Magnar ago

I've finally joined up, I'll be lurking in #Voat #Anime and #Gaming :)

Kinther ago

I'll probably just idle, but I'll be there!

ran ago

Nice. Here's to all the retards who will get triggered. Welcome to triggerland!

harddrive ago

My Norton says it's a virus

JoshBaws ago

If you need to make an exception for it, I know how to. HMU if needed

harddrive ago

I figured it out thanks though!

moe ago

In case you aren't joking:

What is supposedly giving off this "virus" warning? Is it one of the client download links or the IRC's URL (which wouldn't make sense since it doesn't download anything)?

SurvivorType ago

Nope, just the goat god Baphomet. It's perfectly safe, unless you fear for your immortal soul. Then maybe not so much.

voat9000 ago

sounds fun, I dropped in to say hi to the voaters

voat9000 ago

sounds fun, I dropped in to say hi to the voaters

JoshBaws ago

Hey its JoshBaws, I was in the IRC chat earlier today, but had to leave. Now I'm getting this...

The session limit for your IP (removed the IP) has been exceeded


moe ago

For anyone seeing @JoshBaws's comment: We think that we've resolved this issue as of yesterday. If you experience the 'session limit' message, please message me.

JoshBaws ago

yo da real mvp

SurvivorType ago

Odd. I'd recommend shutting down your browser and trying again.

feistylemur ago

Someone is going to be triggered by that name.

SurvivorType ago


Nurdoidz ago

Help: I was triggered and I don't know how to untrigger myself!