Jefiakra ago

We have a digital seance on Thursdays, the weekly Ritual of the Sacrifice of Sheep's Blood to the Dread God Lucifer is Fridays, and Saturdays is bingo. Come and join us for any or all!

czer0 ago

Don't forget to bring a snack.

Techius ago

@failure you child fucker!

czer0 ago

@Techius you @failure fucker

Techius ago

There's nothing wrong with worshiping Satan.

czer0 ago

Sooo @failure is satan now? It would explain so much.

Jefiakra ago

No, that's @Techman, but good guess.

Techman ago

That is an inaccurate and defamatory statement, sir.

I might be the Commander of the Soviet Techtronix Army, but I'm not Satan :)

czer0 ago

@Techman is too lame to be satan. @failure is the better choice.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

You can easily ping BaphoNet's owner right here.


OricaTonithos ago

Baphomet is an ancient pagan god and contemporarily a symbol of satanism. I'm opposed, as it's not free of religious connotations.

czer0 ago

Sounds great.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Oh yeah? I heard hello kitty was a cat aka anubis Egyptian god of the underworld! How scary is that!

watch_this ago

early mods and devs of voat clearly decided to make the connection, not me. i'm just linking to their posts.

Hey_Sunshine ago

cue x files theme

redditsuckz ago

Deleted Thread on v/pizzagate;

There is a certain little cabal on Voat that operates via IRC

redditsuckz ago

mod of /v/introductions has his profile pic of Satanic band "Down"...

I am sure that is just another unrelated coincidence...

redditsuckz ago



Tilde = (~) <<<---- "snake" symbol

Perfect...well there was a lot of drama here to follow but...something something child predator/childgrooming going on with the IRC chats...O_o...;

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Actual quote from BaphoNet just now:

<Norge> I eat human flesh

Failure ago

Owner of Baphonet here, and we have a lack of satanists on the server.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

I am actually an anti-satanist.

czer0 ago

Be honest @failure, we haven't been recruiting very hard.