuck off.

GrDec ago

Fail. I'm not attacking him at all. Yet you obviously are paid to defend Fuck off.

20Justice4All17 ago

Call into question DS's motives fine...but I can question your motives even more so as you sit behind a newly formed anonymous handle. DS may be what you say, but don't think for a minute he doesn't have more balls than you do, regardless of his intentions. Compared to DS, you are a Eunach...and I don't even disagree with your assessment of him.

GrDec ago


Ask him to host any Anti-George Soros videos exposing him.. I am hosting two of them.. videos that Soros himself was taking down (an interview with 60 minutes and a Glen Beck video that cost Beck his job in Fox).. ask him..

DS is a pussy, a coward who talked a lof of shit about pizzagate and then deleted all PG videos and any references to it.. LOL

You have no idea who i am, and what i do.. how many channels i have, etc, and you never will, no matter how much you bait me (i know exactly what you are trying to do)

but i can tell you that i can do a lot more damage than that wimp, because i am not doing this for money, and i am not a self-promotion whore.. i don't need it.. you will never understand this.. because your mind is too small to get a grasp of what i do

DS is wimpy joo whining for money and he will do anything to get a buck and some attention, including licking Podesta's ass if he has to.. and he probably has already. LOL

20Justice4All17 ago

Get over yourself...I could care less who you are or what you do. You lack both significance and courage. You are simply another anonymous poster with a lot of bluster.

I could also care less about DS...other than your bluster here in this board, what you think of him matters not either.

Congrats Noob

GrDec ago

Sorry i made you look like an idiot.. enjoy the butthurt.

20Justice4All17 ago

Uh ok...quick suggestion: take a step back, breath...

ObamaFAG1 ago

Just what I thought....

quantokitty ago

I only wish this was true. It certainly doesn't appear it is, but then our lousy fake news wouldn't be reporting this, would they?

GrDec ago

I think it is true.. or do you think it is a coincidence that both democrat pedos (((Jacob Schwartz))) and (((Anthony Weiner))) got caught under Trump and not under Obumma?

quantokitty ago

Weiner was caught last year ... before the election.

GrDec ago

Yes, but he was convicted under Trump.

The Trump admin worked out his plea deal and his jail term.

He would have never served jail under Obumma.

quantokitty ago

True .... I'd love to know what else is on that computer ...

shoosh ago

and there lies the problem... this immunity and non-disclosure is sickening. They want the public to fight for the politicians and go to war for them at the drop of a word, but apparently aren't fit enough to get the real truth from full disclosure of all issues.

quantokitty ago

Totally agree.

RweSure ago

what non-disclosure? what you are you talking about? What is the legal basis for the disclosure you are thinking of?

If you think the Weiner laptop was jammed with evidence of other crimes, you've been lied to.

shoosh ago

Lied to? No evidence of other crimes? Prove it.

That's the problem, the public aren't allowed any type of honest full disclosure, not only in the Weiner case, but all cases. They might declassify documents but even then censoring and deleting is a massive problem. This is wrong.

This promotes the problems we're seeing right now. The public want the truth and they aren't getting it. That's why this forum is in place, or didn't you put that together yet. Legal basis for disclosure? How about full transparency from officials with the purpose of preventing crime that is prevalent globally. *note: the officials work for the public, the public don't work for the officials. It's all ass backwards to protect a criminal playground and that's exactly what's happening. .

RweSure ago

You've been lied to about the Weiner laptop. The story was the NYPD got the laptop first and were on the verge of making arrests, then the FBI bigfooted them and demanded the case. The NYPD was worried the FBI wouldn't got after all these supposedly dozens of gutwrenching crimes, so they copied the evidence and if Comey didn't come through, they were going to leak all the evidence.

Well it didn't happen. The NYPD didn't leak all these supposed evidence of horrible crimes. It didn't happen because the story was a fake. The NYPD were not the ones who seized the laptop, the FBI was. The FBI HAS had possession of it all the way through.

shoosh ago

Another related question....

