carmencita ago

I'm too busy to be wasting my time on 9 min. members. Bye.

pztmp ago

Another factor is not just the money, but collecting the addresses of everyone who donated. That mailing list is also worth money and influence in the next election cycle.

Votescam ago

Error -- deleted

Mad_As_Hell ago

? You okay?

Votescam ago

Apologies - that message was sent to you in error.

PrivateJoker ago

How long can they keep this house of cards propped up?

carmencita ago

Ha yeah. They are evidently one of the things I may not be able to change. I know that they may admit they were wrong but will have a good excuse for it.

carmencita ago

Yeah they don't come right out and say it, but they are talking with a patronizing tone and think because I did not get a college degree that they know better. You know as well, they are more tech savvy as well. They forget that I came from the time of when you learned to use your brain differently . I am much more analytical than they are. There minds are not as open as mine. So now I am just Smug ha ha and know that when this stuff blows up they will have the look of shock and awe.

privatepizza ago

Seth Rich's surgical assistant has allegedly come forward on 4Chan. Said he should have survived.

New thread and link to his statement -

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this top post OP

Votescam ago

Just curious -- any way to tell if this was on a WH tour -- or if he had a meeting there with anyone?

And, presume only one visit?

And what are the chances that Seth Rich knew about DNC dirty playing, but maybe not about pizzagate????

The shooting would have been revenge, but likely not his knowing anything more other than DNC stuff?

Mad_As_Hell ago

He signed in for a group tour. No way to tell if he met with anyone but if you look at the linked images, pol reckon he took that photo he posted from a private office adjoining the Oval Office

Votescam ago

Yes, did note that the photo did seem to be from some important space in the White House -- quite a view across the front lawn.

I've never been to WH so have no clue about it all. But I imagine if you have an appointment with prez or any official there that you are at least semi-escorted to that area? In other words, those areas would be off-limits to someone on tour, right?

Rereading that he was found conscious and didn't even know he had been shot in the back TWICE... and felt no pain from it should concern family -- especially when they also say they were "surprised" he died two hours later.

I think he was drugged. Guys who came for him probably weren't expecting that much of a fight-back.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Agreed, the fact that he gave a previous address to officials suggests that he was 'altered' in some way.

Re sign-in, a lot of Alefantis' visits to the White House were as part of a group too so wouldn't read too much into it. It's a good cover

Gothamgirl ago

"The manager offered him a ride home, as he knew the DNC staffer very well, and that he would have to walk a mile to his home. "

PeaceFuture ago

I think its unfair to say that Jill profited off the donations, when all the money was spent on legal fees for the recounts that were completely thwarted anyway. It seems very likely most of Jill's votes went to HRC but how will we ever prove it?

carmencita ago

i agree I have a problem red pilling and get frustrated and short tempered and that is when I stop before I alienate them. Keep trying because the one person I thought would believe did not, and the two people I thought never would, actually did.

pztmp ago

Always archive image board threads and hosted images. They expire quickly.

Here is the image:

Here is the thread:

From :

If the murder was declared a botched robbery by random individuals, Why would the police need to recover Seth's laptop? Further, why do they still have it and not have returned it to the proper owner if it was not his? Why would they take it to begin with?

How can the police definitively say that there were no communications to wikileaks from the laptop if they had no warrant to search for said communications? Why would they look for it, if it was not suspected? (no warrant)


What's with the aerial shot and pointed arrow???? Wonder why Joe Capone would bother posting that to his fb???

