blind_sypher ago

also the goat is branding suicide. Why not do something like a coin or just set up the donation process so it gives some sort of confirmation like an achievement notification on xbox live. That goats gonna stall your donation drive out REAL quick.

blind_sypher ago

Why dont you put a BEEG SHINY BUTTON in the side bar that lets people DONATE, and put some banners and some fucking ADVERTISEMENTS up. You're not cashing in on the traffic this place generates at all.

kestrel9 ago

Donated and more to come next month. :)

sensitive ago

@PuttitOut edited his original post:

I'm simply blown away with you goats. I was expecting a somber farewell in this thread but instead you've done the exact opposite; pulled off a rally at the bottom of the 9th. On a personal note, and this may seem sentimental, but you have given me a new hope for Voat at very dark time for me.

All I can say now is: Let's do this! I think your message is clear. We have a ton of work to do, a short window in which to do it, and I fully understand I can't do it alone. We will need all hands on deck if Voat is to have any chance at survival.

I will post the plans I have for Voat as well as a status update on your contributions by Monday.

P.S. Old goats, be nice to the new kids. ;)

PGIs___Retarded ago

Let us stand together and support highly irrational thinking and ridiculous conspiracy theories!!! :)))

birthdaysuit11 ago

fuck off

Mencomot ago

Where to next?

PGIs___Retarded ago


adam_danischewski ago

I thought VOAT was open source, what is Voat doing on Microsoft Azure? Maybe you can migrate Voat to another service provider that is more reasonable instead of asking for over $6000 dollars a month from well-intentioned users?

Everyone on here should Download a copy of voat and be ready to pick up the torch if these people sold out the way it's starting to look like they have:

sensitive ago

What exactly is github for? I'm not exactly tech savvy, as you can see ;-)

Bulgakov ago

I'll help, Voat really helped launch a full fledged pizzagate investigation, it was much needed, THANK YOU VOAT!!

Crensch ago

Looks like voat may be ok for a good while now.

sensitive ago

Since you seem to know more, please reveal more. Many thanks.

VieBleu ago


Please everyone, stop chanting this like it is a mantra.,2328.msg32160.html#msg32160

Plus there are of course many many blogs as well as some sub reddits that function. I found these in my wanderings without making a concerted effort. There are probaby many other boards, free and clear of strings attached, that would welcome this community. Stop waiting to be herded around! Use your own networks you've developed here.

I'm not saying don't give money here if you are moved to do so.

Just stop thinking and regurgitating that this place is it and there are no options. This is not truth.

sensitive ago

Why don't you do a comprehensive research on them to see if they could fit our requirements if Voat closes?


voat is pretty much a Jew-hub. That's assumed for a public forum. Just look at what happened with They were collecting data lol.

I can find "the post" on if you want.

Votescam ago

Thank you!! Copied and will visit those websites and keep them in mind!!

MONOLITHicide ago

ill try and voat with my money this weekend.

jangles ago


SChalice ago

I hope this pile of garbage does shut down.

sensitive ago

What else can we do after we have donated something? CLICK THE ADS ON VOAT!

Votescam ago

I'll be happy to donate $20 ... and something more now and then ... but I need an address -- I don't use pay pal.


sensitive ago

See donation link in sticky. And thanks!!

Votescam ago

I need an address to send a check.

sensitive ago

Not possible, it seems, sorry. Either (prepaid) credit card or bitcoins.

Votescam ago

Will look into prepaid credit card.

Judgejewdy ago

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1865340 has been deleted by: @Millennial_Falcon on 5/17/2017 2:01:02 PM

Reason given: @Judgejewdy: Rule 1. not elite and no evidence of child trafficking

sensitive ago

I looked up your post. I would have removed it too. The fact that he is a Dallas employee does in no way show that he is connected to the elite. I don't see a network mention of some kind either. And no clues to child trafficking. You would need to do some digging and come up with something to that account. Peace.

artfullyours ago

Makes sense...but I would really like it out in one charge.