You say that FBI was in charge of the investigation, not NYPD. That wouldn't be in keeping with regular protocol.

An example of regular protocol click on link and scroll half way down:


For example, in the above link Schwartz was investigate first by NYPD special computer team, which is the norm.

shoosh ago

The story I heard was that NYPD had access to the files. Regardless of who got there first, wouldn't NYPD have access to data on those files?
Are you saying the NYPD wasn't aware of anything on the files? If so, why wouldn't they come forward in a press meeting and clear it up? Did I blink and miss the meeting that clearly said they didn't know what was on the files?

Do you have mainstream media links and official link interviews to back this up? What would they have to lose by providing an honest explanation? What do they have to gain by not providing one?

What about the Clinton Files that weren't allowed disclosure. Are you also saying that is fake and there's nothing on those files either? If so, then why not provide disclosure? Why the secrecy?

If politicians and government workers would just give honest news reviews, instead of using the mainstream media as a fake propaganda machine, these stories wouldn't become as mixed up as they are.

RweSure ago

The story I heard was that NYPD had access to the files.

Yes, this was the story. However, this story said that NYPD seized the laptop and that was not true. The story further said that the NYPD backed up the contents of the laptop before turning it over the FBI. There would be no legal basis for this. This story did not come from official sources. The truth is the FBI were the ones who seized the laptop.

Regardless of who got there first, wouldn't NYPD have access to data on those files?

No. This was a federal case and it was federal subpoena by the US Attorney who filed it. It was not the local Manhattan DA that deals with the NYPD and local cases.

Are you saying the NYPD wasn't aware of anything on the files? If so, why wouldn't they come forward in a press meeting and clear it up?

Because they never said they had them in the first place and this story was pushed on fake news sites on the web. The NYPD is not in the habit of responding to every fake story on the internet.

Do you have mainstream media links and official link interviews to back this up?

A few places have done a big deep-dive story into how the Comey letter came out. Vanity Fair :The story broke in the Daily Mail on September 21, and the F.B.I. seized the laptop on October 3."

NYTimes "F.B.I. agents in New York seized Mr. Weiner’s laptop in early October. "

So we know who seized the laptop and when. The more telling detail is in both of these deeply reported stories, the NYPD is never mentioned at all.

What about the Clinton Files that weren't allowed disclosure.

I'm not sure what you are speaking of here. If you are referring to Hillary Clinton's personal emails, the policy of the State Department was in order to comply with the Federal Records Act, if a person used a personal email account, they would have to review their emails and turn over emails that were government records. There's no requirements for her to turn over her personal emails per State Department guidelines and was held up on Court when people sued to have them released.

When the State Department asked for her government emails, she tasked her lawyers with going through her account and determined what was a government record. They did this by a series of searches I believe. Some of the emails she turned over to the State Department were returned back to her because they were determined to not be a government record and did not require archiving. Some emails were missed. The FBI uncovered these through forensic means, but determined there was no effort at deception. (For example, they had been deleted years ago or their did not show up in search results.) The FBI determined they made a good faith effort in determining which was which. Compliance with the Federal Records Act does not result in a criminal investigation by the way.

Why the secrecy? Personal is personal. The bulk release of work emails is highly unusual as well. You can request certain emails through a Freedom of Information ACT request, but you can request " your whole Inbox and Outbox." It doesn't work that way. These were released because a judge ordered it. (Fun fact. Even if she used a state.gov account, she would not be in compliance with the Federal Records Act, because the State Department technology was so far behind the times, this was not automatically compatible with the archive software required for email. The tech now is, but they were just rolling that out during her tenure.)

You say that FBI was in charge of the investigation, not NYPD. That wouldn't be in keeping with regular protocol. An example of regular protocol click on link and scroll half way down:

You're comparing apples and oranges. The Schwartz case is a local case and never involved the FBI. The Weiner case was always a federal case. The local DA announced they wanted to look into it, but the feds got the subpoena first. Also the Weiner case crossed state lines as the 16 year old was in NC.