Mad_As_Hell ago

Bottom three photos and floor plan were OP's attempt to identify where in the White House Joe Capone's Facebook photo was taken from.

carmencita ago

From what I heard, there was election fraud and she knew it, so she contested those results. I am not really friends with any Hillary people, just a few in my family, they just can't see the forest through the trees.

carmencita ago

Another member also a Bernie voter, told me all of Jill Stein's votes went to HRC too. She still could not win. The Russians had nothing to do with it. People just hate her.

carmencita ago

Yeah, that is kind of how it has been every election for decades. The Bad Candidate and the Worse Candidate. When I voted for him, I was so glad I didn't have to vote for her. I can't tell you how sick I was for two elections having friends say Aren't you going to vote for HER? Little did I know it really did not matter. My candidate did not beat her the second time. She stole it from him. That is what ticked Seth off.

carmencita ago

Hillary likes to brag about her dad and her brother and it is always embellished. Her brother and dad both went to Penn State and Hillary is still a big fan and I am sure she makes some pretty big donations. Obama has delusions of grandeur that is for sure. I want so bad to break this and his library will go bust. I voted for him.

shayneyn ago

I've been off work for 2 hours and I've honestly read that it was 3 days before, 4 days before, and now 6 days before :P

Mad_As_Hell ago

Oops you're right, looks like it's four days. Or three and a couple of hours if we're being really specific

Votescam ago

You mean 3-4 days before for the visit to the White House?

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yup, Joe Capone posted White House photos on July 6, Seth Rich was murdered early in the morning on July 10

Votescam ago

Capone must have expected someone to see the photos, but no comments/responses to them. Thanks.

fogdryer ago

I read who killed Seth. Jennifer palmeri Clinton comm director. She had this done herself

carmencita ago

Wow that is right. Thanks. Hillary came from Chicago and so did Al Capone. Maybe we should check out this Joe Capone?

2impendingdoom ago

don't forget that the Podestas are also from Chicago. Its an infestation of corruption

remedy4reality ago

So did Oprah... Oprah's minions are all over media. Gail, Dr's Oz and Phil

Lots of airtime there.


And Obama too!

carmencita ago

A Cesspool especially now that El Raton (Rat) is there ... Rahm Emanuel. There is dirt on him too and his father.

2impendingdoom ago

right, I think the Eli Gold character (actors' agent) in "Entourage" was based on the brother, so there is the Hollywood connection. I also remember an interview with Obama saying that he loved that show.

carmencita ago

I don't know that movie. Why would Obama love it.?

2impendingdoom ago

It was an HBO series about a young movie star and his friends living the high life in Hollywood, originally based on Mark Walberg. It was actually quite entertaining. LOTS of cameo appearances by a huge range of stars/famous people playing themselves. It ran for several seasons.

carmencita ago

Thanks I never watch any of the shows. I am a local news junkie and old tv programs. Ha Ha. I got sick of them, but that one does sound entertaining.

mooteensy ago

Great post, @Mad_As_Hell.


This information is BEYOND incriminating.

Mad_As_Hell ago

All credit to CODEFAG on /pol/. His place was apparently raided afterwards according to thread I posted in an earlier comment, very disturbing.

survey_girl ago

yep, I was reading that tread as it was happening... hope he didn't get v&. We need more anons like him that can get the real story out there!

pizzaequalspedo ago

Could the evidence of a political hit and coverup get any greater?

The fact that this hasn't been investigated thoroughly says all you need to know about how D.C. works.

I also feel like this is a great red pill opportunity that almost anyone can understand and it doesn't have the "crazy" factor that many of the conspiracies do

Are_we__sure ago

Yes. There could actually be some evidence.

What does it matter if this guy was at the White House or Six Flags? So he dresses up and brings his family to his super secret murder conspiracy meeting? This is the straw people are grasping at. He takes and posts pictures to his facebook of the day he went to the super secret murder conspiracy meeting? Why wouldn't the other conspirator just meet him at a place where they don't keep visitor logs? Like, I dunno, A BAR

Votescam ago

Everything is connected -- and we have to presume that in DC that's especially true.

Are_we__sure ago

No. Everything is not connected.

And many ”connections” or links are meaningless. I worked with a guy who was related to national politician. I'm less than 6 degrees of separation from Clinton and Trump. It's a meaningless connection. They have no idea I exist.

Even that first link is weak. Haven't seen that guy in years.

Votescam ago

I'm sure you notice that whatever information you research will connect you to other ideas and other information and you continue on and on in that way -- that's what I mean.

