MattHelm ago

Hospital is the best place to kill someone with all the constant moving around of patients doctors nurses residents interns and all the other personnel it's nonstop movement look at any episode of ER or any other medical show on TV like Greys Anatomy constant nonstop hustle and bustle very easy for a killer to slip in with fake ID and wearing surgical scrubs or a nurse uniform to inject the deadly dose.

reasonedandinformed ago

The Seth Rich thing is huge as it connects corrupt DNC, Hillary, Podesta...destroys the Russian-collusion lie that the MSM has been pushing...and in doing this, destroys all remaining credibility in MSM and in trusting the police/FBI. If it is led by the FBI and brings out the truth, it can begin to expose the cabal while reestablishing some trust in the FBI, but I am worried that there are still too many corrupt insiders protecting the truth. The cover up is too obvious:

  • Seth Rich was shot in a very safe neighborhood at 4 am. Why has this barely been any news when there should be a search for the perpetrators given that it threatens an affluent neighborhood?

  • They claim that it was a botched robbery...on what evidence? He still had on him his wallet, an expensive watch, his keys. Who made this claim as I did not see it in the official police report ( Why have the police not put out any information on this?

  • There seem to be insiders (police/hospital) who are starting to leak things out...that he was the source for 44K+ emails to Wikileaks (which I already knew...Assange almost came out and said this through his statements and reward offer)...that he was alive and should have survived the surgery (

  • Why is the person "representing" the family claiming that the DNC link is a wild conspiracy? What evidence does he have to debunk it? It is the most credible motive, and he is actively trying to stop and suppress this. It turns out that this guy is a PR mouthpiece who apparently was hired by the Dems, with deep connections to them (to protect).

  • No one has pursued what Podesta meant when he wrote "I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker." No one has ever asked what he meant by this...but Seth Rich was murdered after this. The leaks spanned from January 2015 through late May 2016, so the timing of the leaks is in synch with Podesta's email threat ( It reminds me of what happened to Breitbart after his famous tweet about Podesta):

  • What happened to Seth Rich's laptop, which was taken after the murder and likely includes incredibly valuable evidence supporting the fact that he was in communication with Wikileaks? How could this evidence have simply disappeared?

  • What about the suspicious death of Shawn Lucas, investigating DNC voter fraud, soon after he served the DNC with papers about a lawsuit ( The LSM just ignores all of these connections.

  • Where is all of the body cam footage from the three responding officers to the Seth Rich GSW scene?

  • Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over the "hacked" server to the FBI? Why did the FBI not INSIST that the DNC hand it over for national security interests (plus the possible connection to Seth Rich's murder once these details started to come out in the days after his death)? The FBI could have subpoenaed the server. Instead, the FBI relied on a self-serving report by Crowdstrike, a firm with deep connections to Hillary and paid for by the DNC, to implicate the Russians. Much came out later debunking their report, and there has never been a deep investigation into the server or this Russia claim, which has been the heart of the "election-rigging" lie propagated by the LSM.

  • It is possible that part of what Seth Rich wanted to expose was the pedocracy, but I am uncertain of this. Regardless, discovering the truth that his murder was retaliation for the leaks to Wikileaks will blow the top off the Russian lie, which should really open up the eyes of many sheeple...and maybe some real investigative reporters will begin to dig into why they wanted so badly to take Trump down with this fabricated lie. Answer: Pedogate!

  • If the truth comes out about Seth Rich, this could be the thing that explodes it open, but it requires the top leadership of the FBI to want to investigate and get to this truth.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Brilliant!!!! Every point very well made.

cthulian_axioms ago

Precisely. Let's assume for sake of argument that what the person is saying is true.

If it is true, and he fears retaliation for speaking up, he should go public, not stay anonymous. The more public he goes, the more likely he is to stay alive.

Right now, having just leaked something anonymously without major exposure, but in a way that he can still be identified by the demon mafiosi he's leaking on ... he's as good as dead, if he isn't already; and his ain't gonna be a "gunshot-wounds-to-the-abdomen" affair, it's gonna be a "feed you to Skippy" affair.

endview ago

UPVOTE THIS!! List of ER doctors at WHC:

ArmedExorcist ago

I smell cheap disinfo advancing behind a dust-cloud of ER lingo soundbites, peppered with legit sounding medical terms. An obvious red herring. Pursuing this will only get you labeled (again) thin-foil conspirators and this time around, rightly so. Rather focus of what are already known facts. The obvious inconsistencies of Rich's murder investigation. Ask where is his computer. It's an info-ambush. Don't fall for it. Or you'll have no credibility left even simply to say that Seth Rich was NOT a Russian agent.