Orangutan ago

Has anyone backed up the important posts here? Maybe the "Executive Summary" etc should be posted over at reddit on Pedogate sub although that could be taken down to at moment's notice. Anyway. Hope the internet provides back up options to this work somehow.

sensitive ago

Pinging mods and owners of important/big subverses: @00ellis, @GayLubeOil, @sirinon, @carnold03

sensitive ago

Pinging mods and owners of important/big subverses: @Typo, @AmyAcker, @Genghis_Khan

sensitive ago

Pinging mods and owners of important/big subverses: @axolotl__peyotl, @Peglius, @PrivateJoker, @AssuredlyAThrowAway

AssuredlyAThrowAway ago

Thanks kindly, I've returned to voat in the past 2 days and will do what I can to get some funds send to the admins.

awakenaware ago

Hang on?! If all images are hosted elsewhere and this is essentially a text based threaded database. Then why does it cost over $6000 per month to host this site? Isnt there other ways of doing this? Is it a security thing? Is that why it's so expensive? Im curious.

sensitive ago

sensitive ago

Read all the comments in PuttitOuts thread. This will help to understand. Don't know more than that.

awakenaware ago

So who are the creators of this place? Are they into all this satanic rock and shit or what

sensitive ago

Donated $ 50

privatepizza ago

I'm in...

awakenaware ago

Im donating using a debit card that is in my name. It doesn't matter. "They" know who I am.. I don't use TOR and even that is compromised.. VPNs don't work either.. I'm guessing most of us on here will already be linked to our true online identities via our browsing habits and the fact that the CIA has had malware that bypasses all antivirus software for over a decade.. If you think you are anonymous on here then dont kid yourself. If they want to know who you are then they know who you are. Heck I could find many of you just by using google and some basic IP snooping tools. Unless your logging in at an internet cafe with no webcams installed and you never do anything else while on those sessions then they know you. but street cams could still give you away if you use the same place regularly. PROMIS software easily makes bread crumb trails and joins the dots automatically to know your online and offline habits. If you are using voat from your home pc or your own laptop then they know who you are. I don't even bother covering my webcam anymore because heck they know me already.


I stopped worrying about anonymity a long time ago. I've been doing this since I was a kid. They don't give a fuck about you in particular. "They" are invincible until a critical proportion of people give a fuck.

Amino69 ago

THIS^^ we've all been data based for a long time! Don't bother to start worrying about it now...

awakenaware ago

Ive posted this on my FB group calling out for donations and subs... 14000 members in this group (Underground ReLOVEution).. heres hoping for an Angel :)

sensitive ago

A thousand upvoats for this!

Vindicator ago


Antarctica10 ago

What are we waiting for. I'm in Philly. Calling on Pizzagate Howie to please contact me. He is a leader as are most of you here on VOAT.

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of people. Sam Adams.

I wrote a song for the cause and have one on the way

If we can start a charity organization with membership fees we can get stronger. We can be a force. We all have talents and resources. Time to bring it together. If there is someone out there that has the ability to put visual art to my audio files it would be greatly appreciated.

PeesInPools ago

This is BS. They should open source the code and let the main server die if they can't afford it. And if free speech is more important to them than profit. Don't throw a dime their way.

Let's make sure everything's backed up, and then migrate to our own hosted wiki(s) (or any other open Voat-like CMS alternative). If we need to stay on the same page, we can look into mirroring/load balancing/RSS-ing each others' updates. I suspected something like this would happen. Let's decentralize to prevent it from happening again.

PeesInPools ago

Update: Looks like both Reddit and Voat are open source already?

whitehand ago

Mistake #1 using MS servers. If you are smart enough to write code you should be able to setup a server cluster. The moment you rely on some other hosted hardware or financial backer is the moment free speech disappears.

redditsuckz ago

So this thread actually broke voat?...

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security

over 1200 upvotes - Deleted from Reddit Conspiracy;

PizzaGate Update: Huge New Lead SHUT DOWN by Reddit

Jakestr ago

I said This is the straw that breaks this camel's back. With this post I have lost every ounce of trust on this site. I look at the numerology 6600 and $.90 cents, anyone else see the irony? I would call this a controlled demolition. You lured all the talent, all these amazing investigators to this page to only control the narrative and then shut them down in the end. That is the long and the short of it. Yes we do need A hero but not to save this corrupt site, instead to start a New site, where everyone can post comfortably and not worry about shills in control and censorship. Tata voat, ''twas fun while it lasted. So please save us the sob story no one is buying it. SHMH

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Agree. This is no coincidence .. it is to derail the investigation. Over to Steemit where it's archives can't be deleted we go!