But DC is especially like that. True I doubt that you'd want to be connected in any way to Clinton or Trump.

But I'm sure many people in DC knew where to find Seth Rich and about the places where he hung out.

How long did it take anyone in the campaign to figure out that someone at the DNC provided the link? Or who that might be?

Are_we__sure ago

I'm sure you notice that whatever information you research will connect you to other ideas and other information and you continue on and on in that way -- that's what I mean.

Too often, links and connections are the only type of evidence given. No matter how tenuous they may be.

But I'm sure many people in DC knew where to find Seth Rich and about the places where he hung out. I doubt this would be true. Probably only his friends and bar mates knew. How many people knew who Seth Rich was? He was not a public figure in any way.

How long did it take anyone in the campaign to figure out that someone at the DNC provided the link? Or who that might be?

What do you mean?

Votescam ago

Let's start again --

There's an old saying that "All information (study or research) is circular, meaning that no matter where you begin you eventually end up back where you began."

There are always ideas and concepts and free thought behind every "link" and "connection" -- If, as someone has just done here with Seth Rich, you're led to a YouTube video you will also see comments where often you find new clues and information -- and new "links."

Much of that new information was supplied by nurses and residents -- one who was actually a fourth year resident at the place where Seth Rich was taken and was aware of the treatment he had received.

The people who would have been interested in tracking or tailing Seth Rich would know how to find him. Certainly friends at the DNC would have known some of his habits. You don't have to be a public figure to have employees or acquaintances know something about your life. Without doubt, friends at the bar likely knew that he was working at the DNC -- and then the owner of the bar could have easily have known that, as well.

The first place to look for the leaker of DNC information would, of course, have been among DNC employees.

Meanwhile, Capone's visit to the White House 4 days before seems more than coincidental.

Are_we__sure ago

The info was not leaked. Tons of evidence that an outside actor penetrated their system.

The only evidence you have for more than a coincidence is a story you told yourself might be true.

Votescam ago

Confirmed: Federal Investigator Seth Rich Leaked 44k To Wikileaks

A Federal investigator went off record to state Seth Rich had transferred emails and attachments to Gavin MacFadyen who works for Wikileaks.> Now if I were Trump I'd be jumping all over this investigation as it would be a great excuse to start investigating crimes committed by the DNC during the election. I guarantee this investigation would lead directly to John Podesta and Hillary Clinton. She may have even ordered the hit. It that's true Trump doesn't even need to re-investigate her email server or the Clinton foundation and the Attorney General can charge her with murder.

Votescam ago

There is no way you can prove this --

The info was not leaked. Tons of evidence that an outside actor penetrated their system.<

And will return the favor to say that ....

The only evidence you have for what you are saying is a story you told yourself might be true.<

Are_we__sure ago

There's tons of evidence that two separate world class hacking groups penetrated the DNC servers. This is not a story I told myself. It is the professional opinion of several foresnic security firms, the unamious opinion of the US Intel services and other Intel services who've dealt with the groups of hackers, and a few infosec folks on Twitter I follow.

A Federal investigator went off record to state Seth Rich had transferred emails and attachments to Gavin MacFadyen who works for Wikileaks.

Gavin MacFadyen doesn't work for WikiLeaks or anybody else. He's dead. Died of lung cancer last year, so he's a very convenient point of contact this anonymous "federal investigator" chose so the story would hard to check. Federal investigator are weasel words by the way. Is this investigator in law enforcement? Is he part of the FBI? Probably not because he would know the FBi didn't examine the laptop. This reporter was being played and didn't even do the basic follow up journalism to find out if the FBI ever looked at this laptop.

The Gavin MacFadyen bit is particularly hilarious. A young American leaker who was going to use his regular email would want to do it to Assange. Not this side figure.

Also did you not notice you used this discredited story to then tell yourself a comforting story?