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

This is exactly how they killed General Patton. Failed hit followed by finishing him off during his hospital stay.

seekingpeace ago

It's an intentional ploy to distract from a direct hit. Add in some plausible deniability.

jstayz44 ago

One of the greatest results of this post is that we are asking additional questions that could aid in finding answers, if we're able to track anything down. Unlikely that the answers are publicly available, but we'll really only ever know if we pursue some of these lines of thought and questioning. While we are all skeptical about whether this is solid info, it's a lead we can pursue, it may end up being a live lead, or it may end up dead, but Seth deserves the resources and capabilities this group has. Just my opinion, obviously. Thank you for posting OP!!

Laskar ago

This is an excellent post to those of us who have worked in ED or critical care.

This is an excellent find.

If Seth was fighting the vent enough to require fentanyl/propofol rather than just propofol, and was hemodynamically stable, then he had a chance for sure. My impression is that they drugged him with fentanyl in the bar.

We need to see the autopsy report, including toxicology People who have no medical knowledge are not really qualified to comment on this scenario.

Anyone who is naive enough to imagine that all medical personnel follow any tenet, including the first one, of the Hippocratic oath has been oblivious to what has happened in medicine for the past 50 years.

This resident clearly has a conscience, and made this public. Many thanks to that person!

This needs to be spread far and wide.

cthulian_axioms ago

If they drugged him with Fentanyl at the bar, he would have OD'ed at the bar, and it would have taken multiple hits of Narcan to bring him out of it. He would certainly not have left under his own power. Lethal doses of Fentanyl are measured in micrograms.

They could have drugged him with something like GHB, though.

Laskar ago

The fact that most Americans, let alone the people on this thread know nothing about real medicine (except OP and perhaps a health care professions, is what has made it possible to scam people successfully for many many years. This is no exception.

Clearly, Seth was drugged, then murdered in the hospital.

Freemasonsrus ago

Saw this last night and captured it as well. Sent to GW. Now today I've heard that the MSM will be claiming that Seth was a Russian agent. No joke.

eyeVoated ago

Nice try, french fry. Freedom of speech is extremely difficult to obtain (check your history lessons), and is only pursued by those who are brave enough to proclaim their natural born rights--for the freedom of the future of humanity. You are a coward.

Madwack ago

dude, liked much?

Gravspeed ago

This is not proof. This is reason to investigate.

horse-with-a-name ago

That is an interesting theory. Hmmm

JesusRules ago

Was he given an autopsy?

bopper ago

This is what happened to Oswald according to David Lifton whom I highly respect. Ruby's job was simply to get Oswald to the hospital, there they killed him. So it's not hard to imagine this could have happened in the case of Rich. Oswald's wound was very survivable, the main thing was he just lost a lot of blood, that's all ... Connally's wounds were much more serious.

Are_we_sure ago

This is what happened to Oswald...Ruby's job was simply to get Oswald to the hospital, there they killed him. So it's not hard to imagine this could have happened in the case of Rich.

I'm having a lot of trouble imagining this. As one was in police custody and one was alone on the street at 4 am.

bopper ago

I believe Lifton, he documents and sources everything. With Seth it's speculation only at this point.

I don't know what you're having trouble imagining, but imagine there were no planes on 9/11. "It's easy if you try." - song lyrics

duhiki ago

I was watching an old episode of Mysteries and Scandals, covering journalist Dorothy Kilgallen. She interviewed Jack Ruby and evidently found out some important stuff about JFK's assassination and was going to go public with it; few days later, she's dead under mysterious circumstances.

And didn't Michael Jackson die from propofol OD?

bopper ago

Yeah Kilgallen died mysteriously after some mystery man entered her life and swept her off her feet. I want to read the new book about her "The Reporter Who Knew Too Much." She talked too much about her Ruby interview and other things, sadly I guess she thought she'd be safe. She had said "I'm going to blow this case wide open."

