GeorgeT ago

If these monsters think they can distract us with juvenile antics of liberal lunatics they have another thing coming! Perhaps Killary and Podesta should have stayed in the woods. But no, they double down and troll PG community by first releasing Katy Perry music vid normilizing cannibalism!!!! And if that wasn't bad enough they do SNL skit with Rock(Dwayne Johnson) in a role of a scientist who invents a child molesting robot in order to win the prize for the most evil invention. I was floored when I saw that. We will have the last laugh. Just need to awake critical % of the sleeping public and it's all over for these - I will use Trump's expression 'Evil Losers!' They want to be called satanists and Luciferians but we won't give them the satisfaction - they are nothing ut demented, depraved, degenerate evil losers. Thanks Donald for clearing it up for us!

EricKaliberhall ago


EricKaliberhall ago

Take that down!

Mbailey63 ago

Is this article laying the ground work for Pedaholics anonymous? Sure seems like he is being used a a shinning example of how any nice kid can be a scumbag and we should not condemn him be cause his daddy is a politician. Fk this scumbaggery. Let him walk and he will leave a trail of abuse.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Can someone please tell his dad that there is no cure for that s***?

GeorgeT ago

'He didn't learnt that from me' Arthur Schwartz stresess.....Are you sure about that Arthur - have you seen Arthur's mug - the creepiest f$&k I have seen, only losing to that American Psycho JA-Mr. Ping Pong (what are the odds there are ties between those two creeps) I am sorry to break it to Arthur but raping 6month babies looks more like a learnt behavior. Was Jacob groomed for his future position as a handler of politicians? Was he like all the rest and did Jacob break the programming? And De Blasio had no idea? What are the odds? ....'He is getting psychiatric help' ???But we all know that this is not curable! $7500 bail??? How about Jacob's friend status with Robie Mook? It's Pizzagate unmasked! Let's call this what it is - first Pizzagate related arrest. Do you wonder why they would be desperate enough to stage another London Bridge false flag attack (impossibility after the 3/22 attack - surveilance EVERYWHERE) They are desperate - global pedophile ring is about to be unmasked, the greatest scandal of the century! Expect more false flags distractions. Don't be surprised if Kathy Griffin stunt was planned as was Bill Maher's racial slur. Tiger Woods was probably set up (spiking his drink) too many bizarre events in such a short space of time. Continue with Jacob Schwartz and Seth Rich!

Laskar ago

The guy that burned that Palestinian kid alive had raped and strangled his 3 year old daughter a few months before that. In Stolenland that does not seem to get a jail sentence.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

You hit on a lot of possible realities, especially the three at the end. Easy to accomplish/orchestrate with over coverage = distraction city.

GeorgeT ago

It's a proven tactic. 'Look over there ..... Islamic boogieman.....' No, actually we have far worse right in our governments. Firing Comey was no accident!

Commoner ago

His dad, Arthur, is a nutjob!!!

Howmanyarethere ago

This sympathetic article implicates not only the writer but the people defending this piece of crap pedophile.

How are these people excusing his behavor as "OH he has an illness. He's suffering. He's a victim. Feel sorry for him. Hes well organized. Hes a good guy. Stop attacking the democrats. Society won't tolerate child porn so we'll have to stamp it out"

I think all the people defending him should be investigated. Not guilt by association but suspicious because of their excusing away his crimes.

remedy4reality ago

The apologist tone in this article displayed by the father of this piece of shit is appalling.

I would lay odds that Dad had the first go on 'poor little Jacob.'

EricKaliberhall ago

I do get that Psycho, Norman Bates Vibe from Jacob Schwartz!

equineluvr ago

YET ANOTHER flaming fucking Jew.

100% of these sick, POS perps are JEWS.

But hey, let's not mention that! Let's all CLOSE OUR EYES and pretend it's not happening. That makes us all "feeeeel" better, right?

Laskar ago

Remember: the guy that burned that Palestinian kid alive had raped and strangled his 3 year old daughter a few months before that. In Stolenland that does not seem to get a jail sentence.

ReddittRefugee ago

Here's the part of that article I find most significant:

"Asked if his son had been interested in following in his footsteps and running for office, Arthur said no, that Jacob preferred the “behind-the-scenes, nuts-and-bolts” part of politics.

He was basically running Build It Back,” Arthur said."

It seems these pedophile types go into the back-room operations of politics, and manipulate things from behind the scenes, and they use NGO organizations.

Does the above information about Schwartz seem similar to Podesta and his Center for American Progress?

Or Lawrence E. King, and the National Black Republican Council?

Mbailey63 ago

Evil hides in the dark.

