Aloha808 ago

Why are they withholding evidence and not reporting the facts? If his knuckles and face were bruised from a fight and he was very talkative at the hospital like his brother said, then why has there been 0, none, zilch, fucking nothing about the person who killed him?

Pizzalawyer ago

Does his family look like they could withstand the pressures of all of the Democrats who came forth to comfort them, including High Priestess Hillary herself? I'm sure they are truly grateful for the PR firm that Podesta sent their way. John Podesta has been doing crisis management for the Clintons since the early 1990s. He couldn't handle Seth's parents, it would be too obvious and a conflict of interest as his first priority remains the Clintons. Mr. And Mrs. Rich seem terribly grieved and naive. If 20,000 helps pay for their sons funeral,or for an investigation, then I'm willing to help.

ArthurEdens ago

ImThis is a money grab by the family I'm telling you. they aren't doing shit. The wikileak admission is to get more donations and identities. Donate anonymously if you do

wellendowedduckling ago

I've seen them quoted in multiple articles. Maybe those articles are all misrepresenting them but how does this make me a shill?

pushthis ago

Who is aaron rich? A picture and backvround anywhere? I dont trust his gofundme

dontmindthemess ago

I gave $20. To me, it's an investment in the possibilty of taking down and/or exposing the deep state that rules the US with an iron fist. They crush and grind anyone who gets in their way of world domination and enslavement of the poplulation. It wasn't his family who killed him, it was retaliation for leaking the DNC emails to Wikileaks. John Posedesta implicated himself via email, but I'm sure he has a patsy lined up just in case. Help shine the light of freedom on the Dark State and expose the evil cabal and their nefarious plans.

Aaronkin ago

WTF? His family betrayed Seth why give them anything?

Apathy ago

This is his family.

The ones who are acting as his familyis some PR guy from the DNC.

Aaronkin ago

Yea. That is the same ones who are standing up for the DNC and defending Democrats every time evidence comes out pointing to Democrats involvement. As I said why give them money?

whitedogofpyr ago

Yeah, I can't support this. They're delusional or compromised or both.

Reddit_traitor ago

His family is lieing in fear of them getting "mugged"

GoatsRFaggots ago

Why is the garbage on voat so out of sync with reality, perhaps some goats should extend some effort at wikipedia to correct the truth, because right now it appears that voat is 99.9% lies from faux news

Reddit_traitor ago

you're idiot if you think wikipedia is good place to get factual information.

Aaronkin ago

Screw that, Fight back! Death comes to all of us, what makes life worthwhile is how we live not how long we live.

Votescam ago

You can feel that way, until they start beating and maiming your family/kids.

Aaronkin ago

Votescam I really do understand people thinking I am just a blow hard. It gets tiering but I do understand. I am no hero nor do I want to be. I have lived most of my life fighting against corruption, all unpaid. I have stood in court to give testimony. I have been illegally exposed as a source of information. I have been targeted. I have had to move my family for brief periods into hiding while I stayed home and confronted my enemies. I am sick and tired of cleaning up the mess created by others who are to cowardly or to corrupt to take a sand. It is the actions of people like them that allows little bullies to turn into power crazed rapists like Bill Clinton. I am aware I will have to say this over and over till the day I die because courage is almost not taught anymore while cowardice is taught in every public school in this nation. I encourage you to consider why TPB would teach cowardice in our public schools and allow bullies to go punished while those who stand up to them get suspended. Just so you know, my children are all grown now and in spite of their mother's influence they all mostly take after me.

Votescam ago

Very much admire your courage, but not everyone has that kind of courage.

Humans have never found a way to deal with the violence of the few among us.

And many Americans have trouble believing that the right wing will resort to violence to get their way and/or to cover up their crimes. Yet, these are people who wake up every day trying to figure out ways to gain control over the rest of us, or kill us.

There is only one way the right wing can rise and that is by violence, deception. That's always been true and it's still true today.

You may find this link about the Kennedy's interesting as they too seem to have been controlled by threats of violence -- violence which was often carried out against them.

The Taking of America 1-2-3 by Richard Sprague

7.The Control of the Kennedys -- Threats & Chappaquiddick

Aaronkin ago

I will keep this simple. First on courage. I have experienced grip of panic caused by a sudden terror. Every man has fear and cowardice, Courage is what gets us through those emotions. If you read Carl von Clausewitz book On WAR you will see there are 3 types of true courage 2 are the results of teaching and training. 1 is earned through deeds of morality. Deeds of morality are things that once done the doer would never believe the action or motive was wrong. Another strategist Miyamoto Musashi wrote there are only 2 things in life that matter. 1 Personal virtue, (Deeds of morality). 2 Conquer the enemy(Study and train)! On our nations situation. The rule of law is what allows people to have the illusion of peace and the assurance of just recompense. Without the public's approval of the rule of law and the unmolested application of it there is no illusion of peace and no justice and that nation is nothing but a slave state. When the truth about operation Fast and Ferrous broke and it was reviled that the Federal Agent who turned whistle blower was told he had to get his hands dirty in order to support the Obama agenda of propping up one drug cartel to destroy another. That is when I knew the rule of law was DEAD! Our nation is on a life support machine right now and it is powered by our hope that this new administration can revive the rule of law. The way it is looking I think now is a good time to check and clean your gear. If the rule of law be truly dead then our only protection is the undeniable truth stated in the 2nd amendment. How any of us choose to employ that truth can only be answered when the time is upon us to act. You may want to contact you local militias to see if there are any that support your ideals and needs.

Votescam ago

Again, I agree with you re the need for non-violent revolution in US as Americans awake. That we all need to be united -- and in courage. But whatever we may hope, there are no guarantees of personal courage. That's why FEAR propaganda by the right wing has been controlling the population for so long.

Certainly agree our government is involved in drug trafficking -- (and our military) -- in human trafficking/ child trafficking and organ trafficking -- with corruption throughout our government.

But not familiar with this particular operation and revelation . . .

operation Fast and Ferrous broke and it was reviled (revealed?) that the Federal Agent who turned whistle blower was told he had to get his hands dirty in order to support the Obama agenda of propping up one drug cartel to destroy another.

The 2nd amendment isn't going to get you drones, (btw, the CIA now has it's own air force, including Drones) -- nor Atomic weapons, missiles.

Any revolution must be non-violent -- and that will require the loss of many volunteers to sacrifice their lives.>

We all want to protect our families, our children and the nation -- not the government. Again -- it will take a lot of sacrifice if it comes to that.

Aaronkin ago

Sorry if this is curt, never ending Migraine is kicking my ass right now. I will leave you with 2 things to think about. 1. When you focus all your attention on the enemy in front of you you are ignoring the enemy behind you who is pushing you forward and calling you comrade. 2. Just a small insight into Fast and Furious. You got my best wishes.

Votescam ago

It's fine -- hope you feel better. I've saved the link - scanned it quickly. Never heard of it. Thank you!

sameGoatIamNot ago

Who down-voats this? Why?

20 up-voats, 12 views, telling that most bots on voat, don't even look at content of OP, just voat based on sentiment of OP subject line.

wellendowedduckling ago

Idk man I want to support Seth but his family has been downright hostile about allegations linking his death to the DNC leaks. I don't think this money would be used to help bring the truth out

Azzipdoe ago

Couldn't have said it better