Yeah, I don't know if they just overdid it w/ Jackson or what, that boy was really messed up. His Houston doctor was just using him like they did w/ Elvis.

duhiki ago

She also covered pedophilia in the elites...

bopper ago

Wow, this is a lot of info I didn't know about. Thanks. If only there was time I'd love to read it all. Apparently she really did fear for her life, and for many good reasons.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"8 hours later LEO was swarming" 8 hours?

Notgood ago

Every Anon = Larper.

2impendingdoom ago

Maybe the undertaker could verify the location of the GSWs on Seth's body. Do undertakers have to comply with privacy law?

LostandFound ago

Statistically given the nature of the injuries and the fact he was conscious and breathing when the medics arrived. All confirmed from the police report, he had a 95% chance of survival. This much is fact

p0ssum ago

90% of facts and statistics on the internet are made up on the spot, seriously, I just looked it up. I won't link to it though.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

You can find it at

quantokitty ago

I upvoated this, but my spidey sense says this is BS. You were right to post it, though, because it might be true.

carmencita ago

I feel the same way. Upvoated but with reservations....This could be true or not, maybe coming forward due to all of our posting on Seth right now....but I am waiting to well. Maybe more will come out on this.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. We have to wait until more comes out. Downvoating at this point would only discourage people from posting info which is not what we want.

carmencita ago

I just heard Roger Ailes died. Wondering if this will have an effect on the reporting about Seth Rich. Will this change things? Was someone not happy with the way things were going? Too much coming out? No more Sean Hannity or Assange covering? Hmm. I guess I could be getting paranoid?

quantokitty ago

I doubt it'll change much. Usually people have successors picked, but there could be a fight for control. Assange still has that Cannibal Queen blackmail that he was going to release on election day and never did, so don't give up hope ... but definitely be paranoid ... it helps.

carmencita ago

Being Paranoid imo is much better than Brain Freeze. Refusing to look further into any possibility in order to research and find a conclusion is Brain Freeze.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. Paranoia urges you to look, explore, discover the truth. Not all bad.

HereticalPeasant ago

Sigh. Sad this kind of ground breaking revelation rests on such flimsy sources. Even if it is true, it's worthless due to dubious and anonymous nameless nature of the origin of the information.

jbooba ago

anon further stated:

When he arrived to the trauma ward he had LR running, I don't keep up with how much he got but less than 2 liters before we rolled to the OR.

No transfusion was done in trauma; the massive transfusion protocol was started because he was hypotensive on arrival but by the time the cooler (4u PRBC, 2u FFP) was ready we were on the way to the OR and honestly I don't remember if he got any of it beforehand; he responded well to just IVF resuscitation so we went ahead with the surgery any just ended up giving him 2 units afterwards (the crit we got in trauma was returned just after we left and was low, ~24 IIRC but it wasn't communicated to us... teamwork fail for sure but that can happen when we're rushing to the OR)

As for the rest of the meds? You'd have to ask anesthesia I guess. He didn't need anything from us in the ICU except a propofol/fentanyl drip to maintain sedation while intubated but that's pretty par for the course. The important part was that he was hemodynamically stable and not requiring pressors.


I haven't spoken to the attending who was on staff that night but the other resident I was with that night doesn't remember it in any clarity (he was called to traumas as part of his rotation but that was ancillary to his ICU -different ICU btw- duties). Basically he said, "yeah that was weird, right?" At the time we were way more concerned with the rising class / new interns (July 1st is a terrifying time to be a patient lol) to make much notice... it always stuck in my head as something super bizarre but it was a long time before I even realized it was Seth Rich. When he arrived he was assigned by our system a trauma number, not a name as his patient ID. I only knew him at that time as Tra### (no freaking way that I remember the actual number). When it came to light who he was a while later I was floored. And terrified.


Nope, nothing in the head so no freaking way we'd CT before going to the OR with a clear intraabdominal GSW. No need to FAST or anything, just stabilize and go to the OR

One could always just increase the propofol drip or give him a ton of roc and screw with the vent settings. No idea if that happened but it'd be easy if you have the right meds and access


He had two holes in his right flank and one in the left upper quadrant. In trauma you always assume by protocol that 3 holes = 3 bullets but it was pretty clear that he was shot twice by the trajectory of the bullet (eg, his liver injury). I've also seen enough GSWs to know that the media doesn't get the number right every time.

Yeah, I'm not going to do that. Way too dangerous.