Gothamgirl ago

Why do I get the feeling these people are setting up to push for little time citing "illness and good deeds to the community" instead of making an example & requiring full accountability. What was next on this guys to do list? A few cases like this, and it becomes the msm's normal news, then it becomes acceptable, or ignored. Except for people like us paying attention. I keep faith that the good people in government are clamping down on this . I don't care how they try to spin it, this guy is evil.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hi @Gothamgirl, this is the way it is always done. They find someone who can be used as a fall guy, convicted, but given a slap on the wrist, and then they can say "Hey look. The system works. See, So-and-so got caught, there's no conspiracy here."

The parallels between Jacob Schwartz and Lawrence E. King are uncanny.

Notice that JS is in "psychotherapy" (which will be quoted heavily when his defence lawyers argue for a lenient sentence)

LK got bundled off to a psychiatric hospital out-of-state for psychotherapy when witnesses came forward testifying about seeing him commit pedophilia.

Slap-on-the-wrist sentence for LK (the prosecutor left out the pedophilia charges and only prosecuted him for embezzlement and tax evasion) But it does allow the MSM to say: "See, King went to jail for his crimes."

Wait and see. JS will get some kind of slap-on-the-wrist. Then the MSM will proclaim that the system works.

It's a shell game

Gothamgirl ago

Yes indeed.

YingYangMom ago

A man without a soul.

EricKaliberhall ago

I totally agree!

GrDec ago

((Jacob Schwartz))), member of the (((tribe)))

Liberal, Democrat, and member of the DNC apparatus.

That should tell you enough about who he really is.

Altmight ago

He would make a good lampshade.

EricKaliberhall ago

That he's a progressive, you mean?

artfullyours ago

Progressive 1) happening or developing gradually or in stages, proceeding step by step. 2) (of a group, person, or in idea) favoring or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.

I think what he is insinuating is that we don't like and don't want any part of what so called Progressives want implemented step by step, or gradually or in stages in our Country. And what this young man was doing fits right into the category of what we don't want. And there has been way too many Progressive type people caught doing the same things. And other Progressives even trying to promote it.

EricKaliberhall ago

You are right! No one likes a strict communist!

EricKaliberhall ago

He is "friends" with Robby Mook, that is something we do know!

Are_we__sure ago

Actually that is not something you know.

He was photographed with Mook at some event where you need to wear nametags. It was probably some political event or Mixer. He was not well known, his father was. This is the type of event where a high status person like Mook would be asked to pose with lower status folks. And they would be happy to pose as it helps with networking/partybuilding.

I'm not being tendentious on this.

This picture is the only evidence put forward as part of the friendship. I'm open to other evidence, but so far none has been put forward. There's a lot of reasons that argue against them being friends. Mook only came to NY recently. He's older and they didn't attend the same schools. It's highly unlikely he would have met Schwartz before the campaign. Schwartz was definitely in political circles, but is there any evidence he spent a lot of time at campaign headquarters, where Mook would be spending most of his time? Maybe they did not each other before or maybe they met in NY and hit it off. But being at event where nametags are required argues against a friendship.

Someone on here tried to tell me he was DeBalsio's Chief of Staff.

“The Post called him ‘a de Blasio staffer,’ ” Schwartz scoffed.

By that stretch of a definition, tens of thousands of New York City municipal employees working in any position in any agency could also be called de Blasio staffers.

remedy4reality ago

DeBlasio made the rounds a few years back reading SECRET PIZZA PARTY to groups of 3rd and 4th graders, you fucking faggot PEDO APOLOGIST.

Are_we__sure ago

And why does this book scare you into cursing and slurring me?

remedy4reality ago

You get cursed at, you cunt, because you're a pedophile apologist AND a likely pedophile.

Are_we__sure ago

What a dim and haunted place your brain must be. Shadows and fears and projections all looking for a host.

Projecting your hatred onto me doesn't even help does it? There still all there aren't they?

Benkitchen105 ago

Are we sure - Your a fucking pedo always defending these sick fucks at every opportunity

remedy4reality ago

HE IS...

a total kid raping piece of filth

Are_we__sure ago

What a diseased mind you have.

EricKaliberhall ago

Do you have Evidence for that?

Are_we_sure ago

Evidence for which part? That they were at an event where name tags were given? The info about Mook is available in biography of his. He was not a new yorker. He earned his political stripes in other states, most recently Virginia before Hillary hired him.

EricKaliberhall ago

Evidence that the name-tag Jacob is wearing is for the actual event?

Are_we_sure ago

You think he goes around wearing a nametag?

And this just proves my point. How much do we "know" from a single photograph. I think it's a reasonable interpretation that it's a name-tagged event. You say that that is speculation. And you're right. I think it's reasonable, but I'm still an outsider and I don't "know" the context of this photo. But I would say that also applies to the idea these two are friends. This photo does not prove that because we don't know the context of this photo.

EricKaliberhall ago

You ask a lot of questions. I like that about you Are_we_sure!

jangles ago

This group is ridiculous, he needs to be in jail