pbvrocks ago

Political nuts and bolts behind the scenes = BLACKMAIL? Child porn involving politicians? Someone basically stole the blackmail laptop? Daddy knows who and names "off the record?" Wonder if daddy Schwartz is a talmudist?

GeorgeT ago

And isn't Pizzagate supposed to be about Hillary running a child sex slavery ring out of a pizza parlor - an idiotic meme pushed by Hillary herself?!

This is big. Very big. This post is the - to borrow the term - nuts and bolts of Pizzagate! I am saving it right now. This is Pizzagate - that opens into global pedo gate. I wonder what names would come up? JB? CS? JM? NP? Just to name a few?

Altmight ago

(((Schwartz))) lol ah but of course.

Are_we__sure ago

runs a million dollar government fraudulent program

This is false. The program is not fraudulent. 4 private citizens are accused of committing fraud against the program.

YogSoggoth ago

Schwartz was in charge of that. He was getting paid to run a supposedly beneficial program and was really watching CP. That is not incompetent, that is a gross Felony. So yes, that makes it a fake government program that should be shut down.

Are_we__sure ago

He was not in charge of it.

Commoner ago

Just do a cursory search. You will find tons of problems with the project. Money received and gone. nothing was done.



Are_we__sure ago

Problems does not make a fraudulent program. This is describing incompetence.

Amy Peterson has very good intentions, I'm sure that she gives 100 percent to her job," Ulrich, who represents Rockaway, said Monday. "But she is simply in over her head. She is not able to effectively turn around the program, and if you want to see change, change has to start at the top

remedy4reality ago


lol what a sickening and detached comment

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Hes got some enemies now. Disgusting piece of shit. I hope vengeance is served swiftly upon these evil scum bags.

Commoner ago

Being he was a computer analyst/programmer, it could be that he was the keeper of blackmail material.

Psalm100 ago

The victims of child pornography never seem to be victims.

"You wouldn’t find a person that had a bad word to say about him — other than this stuff that came out in the press.”

remedial ago

His father is "spinning" the story/sending a message, if you will. Basically saying: "my son needs help from you" and if he doesn't get it, I'll name-names, along with treatment facilities to support my claims. Dad damn well knew, what junior was up to and supported it. Junior was simply an "early"strategic choice for future prosecution.

madhatter67 ago

Dangerous game to be playing if true....likely to give you a "heart attack"

This_Ruined_Pizza ago


Commoner ago

Good point. I never thought of that, but that would make sense. His dad came off as really weird about the whole thing. I would have called him a nutjob, but now he is coming off as slyer than a fox. You must be pretty smart !

Also, I imagine that some of the pics were of pols and the pics were for black mail purposes. Maybe that is why the dad portrays his son as "not the type" to be into child porn. The kid was the keeper of the DNC blackmail files.

quantokitty ago

Well, I'm just so fucking happy he's receive no negative feedback and that his life has stayed on track. Wonder if we can say the same for those victims?

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

To have 3000 images & 69 videos of children performing sex acts with adults on his system, Schwartz is obviously part of a ring. He should be forced to reveal all his contacts or be sentenced to the harshest prison time possible, if he is convicted.

We also need to find out who these children are? Are they alive? He has to have contacts in the trade.

artfullyours ago

It looks like natural disasters are being used to defraud people out of their money and put it into the pockets of the rich...just like Haiti.

Laskar ago

Imagine what happened in NO during "Katrina". Remember that problem was not the hurricane, but the deliberate failure of levees and the resultant flooding.

Over 2,500 children are unaccounted for to this day.

"You're doin' a great job, Brownie"--GWB

carmencita ago

“He was basically running Build It Back,” Arthur said. “He’s an extremely organized, thorough person. I don’t think he made an enemy in the world. You wouldn’t find a person that had a bad word to say about him — other than this stuff that came out in the press.” Let's ask those poor little children that were defiled when they get older, if they have any good words to say about him. Jacob was caught with a ton of child porn on his computer and he ran a fraudulent million dollar government sanctioned program. Could it be that the Build it Back program was part of a child porn ring? Just a thought***Well, it sure is a definite possibility that should be looked into.

DonKeyhote ago

Fucking DC. I know other pedophiles but please don't publish their name bro.

carmencita ago

Imo, they should all be published. Every year, every pedophile should be listed just to remind people. In their cities where they did their damage. If they have to register as sex offenders, that is what they deserve. Those children they abused never did anything to ask for their vile heinous crimes. I am sure you would approve.

DonKeyhote ago

Yeah I'm a big proponent of the return to public shaming. All drunk drivers mugshots for example should be on billboards for a period of weeks depending on transgression, thus shaming their family and wider community. Self-policing is the most efficient method of social cohesion, like blood feuds. That's why the Jews remove all stigmas and impose moral relativism while keeping their own bloodlines strictly bonded as our overlords. 2040 whites will be a minority in the U.S. and inevitably we will descend into violence.

This is why Obama wanted to forcibly integrate every neighborhood in the country, to delay the inevitable balkanization.

carmencita ago

If you notice, when the police are looking for a killer and a pastor or reverend comes forward, they will say, give yourself up. The family will plead for them to come forward. The family, many times is somewhat responsible. They know what is going on, but have their heads in the sand. They will shame the person if it is in papers, or bill boards. There must be retribution and this is a good place to start.

Kregan ago

Very true and I agree!

carmencita ago

Time for Retribution.

Jobew1 ago

good catch.