The norm you are pointing to doesn't apply at all.

shoosh ago

Thanks for your time and reply.

I'll read the Daily Mail article you've provided. I actually like the Daily Mail and think it's one of the few, maybe only, rag that I somewhat trust.

Vanity Fair is questionable and I refuse to accept anything that comes out of NYT.

The problem being that news media is a propaganda machine that I can't trust or be sure of anything I hear.

You've said the NYPD isn't in the habit of replying to every fake story.

That's not an acceptable reason excuse. This is not just any fake story, it's a priority story, based on all the responses one would think they'd know that.

This does produce a massive problem.

It might be helpful if a political press release came out specifically addressing the wider issues due to Weiner/Abedin/Clinton connection.

Did I miss it?

shoosh ago

Edited to add:

The public has the right to know what their polticians are doing. The public is paying for them to maintain their society and work on their behalf. Their role should in no way fall under the ''personal'' information clause you've sighted. Instead of personal right of privacy they get full blown immunity. They shouldn't get special immunity of any kind.

This is not just any small issue, it's a priority issue and shouldn't be treated with such minimal responses to sweep it under the carpet in the manner you have done.

RweSure ago

I refuse to accept anything that comes out of NYT.

This is how you wind up repeating fake nonsense stories. This on you then isn't it. If you can't discern between good reporting and bad reporting in the NY Times or in the "MSM", if you simply reject all of it you are not looking to be informed, you're creating an information bubble, a bubble designed to you make you feel better.

Let's me put this to you. Show me why think the NYPD has evidence from Weiner's laptop. Where did you get that idea? Was it from a credible source?

You've said the NYPD isn't in the habit of replying to every fake story.

That's not an acceptable reason excuse. This is not just any fake story, it's a priority story, based on all the responses one would think they'd know that.

So there are priority fake stories? Fake stories that rise to the level where people have to respond to fakers? And what responses are you talking about? The conspiracy sites on the internet?

The NYPD should hold a press conference to explain that it never said anything in the first place?

Let's say, they came out said they never had the laptop and these stories are fake, would you believe them?

shoosh ago

This is how you wind up repeating fake nonsense stories. This on you then isn't it. If you can't discern between good reporting and bad reporting in the NY Times or in the "MSM", if you simply reject all of it you are not looking to be informed, you're creating an information bubble, a bubble designed to you make you feel better.

Do you not realize that I could tell you the same in reply to your position that media other than NYPD, apparently a fashion magazine name Vanity Fair, and .... what was the other news rag you said was reputable?

I could say that you are rejecting scores of news outlets, or information outlets, and if you can't discern between good reporting and bad reporting, if you simply reject all of it you are not looking to be informed, you're creating an information bubble, a bubble designed to you make you feel better.

So, you're saying that I should look at these 3 media outlets and learn to discern which articles are fake or real?


The problem is that at this point government and its propaganda machines are corrupt.

Don't give me that, "if a press release was done involving Weiners laptop I wouldn't believe it."

Don't be that person.

RweSure ago

Are you not aware of Vanity Fair? Yes, they do glitz and glamour, but they do news and politics too and their journalism is well reported. The author of that Vanity Fair piece is Bethany McLean one of the best investigative reporters around. She wrote the Defiinite Book on the Enron scandal and co-wrote the best book on what caused the financial crisis. I highly recommend these two books.

The smartest guys in the room : the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron. Penguin. All the Devils Are Here: The Hidden History of the Financial Crisis.

Here's another Vanity Fair piece. http://www.vanityfair.com/news/politics/2005/07/deepthroat200507

rejecting scores of news outlets, or information outlets,

Most of these fake news sites do no reporting whatsoever. I asked how you got the idea about the NYPD. Were you not able to come up with a source that would withstand scrutiny?

shoosh ago

I always saw vanity fair in the checkout isle and viewed it as a fluff rag. I didn't realize there were decent articles in that book, thanks for the different viewpoint, I'll check it out.