Votescam ago

Thanks for the suggestion of "Steemit" -- I've signed up there a long while ago but haven't really used it.

BUT, even if we support Voat -- we need to have a Plan B and think Steemit is a good back up plan.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I have only been over there to read what @rebelskum has been wonderfully archiving and explaining. I don't even know if it works like Voat but the thought of some sort of blockchain to keep the evidence safe it sounds good to me. We definitely need to know what Plan B is. There is a lot of evidence and we can be certain the 50% of data they need to rid of is Pizzagate and we don't know how quickly it will be deleted.

redditsuckz ago

I look at the numerology 6600 and $.90 cents, anyone else see the irony?

This site was built on "satanism"...

Voats Mascot

retreaux ago

In case this doesn't work, where else can we set up shop in the meantime? Reddit pizzagate closed, voat headed in same direction. What's the backup?

VieBleu ago

I just posted a lot of alternatives.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I say Steemit?

TheSadnessKills ago

I 2nd this completely. MF is at least 95% of the reason Voat can suck. Total douche. Please just eliminate MF.

sunshine702 ago

Right as the Seth Rich -/wikileaks story breaks. Interesting timing.

Pizzalawyer ago

This forum is too important to base a donation or funding mechanism on liking or disliking a particular moderator. Mods will come and go. When the moderator who impedes your contribution leaves, try your post again. In the meantime there is a mountain of material to work with as a basis for other postings that might pass that moderator's standards. I'm actually surprised at alot of stuff that does make into publication. Sometimes things just aren't fair but don't let that cause you to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" There is a great dynamic here that needs to be maintained. Even a temporary disruption of this website for financial restructuring could damage the momentum. I urge you to express your support now even if you can't make a donation right away so that the owners of this site know how vital this forum is to the participants and for the children served by this forum.

Mghorning ago

I am on mobile. Cliick on an ad yourself.

Vindicator ago

@nadrewood, you have to choose "view desktop site" on mobile to see the sidebar, and the ad in it.

peanutz ago

Oh, there's one! Adblock

Antarctica10 ago

Time to organize. We shouldn't have to depend on Voat. I will donate. This is a great platform that we need to keep alive, but best to organize now before we are forced to one day. Also- if we can get enough members, we may be able to pull our resources together. Donations to help victims come forward or a BIG FUCKING BILLBOARD on the D.C. beltway. #pizzagate

peanutz ago

I've never seen an ad on PC.

peanutz ago

What will happen with the pizzagate info and where do we migrate to?

Judgejewdy ago

How about "arbitrarily" deciding what is and is not worthy like he is some god. And yet often leaves pure crap to linger on. Just today he removed my post about a Dallas city employee (read: Government) worker involved in fleet management (read: in charge of trafficking of shipments and/or vehicles that could be used for shipping) who was convicted of child pornography (read: child porn). So that's government, trafficking, child porn - just to be clear. He removed it based on rule 1 stating that it wasn't the "elite" (bc the elite drive their own shipments around, right?) and no evidence of child trafficking. Well, no shit, if I had hard evidence idve called, hell, I don't even know who one would call these days. But it's insight into how the "elites" might get their dirty jobs done. Enough dots to at least be worthy of mention. We aren't PIs. We give leads, we share info, add puzzle pieces. But MF doesn't like that. No real leads anyway. In fact, he's generally a pretty good litmus for when you're on the right track. Why else would he leave up countless repetitive bs stories but strike down something new. Btw, I was convinced there's something to it after it got scrubbed from a news site AND MF deleted it. But you guys know all this already. How's your boss Henry_Kissinger doing?

bopper ago

I saw your post, I don't understand why they would remove that one?! I was going to go back and read it.

WaterT ago

I will be donating what I'm able to out of each paycheck for as long as needed. Let's fight for this place!