Alright anons it's been swell but I'll be gone for the next few hours for regular residency meeting / journal club BS. Take everything you read especially from the MSM with a grain of salt as usual but don't stop digging.

Sorry when i missed one, have to run!

privatepizza ago

Thanks thanks thanks for this, really, thanks.

13Buddha ago

Unbelievable! Bravo to this employee! I am a nurse, old school, and have been for many years and cannot begin to imagine what this hospital's medical staff who had direct contact with Seth Rich must have gone through and the scars it has left. I know that the saying, "Never say never," holds true before whatever it is happens, but physicians are bound under the Hippocratic Oath, "First, do no harm." So, what would a doctor do if compromised and knowing or suspecting that their own lives would or could be at stake? There is a new generation of health care providers today, and nothing comes anywhere near to the dedication, compassion, and integrity that once existed. Of course, this does not pertain to all, but the lack of these traits rarely existed in the past. If I was involved in a similar siuation, regardless of the compromise particulars, one must put the patient first, always without exception, but you also must feel that way in your heart. The next step would be the submission of my resignation.

bopper ago

Is it not true that they are "euthanizing" patients w/ morphine more and more? Those who are deemed to be close to death anyway?

13Buddha ago

No, that is not true. The drug of choice in terminally ill patients is normally morphine. Morphine is also used in many other instances as well, but I am just addressing a very ill person who is not expected to live. The most important thing is to keep a patient pain-free and agitation-free. Doses of morphine are titrated up and down based on many factors - for example, if conscious, what are they telling you; if unconscious, are there signs of restlessness or agitation; has their heart rate, blood pressure increased. Regardless, no two patients are the same. Each patient is to be evaluated as an individual. Morphine comes in many forms and concentrations. For the terminally ill, it is usually administered via an intravenous pump according to physician orders. For all opioid drugs, there is no ceiling effect (refers to the dose beyond which there is no additional pain-relieving effect, i.e., higher doses do not provide additional pain relief but may increase the chance of side effects). Relieving pain, even if it hastens death of a terminally ill person, is considered an ethical and moral obligation of a nurse. It is not euthanasia or assisted suicide. Unfortunately, patients have been known to say that inadequate pain relief and intolerable suffering are reasons to seek assisted suicide. We, as nurses, are not permitted to participate in assisted suicide or euthanasia. It is in violation of the Code for Nurses. We do, however, have a responsibility to provide pain-relief and to make referrals to appropriate professionals when a patient's wishes conflict with a nurse's professional sense of morality. Hope this adequately answers your question.

bopper ago

Relievong pain, even if it hastens death of a terminally ill person, is considered thr ethical and moral obligation of a nurse. It is not euthanasia or assisted suicide.

This is a very very fine line, and it sounds too close for comfort.

I'm sure you're a "good guy" but I have seen this excuse used when what was going on was obviously euthanasia. It happened to my grandmother, she couldn't communicate, the family gathered 'round to see her die, doctor came out to the house and gave her a dose and we sat and waited.

Edit: I've also seen what you're talking about, my sister-in-law asked for more morphine due to pain (cancer) though her husband warned it might kill her (he was in charge, this was the UK) ... she just said "but how do we know?" She was too "inebriated" from the present dose in her body that I highly doubt she was thinking right. I'm afraid this is tough issue and not as black and white as we would all like.

I very much appreciate your professional input, info, opinion, I really do.

13Buddha ago

I hear what you are saying, let me explain a little bit more. All opioids can cause a decrease in vital signs - respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. For example, a person is in their last stages of life, meaning it is obvious to doctors and nurses that the end is near which is determined by monitoring the clinical signs and symptoms over whatever period of time. Say the patient appears to be comfortable. Then there is no reason to titrate upwards. 3 hours later, the patient is crying out, perhaps thrashing in the bed, etc. Maybe the patient can verbalize, maybe not. That is where effective evaluation and judgment must enter. A decision is made to titrate upwards (which by the way is always in small increments) and the patient is now at rest. Medicine is a science. Taking care of the terminally ill and any patient for that matter requires good judgment and common sense. If a medical professional lacks these qualities they are a danger to their profession and to their patients.

bopper ago

Thanks for that. I wouldn't want to be in your/their shoes. I know all about opiates unfortunately. And Narcan. Unfortunately. And hospital heroin. Unfortunately.