How did I get the idea about the NYPD... that's just the problem, there were a few different stories and at this point I have no idea how exactly to determine what sources are true.

It's really such a sad state of affairs. Like most of the rest of the world I don't have inner access to private information, making it difficult to do research on my own.

NYT and WAPO have pretty much caused me to throw those 2 babies out with the bathwater.

RweSure ago

I always saw vanity fair in the checkout isle and viewed it as a fluff rag. I didn't realize there were decent articles in that book, thanks for the different viewpoint, I'll check it out.

In a lot of ways, they are like an upmarket People magazine, their focus is on the rich and high society. But they also do some good articles. They specialize in scandal and crimes among the rich.

madhatter67 ago

The whole point is, because the contents of the laptop are AWOL, we can't know either way what they contain.....clearly you don't have a problem with that and think everything is legit .....but it would be easy enough to clear the whole matter up for those of us less trusting of these people....if you know anything of the history of institutional abuse, it's amazing how often evidence is "lost"

As they are so fond of telling us to justify intrusion into our privacy...."if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"

RweSure ago

but it would be easy enough to clear the whole matter up for those of us less trusting of these people.

That's not the standard whatsoever. What about the people who that wouldn't clear anything up for who would just claim the evidence was fake? What about the insane people? Should that be the standard.

The whole point is, because the contents of the laptop are AWOL,

No they are not. The contents of the laptop were examined in two separate legal cases. You don't get see all my stuff, even if I commit a crime. You only get to see the stuff that is presented as evidence in a court of law. You don't get to determine what is AWOL.

You realize essentially what you are arguing for is a system where a person's enemies can plant a whole bunch of fake stories in ideological news site ( which is exactly what happened) and then use these lies to justify a deeper and wholesale invasion of privacy based on the principle of "clearing the whole matter up."

As they are so fond of telling us to justify intrusion into our privacy...."if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear"

WTF? You are coming out on the side of BIG TIME invasion of privacy in this case. Can you not see this?

You are basically arguing for a standard on the basis of a deliberate deception campaign that lied to you. The idea is that NYPD was about to make a bunch of arrests based on Wiener's laptop is false and several of the claimed facts that this story rests upon (NYPD got the laptop first) are shown to be false.

madhatter67 ago

The big time invasion of privacy already happened....all I'm saying is what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

But we all know it's one set of rules for us and another for them

shoosh ago

@RweSure @madhatter67


No they are not. The contents of the laptop were examined in two separate legal cases. You don't get see all my stuff, even if I commit a crime. You only get to see the stuff that is presented as evidence in a court of law. You don't get to determine what is AWOL.

You are not an official, are you? Many of these officials are corrupted from polticians, to judges and government employees who work on their teams. They are not allowed to be free from the public eye because they work for the public. This is exactly how pedo crime was swept under the rug in the Franklin case, Project Flicker, the Dutroux case and many other cases including Weiner and Clinton.


You realize essentially what you are arguing for is a system where a person's enemies can plant a whole bunch of fake stories in ideological news site ( which is exactly what happened) and then use these lies to justify a deeper and wholesale invasion of privacy based on the principle of "clearing the whole matter up."

Please say you're not on the Russia-did-it band train.

If full open disclosure was promoted within the political and government official system the scenario you paint would be nipped much easier. The problem is that they not only have full privacy, but in many cases they have full immunity, or lax consequences. It's due to this lack of disclosure that such scenarios that you present are easier to put in place.

For example, Project Flicker. People in higher ranks became implicated and exposed. It ended up being shut down on ridiculous claims that there wasn't enough funding, or at least that was one story that was used. NO! As a result it's been hidden to this day. Actually, the public should protest and demand the Project Flicker Senator Grassley investigation be re-opened under FULL disclosure so none of the roaches can hide.