ArmedExorcist ago

Whatever you do, be careful not to dox yourself or reveal your true identity by making a donation. We never know who are or will be the actual people behind Voat. Foes or friends? We don't live in times when appearances are to be trusted. If Voat goes away, someone or something else will replace it. "Nothing could stop an idea whose time has come" (Victor Hugo).

adam_danischewski ago

Anonymity doesn't accomplish much these days - you will be known regardless of any attempts to remain anonymous. There is a slight bit of truth in that what is ALLOWED to be utilized about what is known about you may be limited if you have taken precautions to remain anonymous -- yet, if empowered people truly want to target you for some reason they will simply use the data they can't use to find a way to obtain data they CAN USE and target you anyway. Anonymity is like a cheap lock on a motorcycle, it's not really going to stop someone who is determined to take your specific motorcycle yet it may deter someone who isn't very motivated. Ultimately the question is how sincere are you about outing the truth and do you want people to know that you were targeted if it happens. If you remain anonymous, and you get targeted and killed it's very likely that no one will have a clue about it. Think about the big picture before you make a decision - this is my real name here and you can find me on YouTube and other places - you know the way I voted on it.

ArmedExorcist ago

The strength of anonymity is not in its inviolability but in the numbers of those choosing to act anonymously. In theory, we may be all "identifiable", but why make it easy for them?
Those we are against are themselves faceless. Give them their own medicine. Yes, "accidents" happen. Both known and unknown whistleblowers die in "street robbery" and "car" accidents suffer from "heart attacks", or "hang themselves". The truth of what happened to them is always just another "conspiracy". Do you think that public notoriety will protect you? If you get a thrill out of making yourself a "target", go ahead, reveal your position. I'd rather remain in the shadows. At least for now. At this point it's either us or them. I know my cover is imperfect. But I'm not going down without a fight.

adam_danischewski ago

Before this lifetime, we were arrested and murdered multiple times - we have stayed the course. Now, I am immune from most of those attacks. If you are effective you will get targeted regardless of your "anonymity" (there is none). If you consider the situation from the long term pov - looking back at events as if they were on pages in a book, and you are finally at relative safety. What will you think then of your attempt at trying to remain anonymous?

ArmedExorcist ago

Before (it there was a before) this lifetime, things might have been different. Do you remember all of it? I don't. Whether fighting clandestinely or into the open, let's try to figure out who we are before our enemy does.

adam_danischewski ago

I have the brain thumbnails from the past like everyone else, yet I know what they are and how to use them to daisy chain back to more details of the events that they correspond to. You can't keep hidden from your enemy in this world, it is a highly controlled environment - you live in a GOD computer, you pilot a human body. Those who have enough privileges/"power" can access your brain and all your body devices - see out of your eyes, hear out of your ears. The administrators of this world are repugnant SADO's and it goes all the way to the "top" (the most empowered sovereign of the Grand Machine - including many disparate interconnected universes that are quantum entangled) - this is/was one of his most preferred worlds to "play with". If you really want to "win" you need to define yourself in a document, including that you are non first order thievery and of a non first order thievery godhead and stay on the definition with the way you live your life. Be-forewarned, when I speak the truth the administrators hate it and they will program you to ignore what I have said in this in many other comments (find my other comments on this site) - you need to fight off the counter programming and FORCE YOURSELF to write down the truth and utilize it.

GeorgeT ago

Must remain anonymous.


You are already known to relevant (((authorities))) and you cannot escape this. But don't worry! "They" don't give a fuck about you in particular. They just can't have a critical proportion of people understand the revelations of Pizzagate or other conspiracy "theories".

That's not to say you shouldn't use VPN+tor+tails. It's just my opinion.