I'm OK now though. Fortunately.

13Buddha ago

I am glad to hear that, and I am so sorry about your grandmother. Of course, I am unable to comment on her particular situation without being there or knowing her. My parents both died at home, terminally ill from cancer, both with morphine and hospice involvement. I will always be grateful in having the opportunity, although heart-wrenching, to be there with them 24/7 for the last days of their lives

bopper ago

Wow. Thanks again.

2impendingdoom ago

especially if there is good organ harvesting. I wonder if Seth was a donor.

bopper ago

I would bet due to his political persuasion that he was indeed.

Also, too much Fentanyl or morphine for pain (like after being shot in the back) can easily become fatal, you have to be extremely careful, as breathing can be slowed tremendously.

fartyshorts ago

Resigning would be the only thing to do to retain both your ethics and life...

eyeVoated ago

How about telling the truth and strapping on a 9mm

fartyshorts ago

That works!

eyeVoated ago

Glad you agree, seriously. That was the point of the 2nd amendment and the reason we have a militia.

YingYangMom ago

Interesting. Could be either true or false. There's no way right now to tell for sure though, is there? Either way, thanks for sharing :)

V____Z ago

One thing we do know is that it's weird for someone to die of two shots to the back, doing very little damage.

MDE ago

ffs not another "Anon" / Robert David Steele scenario! lol

privatepizza ago

If anyone has the link to the original 4Chan thread, please let us know? I'll add it to the OP. Cheers.

I hope this is spread all over the world like hot honey over pancakes. Breakfast Time.

MysticMa ago

This is GW and more explanation to add with the first vid...He is speaking in front of NYP

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Interesting they gave Seth fentanyl. While it's protocol it is interesting because it was said that Seth was not a big drinker. He always nursed a beer while he worked on his laptop. Yeah that night it was said he was so screwed up in his booth he was offered a ride home. Seth appeared unusually high. When police found him they said he was not in pain and did not know he was shot. Yet he was very confused and actually gave an address of a previous home he lived. Then I read the bartender visited the White House 5 days prior. Just who is this bartender at this popular pub? And was the protocol fentinol what did him in? What are his toxology reports? If Seth had made it home would he have died Sean Lucas style? Was this a hit by two different memes to make sure he would die?

Benkitchen105 ago

The bar owner who visited white house prior was Joe Capone. Theory goes, Seth was spiked, shot from behind and driven to a predetermined hospital, as the ambulance drove past the nearest one (to ensure death, no toxicology report, possible autopsy falsified, organ harvesting )

Are_we_sure ago

Theory goes

Theory based on pretty much nothing.

Why not just shoot him? And shoot him until he was dead?

jstayz44 ago

Yes!!! I was wondering the same thing...was the bartender in on this shit? If this was planned, the assailants would have known when he left the bar. I wonder if his girlfriend felt like he sounded drugged or drunk while he was in the phone with her. Lots of questions!!

sunshine702 ago

I wonder if it was BENZOS in his drink. That would make him disoriented. Lucas died of Benzos, fentanol, and a drug that is used for withdrawl symptoms. I think that was a hit too and he was connected to Rich.

jstayz44 ago

I'm sorry, Lucas? I can't connect that dot right now, but not in my best "thinking cap" mode. Yeah, I think you're pretty much dead on. He had to have some decreased level of awareness, coupled with perfect timing on the assailants part. It's a true tragedy.

sunshine702 ago

Mr Sean Lucas the lawyer that served the DNC with a class action lawsuit regarding cheating Bernie. He died a month after Seth. Benzos, Fentanol, and a drug that prevents withdrawl symptoms. No one would take that all together.

jstayz44 ago

YES!!!!! I was so kissed off about that too!!! This shit is so obvious, truth is really stranger than fiction. Thanks for the reminder on that. Fuck

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

PS. Was Seth feeling no pain after he was shot because he already had fentanyl in his system???

turitelle ago

I kind of doubt he already had it in his system, it takes such a minuscule amount to OD someone who isn't already a drug abuser that he likely would have died from contact with it. Just the other day there was an article about a cop who got some on his clothes and he OD'd just from brushing it off with his hand. He needed several doses of narcan to save him.

That's not to say they didn't drug him with something else like the date rape drug though.

privatepizza ago

Superstar, thank you. Adding to the OP