GrDec ago

The problem is that everyone is afraid of the Clinton Foundation Machine, even Comey was (according to FBIAnon).. because anyone who turns against them, ends up suicided or accidented, etc

RweSure ago

Stop misusing DNC. Good Lord, that's annoying.

Now go back and look at the date when Weiner got caught.

GrDec ago

Weiner was prosecuted and agreed to a plea deal under Trump..not Under Obumma.


The Obumma admin had plenty of time to pursue his case, but didn't.. for obvious reasons, so he left the whole thing for Trump to take care of.. and he did.

RweSure ago

This is stupid. Schwartz has yet to be prosecuted. You're comparing apples and oranges. And the white house in either case has nothing to do with what cases are brought.

GrDec ago

The Weiner case was a federal investigation, which is why he was finally convicted and going to jail.

The Schwartz case couldn't possibly be a Federal case, but, why didn't this guy get caught under Obumma? i am sure he didn't start being a pedo after Trump took office. LOL

RweSure ago

The Schwartz case couldn't possibly be a Federal case, but, why didn't this guy get caught under Obumma? i am sure he didn't start being a pedo after Trump took office. LOL

You have no idea how incredibly dumb that argument is do you? Like you're blissfully unaware of it.

GrDec ago

Sure, genius, the Attorney General couldn't possibly have any power over local law enforcement to prosecute and go after pedophiles.. It is all a conspiracy theory, like all the leaked HIllary emails..

RweSure ago

You are showing your ignorance with every post. No, Attorney General Sessions does not direct local law enforcement. That's why Manhattan also has an Attorney General.

GrDec ago

Sure, Attorney General Sessions has NO power, he is just another do-nothing-bureocrat,

This whole article about "President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice is closing in on elite pedophile rings" is just BS.

It cannot be done...

RweSure ago

This whole article about "President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice is closing in on elite pedophile rings" is just BS.

Yes. Now we agree.

cthulian_axioms ago

If the lying whore traitor news media are reporting something, that thing is probably not true. If they are not reporting it, then it probably is true.

quantokitty ago

It's sad, but you're absolutely right.

trueringstrue ago

Great article. Thank you.

Jacob Schwartz is highlighted in your article. Here is some more info:


waxdino ago

Enrique Pearce was arrested last year, but sentenced to a measly six months recently. http://m.sfgate.com/crime/article/SF-political-consultant-to-be-jailed-6-months-in-11058565.php
I'm intrigued by the similarities in the two cases, Pearce and Schwartz. One's a west coast Democratic power player, the other east coast. Both found with thousands of images and videos of abuse, including of infants.

trueringstrue ago

Thank you for your comment.

Also Noteworthy:

In December 2013 Jesse Ryan Loskran admin. assistant to sitting Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander was arrested for the same thing:



Loskran did not make it too far:

Arrested December 2013

Death by Hanging-- his parents basement- January 2014.

GrDec ago

Yeah, all the mainstream media has been really quiet about (((Jacob Schwartz)))

Nothing on CNN, Wapo, Ny Times..

Piscina ago

I really hope Liz is right. At this point I'm pretty cynical and will believe it when I see it.

Boyakasha ago

Same here. I'll be happy about this when these fuckers are found guilty in court.

cthulian_axioms ago

I'll be happy when they're sentenced to life without parole, led out of the courtroom in chains, and board the Grey Goose to San Quentin.

Keep in mind, someone can be found guilty and still have nothing happen to them. There was a C-level executive of ... Dow Chemical, I think it was? ... who raped his two-year-old daughter and was never incarcerated. Zero prison time. The judge literally said he "would not fare well in prison".

eyeVoated ago

Plus, if you look at the american legal system, people with deep pockets can always pay their way out of the system. It is by design, and is the embodiment of so-called social darwinism.

Tanngrisnir ago

Same here.