GeorgeT ago

I must have orderes around 200+ (flagged) books on Amazon - including titles such as '9-11 A satanic ritual, Most Dangerous Book in the World' by S.K.Bain, and 'Architects of Deception' by Juri Lina, Ailister Crawley's black magic books, Kabbalistic magic, Secrets of Ayahuaska (halucinogenic) of course they know who I am. But since there they rever numbers so much - my birthday has an 11 and a 7 in it - so, just like Alex was born on 11 Feb, and David Icke was born on the ultimate Beltane Ritual date - 29 April - that is why they are never silenced. They believe in Gematria (and pedophilia). Twisted world.

random_user_writing ago

i don't know where to put this idea, so i hope it finds it way to where it belongs from here:

why don't establish a system where every up or downvoat costs like 5 cents. or maybe just 2 cents. if you pay, you can vote, else you can't. i dont know how many up or downvoats are handed out here in a month, but possibly this would suffice to cover at least half of the costs. and for those ppl who won't or can't afford this should be like 10 voats free, each month.

i know, free speech wouldn't be free anymore, but you still can write posts to disagree (which then can be voated on, again) if you used your free voats.

i don't know, just a quick idea. maybe its bullshit, maybe not.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

Voat never needed funding, and it made a bitcoin link that didnt even work for a long time. It is entirely out of the nature for the admins to ask for funding on this scale, especially juking you pizzagaters into throwing money at someone you have no idea who is. check the whois for this site.

It's certainly a scam. Voat turned down money countless time when it was being thrown at them. This site isn't what it seems, i believe the new admins, not the original ones, are scamming people before shutting the site down. Where are you going to go if this site gets shut down? It was the plan the entire time.

bm2112 ago

Voat has always needed funding. It just used to be much less. The admins have turned down opportunities for other companies to take control so it doesn't end up like Reddit. I've been here for years and there have always been donation drives. The site brings in jack shit from ads. It is run by donations. You can choose not to donate, but don't spread lies about Puttitout being a scammer. He has given up much of his life to keep free speech alive here.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

they have turned down community donations, not just companies. You were around that time.

He has gave up much of his life to keep free speech alive.

You faggots keep saying this but he doesn't do shit on this site and lets an autistic tranny code for it, which PROBABLY explains why it's been so fuckin shitty since december.

This site has censorship built in every aspect of it. Saying nigger or jew doesnt mean the site is totally free. Putt is a liar, and as of late suspect since he seems to let SBBH run the site and let this stuff go down. Don;t try to sell me that shit that he doesn't know what's happening on the site. If that's the case, why the fuck would he even be here to begin with?

None of it makes sense unless you look at it suspiciously.

artfullyours ago

We need a 10.00 a month for a year.

Mghorning ago

I see no ads on Voat. Why is that?

sensitive ago

They show for me (right side, bottom). But they don't pay enough.

Mghorning ago

Well, turn the other cheek and donate on their behalf. I am not willing to pay cor your lack of a social life.

peanutz ago

I don't see ads either. Why are their no ads on this site?

kingforpres ago

I hate all you sons a bitches and I'm in! Respect the shit out of all the arguments I've had here. Straight talk and different opinions. Can we get a sticky when a sale raffle or donation is set up?

sensitive ago

A thousand upvoats for this honest reply. I mean that.

Click on the donation link in the sticky. That helps?

equineluvr ago

Change the modding practices -- specifically of MF -- and I'm happy to donate.

Otherwise, forget it.

bigdirtymotherfucker ago

you are fools if you give money or think voat needs extra funding

suramartian ago

Why's that?

carmencita ago

I am going to step up with what I can afford, and I just have a feeling that all the wonderful people on here will do the same. There is no way I can do without all the caring members that fight every day for our children and the freedom to tell it like it is.

Honeybee_ ago

Donated ♡

carmencita ago

YAY! Good on you. I am doing mine on Saturday.:-)

kestrel9 ago

Me too...just have to pick up a pre-paid credit card :)

carmencita ago

I will do it too and they are not fooling us. After all the jerking around and tom foolery we certainly have a right to question but I hope that this is not the case.

ArmedExorcist ago

Be careful. Don't link in any way your payment to your real name. Just saying.

addie89 ago

Why shouldn't it be linked to your real name?

carmencita ago

I know I thought of that. If it is a problem, I just can't donate, but I really want to.

peanutz ago

Use a prepaid credit card, from walmart. Pay cash.

carmencita ago

I hate Walmart. Never been in one. Hillary was on the board, maybe still is. But I love voat.

peanutz ago

I think any convenience store would have them.

carmencita ago


GiantMillipino ago


Prudencia_Prim ago

To donate 200 $ just "buy" four 50 $ donations at once.

sensitive ago

Thanks - will edit.