Votescam ago

I'm sure that there was world class hacking going on -- but that doesn't mean that Seth Rich didn't leak DNC emails to WikiLeaks as confirmed by Gavin MacFadyen of WikiLeaks prior to his death -- one more suspicious death connected to WikiLeaks.

If you want to be insulting, do it with someone else. Thanks.

Are_we__sure ago

What do you mean confirmed by Gavin MacFayden? So you're sure there's world class hacking going on, but you just ignore that part? They wouldn't steal the emails and send them to wikileaks like they did with the Podesta emails? It's known to be the same group of hackers.

Insulting? I thought I was returning your serve.

Votescam ago

What I mean is that it is confirmed that Seth Rich sent emails to WikiLeaks.

You're free to believe whatever you want.

Otherwise, best wishes --

Are_we__sure ago


That is absolutely not confirmed. It's a claim.

Someone claimed that the FBI scanned Rich's computer and determined he sent emails to WikiLeaks

The FBI disputes this claim. The DC police dispute this claim. They both say the FBI never touched his laptop.

Nothing is confirmed.

Votescam ago

As I said, you're free to believe whatever you want.

Good luck!

Aloha808 ago

Are we sure that the owner or bar manager never overheard Seth Rich talking about anything from the 40,000 emails and 17,000 attachments?

Are_we__sure ago

I'm sure of that because Seth Rich had nothing to do with the emails.

But let's consider your point. You have just provided speculation. Highly Unlikely speculation and unsupported by evidence. But somehow it feels right. This is because our brains love to make connections and they love stories. Your speculation comes on top of the original speculation:. That the bartender had anything to do with his death. This is a cognitive flaw in our brains. For some reason the scenario with 2 pieces over speculation seems more likely than the scenario with one piece of speculation. Even though if we examine this we know mathematically it more unlikely. For both pieces of speculation to be true it's like hitting the daily lottery twice in a row. Obviously, the chance of one or the other piece of the information to be true is lower than both being true.

However​, our brains likes the scenario where both are true because now we have a story.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Agreed, surely all the Bernie supporters out there in particular must be asking themselves a lot of questions about the DNC right now

nomorepepperoni ago

Haven't been around much lately, but I can confirm as such a supporter. Many of us are watching closely. And of course the DNC continues to be little more than HRC's poisoned well.

Between Seth and the lawsuit from Bernie supporters for the crap during the primaries, this party deserves nothing less than to collapse.

AlfredJProofrock ago

Seth Rich hung out at gay bars.

Seth discovered that kek's were stealing DNC files, so the keks took out seth, then tried to blame hillary,

The irony here is that Seth loved Hillary Clinton, and would never harm the DNC, his lifes ambition was to work for DNC

Trump alt-tards chose the wrong guy for their meme

100% of the voat keks are ignoring what seth rich's parents are saying, ... why is that?

Why is it that Kek's no more than the guy's own parents??

pizzaequalspedo ago

The ones that immediately switched to Clinton (90%?) even after they knew he was cheated and saw Bernie completely sell out, are team players and will never care.

Votescam ago

After Obama's immediate betrayals of the liberal voters who put him in office -- including resurrecting the GOP from the ashes after the election -- that should have been the end of the Dem Party. But, as with Hillary supporters the first time around, many voting Democrats don't draw the line at corporate-fascism.

And, especially after Bernie was cut off from the nomination, I find it hard to believe that 90% of his supporters would have supported the Hillary.

Do you have a link for that?

Empire_of_the_mind ago

i think 50% supported Clinton at best. Bernie voters hate her and DNC guts. Natural allies.

carmencita ago

Joe Capone is the owner and when Seth left he told the Mgr. he was going to the Wonderland Ballroom. But the people there said they had not seen him. Did the Mgr. tell his boss where Seth went? Were they tailing him? Notice Joe's last name. Remind you of anyone?

fogdryer ago

I think they were tailing him

carmencita ago

Yes, and Lou's City Bar is near CPP and SEIU HQ is next to Dupont Circle. Tailor Made.

