crackedscreenLK ago

I wonder about that cruise ship connection myself. I particularly wonder about it because Norwegian Cruise was one of the words that was Googled to get to a pedophile chatroom on the deep web that was reported to FBI and I am assuming led to some kind of breakthrough. I have Googled a lot of cruise related things looking into that avenue and there is just a lot of weird random stuff there. Nothing one hundred percent solid. But weird random chatrooms and comments left there. Now I have a whole lot more searching to do. If anyone else happens to look into that, I know that those strange pedophile chatrooms have, in the past, been hidden on hotel websites in other languages like Chinese. But when you scroll further it is all in English or Norwegian. I am going to look into that further. It could be nothing, but my instincts are saying there could be a lot more going on out there in international waters or wherever. Cruise ships could be like a pedo paradise. Yuck!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I read some of the child porn was of 6 month old babies.


He needs a needle (after being tried and convicted of course) cause there is no rehabilitation for someone that sick!

Pedophila in any form should be a capital offense.

RodentLord ago

Baby rape only warrants probation when you're rich.

It's interesting how the prison system "doesn't work all the time" and isn't perfect when you're rich, but for us poor folks, it's just fine as it is.

TheSadnessKills ago

This is beyond mere sickness. WTF kind of person would hurt a baby OR a child in ANY such way? Beyond terrible. I hope Anonymous one day, delivers more of what PG needs to get this shit done.

Pizzalawyer ago

Someone needs to archive Shwartz' intagram and facebook accounts, quick, he might have buddies he shares with

carmencita ago

This is big and we need to use it as best we can. I wonder if he is part of the ring in NY or involved with some pedo parties on the Celebrity Infinity Cruise Ships. I have long wondered about the Cruise Ships. There is a Pedo Gold Mine there.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL not quite a lead, socialist jewish perverts. More like "tuesday" Open shut.