fogdryer ago

What would the bar owner being doing at WH Who did he see. Trump sealed those records why. Wondering if anyone at Seiu has "retired ". Look for him ?
What do you think of 4chan FBI I am asking for a reason

carmencita ago

We need to research but we do not really know who anyone is that is using the name Anon. Could it be for real? Of course. We must be careful as to what we start chasing and how hard. Now, as far as Joe Capone visiting the WH that IS very strange. Also someone mentioned today that he was there with Bob Creamer of Veritas. These two as I wrote today seem to be used more often imo. Capone at Lou's allegedly making up the Wonderland Ballroom scenario and also possibly spiking his drink and Creamer (we know his involvement with Soros). All of this is highly suspect. But we have no source for this anyore since Trump sealed the records as you say. The 4chan guy could be on the up and up but have we not had a lot of these? Just sayin." There could be some truth to the SEIU story so that should be checked out. But again I have some reservations about someone we just do not know. Tell me your thoughts. You can DM me if you like.

pztmp ago

If I had to guess, I would look into where Colin Dunn and Luke/Paul Kuhn were on that night. Don't let this random guess lead you down the wrong path.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Seth was also uncharacteristically drunk when leaving the bar, according to friends. Joe Capone himself said he offered him a lift home that night. Any chance Seth's drink was spiked?

quantokitty ago

Bingo! That's exactly what happened. If you read the reports, you'll see that Seth was talking, but confused. He gave a previous address instead of the current one. They blamed the confusion on being shot instead of being drugged. Another reason for him to be brought to not the closest hospital, but to one where the Cannibal Elite could control and get rid of the toxicology report.

fogdryer ago

wait----------------what ? he did not go to the nearest hospital because why ? there are consequences for that...

quantokitty ago

Yeah, no reason ... maybe they felt like driving around and giving him a tour of DC at night. The other thing that's peculiar, I mean think about it ... he's bleeding out and there's no monitor readings going crazy? Really? All his vitals are staying level and sustained? No droppage .... or signs of weakening? I can see if he were at home and no professional was around ... but he's been shot ... has had surgery ... and nope! No doctor ... no nurse starts seeing a reading that alarms them? No monitor going BEEP BEEP BEEP! I tell you, if I was a suspicious person, I'd say there's a conspiracy theory in there. But the parents? Nope! They think everything's fine and sitting around thanking the police ... the hospital ... everyone who doesn't go along with the narrative that something stinks to high heaven.

fogdryer ago

I read somewhere that the doctor said he injuries were Not fatal and that he could have been" saved."

that er smells to hi heaven. if you are hemmoraging--------your vitals drop-----alarms go off etc no alarms mean someone unplugged them because every patient who enters the er gets hooked up for prophylactic reason. no er knows what they are dealing with right? everyone get Bp, ekg monitoring etc. someone pulled that plug. accessory to murder

quantokitty ago

Exactly. This is my thinking also. You can just bleed out in the street ... no problem there. But when you're hooked up to monitoring IN A HOSPITAL, your vitals will continually keep dropping and alert staff to there being a problem.

The evidence that we know seems to suggest that the injury that made him bleed out was either missed, or was put there by whoever did the surgery.

fogdryer ago

You can miss a slow leak but eventually The alarms go off due to blood pressure etc

quantokitty ago

Exactly. There's also the vital signs dropping. You mean, this "special" patient wasn't being monitored? And according to the anon resident, why was he stopped from doing anything when he did notice?

fogdryer ago

No surgeon would deliberately mess up in surgery. Too many witnesses right. Unless he made a " slight cut" Some thing like a slow leak otherwise his stats would fall right away etc. something could have been done in recovery. One nurse works in recovery especially considering the time of day. No witnesses there right.
See if I wanted answers I would sue everyone in the food chain------ everyone------ till I got answers! Who do you think orders the hit

quantokitty ago

But the thing is he was conscious before this and the untreated injuries weren't bleeding to the point of him being unconscious, right? But suddenly AFTER surgery, he dies? This leads me to believe: either an incision was made ... or lacerations were not completely closed up. I don't know what nurses would see or wouldn't see. There were cases of doctors carving their initials into patient's organs and nobody said anything until it went on for years. How would they be able to see what the doctor sees? He's working with enhanced magnification. It would be easy enough to do. This is one theory.

fogdryer ago

I mean the surgical team can see. Also surgery is being video recorded

quantokitty ago

"Can" see. The potential is there, but do they? All sorts of things go on in the operating room. It's why there are so many lawsuits.

fogdryer ago

In recovery is where the fewest people are

carmencita ago

Why are the faces of the four kids scratched out? The ones with Joe are not. His wife looks like Vampira. Also, it says friend of Seth Rich. I don't think so.

carmencita ago

With Joe's last name, I would put nothing past him. Seth's friends all said he never drank very much at all. I think the writings we have read on articles about what happened inside Lou's City Bar, were changed to protect the guilty. How do we even know that Seth wanted to go to the Wonderland Ballroom? Who told them? Joe? Hmm. I am starting to question whatever Joe said.

DonKeyhote ago

Youve been brainwashed by jewish hollywood into associating organized crime with italians when jews have an equal or greater history in it, SAD

carmencita ago

All kinds of people are involved in this corruptiion

All kinds of groups and races and religion are involved. Everyone knows that. Corruption is not racist it is all inclusive.

fogdryer ago


Votescam ago

Wow ... that's quite some thread -- !! Thanks.

In trying to answer this ...

125890207 more damning evidence against operation mockingbird

Officials told the Riches that their son, who died at a nearby hospital less than two hours after being shot, didn’t know he’d been hit in the back by two bullets. He wasn’t in pain, they were told. But he was confused. When Seth Rich was asked where he lived, he gave a previous address, Joel Rich said.<

Someone above mentioned the possibility that Seth Rich was drugged while he was at the bar.
Those who know him say that he was never drunk or even tipsy and was unsteady as he was leaving the bar.

What kind of shots in the back wouldn't you feel pain from? Or pass out from? Is it possible that he was accosted on the street and an attempt to assault him -- like "put him in a coma" kinda thing?

He was bruised which seems to support a scuffle. Suppose he tried to run away and got far enough away where they fired at him? That might have produced two shots from a long distance that barely entered his back and that might be why he didn't know he had been shot and didn't feel pain?

But why they shot him and didn't wait for another opportunity to do the job is a bit of a mystery.

Did he actually have the laptop with him and were they after that?

Wouldn't he have junked the laptop he used if he did transmit info to media and Wiki?

Wouldn't he have gotten a new one?

Also remember, parents were told that he was conscious and talking and that emergency workers or doctors were surprised that he died two hours later. Someone had to have been at the hospital for the insurance plan -- make sure he's dead. The "disorderly orderly"?

Votescam ago

Didn't know that existed -- but "disorderly orderly" term is used by George Webb re Seth Rich.

Also as described by nurses and residents in our hospitals ....

"July in our nation's hospitals as the new graduates arrive -- " and a very dangerous time for patients in our hospitals!

Mad_As_Hell ago

As far as I'm aware he didn't have laptop with him, but FBI retrieved it hours later from his apartment - which is all kinds of fishy seeing as his death was supposed to have resulted from a botched robbery attempt and was being investigated by DC police so no reason for FBI to be involved at all, especially at that early a stage

Votescam ago

Agree -- especially re FBI involvement. and grabbing computer. But then they turned it over to NYPD, evidently.

If Seth Rich succeeded in breaking away from his two attackers and was able to run a distance from them, why would they feel the need or urgency to shoot him? Could he have identified them?

If it was supposed to be a beating/warning or "put him in a coma" why add bullets to it?


Mad_As_Hell ago

Looks like he survived the bullets and was euthanised in the hospital, so they must have had something to hide

Votescam ago

Agree --

He fought back and they went all the way to shooting him ... so that might have been what the contract called for -- his life?